Within the cozy confines of Doc and Zoom's house...
Doc is standing on a ladder, singing a song. "Deck the halls with boughs of Ho-," he starts to sing. Zoom walks outside to help him hang up orange, yellow, and red lights. "Doc, that's the wrong song. "Deck the Halls" is for Christmas. Thanksgiving is before Christmas," she tells him. Doc reaches down for the yellow lights, but he trips and falls. He lands head-first in a can of orange paint. "Zoom! Help! Which way is up," he muffledly shouts from the paint can. Zoom laughs as she lifts his head up and out of the paint. His head is doused in orange. "Zoom! Where are you" he yells out to her. "Right in front of you, Doc," she tells him. She wipes the paint from his face. "Haha! You're so silly," she chirps. "Oh, hush, you," he responds. He grabs the lights from her and climbs back up the ladder. He starts hanging the lights around the house. When he's finished, he turns them on and marvels at the good job he did. "Zoom! How does it look" he shouts to ask her. She comes outside again and admires the handiwork he did. "It looks great, Doc. Thank you," she answers.
She hugs him and heads back inside to set up a fake turkey. But she finds it to be missing. "Doc!? Did you see where the fake turkey went," she shouts out to him? "No, I haven't, unfortunately," he shouts back to her! She searches high and low for it. But in the end, she can't find it. She goes back outside and sits down next to Doc, feeling defeated. "Never found it," Doc asks her. "No," Zoom reciprocates. She seems defeated. She was looking forward to setting it up. Doc gets up and starts looking for it. When he doesn't find it, he proposes, "I shall go and buy a new one!" She giggles and goes to start her car up. She waits for Doc to get in so they can go get the new turkey for their house. "Come on, Slowpoke," she shouts out to him. He gets in the car and hands her a jacket. "I was making sure you don't catch a cold," he declares. They drive off towards the nearest store. There are little pumpkin ornaments on Zoom's car hood. They're super cute.
Suddenly, a guy in a suit comes down from nowhere and snatches the pumpkins from her car. "Hey," Zoom shouts to him. Doc gets out and chases after him. "Come back here, asshole," Doc yells to him. Doc gets this guy cornered eventually, but he throws down a smoke bomb and manages to escape. "Damn you! You fucker," Doc shouts. He tries to hunt him down again to no avail. "Fuck," Doc whispers to himself. He heads back to Doc, defeated and downtrodden by the loss of the cute little car ornaments. "Did you get them back," Zoom asks in a shaken tone? "No. I'm sorry," Doc answers guiltily. Zoom puts the key back into the ignition of the car and continues driving. "Don't worry about it. We can buy another set of them," she chimes in. Doc feels rather relieved after hearing that.
When they arrive at the store, Zoom walks in and grabs a cart. Doc looks confused, as he didn't think they were going to be buying many things. "Zoom. I thought you said we weren't going to be buying much," Doc tells her, confused. She looks at him and replies, "We have to get a new turkey, lights for inside the house, and new car ornaments. Oh, and apples, cherries, and peaches for pies." They walk around and grab everything they need. When they head up to check out, Doc notices a lady in a witch's getup. Halloween's already passed. Hmm. She has an employee nametag. She checks in with a manager of sorts and goes back outside to give the children little packets of Skittles. Aww! Doc and Zoom get all of the items they bought packed into the trunk of Zoom's car and they head back to their house.
This time, a woman in a witch costume comes crashing down on the top of Zoom's car. she opens the trunk, grabs the bags, and runs off. Doc, being Doc, get out of the car and heads after her. "I swear! I'm not going back to that store," Doc shouts! He manages to corner her. When he gets close to her, however, another smoke bomb goes off and she's gone when the smoke clears. "No. No! Damn it! Why," Doc shouts out!? He heads back to Zoom, defeated, yet again. "What happened," Zoom asks him, worried for his health and well being? Doc replies somberly, "She got away. We have to go back to the store and explain what happened." They get back in her car and head back to the store.
Zoom looks over at Doc when they arrive back at the store. "Keep a close eye on our surroundings," she says to him. "I will," he says back to her. They head inside and get the things they need. Doc makes sure that no one follows them this time 'round. They get up to the register and check out again. Once they get back out to the car, Doc keeps his eyes on the environment around them. He and Zoom load the trunk up with the things they bought. They both wonder who the mystery thief was.
They manage to get back to their house this time. "Ey! A new record," Doc exclaims. Zoom laughs and gets the trunk open. Doc takes the heavier bags for her. She follows behind him with the apples, cherries, and peaches. Zoom fantasizes, "I can't wait to make these pies!" Doc looks back at her after he sets the bags in his hands on the counter. He smiles as she struggles to get the bags of fruits out of her hands. Way to help, smart guy. Doc helps her get the other things put away. "Thanks, Doc," she chimes to him. Zoom gets started on baking the pies right away. Thanksgiving is just two days away. Zoom's parents are coming over to her and Doc's abode this year. This is a bit conflicting for her. She'd always been home for the holidays- Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's Eve, and New Years Day. It'll be different knowing that her parents are coming to her house.
A few hours pass. The aroma of freshly-baked fruit wafts through the house. The pies are cooling on the windowsill in the kitchen.
Thanksgiving Day... Doc and Zoom's house...
Zoom is getting ready for her parent's company. Doc is getting dressed as festive, and as nice, as he can for the day. The smell of freshly-cooked turkey fills the house. Cranberry salad, mashed potatoes, well-aged red wine, corn; pumpkin, apple, cherry, and peach pie; macaroni, fruit salad, and baked bread rolls sit on the table in an orderly fashion. Knives, forks, and spoons lie in fancily-wrapped napkins at each person's seat. Rain begins to pelt the ground outside. The air is frigid and sharp. A car pulls into the narrow, gravel driveway. Zoom's mom and dad enter the nicely-cleaned house. They all mingle and chat before they eat dinner later on in the evening. Zoom's mom gives Grace and they eat. Zoom's dad and Doc have a competition on who can eat more dinner bread rolls. Zoom and her mom talk about how good the pies are and how Zoom remembered her grandmother's recipes for all of the food that was made after so many years of her (Zoom's) (her grandmother) being gone. After dinner and dessert, they all sit around and start watching Christmas movies. All is calm and quiet after all is said and done.
This chapter has been way too dragged out. It was going to be a Halloween chapter, but it ended up getting dragged out too long after Halloween, so I changed it to revolve around Thanksgiving. Hopefully, the Christmas chapter doesn't get dragged out for too long.
But how did Thanksgiving go for the thief and her crew?
Stick around to find out. I'm separating the two sides for Thanksgiving. This chapter has waited long enough to be finished and published.
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