Raining dogs and...well dogs

It was a normal day at the house as it rains, however Zoom finished cleaning the house "there, finally finished, I feel so much better now" she says as he then lays on the couch as she grabs her book and sighs "ahhhhhhh, this is nice, this is what mama needs" she says as she then hears loud clattering outside. "Ah what now!" she yells as she gets up and storms outside, she sees Doc currently burying himself in the mud as he rolls on it

"Doc what are you doing" she asks, placing her fingers to the bridge of her nose, "having fun! come on join me!" he says as he is making a mud angle "Doc for once please can you not roll in the mud, for once! I just cleaned the house" she says very tired, he stops and looks at her, he sighs as he then gives a smile, he shakes the mud off of him, he walks up to her "okay, i'll stop rolling in the mud, for you" he tells her as she smiles brightly "really, you will!" she says excitedly, she hugs him tightly "thank you, thank you, thank you!" she says as Doc was turning purple "need...air" he says as she sheepishly lets him go "sorry" she says

The two are in the house as the rain hits the roof, Doc is currently channel surfing as he is bored while Zoom is reading her book, she was reading a romance novel as she bit her bottom lip as it was getting to the good part, Doc sighs as he turns off the tv "i'm bored" he tells her "well why not we play a game" she says as she puts the book away "well what's there to play" Doc asks as he gets up and stretches, "well there's...well um what about the- no wait that's broken" she says as she began to wonder what to do, Doc then looks outside, he sees the kids playing in the puddles and even in the mud, Doc was ready to jump into that mud but shakes it off, he promised Zoom he would stop going to the mud, but he can't help himself looking at it, he almosts go outside but Zoom quickly stops him

Doc shakes out of his trance "whew, thanks Zoom, that was a close one" he says rubbing the back of his head embarrassed, "I know your bored, but you need to resist to playing in mud" Zoom says as Doc sighs "okay okay, I won't do it" he says as she nods and smiles, she goes back to reading her book, she then suddenly brought the book close to her face "ooooooh, things are getting steamy for Allen" she says, Doc rolls his eyes, he takes a glance outside and his head is now facing out the window, he sees a mail truck and the mailman, he suddenly rushes outside like a dog, once the mailman was done, he rushes back into the truck and drives off fast, Doc stops at the mailbox "motherfucker get out of here or i'll kill you!...but come by tomorrow okay I get sad on Sunday's when you're not here!" he shouts to him, he takes the mail back inside, he goes through and it was bills, he puts them on the counter "was it bills" she asks him "yep" he replies

"Well that's not new" she says as she puts down the book "okay there must be something we can do" she says getting up, she stretches and began to look around, she then checks the yard and sees a box outside, curious, she puts her coat on, she heads out and checks to see what it was, her eyes widen and awed, she quickly brings the box with her inside, Doc was curious.

"Hey, what's in the box?" he asks her with curiosity, "oh um...nothing important really" she says, very suspiciously "come on it can't be that bad" he says checking the box, his eyes widen and jumps on the ceiling terrified and hisses like a cat. Inside the box is different species...of puppies, they bark and yip as they are excited, one puppy is made of rock and lava, it bounces in the box, then there is a ice puppy as it lays and rests, then a lighting pup is currently whimpering as it is next to a plant pup "you know I don't like dogs!" Doc says still hanging from the ceiling "but they are so cute! We can't leave them out in the rain" she says as she picks up the lighting puppy, her hair was up but she didn't mind "how can you say no to this face" she says as she brought the puppy closer

"Strong will and looking them in the eye" he says as he tries to back up a bit more "I will never understand why you hate them" she says as Doc shudders "can we at least bring them to the shelter" he says as Zoom sighs "okay..." she pouts as she puts her coat on, Doc gets the keys and starts it up. Zoom comes out and sits in the driver's seat, Doc rushes back into the house to get the puppies, few minutes later, he comes back out and is holding the box away from him like it was poison, he puts them in the backseat and gets in the front, Zoom then drives to the animal shelter.

They arrive but it is currently closed due to repairs and the animals are relocated to a different shelter, they were about to head there but one of the puppies began to feel cold, Zoom then puts a blanket on them as they cuddle up to it. "Okay we can head to the other-" before he can say anything, she stops him "or, hear me out, we can keep them for a bit, then once this place is done, we can then bring them here, and besides, the other place is further in the city" she says as she was trying to convince him to keep them "Zoom...we are not keeping these pups" he says with a serious tone "we can't just leave them in the cold!" she says upset "well you know I don't like dogs! There are things that I will stop, but this, no this is asking too much" he says "why do you hate dogs so much!?" Doc then looks at her "because I had to watch my best friend die!" he says now fully upset "I had that dog for years, but my dad, as always, thought it was a waste of time...he would find ways to get rid of Fang...but Fang kept going and eventually he warm up to him...however...he was sick, dying of an incurable disease...the doctor gave us a choice, let the dog keep suffering...or put him down...deep down, I knew dad loved him, but was too prideful to admit it...so...he was put down...that's why I was scared...because I don't want to be heartbroken again" he began to tear up and cries a bit, he pants a bit and then calms down, he looks at Zoom and saw the sadness.

"I'm...i'm sorry" she says even having a few tears escape from her. Doc sighs "its not your fault..." he says as Doc fully wipes away the tears "Fang was the greatest boy ever, so that's why I don't want any dogs...because there's no other dog like him" he says "I know it hurts so much...growing up with a dog and then suddenly...gone, but Fang would want you to move on, heal and start anew" Zoom says as she held his hand, he looked surprised by this and blushes a bit, he quickly recovers himself "sorry just...I'm not ready still" he says "and its okay...take as much time as you need" she tells him, suddenly they hear something coming from the alleyway, they look at each other, they get out as the rain is still pouring on them, they check to see who was there, behind the trash can was a dog, a multi elemental dog, it growls and snarls, it began to bark "um..ni-nice doggy" Zoom says fearfully as the dogs mouth is now on fire and is ready to tear someone apart "you know the car sounds like a good place right now" Doc says "very" the two then run back to the car as the dog gives chase, they get and quickly lock the door, the dog rams onto the door, the puppies began to whimper in fear, the dog is trying its hardest to get in the car but it was no use, the dog growls, it then its paw, which was made of rock, slashes the tires out "what the hell is wrong with this dog!?" Doc says as the dog rams at the door, causing a dent.

"It's probably sick or something!" Zoom says as the dog rams the door again, causing another dent "well it's really hellbent on getting us!" Doc as the dog rams at the door again, at this point it was ready to fall off, the water puppy got out and jumps on the window, it barks and the dog stops, it turns and sees the pup, the dog heads over and jumps up and puts its paws on the window, the puppy jumps in excitement and wags its little tail, Doc sees the dog's tail wag, he then thought of something.

"Wait...Zoom where did you find the box" he asks as he turns to her "oh I found it when the box was being carried by the water" she answers "why do you ask?" Doc then grabs the box, the dog went back to growling as the water pup was whimpering, Doc scoops up the water pup with the box, he takes a deep breath, he gets out of the car, the dog and Doc were staring at each other, the dog growls as it was ready to pounce, Doc bends down a little and puts the box down "I believe these are your pups" he steps back a little, the dog went from hostile to cautious, the dog approaches the box, the fire pup stick its little head out, it has its tongue sticking out as it wags its tail, all of a sudden the mother began to lick the fire pup as it jumps happily, the pups began to get excited.

Doc smiles seeing this, but he sees something, he sees scars on the mothers body...he sighs as he looks at the mother, he heads to the trunk and opens it, the mother growls as she is now protecting her pups, he then looks at her "I know you don't trust me...but what i'm doing is offering you a home for you and your pups...if you let us help you, we promise your pups won't be lost again" he says to the mother, she growls still but then stops, she picked the box up with her teeth and puts it in the trunk, she gets in as well and lays down, Doc closes the trunk and gets back into the car

2 weeks later:

Zoom was currently reading a book, she felt something lay on her and it was the mother dog, who was now named Joy, "hey Joy, how's my good girl doing" she asks as she scratches behind her ear, which Joy loves,she wags her tail "wonder where Doc is?" Zoom asked, on cue Doc comes in along with the 4 pups following him, he sits down and turns on the TV "alright then, what shall we watch today" he says as 4 of the pups want on the couch, Joy helps them up as they next to her "any suggestions?" he asks Zoom "hmmmm...maybe beethoven" she says while smiling "any objections?" Doc asks, Joy and the pups bark happily "alright, beethoven it is" Doc says as he puts on the movie, he looks at the dogs and smiles "you know what...this is perfect" he says as Zoom looked at him "what is?" she asks him "this right here...maybe its not so bad after all" he says as Zoom smiles more "hey...I'm proud of you for taking these dogs in" she says "well I couldn't leave them out in the streets" he says as he pets one of the pups "besides...they grew on me" they then watched the movie and relaxed for the rest of the day.

A/N: hey guys, sorry for taking so long to get a chapter out, I been not feeling up to writing and just didn't had any motivation, but anyways enjoy this chapter and have a good week.

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