Patience is key

At Doc and Zoom's house...

"On today's news: the war between humans and monsters wages on. Symbols representing the monsters are appearing increasingly in popular places, and have even been used to vandalized the statue of the town's hero," they show a picture of a male holding a head of a ferocious-looking monster. The male's face is covered with clown makeup. He has a claw-like hand on his chest.

"Will there be enter another crisis, and a possible extinction of the two races? Or wi-," the TV is turned off by a monster with four eyes and horns on the sides of his. He only has on sweatpants and a stachel bag over his shoulder. He has a look of great annoyance on his face. "I hate these arrogant people", the northern-accented monster announces. He stands up and heads to the kitchen to wash the dishes. A woman with frazzled hair, wearing an oversized t-shirt and sweatpants comes down the stairs. "Doc. you looked at the news again didn't you and don't lie to me. I know that when you get mad, you start cleaning," she preaches with a northern accent. She puts her hands on her hips.

"I don't get it, Zoom! We've shown them that monsters can be good people too! I mean, I prove it to them by taking down a criminal, who almost caused World War-fucking-Three, might I add. I saved this city and the people in it's lives multiple times, and for what!? We still get treated like second class citizens," he rants. He looks at himself in the mirror. "What more do they want from us," he asks? Zoom hugs him from behind "Doc. A lot of people are dumb, wild animals. Give it time, and they'll understand, I promise," Zoom says. Doc sighs. "I just wish I could do more for the rights of monsters and prove that we're more than 'freaks'," he replies. "I know. Come on. Let's head to Joe's bar. That'll cheer you up," she chimes. He smiles at her and she heads upstairs to get dressed. As soon she's out of sight, his smile dissipates and he waits for her outside.

At an undesignated location...

There are four people spray-painting their Base-of-Operations. "Honestly, you could've picked a better place then this," a female with a heavy Hispanic accent. She picks up a rat and throws it out a broken window. She wears a kimono and a witch's hat. She has blond hair, blue eyes, peach-colored skin, and, unlike normal witches, she doesn't have crooked teeth nor a wart on her nose. "Why, is the little princess getting sick already? why you crawl back to your family witch" a man with an Irish accent taunts. His skin is all green. He dons a black suit, red tie, and white shirt. His eyes: completely black. He also has a pretty sweet pair of black dress shoes.

"I swear, if I have to hear you bicker while we fix this place up, I'm going to cut the both of you," a Korean man says. "Shut up, Hishio," the two respond. They hear a loud bang. The three turn to see a hammer slam and a towering Olog. He has scars on his chest, legs, arms, and one on his neck. "All of you shut it. Hishio, why don't you make yourself useful and help Cree and Amy get the rest of the things" asks the Olog? He then walks up to Amy, who's now quivering out of fear.

"I suggest you watch your tone. Don't you dare forget who saved your miserable life. One more word, you get fed to Hades, Odin, and Lucy. They've been expecting a new chew toy to come rather soon," he warns. He motions his hand towards a giant cage outside. Ferociois roars can be heard from the dark, abysmal sanctuary. Six eyes emerge from the confines of the cage and into the light. Three heads unveil themselves from the bars and into visibility. A hand is sticks out. It almost immediately gets swallowed. She gulps in fear and looks up at the Olog. "Now, what do you say, Amy," he asks her in a scarily somber tone? "Th-th-thank you, Oga," she stutters. Oga walks away from her and wonders if she made the right choice.

Inside the comforting confines of Joe's Bar...

Humans and monsters are having a grand time. singing and playing beer games while the evening goes on. Zoom is drinking apple juice and Doc is drinking Scotch. "So then, the other day, I saw this guy drinking a 'beer', right but it turns out... that was just a empty baby bottle," A spider bartender exclaims! He and the others laugh at the story. Only Doc doesn't laugh. He's. "Doc what's the matter? You haven't spoken a word since we got here," Zoom confides to him, as she continues to drink her apple juice. "Um... I'm fine. I'm just gonna head to the restroom real quick," he says, getting up and heading to the restroom. 

In the restroom:

Doc enters and began to splash water on his face and looks at himself in the mirror, he then sees a shadowy figure in the mirror as it bared its white sharp tooth smile, Doc jumps back into the stall and looks back, he sees himself again and sighs in relife, he then hears the doors opening and came in two guys laughing at something, they don't notice him "god, those freaks are gonna end up in a cage, where they belong" one of them says as he then laughs "yeah, i'm telling you, they may live among us but we are better then them" one of the other rude guys said as another bathroom stall opens, Doc then peaks out and sees a male plant monster, and is very nervous, he tries to wash his hands but the two block his path "uh um ex-excuse me, i-i need to-" before the plant monster can finish, he was rudely interrupted by them "the sink is for humans only" one of them says as they push him "i-i'm sorry, i-i'll leave" the plant monster says as he tries to leave but is blocked off again "looks like we have to teach you about manners then" the guy says the two gave off a crule smile, one of them punched the plant and has a black eye now, the plant monster falls and backs up and began to cry "aww, is little planty crying, here lets fix that" one of them say as he takes out a pocket knife and began to cut him, the plant monster began to cry as the plant is calling for help but the two guys kept laughing, during all of that Doc's blood began to boil and opens the stall door "LEAVE HIM ALONE!" Doc yells as he grabs one of the guys behind the head and slams him to the mirror as the second guy back up in fear, the two lost their confidence and are now scared for their lives, "st-stay back!" one of them say as he shakes and is holding the knife pocket, Doc began to walk towards him, grabbed his arm and bend it all the back til he broke it, the first guy screams as the blade falls and began to cry "what's the matter, don't like it when its to you!" Doc shouts as he then threw him to the door and it broke. However the impact snapped his neck and is laying down dead, the first guy then began to shake as Doc began to form spikes on his back

few minutes earlier:

"Um... I'm fine. I'm just gonna head to the restroom real quick," he says, getting up and heading to the restroom. Zoom looks back over at the spider bartender. He comes over and looks at her. "Zoom, what's going on with Doc? I haven't seen him this upset since... ever, really," he says, expressing his concern. "I don't know what's going on with him, Joe, ever since he saw the news this morning, he's been miserable," she explains. "well I don't blame him, we have been working so hard, yet they still give us shit, hell back then humans hated each other and would discriminated each other and would be slaves or worse, if anything they forgot what its like to not have any rights" Before Zoom could speak a word, the bathroom door was destroyed, and a human male is laying on the ground dead. Another was then thrown to the wall. His hand gets pinned to it by a spike to the hand. He starts screaming. As blood, as thick as Ichor out, gushes out in ounces at a time. Doc comes out and starts trying to asphyxiate the man, the workers then eventually managed to pry Doc off of him.

"Doc, knock it off! What's gotten into you," Joe yells as he tries to hold Doc back!? Zoom checks again. What she sees is awful: a male plant monster with freshly-made cuts, a black eye, and tears streaming down his face. Zoom went over to and hugged him while he continues to cry. Joe sees this and lets go of Doc. He then proceeds to pull out a revolver and fires at the man who was pinned to the wall. Blood projectiles in every direction ten ways from Sunday. "Fucking disgrace. Boys, take these filth out and put them in the dumpster," Joe commands. Four of the workers carry the two bodies out. Everyone else goes back to where they were and what they were doing. The plant monster gets picked up by his parents. They thank Doc and Zoom for the help. They accept the praise and decide to finally head home.

The two remain silent on the way home, until Zoom decides to break the silence. "Doc, I know what you did was good, but killing is not the way," she says. Doc looks at her. "Well, humans kill things instead of using common sense and logic. But, hey, what do they care" Doc asks as he picks up a can and throws it to a alleyway? "You know what I mean, Doc," she says with a bit of anger in her voice. Before he can say anything else, they hear an explosion in the distance. They run to go check it out. There are three parked cars and three masked figures exiting the bank. Police cars show up. Officers get out the cars and pull out their guns. "Put your hands in the air now! Otherwise, you will be fired upon! No one has to get hurt here," an officer shouts! Cars begin to float around them. They're then catapulted towards the officers. Before one of the officers can react, he's picked up by one of the robbers, who's much bigger than anyone else around, and gets his neck snapped like a twig. One of the robbers fires, but the bullets have no effect. He fires until something pierces through the officer's stomach. He looks down to see a blade sitcking out his chest. It gets yanked back out. Almost immediately, another blade strikes down. The officer gets his head cut off. "Can we be done now? I just want to sleep," one of the robbers compains as they put their blades away.

"Not until the job is done. Now get going, or else you-" before the big guy can finish his thought, Doc kicks him in the face. He stumbles backwards. Doc proceeds to punch the other away and the other two robbers. One of them takes the money and tries to run away, but is stopped by Zoom punching them across the jaw. More police squad cars arrive. The officers get out of the cars and aim their weapons at the three robbers... and Doc. "Put your hands where I can see them, you freaks," One of them says! Doc looks over at him. "W-What did I do," He asks? "You were trying to help them escape, Freak," another one of them say! They cock their guns. "Sir, this must be a mistake. He was only trying to stop them! He didn't do anything wrong," Zoom pleas! She tries to defuse the situation. They argue back and forth. The fourth robber gets up; the big guy. He sees them distracted. But instead of sneaking away, he goes after them. Doc sees him and jumps into action. When the officer sees Doc running, he aims his gun and opens fire. But the bullets don't do anything to Doc. He ducks and waits for his doom. But it doesn't come. Doc leaps over him and kicks the fourth robber in the gut so hard that he falls to the ground. Doc then places his claws around the robber's neck, causing the start of asphyxiation.

He's about to kill him. Then, he hears a voice speak to him. "Don't do this.....your better then this....don't let them prove they're right and throw it all away, think about Zoom" it says. Doc turns around to see Zoom standing there with a look of disdain. He looks at the robber and decides to stand down. But not before knocking him out cold. He gets off of him and the officer aims. The other officer then puts the first's gun down, "No, he didn't kill them. So the way I see it: he didn't break a law," the officer says. The other grumbles and goes back to his car. He drives off into the night. "Thank you, Sir, for helping with this mess tonight... and saving our lives in the debauchery. You two have a good evening," the officer says, getting back in his car and driving off on his own path.

Back at the house...

Doc and Zoom are eating dinner quitely until. Doc fake coughs. "What is it Doc" Zoom asks, still a tad bit upset. "I'm sorry for what I said earlier. You're right, not all humans are evil. There are good ones out there, like you. I'm just so mad about this situation is all," he says. Zoom sighs and looks at him. "Doc. I know it's hard, but you've at least one person that doesn't hate monsters," she tells him. He chuckles and agrees with her.

In an unknown location...

"Ow, my jaw. Jesus, she carries one mean punch," Cree says, snapping his jaw back into place. "Tonight was a setback. Tomorrow, we'll destroy that freak and his little friend too," Oga declares. He's putting ice on his chest where his stomach is. The door opens. What comes in sends a cold chill down his spine. He has Black Knight armor, red eyes, and a claw symbol on his chest. "So... I hear the bank robbery has failed tonight, eh," he asks in a deep voice? Hishio hides behind the couch. Oga stares into soul. "It was one set back. Give it some time, Death," he says, watching Death roll his eyes at him. He heads up to his room for the rest of the night. "Fucking lunatic," Hishio retorts. He takes a few steps and then jumps super high and they see a rat trap, "Amy," Oga yells! Amy pokes her head out of her room. "This place is infested with rats, Oga! Rats," she exclaims as another mouse trap sets off! It snaps down on Cree's finger! "God, damn it," Cree cries!

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