
"What the heck are those two doing there, they been in that room all day" Cree says as he drank his 9th cup of coffee. "Forget that, who's that crystal guy anyway, I never seen him before?" Amy says as she drinks her tea, "that's Stone, he's a scientist and an politician, from what I heard those colors represent his emotions, only way you can tell is when one of them lights up" Hishio says as he is channel surfing, "but I don't know him that well so I can't really say" he then finds something good to watch "well your half right you cockroach, he's an engineer who used to work that tech company, U-tech, got fired due to almost killing the boss daughter due an malfunction, he was part of the council for awhile til they kick him out, he suggested that the monsters should rule all mankind and they didn't like that one bit, so he swore that he'll have his revenge" Oga says as he keeps punching the punching bag.

"Wow....sounds like a nut job" Cree says, the doors open and comes out Stone and Death "it is complete! My- I mean 'our' project is finished!" Stone says, his voice is bit distorted and crackly, he smiles widely while Death is..the same?
"What's this big project anyway, and what's with this whole machinery for?" Hishio asks as Stone looks at him with his crazed smile, "well your about to find out!" He says, they felt a shake and it gets more shaky by the minute, a robot comes out, it has white eyes, mouth all glowing and it's body covered in black with a Green X on its chest, it has a turret on its back, on it's left hand began to turn things from a lockpick to a drill, on the right hand has a electric baton and it switches to an arm blade "GREETINGS I AM T.A.N.K, A TITANIUM ASSASSIN NECROMANCER KILLER. WHAT IS MY COMAND" it says "Question, could we lower its volume please, if it's going to be stealthy at least turn its volume down" Hishio complains as Cree and Amy nod in agreement "okay fine geez" Stone says as he lowers the robots voice down "T.A.N.K? so it's name is Tank then, I mean I can see why tho" Oga says as 'Tank' looks at the Olog

"Scanning, scanning: scan complete!:

name: Oga Trojan also know as 'the flesh eater':

Born in September 8th, 1945, when WW2 ended

Age: unknown

Crimes committed: grand theft auto, first degree murder, armed robbery, killing 5 men and 6 women, countless acts of cannibalism, and sacrificing.

By 1965 he began his career of fighting in a underground fight club, after his fights he would eat the opponents head and then their bodies, in 1968 a raid happened and then arrested due to the deaths of the fighters.

Oga was in shock, so we're the others and this excited Stone even more "he can scan a single person or monster-" before Stone could finish, Death did for him "-which means we track our targets down and take them out" Death says as Stone looks at him, his side then glowed red "I WAS GONNA SAY THAT!" he yells as it dies down "right sorry about that, so this should help in your missions" Stone says as Oga is still in shock on what just happened, "oh oh oh! Scan me" Amy says excitedly as Tank scans Amy

Name: Amy Rose

Born in 1999, December 23rd

Age: 20

Crime committed: theft

On her 18th birthday she began to learn magic by grandmaster Kung, by age 19 she ran away due to the death of grandmaster Kung by an explosion of a creeper

"Okay first of all that's not true, there were no creepers that killed the crazy old man" Cree defends "there was evidence of it!" Amy says as the two got in each other's faces. "Enough! We have a job to do" Death says, "send him into U-tech and have him steal the core for our next assignment, Tank you will be alone on this mission, Stone will guide you through to it" Death says as Tank nods and smoke began to come underneath his feet, he then took off and began to flew over their "oh did I mention he also has rocket feet" Stone says as Hishio then looks over "hey what happened to the roof?"

With Doc and Zoom:

Doc and Zoom are in U-tech with four security bots and holding the twos hands is Lily and they lift her and she is enjoying this, Doc and Zoom smile at her "thanks for coming with me again to watch Lily Zoom, to be honest this is the first time I ever babysat for someone" Doc says "ah it's no problem, besides she's so cute!!!" She says as she lifts her up and hugs her like a teddy bear "yayyyyyyyy!" Lily says as she hugs back, Doc is happy to see his best friend smile.

They made it to Lily's room and it's just a normal room, with purple walls and the walls are covered with stickers and they are mostly snake stickers, "oh um....you like snakes" Zoom says as she shook a little. "Yep! I may not be able to see them but the way they move and hiss, oh it's so interesting" she says as she began to go in detail about snakes, three of the bots heard the silent alarm, the three head down while the fourth one stayed behind, Doc and Zoom notice this "hey bub, where the others headed?" Doc asks. the bot doesn't speak so he just rolls his eyes and still sees Lily going more about snakes, Zoom is a bit worried but eases her anxiety a bit

Down at the lobby:

"P-p-p-please let me go, I-I-I have two fish and a dog, please let me go" the security guard begs "then tell me where is core, it's not in my programming to kill but I will hurt you til you talk" Tank threatens as his right arm turned into a electric baton as the security guard sweats more, the security bots arrived. Tank throws the security guard aside and ran out of the building, "can you direct me to where the core i-" before Tank could finish one of the bots threw a knife but it deflects off of him, "that is, how you humans say, 'rude'" Tank then picks it up and threw it into its eye, it shortens out and its head explodes, the two remaining bots look at Tank and charged at him.

They throw punches and he just takes them, one of them tries to punch his face but he grabs its fist and rips the arm off. He then leg swipe it and summons his drill and rams at the center of it, the last one jumped on him, unfortunately the turret fired lunching it in the air, it hits the ground but is still on, Tank then lifts it and his eyes turned red for a moment and then green, he then crushed its head and tossed it aside "I have acquired the location of the core" tank says "okay good, head to where the core is located and avoid any further contact!" Stone says over the ear piece, Tank began to head his way to the location but then stops and sees a snake plushie, he picks it up and scans it, he then heads to the elevator and pushes a button to the upper floor.

Back to Doc and Zoom:

"Sweetie please calm down" Zoom says as Lily was sobbing and hiccuping "hmm, it's probably in the lobby, I can go get it an- oh wait never mind one of the bots...found...it" Doc says as he sees a weird looking bot, "hello, I am. T.A.N.K, a titanium assassin necromancer killer, my objective is to find the core, secondary objective is to return a weird animal" Tank says as he holds the snake plushie "Mr. Worm!" Lily suddenly stopped crying and went to get her snake but Doc stops her, he smelt something off and the fact it said it was looking for a core.

"Who exactly built you?" He asks it as he is probably gonna have to defend Lily "that is none of concern, how you humans say, 'no one has to get hurt'" Tank says as he drops the stuffed snake and turned his arm to a drill while the other turned into a blade "Lily get behind me and Zoom" Doc says as Zoom finds a broom, she breaks off the bottom and turns it into a staff.

Doc ran on all fours and lunged at him however Tank grabbed him and threw him back to Lily's room, Zoom dodged as Lily hid underneath her bed, Zoom then charged at it and began to hit the robot but it was doing little effect on it, "you are doing....0% of damage" he says as he takes the staff and threw it aside, he then grabs her by the collar and aimed his blade at her arm "I may not be able to kill you but didn't say I can cut a limb off" he raised his blade and before he can strike, Doc jumped on his back and began to viciously claw him.

The turret tried to fire but Doc grabbed it and rips it out, and is bashing it against Tanks head repeatedly, Tank then let's Zoom go as she regains her sense, she realizes the fourth robot isn't doing anything, it's guarding Lily "hey, you know it would be great if you helped out!" She yells at it but the bot doesn't respond, she looks over and sees Doc can't keep up with it much longer as Tank is hitting him against the walls.

"If you don't do something, Lily is going to die!" Zoom shouts as she is behind by Docs body, the two are on the ground now "protocol prevents me from killing..... but as you humans say 'desperate times, call for desperate measures" Tank raised his drill arm, Doc shields Zoom and the two embrace their deadly fate and closed eyes, however nothing came, they look up to see the fourth bot holding the drill arm and smacks it to the wall, Tank tried to break free but the arm then went through the wall bringing Tank with it.

Doc and Zoom get up and dusted themselves off "thanks for the assistance partner" Doc says, the bot doesn't respond, he went back to Lily's room and crouched down, it holds its hand out and Lily takes it, her look says it all, she's scared, "I wanna go home....I want my papa!" she began to tear up and she covers her face with her hands "li-Lily shhhh, it's okay I promise you, you'll be home soon" Doc says as he holds her hands as she hiccups but manages to calm down

"Get the core" the three turned around to see the bot talk "get the core...it wants the core" the bot then motions the three to follow it, they complied and followed, they enter a room and there is a miniature core that is shaped like a diamond "that's what the fuss is all about, that small core" Doc says as he pokes it "this core can power war machines and it is an endless power source, if fallen to the wrong hands it can destroy cities...even in the monster world" the bot explains as Doc and Zooms jaws were about to hit the floor, Lily was just confuse "why would you keep it here then!" Zoom says as she looks like she's about to have a heart attack "it was supposed to be the last place they look, until we can properly hide it and make sure it is never found, it could've make it so much better, an endless supply of energy and even if an E.M.P were to set off it will would still be going...unfortunately it is too dangerous to keep and use" as the bot holds it, the wall then made a hole, Tanks drill arm is laying there and ran out of power "wh-wh-where is the rest of it" Zoom says, Lily started to shake as Doc scans the room, he was then electrocuted and fell, it was Tanks and is now missing an arm, he was about to do it again but Zoom grabs a pipe and shoved it in Tanks eye, Tank started to go out of control and began to hit things around him, Doc used enough strength and holds Lily close, he gets hit a couple of times but Lily isn't hurt.

Tank managed to get the pipe out of the eye and sparks were flying right out of the now destroyed eye. "Damage, 40% plus an arm lost, 30% damage, confirmed total, 70% damaged...not bad, you two have far been a challenge over my 3 hour existence, but enough of this, time to take what I was assigned to" he knocks Zoom aside and Doc tried to get up but couldn't, as Tank was about to take the core the fourth bot jumped on Tank and kicks the core to Zoom, she quickly catches it, "take it! Get it out the building, I'll try to hold him off...tell master evergreen that I'm sorry" the fourth bot holds tank down as Zoom nods, she helps Doc up and they began to quickly get out, Lily holds on Zooms sleeve and the three make it out of the building, S.W.A.T. trucks came and teams came out and rushed to help Doc, Zoom and Lily, James moved them aside and sees Lily "Lily!" He runs to her "Papa!" Lily responds as she opens her arms out and he picks her up and hugs her close and tight, the two began to cry and not letting go, "I-I-I-I heard the news about what happened and I rushed over here as fast as possible, I'm so sorry my pumpkin" he holds her out to see her face "it's okay papa, I'm okay" she hugs him again, there was a loud boom inside the building, the S.W.A.T. members got the four out of range, they aimed their assault rifles and comes out Tank, he is still holding the snake plushie, chunks of him were missing and there were blast marks all over him...he began to approach them, "STOP RIGHT NOW OR WE WILL OPEN FIRE!!!" the leader shouts but Tank didn't listen and just kept on walking.

"STAND DOWN OR WE WILL FIRE, THIS IS YOUR LAST WARNING!" the leader shouts again but as before, Tank didn't listen, "OPEN FIRE, OPEN FIRE!!!" The swat members began to fire and Tank just keeps walking even tho he is at this point limping, oil began to leak, the members reloaded however it was too late, he's already there, Tank then drops on his knees and tossed the snake plushie to Lily, James then picks it up and looks at him as he was confused "main objective failed...secondary objective complete, shutting....down" he then falls face first and his eye powers down, James looks at the plushie again and knees down to Lily's height, "I believe this is yours" James holds it out, Lily began to feel on her fathers hand and it was the snake plushie, she gasped and hugs it close to her and smiles

"Mister Doc...thank you" James says as he carries his daughter to the car, one of the S.W.A.T. members then sees a chip of tanks and takes it out, it was damaged but not out of beyond repair, "here let's get you all- what the hell!?!?" The others turned to see that Docs wounds were disappearing, Doc then cracks his back, Zoom looks honestly surprised "you can do that! When were you gonna tell me!?" Zoom says very now curious and excited "uh...I kinda forgot to tell you?" He nervously laughs, the others decided to call it a day and pack it up.

Unknown location:

"GAHHHHH, GOD DAMNIT!" Stone shoves everything off the workbench "how! he didn't even attempt to grab it!" He began to rant, the others watched the whole time, however Death wasn't in the same room with them at the time because he had to do something, Oga took a nap and Hishio was somewhere, Oga and Death enter the room and saw Stone flinging and shaking his chair as Cree and Amy just watched everything just the whole thing, "ah just in time to see this unfold" Cree says, "to be honest I didn't expect that to happen" Amy says "aww, is your little project destroyed, boo-hoo" Oga fakes it and then laughs, they hear a door opening and it was a S.W.A.T. member, he takes off the mask and helmet and the smoke then faded as it was Hishio, "I will never understand how you can do that" Death says as Oga keeps laughing at Stone "it's a gift, just like my existence" Hishio says all smug, Death just rolled his eyes, Hishio tossed the chip to Stone, the crystal rock monster began to show them what happened.

"Watch I bet this bot got side tracked!" Oga says as he is now rolling on the ground laughing, Death watches, once Stone was done Oga got up and wipes a tear away, the recording starts, Stone fast forward a bit and paused, "guess who came out of hiding" Stone then shows Death and Oga, The two see Doc and they were furious, but the most one who was angry was Death, he was so angry he punched the wall so hard it just left a hole and this quite scared Cree, Amy and Hishio, "that freak is the one responsible for it! He was the one at the bank the other night with that girl!" Oga says, "where is he" Death says with a bit of venom in his voice, "that I don't know, but all I know is he is still here and came out of hiding, this could jeopardize The Whole operation! I'll inform this to our master" Stone then leaves the room "I'm sorry but who is Doc and who's this boss?" Cree asks as no one responds.

Stone then pulls out a crystal ball and began to chant in dark tongue, black smoke began to rise from it and the only thing he can see is white eyes "what is it Stone, unless it's another failure then I don't want to hear it" the figure says, his voice was cold yet calm, "D-D-Dark lord, it's about that but there's more" Stone says as he gets down on one knee, "what could honestly be more important then wasting my time and patience" Dark lord says "I-i-i-it's the monster....he has returned" Stone says, there was a moment of silence until Dark lord spoke "so he has come out of hiding...lay low for awhile, if he has returned then we cannot let him know of our plans, cease all assignments until it is the right time to strike" as soon he said that the black smoke vanished, "it will be done my lord" Stone then puts the crystal ball away and went to tell the others on what is going to happen

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