Doc's interesting Day
Doc and Zoom were the best of friends, hell even siblings almost, they do stuff together and share almost anything, ALMOST share anything , it was late at night and the two of them were getting ready for bed. Doc jumps on the bed and prepares it like a dog would when he is about to lay down, "the fact your afraid of dogs but you act like one, sometimes I can't understand you" Zoom says jokingly as Doc looks at her. "At least they can they remember to take a shower" Doc retorts as Zoom blows a raspberry, he just smiles.
"Night Zoom" Doc says as he then turns off the lights, Zoom immediately is fast asleep and is snoring. Doc may love Zoom and if he could, die for her but sometimes he can't stand her snoring, he didn't have the heart to tell her about it so he tries to get through the night but it's just difficult for him to do that. "Maybe I should sleep on the couch" He then grabbed his blanket and pillow and before he even left she began to stir and almost crying, Doc puts his stuff back on the bed and hugs her and beginning to ease her down. "Shhhhh it's okay, it's okay I'm here. I'm not going anywhere okay" Doc says as she holds onto him tighter and suddenly he was in her bed and she calmed down and she nuzzled into his neck. He didn't mind this, it was nice actually and if he tried to move then she will begin to have nightmares again so they stay in that position for awhile.
The next morning:
Doc stayed up all night and didn't even get a wink of sleep, her grip still tightened and has a huge smile on her face and is still snoring, one of his eyes were twitching and gently got out of bed and placed a teddy bear in his place, he tiptoe to the kitchen to fix up some breakfast, "I probably should go grocery shopping, we're almost out of food" he then closes the fridge and wrote Zoom a letter and left the house
With Doc:
He was in the meat section and got steak, hamburger, chicken and more steak, he then worked his way down to the fish and saw a big fat fish waiting to be taken, as he placed his hand on it someone else's hand placed on it, Doc and a shark woman looked at each other and sparks were flying off from each other, "buzz off creep, my hand was on it first!" Said the shark woman, "in your dreams you ugly dumb shark, I placed on it first!" He replies, the two began to have a tug of war on the fish and the fish was almost split in half til a worker saw the commotion and took the fish away from them. "You monsters have no respect, your nothing but disgrace in society!" The rude worker says as then the two then looked at him and that's when he realized, he fucked up.
"I-I-I'm so sorry, uh hehe here there should be more big ones in the back." He slowly went to the back room, grabbed another large fish and, the shark lady took it but not before glaring at the worker and bared her teeth and growled, she walked away. "Watch it what you say before someone turns you into jelly" Doc threatens as he then walked away from the worker.
He grabbed the rest he needed. Bread, Veggies, creamy peanut butter, some junk food and drinks and paid for the groceries and left, he got in the car, start it up and drove off and slowed down at the stop light. "This is nice, no fights, no arguments, yes sir this is going to be a good da-...NOOOOO!" he then saw a chicken looking at him and is just staring at him, "life's a bitch and your here! Will you fuck off already!!!" He then saw the green light and drove fast away from the chicken as it continues to stare at him.
At joe's bar:
"No fucking way, the chicken is back?!?" Joe says as he tries to hold his laughter in. "It's not funny Joe, I had to go to therapy 10 times because of that chicken, I was so paranoid that the chicken was everywhere it literally took Zoom months to get me out of my room" he says as he shudders the thought. "Yikes man..anyway I had this great idea to get my bar back in the food chain" Joe says as he lays on his three arms as the other three are busy serving drinks "oh god, please tell me it doesn't involve me being in a costume or blowing something up sky high?" Doc says
"No no no, nothing like that, I just need you to deliver something to a friend of mine, his name is James, James evergreen, he's top of security and owner at that big joint uh U-tech, he's in the upper floors. They should let you in tho so just have a few laughs and it's not hard at all
Few minutes later:
" 'They should let you in tho' This is the last time I do something for him!" He shouts as he is being shot at security turrets and bots "have a few laughs he said, it isn't so hard he says, WILL FUCK YOU TOO JOE!" He shouts over the gunfire, he is holding a bag and a suitcase of some kind, he sees an elevator and books it, he makes it as the turrets couldn't turn around but the bots then pursue him, he pushes the button very fast and before a bot could get in the elevator closed as it bashed on the door. He sighs of relief and sits down, the elevator began to play 'honey I'm good from Andy grammar' "now this I can listen to" he says as he began to sing along the song.
When the song ended the elevator beeped and he got up ready to beat the shit out of anyone who dares to cross his path. It opens and he has his claws out and the door opens, and the only thing he sees is a little girl with brown pigtails and has white skin with a purple shirt and pink skirt on, "*phew* hey kiddo, why are you in a tech and security company?" He asks her as he kneels on her level, "I'm looking for papa, have you seen my papa" the little girl asks, he noticed something right away, her eyes...her pupils are white which only means....she's blind. Doc looks down somberly about the child's blindness, he ruffles her hair and smiled "word of advice kid, don't let anyone tell you, you can't do it but I can tell your determine and have a strong spirit in you, your going to go far kid, one day" he says as the little girl smiles "thank you mister, my name is Lily" she says happily "nice to meet you Lily and let me tell you, that's a very pretty name, my name is Doc" he replies "so what's your dads name, or anybody know your dads name?" He asks as Lily nods her head fast, "yep! His name is James, James Evergreen
Doc is surprised and very lucky, "hey what a coincidence, I'm looking for him too" Doc says as the two began to walk with Doc holding her hand to make sure she's alright and doesn't run off or get lost..or bump into something, he's wondering how can a father leave their child unattended and expect them not to wander off. He may hate humans but he doesn't hate children because they don't know any better, with the right people children can live in harmony with the other monsters children and grow and learn to love each other, it may be to late to teach some of the old generation but to pass down knowledge to a young generation. "Lily do you...tend to be alone when your father is at work?" He asks. "No mister Doc, I usually be with someone and even when he's at work he still try's to be there for and with me" she says as Doc sees the door up ahead, James Evergreen was on the front of the door and he knocked.
A click was made and came out a man in his 30's, he's wearing a red suit, blue pants and a white tie, his skin and hair color were like Lily's but his eyes were colored purple. " must be Joes friend and his delivery man, I see you have brought the things and they appear to be undamaged" he says with an impressive tone, "um, thank you Mr. Evergreen-" before he can finish James rose his finger up. "No need to call me Mr. Evergreen, that was my great great grandfathers name, call me James" he says as places his finger down and offered him a handshake, Doc accepts it. "Thank you James, but when I entered the building-" before he can finish the security bots from earlier smashed through the elevator door, Doc and the bots were about to attack until the security bots shut down.
Doc looks behind him to see James holding a controller, "I'm sorry about that Mr.Doc but we had to take extra measures to ensure the company's safety" he says. "Hi papa" Lily says as the man then lifts her up and is in joy of seeing his daughter, "hey pumpkin, how's bring your daughter to work day going so far for you" he asks as he kisses her cheek, "it's Great papa, I made a new friend today" she says. "That's great sweetie, I'm guessing it's Mr.Doc" he says as she smiles and nods, "yup! He's so cool" she says excitedly. "My my, I'm glad pumpkin about you making a new friend...Mr.Doc, please step into my office" he says kindly as Doc follows with him into his office, it was like any other office except for various types of lava lamps and a workbench "now Mr Doc, I know how the monsters are mistreated and for that I wish there was something I can do to help, I know not all of you are evil, they are just like everyone else, trying to find homes, find work and to live, so I know this will be rushed would you like to be my little angles babysitter" he says as Lily gasps in excitement while Doc is debating, "um, I don't know sir" Lily then looked up to him and did the most devastating attack...the puppy eyes and the little quivering lip, "please mister Doc, please" she begged as a little tear came out "okay okay, I'll take the job, just please never do that again. My heart couldn't take it" he says as James smiled "excellent, here's my phone number if there's anything you need, just drop by on next Saturday" he says.
Few hours later:
He's finally home and puts the groceries away and just flops to the couch, a door opens and Zoom is also exhausted and flops on to the couch with Doc, "you too huh?" Doc asks her as she simply nods, "Why was it long" he asked "Well it started it off like this!" Zoom says.
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