Crazy, Brutal, Bloody Night
Warning: there will be blood in this chapter, if you don't want to read this then read somewhere else
on top of a cliff we see people partying and are having a grand time of their lives, "brb, i'm gonna take a dump" said one of the party people, he went behind a bush and was about to crap until he hears something in the bushes, he laughs "okay johnny knock it off dude, i'm trying to go" he shouts as the bushes keep shaking "dude i said buzz-AHHHHHHHH!" the guy is screaming as a monster with four red eyes, mouth drooling and spikes all over its body, the monster roars as the guy runs away, "demon, demon!!!!" the guy says as he falls over and backs up in fear, the other party people watch and all of a sudden, a rabbit comes out and sneezes, the others laugh at the guy and he is just confused, they all turned to see a ice monster and they thought it was a good idea to mess with that ice creature.
"hey freak, catch!" one of the drunken guys said as he threw a bottle of whisky, but what caught them by surprise, was the bottle broke in mid air, something lands and it was that same beast from earlier that scared the guy, "that's him, that's the deamon!!!" the guy shouts as the ice monster runs away "DoN't ExPeCt MeRcY..." the beast says as his claws emerged and his horns grew, the beast eyes all red "BeCaUsE i'M fReSh OuT oF tHeM!" the monster says in his deep voice as he roars and everyone began to run away, the guys that stayed grabbed pipes and began to hit it but the monster dodges, he leg swipes one of them and broke the man's nose so bad that he bleed out of control, one of the other part members tries to impale the monster but all of a sudden, the beast then jumps on his back and he bites his ear and rips it out, the guy screams and the beast grabs the pipe and bashed the screaming guy across the face, making him lose some teeth and fallen unconscious, two guys tried to jump on him but instead were impaled by the spikes from the monsters back.
soon the rest began to run away, only three remained to fight him. "cowards, all of you, its just one freak!" the main leader says as they hear a mighty roar, they turned to see the monster, "YoU tHiNk YoU wIiL sUrViVe...I sUgGeSt YoU wAlK aWaY nOw" he says standing aside, two of the guys ran as the main leader looks pissed "you think your hot shit, just because you come in and ruin my party, WELL THINK AGAIN!!!" the main leader pulls his desert eagle out and shot him 7 times, the beast took it and his wounds suddenly disappear and slowly began to approach the main leader "d-d-do y-y-y-you know who i am, i am Rico Rango, i kill monsters like you and hang them on my wall, st-st-stay back!" Rico says as he keeps shooting him and the beast keeps walking.
as the beast is now in front of his face he takes the desert eagle and throws it off the cliff "YoU sHoUlD'vE wAlKeD aWay" the monster then grabbed Rico's neck and lifted him up "p-p-please let me go, i can give you whatever you want, i-i-i was kidding about the killing monster thing, p-p-please don't hurt me" Rico begs. the monster then looks at the drinks and a twisted smile appears, he then looks at him "i BeT yOuR tHiRsTiY..." he then drags him and grabs a bottle of scotch, "OpEn WiDe!!!!!!!!!" the last thing everyone hears is screaming and twisted laughter
in the morning.....
Doc wakes up and and tiredly heads to the bathroom, before he did that he nuzzled Zoom as she smiles in her sleep, he then heads to the bathroom and looks in the mirror, his eyes all drowsy and good thing he doesn't have a mouth, otherwise he would have one horrible morning breath, he turns on the sink and splashes cold water on his face, he looks in the mirror and his eyes widen in fear, the monster from last night is smiling at him with a bit of cruelty in there, he turns around only no one is behind him, he turns around to see him still in the mirror. "what do you want Karn" Doc asks out of spite "Is ThAt HoW yOu TrEaT yOuR oLd FrIeNdS, i'M hUrT" Karn says as he pretends to wipe away a tear, "you and i are not friends Karn, the only reason your here because you want something from me" Doc says "WeLl MoRe LiKe I hAd FuN lAsT nIgHt WiTh SoMe PeOpLe... I'm GeTtInG sTrOnGeR aNd SoOn, I'Ll TaKe OvEr AgAiN pErMeNtLy" Karn began to laugh as Doc looks down and screams in the mirror as his eyes glow a bit of red, his mouth forming and small spikes growing, he looks in the mirror again and sees he's gone and only sees his beast form, he quickly shakes it off and took a few deep breaths, his form going back to the way it was and looks in the mirror one last time and left the bathroom to begin his day.
A/N: hey ya'll this idea goes to my good, awesome friend @jaso134523, please go follow him and show him some love and support
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