A Father of Death
It was late at night, the crickets chirping and the owls hooting, in the woods there is a log cabin, inside was a young man, he has a strong build as he has dirty blond hair and has a short beard, he groans as a tiny voice was made, he gets up and rubs his face, he looks down and sees his toddler and his baby, "Amber, what's wrong, and why are you holding Diana " he asks as he picks them up, he looks closer and it looks like she had a nightmare "d-d-daddy, there was a monster, a-a-and you weren't waking up a-a-and then it-" Amber sobs as he calms his two daughter down "shhhh, its okay, daddy's here, i'm okay" he says as she sobs less now but was still scared "how about you spend the night with me" he says as Amber got in the covers while he puts Diana in a crib, he then began to hum a little to them, he then sung
"🎵 as long as i'm here with you, and this song is sung then i'm never gone, I will always love you, I will be with you til my final breath and I will still be there with you, never lose thy way to home and stick by to those that care and love, my special angles🎵" he sung as his daughters were asleep, he smiles as he then falls asleep as well, later there was an angry mob in front of his lawn, Amber frighten in fear as Diana cries, he gets up and heads outside "what do you people want!" he yells at them, "you have cursed this land by coming here, all you brought here was death and destruction of moonshine!, burn the moonshine hater!" one of the mob members shouts as they began to chant 'burn the moonshine hater' the man began to barricade the doors but they began to break the windows, Amber and Diana scream in fear as the young man tries to hold the mob back.
"Amber get out of here now! Take Diana with you" he tells her as he punches a mob member "daddy what about you?! We can't leave you!" Amber shouts as Diana held onto her sister, "I'll be fine! Just run as fast as you can!" he tells them as they then throw a torch in there, the place began to burn up a bit "go!!!!!" he shouts again, Amber was hesitant but nods, she then picks up her sister and the two used the back door, he smiles since he knew they will be alright...then bullets started to fly in as he quickly ducks, "this is what I get for moving in with red necks!" he says as they bust down the door, Death runs up and takes their gun and fires point blank, he fires and hits two more people, he may have no chance of survival but he needed to buy the girls some time to escape, they kept firing but Death just whatever chance he gets, however they were starting to flood in, he then moves but he gets shot in the leg, he falls and grunts in pain
"Well well well, look what we have here, Big Jib," the leader says as a big man comes in, he was fat and bald, the man tried to fire but Big Jib kicks the gun away and grabs him by the neck, he tries to break free "Richard Briggs, the man who was a military man...but then decided to leave due to, and I quote, 'I rather be the enemy instead of being in a corrupt military' now you upset Big Jib" the person says "yeah, also says I ask questions first instead of being fucking stupid and shoot civis, also it was an organization, not military" Richard says as his neck gets tighten "well that's a shame...Cletus, Francis, where are those brats" the leader says "no sign of them boss, they went to the woods" Cletus says "take Francis, Lance, Reggie and John to find the brats" he says "don't you fucking touch them!" Richard says as he tries to break free, the 5 head out to find them "now then...hope you enjoy hell" he says as he aimed his revolver at his head, however before anything could be done, there was an explosion in the distance, it was the red necks community. A car comes but it was badly damaged "George! We need help!" a person says, he was wounded badly "there was these guys in black armor and-" before he can finish, he was shot to the head and fallen over, the others stepped back horrified, then gunfire was heard as the rednecks drop one by one, they fire but they fired blindly, then a chopper comes and guns them down, Big Jib loosen his grip a bit, Richard used the opportunity and breaks free, Big Jib tries to catch him but his body was filled with holes, unfortunately he received some of the bullets, 4 to the chest and 2 on his legs each, he tries to crawl away but the leader stops him "your not getting off that easy traitor!" he then fires Richards arm, he screams in pain "and now...time to die" he points to his head, Richard looks at him, him not afraid of death, however he didn't fire.
Instead he was struggling, the leader was trying but it wouldn't let him, his arm was shaking as his own gun was pointed towards his head, Richard knew it was, he turned and saw...The Dark Lord, his body was entirely made of black smoke, his eyes all white yet he wears shards of armor, he was controlling the leaders shadow...he then made him pull the trigger and fired, his body went limp "Dark lord" Richard says bitterly "Richard Briggs...been a long time, and you don't look so good" he says referring to Richard's current state "what do you want" he says still bitter "its not what I want...its what we BOTH want" The Dark lord says "well you can shove it, i'm done helping you" he says "well that's too bad...it going to be hard to tell your daughters that their daddy is taking a long slumber" he says "well I might as well shove off as you say" he then began to leave, Richard then winces as he held his wounds, the log cabin burning, but he was worried about his kids, he then shouts "wait!...What is it" he says, The Dark Lord turns "hunting down Doc...if you catch him then your daughters will be out of harms way and have my protection...and even personally give you better living conditions" he says to him.
Richard sighs, on one hand, he doesn't want to to go back to being nothing but a killing machine, on the other hand, his daughters are out there, possibly scared and confused "how will I know you will keep your end of the bargain..." he says "you have my word...and you always know I never back out from a deal" he says, his hand out waiting for a shake, Richard doesn't hesitate and takes his hand, his body was covered in black mist as his eyes turn red, he then has his black knight armor, he gets up as his wounds are gone, he then summons his trident "now then...where do we start" asked Richard "well...how about eliminate the rest of these hooligans Mr. Briggs" The Dark lord says "Richard Briggs is dead...call me Death" he says as he storms out and ordered his troops to wipe out the rest, the soldiers did as told as the chopper lands and Death gets on
*end of flashback*
The alarm clock began to blare loudly and suddenly it was impaled by a trident, the trident comes back as Death wakes up not wanting to get out of bed, he then sighs due not falling back to sleep as he then gets up, he gets out of his room in the warehouse as he is wearing a robe and slippers but has the helmet on, he then makes himself coffee and toast, he then sits down as he looks at his watch "in 3...2...1" he drinks his coffee and on cue, everyone began to argue while grabbing breakfast, he pays them no mind as he finishes and then leaves the room, he then goes back to his room and before he can meditate, he notices something on the bed, he goes to check it and it was from Amy
Hey Death:
Thanks for always taking care of us, even though we sometimes annoy you, your still pretty cool
And you act like a dad like we never had, well...you act like a dad to me, I know about what happen and well, I wish you luck on finding your daughters again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you: From Amy
Death reads it and for once he gives a small smile, he then notices there's more to the note
P.S. can we get a pet, pretty please! The hydra dragon scares me
Death chuckles a bit seeing it, he sighs as he then puts on his necklace "I'll get you back girls, even if I die trying" he says determined as he then leaves the room again to start his day
*few minutes earlier*
Diana was holding onto Amber as Amber runs as fast as her little feet can, she then sees a shack, she heads over there and hid with Diana in her arms, Diana is moving as she is trying to get her sister to calm down, there was footsteps outside "Francis, you find anything" Lance asked "none at all, Reggie, John anything???" Francis asks as the two shook their head "well the boss is gonna cut off our heads, so find them faster!" Cletus shouts, Amber was almost in the clear, until Diana started to cry, the 5 heard the crying coming from the shack, Amber tries to calm her down but suddenly the other side of the wall began to fire as it was riddled with bullet holes "come on out you brats!" Francis yells "or we're coming in and kill ya's!"
Amber tried to find a way out but no luck, also doesn't help the fact that Diana was crying louder, the 5 reloaded and were about to fire but they hear a low growl "what the hell is that, a wolf" Cletus says, he fires and it scurries off, whatever it was, it was gone, "alright then, back to business" he says as he aims at the shack and fires....however it was stop by a shadow figure with four glowing red eyes, they all stare in shock "fire at that thing now!" Reggie shouts as they all fired at him, however he dodges as he used the shadows of night, it climbed on the trees as they fire up above...all was silent.... "d-did we get him" John asks terrified, he then was snatched from above screaming for help, as he continues to scream it was suddenly silenced by a loud snap...the body then falls.
Cletus, Reggie, Francis and Lance circled up, they point up to the trees and on the ground, Lance shakes a bit while sweating...Francis keeps his guard up as Cletus and Reggie were on edge "what the hell was that!?" Reggie shouts, "I don't know and I don't care, we're killing this son of a bitch" Francis says...all was quiet in the forest, they only hear crickets and the owl hooting...all was quiet...suddenly multiple spikes hit Cletus's back as he screams in pain, they fire in the trees as the beast gets down and runs around, Reggie and Francis were firing as Lance froze in fear, he tried to run but tripped over on Cletus, he tried to grab his leg but Lance kicks him off, he then hides behind the shack, then everything was silenced again, he takes a peak...the two are standing there, he slowly walks up to them, he then taps Francis shoulder...Francis and Reggie were cut in half as they fell, Lance backs up in fear as he bumps into someone, he turns around and sees the beast towering him, he fires at its head, it had no affect, he then snatches the gun from him, he breaks it, Lance backs up in fear, Doc then lunges as Lance screams in as the screams turn into gurgles, finally silence, Amber was frozen in fear, she takes a peak from the holes...and sees the beast underneath the moonlight, it was currently eating up the corpse, he turns and his eyes turn a bit of white and made eye contact with hers, Amber quickly looks away, praying he doesn't hurt Diana, the beast is at the door, before he can do anything, a chopper comes as it used the search lights, the beast hisses and runs off.
It was a ambulance chopper as two officers come out, two other came out and it was paramedics, the two officers bust down the shack door and search the place, they look to see a girl and a baby "dispatch we found two kids, both female" an officer says, the paramedics came and wrapped a blanket around the two, "its okay, your safe now" the other officer says, they bring them to the chopper, they began to fly off, Amber looks out from the window and sees the fires and multiple dead red necks "daddy...where are you..." she whispers, suddenly, she got a headache, she turns back to the others "wh-who are you" she asks them "my name is Carter and this doctor over there is my wife, Grace" the officer tells Amber "whats your name sweetie?" Grace asks her "um...I-I can't remember" she says her eyes widen "hey hey its okay...the loss of memory must be from shock, it'll come back over time" Carter says, Amber then looks at the stars...they were beautiful...she then looks at them "c-can my name be Galaxy...for awhile til I get my memory back" she asks them "of course" they say, while the helicopter flies away, the beast was looking afar, he then roars into the distance as it then leaves back into the forest
A/N: hey guys, been a long time, I know I'm sorry, but hopefully i'll try to get some work done as soon as possible, I just been out of focus is all, hope you all have a good morning/night. A/N end:
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