TTE Chapter 8

The Three Earths chapter 8

The Master reborn again

The Doctor, Eruanna and Bunny were on their way to the Tardis. But as they passed Freeog, they heard a ruckus commotion so they decided to stop and see what all the ruckus commotion was. But when they went inside, the only people that were there were old for some reason. Maybe they were having old people day or something. But when the Doctor looked closer, he could see that, near the back of the village, the only young people left were gradually getting older. But when the Doctor looked even closer, he saw that a young man was passing by all of them, and they started getting old as soon as he walked past them. Then he looked even closet, and realized it was the Masterrrr .........?

"What?" The Doctor said.

"Who is that?" Eruanna asked.

"But that's impossible! He's dead!" The Doctor said.

"Who is it?" Bunny asked.

"Its the Master! Hes a Time Lord, but he died! I saw him!" The Doctor answered.

The Master stopped walking. He turned and walked toward the Doctor. While he was walking, an old lady walked up to him and started hitting him with her walker. The Master ignored her. He reached the Doctor.

"We meet again!" He said.

The Doctor replied, "What are you doing here, and why are you making people old?"

"Gosh! I'm glad to see you too. I was brought back to life, and I was weak so I'm draining peoples souls. And now, I'm gonna drain you!" But right before he did, he stopped. He made a cunfused face, then a really happy face. Then he started jumping up and down yelling "YES!!! YES!!!!! YYYYEEEEESSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then the old lady stopped hitting him and shuffled away.

"What are you doing?" The Doctor asked.

The Master replied, "It stopped!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"What stopped?"

"The Drumming!!!"

".... Really?"


"Flippin serious?"

"Flippin yes!"

"Wow. "

The Master looked around at all the old people. "Did I do this?" He asked.

"Yep " Eruanna said.

The Master looked at the Doctor. He said, "Sorry I became a madman and tried to destroy the earth! Twice! Honestly, I didn't know what I was doing and I couldn't control myself. It was like the Time Vortex itself was controlling me!"

"Awwww!" The Doctor said. "I forgiveth you : ) "

Then Bunny said, "Sorry to interrupt your cheesy apologies, but we need to go back to Saurons lair! (You must certainly keep in mind that she meant Ganondorf, and she had not heard of his most recent name yet.)

"Who what huh?" The Master asked.

"Come on, I'll explain to you on the way. " The Doctor said.

Once they got to the Tardis and everything was explained, the TaRdIs landed outside near the entrance to the lair.

The gang stepped outside and saw Zelda calling for Epona.

The Doctor said to Link, "You're a legend!"

Then, for the only time recorded in Links history, Link actually spoke. "The gift of a Time Lord. " He then climbed on Epona with Zelda and they rode off into the sunset. <3 Aww how sweet : ) ^_^

"Seriously?" The Master said. "That's awesome."

"Its getting dark. " Ardhoniel said. Lets go back to the cabin for he night, then we can go home. " Then she saw the Master.

She said, "AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT HE'S - ITS - HES - HE CANT- BUT HE - WHAT - HOW - HUH?!!?????!?!??"

"It's alright, he's nice now! I'll explain later. " The Doctor said. They all hopped into the Tardis and went back to the cabin. They exchanged stories on the wag. When they got inside there was a note on the counter.

It said:

Oh, dearest friends of ours,

Me, (Legolas) Eric, Cole, Harry, Jessie, and Gandalf were bored, so we

took Voldemorts teleporter thingy and went back home. We are sorry for the inconvenience! We figured you guys probably didn't need us anyways.

From your friends,

(All of our names are listed above so there is no need to list them again down here because it would take too much time even though writing all of this down instead took more time than it would take if I just wrote down all of our names down again. So all of this is just wasted space.)

"So they just abandoned us?" Logan said.


"Yeah, they would have felt unimportant anyway. " Eruanna said.

So they all searched the cabinets for food. They ate and went to Ned.

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