Trials And The Battle Royal
Selene traveled past Route 4 to reach Paniola Town where she had a quick battle with Hau. He went on ahead as she checked out more of the place and battled a few trainers here and there.
(Y/n) checked out the sights as well after making sure Lillie got to the hotel safely and saying goodbye to his Kalos friends. Eventually, he met up with Hau on Route 5 near a Pokemon Center where he lost a battle against some boy.
Hau:"Whoo! Talk about a tough battle!"
?:"Are you even taking this seriously?"
Hau:"Well yeah! I'm just having fun is all."
?:"Tch! Fun?"
(Y/n):"Oof. This guy has got quite the attitude."
?:"And you are?"
(Y/n):"Just a tourist, buddy."
Selene:"(Y/n)? Hau? What's going on?"
(Y/n) deadpanned and looked at the blonde haired boy.
(Y/n):"Not sure. Buddy here just got done battling Hau."
Hau:"Oh, hey Selene! Yeah, this dude is plenty scary. He's pretty strong."
?:"So you're Selene? And you're (Y/n)?"
(Y/n):"Technically, yes. Ambiguously, maybe."
Selene:"Yep, that's me."
?:"Tch. Even some Pokemon have a better sense of self preservation than you."
(Y/n):"Ouch. That hurt my soul."
Gladion:"Whatever. I'm Gladion. Me and my partner, Type: Null, are training to get stronger... We have to get stronger! Though most of our time these days goes to working for Team Skull as their muscle."
Selene:"You work for them?"
Gladion:"Battle me. I won't take no for an answer."
(Y/n):"So glad that you're only asking for a battle."
Gladion:"Could you shut up?"
(Y/n):"That's kind of a rude thing to say.
Gladion grit his teeth and narrowed his eyes at him.
Selene:"Fine. I'll battle you."
Gladion:"Then let's begin!"
The first Pokemon he sent out was a Zubat and Selene sent out her Rockruff.
Selene:"Okay! Use Rock Throw!"
Rockruff lifted a chunk of rock from the ground using an unknown power and threw it right at the Zubat. The Zubat flipped backward and glowed before turning into a Zorua.
Selene:"Wh-what the?!"
(Y/n):"Ah. That clever little sneak."
Gladion:"Feint Attack!"
Zorua dashed forward and slammed into Rockruff doing quite a bit of damage.
Selene:"Rock Throw again!"
Rockruff attacked once again and brought down Zorua.
Gladion then sent out his real Zubat. Selene switched out to her newly evolved Pikachu.
Pikachu nodded before releasing a pulse of electricity and took down Zubat easily.
Gladion:"Go! Type: Null!"
(Y/n) narrowed his eyes as Gladion sent out a strange looking Pokemon.
Hau:"I know right. Looks pretty cool!"
Selene switched out to a Trumbeak and it used Brick Break to deal big damage. Type: Null hit with a tackle before going down to one last Brick Break.
Gladion:"Hmph... It's not like me to slip up like that. I've got to keep fighting stronger opponents. Looks like I'm still not ready..."
Selene:"Strong opponents?"
Gladion turned to look at Hau.
Gladion:"That kid there. His Pokemon aren't weak. And sure, it's fine to enjoy battling... But this brat...he's just using that as an excuse not to try hard because he can't beat the kahuna. Because he can't beat Hala when he's serious!"
Hau:"You know my gramps? Wait. So you think I'm strong?"
Grunt 1:"Awww, look at you, little Gladion! Aren't you just a cool guy? Heh heh heh..."
Everyone turned their attention to two Team Skull grunts that walked up to Gladion.
Grunt 2:"I guess it's no surprise a homeless kid would turn out spineless, too, huh? No worries! We've got enough backbone to cover for you!"
The first grunt began marching towards Selene.
Gladion:"Just give it up already."
Grunt 1:"Huh?"
Gladion:"You know you can't beat me. You'll just get your Pokemon hurt for no reason. They're good Pokemon."
Grunt 2:"We came all this for way, and for what? For a big fat waste of our time, thanks to you. If you hadn't gotten in our way, we could've stolen the Totem Pokemon from Brooklet Hill! Let's get out of here. Look, the Murkrow are crying, and it's time we should be flying."
Grunt 1:"Listen up good, Gladion... The boss does like you. That's true. But you're just some hired help we keep around for when we need you. You aren't a part of Team Skull, not really. And you never will be. Got it? You better get it."
The grunts walked off as Gladion glanced back at Selene and Hau. He then eyed (Y/n) a bit before walking off.
Hau:"Thanks, Selene. And Rockruff, too. You both gave it your all! Phew... Looks like I've gotta train up my team if I'm gonna take on the trial at Brooklet Hill next!"
He ran off ahead as Selene looked at (Y/n) who was simply staring at the direction Gladion went.
Selene:"Is something the matter?"
(Y/n):"Just curious about that final Pokemon of his. That's all."
Selene:"Yeah. Thing looks pretty rare."
(Y/n):"Anyway, you better head on to your trial."
Selene:"Right! Why don't you tag along to see what the trial site looks like?"
(Y/n):"Fine by me."
She smiled as they walked side by side. The entered Brooklet Hill and walked along a wooden bridge where they saw a girl standing by the trial gate.
Lana:"Hello. I'm Lana. I serve as the captain of Brooklet Hill. So, trial-goer... Will you be attempting my trial?"
Lana then explained to Selene what she had to do. She had to heard a Pokemon called Wishiwashi downstream.
Lana:"Are you also a trial-goer?"
(Y/n):"Nah. Just wanted to see what a trial is like. If I can't go any further then it's fine."
Lana:"No, it's fine. Just stay back as she does her trial."
She nodded at them and walked on ahead as the pair followed after. Selene rode on the back of a Lapras using the Ride Pager to find the Pokemon to drive them downstream.
Lana:"Wait, I never got your names."
Selene:"I'm Selene."
Lana:"That's a really pretty name."
Selene:"Aw thank you!"
(Y/n):"I'm (Y/n). Pleasure to meet you, Captain Lana."
Lana:"Just call me Lana. Calling me with the title makes me sound super old."
Selene:"Heh, that's fair. Are you our age?"
Lana:"Mhm. Between me and the other two captains here, I'm the youngest by a few months. Captain Kiawe is the oldest of us. Anyway, let's continue your trial."
Selene scared off some more Pokemon before reaching the base of the trial site. A school of Wishiwashi were forming before they were scared off by a Totem Araquanid.
Selene:"Okay! Trumbeak! Go!"
She sent out her first Pokemon as Araquanid glowed with a bright aura.
Trumbeak swooped in and struck the totem Pokemon with its beak and stole a berry it held. Araquanid hit back with a Bubble and dealt some big damage. It then immediately called out for an ally and a Dewpider appeared.
Selene:"Do it again!"
Trumbeak struck again and did more damage before going down to a second Bubble. She then sent out her Pikachu.
Selene:"Shockwave on the Araquanid!"
Pikachu released a pulse of electricity and brought down the Araquanid before getting hit with a Bubble from the Dewpider. It didn't do much so Pikachu shook it off and finished it off.
Lana cheered for Selene and gave her the Z-Crystal to use for water moves. Her next trial was at Wela Volcano Park which was on Route 7. So, Selene and (Y/n) began their walk together.
Selene:"(Y/n), could I ask about you?"
(Y/n):"What do you want to know?"
Selene:"What's your life like?"
(Y/n):"Pretty uhh... Pretty tame. For now, at least."
Selene:"How so?"
(Y/n):"Let's just say, wherever I go, trouble seems to follow. I find myself in some odd situations to say the least."
Selene:"Well at least you're okay."
They were in Paniola Ranch when they heard some familiar voices behind them. It was Dulse and Zossie.
Dulse:"You know, it's somewhat difficult to catch and control Pokemon. So I challenge you with one we are accustomed to...Poipole!"
Zossie:"I knew it! You can't just challenge people like that! Sorry, Miss Trainer. But do you think a battle would be ok?"
(Y/n):"How about a battle with me?"
Zossie:"Whoa! You sure?"
(Y/n):"Yeah. I need to get some battles in. I may be here for a vacation, but that doesn't mean I can't be allowed to feel the rush of a battle."
(Y/n):"And since I forgot to tell you my name, I'll tell you now. I'm (Y/n)."
Dulse:"I see. I will warn you now. Poipole cannot be found anywhere in Alola."
Dulse got his Poke Ball ready and sent out Poipole.
(Y/n):"Huh. That's quite the sight."
He simply shrugged before grabbing a ball off his belt and sending out his own Pokemon.
He sent out a Bagon who let out a proud cry.
Selene:"Ooh. You got yourself another member."
He nodded and Bagon moved first.
Bagon ran and jumped up to bite Poipole's bulbous head. It dealt some big damage and it cried in pain.
Poipole released shots of poison that hit (Y/n)'s Bagon. It shook off the damage and hit back with a Headbutt and brought it down.
Dulse:"Incredible! Your Pokemon was clearly superior. Thank you for indulging me."
They left and (Y/n) and Selene went back to walking. They were nearing an area with people, but there was a girl there with a Pokemon.
?:"You there, trainers. Can you come to my aid?"
?:"Over here."
They walked over past her and saw two Team Skull grunts.
Grunt A:"Yo, yo, yo! Don't go turning your backside on us!"
Grunt B:"And YOU! You're that numskull trainer from Melemele, yo!"
?:"These scoundrels are Pokemon thieves. And you're on familiar terms with them?"
(Y/n):"Can't really say we know them for real."
Grunt A:"Yo, on Arceus?!"
The girl then introduced herself.
Hapu:"I am Hapu. Life in the big city sure is something else. Pokemon thieves roam about brazenly..."
Grunt B:"It isn't thievery! It's a legitimate business."
(Y/n):"Shut up."
Grunt B:"Alright, fool! Let's battle!"
Grunt A:"This is payback!"
Selene:"Bring it!"
(Y/n) and Selene only needed one move to take down the grunts' Pokemon.
Hapu:"Mudsdale, shall we stomp these scoundrels? It'll be a mess to clean up afterward, but I am willing if you are."
This threat scared the grunts off. (Y/n) looked over at the girl and held a smirk on his face.
(Y/n): Kalos could use someone like her.
Hapu watched a Drifloon fly off before turning towards the pair. She saw (Y/n)'s smirk and had a small grin on her face.
Hapu:"Is there something you'd like to share?"
(Y/n):"Not much. Just appreciating that bold nature of yours."
Hapu:"Why thank you, handsome."
(Y/n)'s cheeks flared up and he simply laughed.
Hapu:"Can I get your names?"
Selene:"Sure. I'm Selene."
(Y/n):"And I'm (Y/n)."
Hapu:"Those are some fine names. You two handled yourselves in battle quite well."
Mudsdale walked over to (Y/n) and started sniffing him.
(Y/n):"Uh, hi?"
Mudsdale cried happily.
Hapu:"Huh, seems like Mudsdale recognizes your talents. You should try out the Battle Royal here in the Royal Avenue. You'd be perfect for it."
She walked over and got on Mudsdale before looking at them.
Hapu:"We travel around Alola a lot so we might bump into each other again. We are indebted to the both of you after all."
Selene:"Hope to see you again!"
(Y/n):"Same here. See you later."
Hapu:"Not if I see you first, handsome."
She winked before riding off into the distance. (Y/n) just chuckled nervously.
(Y/n): So, we're doing this again, eh?
Selene:"You okay?"
(Y/n):"Yeah. Let's get a move on."
They walked to the Royal Avenue and went up to check out the Battle Royal Dome. Up ahead, they saw Gladion.
Gladion:"Hmph. Why do I do this... Every time something brings me down, I end up coming right back here again... Come on, Null. We'll beat everyone who stands before us. We're going to be strong enough to protect them this time...
They went in after him and took a look around the building when a loud voice spoke up.
?:"Glad you could make it!"
The person walked down the stairs and smiled at them.
M.Royal:"I'm here today, yeah, to spread the word, oh yeah, about Battle Royal! They call me...the Masked Royal! Woo!"
Selene:"The what?"
M.Royal:"The Masked Royal! I'm here to teach you, oh yeah, about the battle format passed down in Alola for generations... The Pokemon Battle Royal. Woo! "But, Royal, what's the Battle Royal?" You might ask. Four trainers! Four trainers, yeah, each pick three Pokemon, yeah, for one big Pokemon battle, oh yeah! When one trainer's team can't battle anymore, yeah, the Battle Royal ends! Whichever trainer has taken out the most Pokemon, yeah, and has the most Pokemon left will emerge the winner. Woo!"
(Y/n):"Now that sounds pretty interesting."
M.Royal:"Wanna give it a shot man?"
Hau:"Dude! It's the Masked Royal! I wanna battle! I wanna battle!"
Masked Royal looked up and gave Hau a thumbs up. He then faced Gladion.
M.Royal:"You there! Come join in the fun! I'll be in the mix, too, yeah. And now we have a our foursome. Woo!"
Hau:"What?! Gladion, too?!"
M.Royal:"Discovery! New experiences! Adventure! It's all yours if you want it! It's time for a Pokemon Battle Royal! Ready...fight!"
He ran in with Hau and Gladion going in as well.
Selene:"There they go. Good luck out there (Y/n)!"
(Y/n):"Thanks. You should cheer on for Hau. Buddy might need it if he's going up against Gladion."
It turned out to be only a demonstration of sorts. Masked Royal used Rockruff. Hau used Dartrix. Gladion used Type: Null and (Y/n) used Loki. It only took about 3 turns for the battle to come to an end.
They left the ring and met another trial captain named Kiawe.
He went to his trial site and Selene waved bye to (Y/n) and Hau before going off to take on his trial.
Selene made her way to the site and fought some wild Pokemon while reaching the top. Her Rockruff had finally evolved into a Lycanroc.
Kiawe's trial was Selene having to find the difference in his Pokemon's dance until the Totem Pokemon appeared.
(Y/n) decided to go on ahead up to Route 8 to see if any noteworthy Pokemon were there. There wasn't much so he kept going and made it to Route 5 and met up with Mallow.
Mallow:"Oh! Hey there (Y/n)! How are you?"
(Y/n):"Good. And you?"
Mallow:"Doing good. I was just about to eat some lunch."
She held up a basket and looked at him.
Mallow:"Care to join?"
She batted her eyelashes at him which made him chuckle.
(Y/n):"I would be more than happy to. I haven't anything at all today."
Mallow:"Wonderful! Come on then!"
She grabbed his hand and dragged him inside Lush Jungle and set her basket down. She opened it up and grabbed a blanket from it and set it on the ground. She then placed the basket in the center before sitting down on it.
Mallow:"Come on now."
She patted the spot next to her and he sat down. Mallow grabbed some sandwiches out and they began to eat them in peace.
Mallow:"So, where are you from?"
(Y/n):"Kalos but I moved on out to Unova."
Mallow:"Ooh. Sounds nice. Did you have fun there?"
(Y/n):"Honestly, yeah. More than I ever expected. Made friends with a cool guy and met plenty of friendly faces."
Mallow:"That's nice."
(Y/n):"Heh, yep. It was a bit hectic there, but nothing too major."
She giggled and kept eating with him. Soon, Lana showed up and began pouting.
Lana:"What're you two doing?"
Mallow:"Oh! Hey Lana! We're just having a picnic. Want some?"
Lana:"I'll pass. I cam here because you called me."
Mallow:"Oh yeah! I'm waiting for Selene to take my trial."
(Y/n) finished eating some food and got up off the ground.
(Y/n):"Thank you for the meal. I'm gonna head on out."
Mallow:"Aww. Why don't you stay and watch Selene complete her trial?"
(Y/n):"Eh. I want to try out the Mantine Surfing. Catch you two later."
He waved them off and they happily waved them off. He was walking away and passed by Kiawe and nodded at him. He kept walking down the route and stopped.
There was someone standing across from him that was extremely familiar to him just by their hair.
(Y/n):"What're you doing here... Colress?"
Colress:"Oh dear. It seems the wonderful Unova Champion is here as well. Good to see you again, (Y/n)."
(Y/n):"I asked you a question."
Colress:"Don't worry. I'm not running in with the wrong crowd. Besides, I absolutely despised Ghetsis."
(Y/n):"Alright. I'll hold you to those words. I'm on vacation anyway so I'll let this slide."
Colress:"Thank you. I shall depart now."
He walked away and (Y/n) shook his head.
(Y/n):"Yeesh. Wonder if anyone else from home will show up."
Don't turn off the power.
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