The Gang Vs. Aether Foundation

Selene made it back to the Aether House where everyone looked upset. What happened was that Plumeria showed up after Acerola had left and Lillie left with her by her own choice to protect everyone else. Hau was completely upset about it. After this, Gladion pulled up to the house.

Gladion:"Did I hear that right? It was Lillie who took Cosmog?!"

Hau:"Geh! You know who Lillie is?!"

Gladion:"I still couldn't protect them...? Then what was point of me even leaving home in the first place?! I can't stand this... This useless feeling... I'll blow it away with everything I've got!"

He quickly challenged her to a battle which she won which kind of calmed him down.

Gladion:"That was wrong of me... I shouldn't have dragged you into a meaningless battle like that... But I told you both! I told that Cosmog would bring disaster to all of Alola! I have to get it back from them! We'll leave from the ferry terminal. You're coming with me whether you like it or not, so the only question is, are you ready to come now or not?"

Selene:"Not yet."

Gladion:"Alright. I'll be at the ferry terminal on Ula'ula Island. Get your things in order and we'll leave."

He rushed out the building as Selene looked at everyone in the Aether House. There faces were still sad and Hau clenched his fists. Selene frowned before leaving to buy some more healing items at the Pokemon Center before flying back to Malie City. She reached the docks and Gladion was standing there by himself.

Gladion:"So we're waiting for Hau?"

Selene:"Yeah, we should wait."

Gladion:"Yeah, I guess so... He's a pretty interesting kid. I'll give you that. Growing up in the great kahuna's shadow and still trying to stand up to Hala as an equal? Not just that, but trying to become even better than Hala, too? ...I couldn't do it."

As they were talking, Nanu showed up.

Gladion:"Officer Nanu?"

Nanu:"If only Team Skull could've just kept themselves and their troublemaking to Po Town... Why'd they have to make all this fuss, huh? You there, girl. I'm an island kahuna, you know. Battle against me. It'll be a good experience for you if you're really hoping to master the island challenge."

Selene:"Okay, I will."

Nanu:"Don't take it too serious, now."

He started off with a Sableye as she sent out her Alolan Ninetails. She caught a Vulpix sometime earlier and found in Ice Stone while in Po Town to evolve it.

A/n: Why is Ninetails the only good Alolan form? I mean Raichu is kinda alright but eh. All the others are just ugly or very underwhelming.

Selene reached in her bag and grabbed an X Sp. Atk, she tossed it at Ninetails and it was absorbed into her body and raised her special attack by one stage.

Nanu:"Fake Out."

Sableye ran up and smacked Ninetails in the face.

Selene:"Use Dazzling Gleam!"

Ninetails cried out before sending a barrage of sparkles at the little goblin creature and taking it down. Nanu sent out Alolan Persian next.

A/n: A perfect example of what I'm talking about.

Nanu:"Fake Out."

Persian struck first and made Ninetails flinch.

Nanu:"Power Gem."

Persian was faster and sent out some tiny but sharp rocks at Ninetails that dealt some major damage.

Selene:"Dazzling Gleam again!"

Ninetails cried out and hit a super effective hit and took it down. Nanu's last Pokemon was a Krokorok that went down to an Ice Beam.

Nanu:"Well, shit... Of course I already knew you had the heart and the strength to storm Team Skull's stronghold, but I didn't know you were this good. And your Pokemon worked real hard for you. Let me fix your team up for you. And this is for you too."

He gave her the Z-Crystal for dark types and stamped her trainer passport to show she completed her grand trial.

Nanu:"Congratulations or whatever. Don't you kids got somewhere to be? Try not to destroy the whole place."

He began walking away before saying something to Gladion.

Nanu:"And you, boy, if you're really trying to get strong then what're you depending on Team Skull for?"

He took his leave and Hau showed up saying if he was stronger then Lillie wouldn't have been taken.

Hau:"So where was she taken to? Couldn't have been Po Town if Selene was there the whole time."

Gladion:"So you aren't a complete dumbass. Lillie was taken to... Aether Paradise!"

Hau:"Hey! Wait! Aether Paradise?!"

* * *

Gladion:"Aether Paradise's harbor... We made it this far without running into trouble. But I don't like how quiet it is. You two...stay alert."

Hau:"But... Why would Lillie be here at Aether Paradise?"

Gladion:"She just will be."

Hau:"Argh! This dude! Fine. So what are we going to do?"

Selene:"Should we look for her?"

Gladion:"I guess...we take the elevator."

Hau:"You guess? And we're following this guy?! He doesn't have any plan!"

Both went on ahead to the elevator and Selene followed but had to battle Aether employees just to reach it. Gladion was fiddling with the controls before scoffing.

Gladion:"Hmph. Just like I thought..."

Hau:"What were you doing there?"

Gladion:"Looks like outsiders can't use the main elevator to reach the lower levels. I was afraid this might happen. But still... What a pain. We don't have any choice. We'll have to go up."

Once they went up, Faba was standing there.

Faba:"I, Faba, am the Aether Branch Chief. The only one in the world, I'm irreplaceable. And here you come back...univited?"

Gladion:"Like you don't know why. You of all people should know everything that happens in the Aether Foundation. Isn't that right, high-and-mighty Branch Chief?"

Faba:"Hee hee hee! Look at you... Living out in the world hasn't been kind, has it? But I'm still not telling you anything! And you of all people should understand why... Gladion."

Gladion:"Hey, Selene. You know why being a trainer is so great? Because when you're battling, it doesn't matter if you're a kid or an adult. Everyone's equal in Pokemon battle!"

Faba:"Oh ho... Is that right? Is that what you think? So you wish to battle me? Branch Chief Faba? The man who is called Aether Paradise's last line of defense is to battle a mere child?! As you will!"

Faba sent out a Hypno which was his only Pokemon and Selene quickly took it down with her Incineroar.

Faba:"H-h-how can this be?! How could this child..."

Hau:"Aue, look at you, Selene! And Faba is real strong, too!"

Gladion:"So... As I said, Faba. You of all people know what I'm here for."

Faba:"Indeed... The world truly hasn't been kind to you, has it? Look how hard it has made you. If you're looking for Cosmog, I suppose it might be downstairs."

Hau:"Downstairs?! Oh yeah! Ms. Wicke did say there was another level farther down, didn't she... What do you do down there?!"

Faba:"Experiments ro reach a world different from Alola... That's what I've been told, yes."

Gladion:"We're in a bit of a hurry, Faba. A lift would be nice."

Faba:"Why not? This is an act of kindness I can do for you thanks to my position as branch chief."

Faba began fiddling with the panel then stepped off as Gladion hit a button to descend. When they left, Faba smirked.

Gladion:"...Everything looks the same. I guess it's only been two years, though."

Hau:"Where do we go?"

Gladion:"There are two labs ahead. I'll check the first lab, Secret Lab A. You two check out Secret Lab B. It's the second lab, down the hall."

Hau:"Why do get the first one? And why do you know all this?"

Gladion:"...Just focus, Hau. Think you can do that? We can't trust Faba. I'm sure he's already told half the foundation all about us."

Hau:"You didn't even answer my question... I know what it's gotta be. Nerves, eh? I reckon that you're more afraid to be here than either one of us, huh, Gladion?"

The gang split up and Selene went on ahead. She battled some more employees before seeing Gladion standing at a door with a sad and angry look on his face.


Gladion:"It's not here... Don't even think about getting in here! Me and Null... We're more alike than we might look. We're both what we were made to be... I was like an ornament to my mother. Wearing whatever she told me to wear, acting however she wanted me to act... Null was crafted just as carefully. It was made just to battle the beasts. In this room...right here..."

Selene felt bad for the boy, but decided to leave him alone and search the other lab. In there some employees challenged her and Hau in a double battle, but lost. They split up in the lab to look for clues before Selene looked at report on the computer.

Selene:"Aether Report: Cosmog. Cosmog is hypothesized to be a type of Ultra Beast that hails from another dimension. A dimension that we have named Ultra Space. When placed under sufficient stress, it reveals the power to create and open Ultra Wormholes in order to escape from its suffering. We are now working on a device that will allow us to manipulate the Ultra Wormholes created when Cosmog is subjected to extreme stress..."

Hau:"Cosmog might be an Ultra Beast?! We need to tell Gladion!"

They went outside and told Gladion what they found out about Cosmog. They rushed to the elevator and rode it to the first floor where they were attacked by some more employees but easily handled them. Their strength made the employees run off in fear.

Gladion:"I know we aren't friends. But I'm glad you two are here... I remember what you said at Battle Royal Dome that day, Hau. About how people can achieve more if they do something together. Looks like maybe you were right."

They all shared a smile before they heard someone familiar.

Wicke:"Young master."

Hau kept looking at Wicke, then to Gladion and back to Wicke.

Hau:"What d'you mean "young master"?!"

Wicke:"It has been a long time... And hello to you two, Selene and Hau. Please allow me to heal your Pokemon."

Gladion:"What's happened to Lillie? Do you know anything?"

Wicke:"I...imagine that she is with the president."

Gladion:"Then that's where I'm going. That's all I need to know."

Hau:"The president? That's Miss Lusamine, right? She's a really nice person, so I'm sure she'll listen to us if we explain everything."

Gladion:"Yeah, she's real long as you mean nothing to her."

Wicke:"But I'm afraid the doors have been locked..."


Gladion:"That's not stopping me."

They ran to the large metal door where Faba was with some employees. Faba revealed that Lusamine was just behind those doors in the mansion. Hau thanked him for confirming their suspicions which made Faba very furious. They defeated him and the employees and he let them through. Beyond the gate were Skull grunts.

Gladion bashed a couple of grunts before committing the greatest sin imaginable...ignoring a mandatory trainer battle. When a trainer's eyes meet, they are forced to battle. But Gladion ignored that and rushed to the doors of the mansion. But Guzma was standing in his way and the two battled.

Selene had to fight the grunts but one was smart enough to not challenge her and let her pass.

Gladion:"Ngh! So I'm still not strong enough. All the days that I struggled alone and was all for nothing? Is that it?"

Selene:"Gladion, I'll take care of him for you!"

Guzma:"The hated boss who beats you down and beats you down and never let's up... Yeah. Big bad Guzma is here! I did that spoiled little brat a favor and crushed him. Yeah, that was me. Y'know, I kinda liked you, kid. Leaving home like that and wanting to get stringer and stronger. You had some real guts. Going so far as coming over to Team Skull. And rejecting your own mother?! That was impressive. And now it's your turn! You little misfits keep getting up in my grill, like a cloud of smoke that I can't brush away. It's time I put out your fire at the source!"

The two battled it out but Selene beat the big bad boss, Guzma.

Guzma:"Guzma! What is wrong with you?! Tch. Looks like I got no choice. Go on...go through."

He stood aside and Selene went in where she battled Dulse who wanted her to keep from interfering. He asked Colress to build a device that could control Necrozma and they would send capable trainers to battle it through Ultra Wormholes. Selene walked in and saw Lillie standing in front of Lusamine who held a scowl on her face.

Lusamine:"Ah, Selene. It's been a while since we last saw you.."

Lillie:"Wha-?! came? You actually came to help me, Selene? Thank you... Thank you!"

Lusamine:"Hmm. So you know one another? A gifted young trainer like Selene... And she bothers with someone like you? How disappointing."

Lillie:"I don't need your disapproval, Mother! Or your permission! I will save Cosmog!"

Lusamine:"My... You do say such incomprehensible things. Calling me mother? I don't have any children! Certainly not any wretched children who would run off and reject my love! So tell me how you'll save that Pokemon. What can you do, Lillie? You failed to convince me to listen to you. You don't even have the strength of a trainer. The only thing that you've ever done on your own is steal someone else's research material!"

Lillie simply looked down as Selene put a hand on her shoulder.

Lusamine:"It's so terribly unattractive. But know that my fathomless love will save someone like you...when I protect this entire world from darkness!"

Lillie:"Protect this world...? Mother! What is it you're trying to do?! Is that why you want Nebby? Is that what you would sacrifice Cosmog for?"

Lusamine:"That's right... I will force Cosmog to use its power, and it very well may die. But if it will save the world for all of my beloved Pokemon, then that is what I will do."

Lusamine then touched a button on her mirror and it revealed a secret warp panel.

Lusamine:"Lillie. I will be using the Cosmog you stole for a great purpose. You have kept it sade until now, and for that... I thank you."

She stepped on the panel and warped away.

Lillie:"Mother! Selene... I really am happy that you came after me... But...but I... I want to save Nebby, but I don't know what I should really do!"

Selene:"I'll stop her! I promise!"

The two girls ran to the warp panel and were taken to a strange room. There were giant tanks with Pokemon completely frozen in them.

Lusamine:"What do you think? It's my private collection. My precious babies... They will be preserved for eternity here. But if the light is stolen from this world, then I won't be able to love my babies any longer. So I will open the Ultra Wormhole and take on the Pokemon that would steal our light... I will defeat even poor Necrozma!"

Hau and Gladion then showed up by the warp panel and rushed over to the girls.

Lusamine:"Ah. Little Hau. So you came, too? I know better than to expect much from the members of the Ultra Recon Squad, but really... Couldn't Guzma even stop a few children?"

Gladion:"Listen to us. Please! Don't open the Ultra Wormhole! We can't lose anyone else... Not like we lost Father!"

Lusamine:"Do you think I've forgotten?! As if I could forget what happened that day... I hate the Ultra Wormholes from the depths of my being. But it's okay. I've found someone else worthy of my immense love."


Lusamine motioned towards a desk that had holographic screens floating above it. The screens were a light green with random reports on them before they changed to show pictures of (Y/n).


Hau:"Why him?!"

Gladion:"That guy... I remember him..."

Lusamine:"You see kids, he's been playing everyone for a fool. He's no ordinary trainer. He is the champion of Unova and Kalos!"


Lusamine:"I see you're all flabbergasted. I was shocked to find out as well. (Y/n) here has beaten some foul villains on his adventures."

Lillie:"He did?!"


The screens changed to show news headlines about (Y/n)'s triumphant victories over Team Plasma and Flare.

Lusamine:"And once I take care of Necrozma then he shall see my radiant beauty and come to me! Oh I can see it now! Our love will be endless!"

Lusamine:"(YYYYY/NNNN)~~ You two will soon have a wonderful and strong father!"

Hau:"Wait! You all are a family?!"

Lusamine:"Perhaps once we were... Little Hau. But those wretches beside you left me. But I will still save them. With all the endless love of the president of the Aether Foundation, as someone tasked with the protection of all Pokemon... I was able to open the Ultra Wormhole using just the gates we'd extracted from Cosmog when it was in Aether Paradise, wasn't I? And now I have Cosmog itself inside this crate here. If I use its entire body, I should be able to control the Ultra Wormhole."

Lillie:"Please... Stop... If Nebby isn't- If you make it use up too much of its don't understand what will happen! Like when we ran away from the couldn't even move for ages after that... If you use too much of its power it will die!"

Lusamine:"I... I am Lusamine."

She walked to the computer and messed with the keyboard and Nebby shook within the crate as a wormhole slowly began opening up and shaking the room. But it faded away.

Lusamine:"Oh? You are trying to resist, aren't you, Cosmog? But why? For Lillie's sake, perhaps?"


Lusamine:"How gallant you are... You love Lillie, don't you? Heh heh... Perhaps Gladion and Lillie have both grown up a bit since leaving Aether. But I still won't allow them to interfere with this. If I am going to protect the Pokemon of Alola, I must go through the Ultra Wormhole and meet this Necrozma! I will have Cosmog open the Ultra Wormhole. No matter what. I will use the power of its cage to ensure that it cannot resist any further!"

Guzma showed up in the room.

Lusamine:"There you are."

Gladion:"Mother, if you disappear, too-!"

Lusamine:"Now you worry for me? Fine, Gladion. I will do what I must to put your worries to demonstrating my strength in battle. Let's see... Yes, you. Selene. You will battle me. If I can defeat even you, then that should silence Lillie's last objections as well."


Hau:"You got this Selene!"

She nodded as Lusamine smirked as their battle began.


(Y/n) stood on the small shore of Route 15 as he stared off into the distance. The moon was floating high above the sky and reflected brilliantly off the water. He crossed his arms and closed his eyes. The wind gently blew past him and was the only sound he could hear apart from the waves gently splashing against the sand.

Nebby: P...ew...

He heard Nebby's sad cry and twitched.

Gladion: Damnit! No!

Hau: Selene!

Guzma: Haha! That'll teach ya!

Lusamine: This match is over. Can't say you didn't try. Poor girl.

Selene: Incineroar! Please!

He opened his eyes quickly and created a small burst of wind that pushed aside some water.

(Y/n): Hold tight, you guys!

Back with the others

Incineroar was in the middle of a grappling match with Lusamine's Bewear.

Bewear pushed Incineroar back and struck it right in its chest and sent it flying back.

Selene:"Incineroar! No!"

Lusamine:"You put up a good fight, Selene. But this proves I am more than capable of standing up to Necrozma. Now, Cosmog you shall-"


The building shook violently and everyone looked stunned.

Lusamine:"What now?!"

The warp panel activated and the sounds of footsteps were heard as someone walked straight towards Lusamine.

Lillie:"(Y/n)... You're here..."


He walked past her and stood with his arms crossed.

Lusamine:"So the wonderful champion arrives."

(Y/n):"So you know, then?"

Lusamine:"Of course. I must say, I'm quite impressed and flattered that such an amazing trainer such as yourself is in my secret chamber."

(Y/n):"Lusamine, whatever it is that you're doing, you need to stop."

Lusamine:"But (Y/n), my dear, you must know I'm doing this for the greater good."

(Y/n):"You're abusing a Pokemon to the point it may die to achieve this. I can't turn a blind eye to this."

Lillie:"You know of the risk?!"

(Y/n):"I heard Nebby's cry in the wind. That told me everything I needed."

Lusamine:"Tch! (Y/n), you leave me no choice! I'll beat you and add you to my collection until I return from my battle with Necrozma!"

(Y/n):"Let's see you try it."

Lusamine:"Go! Clefable!"

She sent out her first Pokemon and (Y/n) nodded and sent out a Houndoom.

(Y/n):"Sludge Bomb!"

Houndoom shot a blob of purple sludge at Clefairy and dealt big damage to it.


Clefairy shot forth the attack but Houndoom avoided it and hit with another Sludge Bomb to take it down.

Lusamine:"Return! Go! Milotic!"

She sent out the dazzling serpentine creature. And (Y/n) sent out his counter to it.

(Y/n):"Leaf Blade!"

Lusamine:"Ice Beam!"

Lurantis dashed as its sickle like arms glowed bright green and slid right off the icy attack before delivering a devastating slash across Milotic's body and sent it flying.

Lusamine returned the Pokemon and sent out her Lopunny.

Lusamine:"Ice Punch!"

(Y/n):"Leaf Blade again!"

The two feminine Pokemon ran up to each other and clashed with their attacks. Both trainers had a different look on their face. Lusamine was gritting her teeth as (Y/n) kept his arms crossed and held a stoic look on his face. Lurantis overpowered Lopunny and brought it down.

He returned Lurantis as she returned Lopunny. She sent out her Lilligant and (Y/n) sent out Skyrus.


Her roar shook the room and made Guzma fall over.

Hau:"Oh crap! That Salamence looks scary!"

(Y/n):"Don't worry. She doesn't bite."

Hau:"Oh good."

(Y/n):"She crunches!"

Hau:"Oh crap!"

(Y/n):"And also breathes fire. Show em."

Salamence inhaled before spewing a stream of hot fire at Lilligant and took it down.

Lusamine:"No! Bewear, go!"

She sent her last Pokemon out and he smirked.

(Y/n):"Fly high, Skyrus."

She roared before taking off and flying in a circle near the ceiling before swooping down and crashing into her Bewear to bring it straight down.

Hau:"He did it..."


Gladion:"So this is the power of a champion..."

The battle ended and Lusamine smiled.

Lusamine:"Heh, I should've known better than to challenge a strapping young champion. But, I must carry on!"

She held up the crate that held Nebby and used it to open a wormhole. She slowly floated into it as Guzma pushed everyone aside and jumped into it at the last minute. When they left, Nebby turned out to be fine, for the most part. It changed completely.

They left the room and tried to have things make sense. The gang spent the night at Aether after all that happened. Everyone then met up outside where Lillie was sporting a new look.

Lillie:"W-what do you think, (Y/n)?"

(Y/n):"Lookin' good, Lillie."

She blushed and thanked him happily.

Selene:"(Y/n), why didn't you tell us you were a champion?"

(Y/n):"Because I'm on vacation, but it always seems that wherever I go, trouble follows. Plus, I had no reason in letting people know I was a champion. If they wanted a full powered battle, then I wouldn't be able to fulfill their wish."

Selene:"Why not?"

(Y/n):"I don't have my champion team."


(Y/n):"I just have a team just in case. Anyway, I guess we're off to the next island."

Gladion:"Right but here Lillie."

He gave her the Sun Flute and gave Selene a Master Ball before they all ran to the boat.

Don't turn off the power.

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