The Big Kahuna

Selene POV

I finished my trial and Captain Ilima told me that barricades were put up on certain routes where strong Pokemon live. Anyone can pass through if they're accompanied by a strong trainer or clear a trial. He opened up the barricade for me and Kukui came by.

He showed me how to use Z-Moves. I had to touch the Z-Crystal on my bracelet and pour my emotions in it and it flows into my Pokemon. I do a sort of dance and this causes my Pokemon to gain the power necessary to use the move. He then asked me to go find Lillie on Route 3.

I agreed and began walking around. I battled some trainers before reaching a cave that turned out to have a whole meadow inside.

Lillie:"Oh dear..."


Lillie heard my voice and turned to me.

Lillie:"Oh Selene, thank goodness."

"What's wrong?"

Lillie:"It's Nebby. It jumped out the bag again."

"Oh no. I'll go get it."

Lillie:"Thank you. But the thing is, Nebby jumped out because of someone."

"Did they frighten it?

Lillie:"No. More like excited it. Nebby met this boy and took a liking to him. The professor said it probably had to do with his aura."

"His aura? Who is this boy?"

Lillie:"His name is (Y/n). You'll meet him if you help him chase after Nebby."

(Y/n)? But he's just a tourist. Right?

I cleared my thoughts away and ran after Nebby. I crawled through a hole and saw (Y/n) with a strange duo I met previously.

?:"Ah, Alola, trial goer."


Nebby was floating close to (Y/n)'s face as he narrowed his eyes at the strange pair.

Dulse:"I think it is time we introduced ourselves. I am Dulse. And this here is Zossie."

He motioned over to the small girl.


"Alola. I'm Selene."

Zossie:"And you?"

(Y/n):"Me? I don't know... You guys seem kinda shady. I'd rather not share my name with you."

Dulse:"That's completely fair. But we promise that we mean no ill will. We are here in search of a trainer strong enough to beat the Blinding One. Say, trial goer, may we battle?"

Selene:"Uh, sure."


He sent out a Furfrou and I sent out Torracat.

"Double Kick!"

He cried out before kicking Furfrou back. It took the hit and struck back with a Headbutt.

"Use it again!"

Torracat attacked again but Furfrou was barely hanging on and hit him once again.

"Now, Fire Fang!"

He nodded and his fangs were set ablaze before he pounced on Furfrou and bit down on his neck. This ended the battle.

Dulse:"Hm. I see. It was good to see our own custom Poke Balls worked out as intended. That aside, that Pokemon by you..."

He looked over to (Y/n) and Nebby.

Dulse:"It has the power to teleport away when frightened. But in doing so, it opens up a hole that can let dangerous creatures through. Though, I believe that the Alolan people won't let that happen. We will leave that Pokemon alone so long as it doesn't open a portal to Megalo Tower."

With that, the two walked away leaving me confused.

"Did they just say Nebby can open portals?"

I looked over at (Y/n) who watched them leave and had his arms crossed. He then turned around and spoke.

(Y/n):"I'll ignore that."

"Yeah... Hey, I'll take Nebby back to Lillie."

(Y/n):"Thanks. Go on Nebby. Follow Selene."


Nebby looked sad before it nuzzled into his hand and then floated to me.

"What are you gonna do now?"

(Y/n):"Might go try me one of those malasadas. Heard they're pretty good. But I'm gonna check this place out a bit before I get a move on."

"Alright. Thanks for watching Nebby."

He nodded and smiled at me as I left with Nebby floating at my side.

(Y/n):"...that thing is gonna do something crazy later this week or sometime next week, I can already tell. Selene, whatever happens, I just hope you're strong enough to handle it."

(Y/n) then walked further deep in the cave.

I reached Lillie and she scolded Nebby, but quickly apologized.

Lillie:"Where's (Y/n)?"

"He wanted to check the place out a bit more before he got some malasadas."

Lillie:"Oh alright. I'll thank him later then."


Nebby got in the bag and we walked outside together. Hau and Kukui showed up and Hau challenged me to a battle. It was quick but fun!

Kukui:"Woo! Yeah! You two look like you're ready for the Grand Trial."

Lillie:"Grand Trial?"

Kukui:"Mhm. Anytime a person completes all trials on an island, they get to battle against the kahuna. That is known as the Grand Trial. And since Ilima's trial is the only one on Melemele Island, that means these two are gonna have to go up against Hala."

We nodded and everyone made their way back to Iki Town. I looked up at the sky and saw the sun beginning to set. I had to make some last minute preparations before I fought Hala.

No One's POV

The small ring in the center of Iki Town had torches ablaze to provide significant light. Only a handful of people were there waiting for the battle to start. It was Hau, Kukui, Lillie, a few locals, and finally (Y/n).

It was there he was formally introduced to Hau. Soon, Kahuna Hala and Selene stepped on the ring.

Hala:"Selene! Be sure to not hold anything back!"


The battle then began.

Hala lead off with a Machop and Selene sent out a Pichu first.

Lillie:"Why is she leading off with a Pichu?"

Kukui:"Yeah, that's pretty strange."

(Y/n):"To slow it down."

They looked at him as he watched the match with his arms crossed.

Hau:"Yeah, that makes sense now! Pichu could paralyze it and possibly set up some moves."

Lillie:"I see."

Kukui:"Woah! Looks like you were right cousin!"

Machop was faster and set up a Focus Energy and Pichu then used Thunder Wave. Machop was then slowed down.

Selene:"Sweet Kiss!"

Pichu ran up and gave a kiss to the Machop on the forehead which left it very confused.


Machop's eyes swirled around and he stumbled around, but managed to hit Pichu for a critical hit. Pichu flew back and rolled along the ground.

Everyone gasped apart from (Y/n).


Pichu had fainted and Selene returned it back to its ball.

Selene:"Thank you. Now, go! Trumbeak!"

She sent her next Pokemon out and used Work Up to raise its attack and special attack. Machop tried to attack but it was confused and hurt itself. Selene used another work up and Machop managed to land a hit.


Trumbeak flew and struck Machop and took it down.

Kukui:"That's one down."

Hala:"That was an excellent play. Now, go! Makuhita!"

He sent out his second Pokemon and Selene got ready.


Hala:"Fake Out!"

Makuhita smacked Trumbeak in its face and made it flinch. It dealt some damage and her Pokemon began to sweat.

Selene:"Try it again!"

Trumbeak nodded and struck with a Peck that was so close to taking Makuhita out, but it hit back with an Arm Thrust.

Lillie:"Oh no...she's down to her last one."

Hau:"She's got this! I know it!"

Selene then sent out her Torracat and used Work Up. Makuhita then used Sand Attack.


Torracat shot out a tiny flame and knocked out Makuhita.

Hala:"Haha! It seems we're down to our last Pokemon. Go! Crabrawler!"

Selene:"Fire Fang!"

Torracat ran up and bit down on Crabrawler with its fangs ablaze. It dealt big damage, but then it was Hala's turn.

Hala:"Selene, prepare yourself for the strength that is Z-Moves!"

(Y/n): Z-Move? What's that?

Both Hala and Crabrawler had an aura surrounding them as Hala did a strange dance.

Hala:"All-Out Pummeling!"

Crabrawler started punching the air as giant fists of aura began flying straight at Torracat. Crabrawler then lunged right at it and punched it. Torracat flew back and rolled along the ground, but managed to stand.

Kukui:"Torracat is too tough to be brought down even by a Z-Move!"

Lillie:"But that looked so painful."

Hau:"Tutu did promise that he wouldn't be holding back."

(Y/n): So that's a Z-Move. It was pretty flashy.

Selene:"Torracat, use Fire Fang again!"

Torracat tried to pounce on Crabrawler, but missed.

Hala:"Power Up Punch!"

It hit Selene's Pokemon and knocked it away.

Selene:"No! Try again!"

Torracat nodded and pounced and managed to land the hit and take down Crabrawler.

Selene:"YEAH! WE DID IT!"

Torracat cried in joy before being sent back to the ball.

Kukui:"Nice one!"

Hau:"Yeah! That was so cool to watch!"



Selene looked at her friends and smiled.

(Y/n):"That was a pretty neat showing. Glad I got see what this thing was like."

He smiled and gave a thumbs up to her and walked off. Selene was then given the fighting type Z-Crystal. After that, Selene was given a Ride Pager, an item that calls on specific Pokemon that can do different things. For instance, she could call on Tauros who could charge straight through large boulders that blocked paths.

Selene then went home and rested after having an eventful day. The next day she went to the Alola Photo Club and took some pictures with her Pokemon and went to Big Wave Beach where she learned Mantine surfing.

This was how she and Hau managed to reach Akala Island.

Selene POV

I thanked the Mantine and followed Hau into Heahea City. We were at the port when Kukui and Lillie stepped off the boat. Along with them was (Y/n).

"Hi guys!"

Kukui:"What's up little cousins? How was the Mantine surfing?"

"It was incredibly fun."

Kukui:"Nice! Keep up that attitude when you go through your island challenges."

?:"Still not wearing a shirt I see."

We turned and saw two people approaching us.

Lillie:"Back in the bag Nebby."

Kukui:"Don't sweat it, Lillie."

Olivia:"Why hello there. Nice to meet you all. I'm Olivia."

Mallow:"Hey! Thanks for stopping by! I'm Mallow, one of the captains here!"

Olivia:"I was on my way to see who was pulling into port and ran into Mallow here while she was out on a delivery."

Mallow:"Yup! My trial will be a chance for all the fine ingredients that make up your team to shine!"

She then walked over to Hau and I.

Mallow:"Especially you two! Your Pokemon look ready to cook with gas!"

Hau:"Heh heh!"


She then turned towards (Y/n) who simply yawned.

Mallow:"Hm? Are you a challenger too?"

(Y/n):"Nope. Just a guy trying to enjoy his vacation."

Mallow:"Really? You seem like you and your Pokemon can really cook your opponents."

(Y/n):"Eh. Maybe."

She only giggled and smiled.

Olivia:"So what's your plan?"

Kukui:"It's up to these two. It's their trials after all."

Olivia:"I guess you're right. Enjoy yourselves. You and your Pokemon. I'll be waiting for my chance to face you in battle when the time comes. I'm looking forward to seeing what you've got! Let's go, Mallow."

Mallow nodded and waved bye to us all.

Mallow:"Hope I can see you around Mr. Tourist."


She giggled and walked off with Olivia.

Kukui:"That Olivia... She's a softie deep down. She's a kind kahuna. Oh yeah, there are three trials here on Akala Island. If you two decide you want to take on the trial straightaway, head up Route 4 there and keep on goin' until you get to Paniola Town."

We nodded as he went on ahead with Hau. Lillie then turned to face us.

"What are you gonna do Lillie?"

Lillie:"I might buy some clothes, but before that there's someone I have to meet at the Tidesong Hotel. After that I'll check out the Ruins of Life with Nebby here. You two should come along with us."

"Us? Really?"

Lillie:"Yes. It would help to not get us lost and plus, Nebby seems to like you both."


"Well I'd be happy to! What about you, (Y/n)?"

He looked at us and grabbed the brim of his hat.

(Y/n):"Sure. Why not? Might as well see some of the historical places."

Lillie:"Oh! Thank you! The both of you! Back in the bag you go, Nebby."

Nebby let out a sad noise before jumping in the bag. Lillie then waved at us before walking to the hotel.

"Want to go ahead and stop by with her?"


We began following after her shortly after and as we neared the entrance there was a duo near the water fountain. (Y/n) saw and muttered to himself.

(Y/n):"Fucking hell..."

They approached us and glanced at him before looking over to me.

?:"Ah ha ha! We didn't mean to surprise you. You must be doing your island challenge."

The boy then struck a pose.

Dexio:"I'm Dexio."

And the girl next to him did a pose as well.

Sina:"My name's Sina! A beautiful name for a beautiful lady!"

They held their pose for a solid minute as (Y/n) groaned and rubbed his eyes.

Dexio:"We're seeing the sights in Alola. Its unique tradition of island challenge... It's pretty fascinating, I've got to say."

Sina:"Oh, I've got an idea! You and Dexio should battle!"

He simply shook his head.

Dexio:"And why should we do that? Though I might as well test my skills. Someone back home wanted us to toughen up after all."

(Y/n):"Well, that's a good thing to hear then."


"Well, sure! Sounds like fun!"

Dexio:"Then I'll let my Pokemon go wild! Go! Mime Jr."

He sent out his first Pokemon and I sent out a Rockruff I caught in my free time after I got the Ride Pager. Two Rock Tombs brought it down and he sent out an Espeon next. I sent out my Torracat who dealt with it easily.

Dexio:"Incredible! You truly are something else. You remind me of a friend back home. They were the one that wanted us to get stronger."

"Oh! Well I'm not that strong!"

Dexio:"But soon you will! Right, sir?"

(Y/n):"Oh yeah, definitely. Nothing has stopped her yet."

Sina:"Still, you should go train up on Route 4!"

"Should I?"

(Y/n):"Do it, you got to he ready for the trials and that kahuna right?"

"Yeah! I'll catch you later then!"

He nodded and I ran off.

Your POV

We watched Selene run off when they looked at me.

"Fancy seeing you here."

Dexio:"Yeah. Prof. Sycamore wanted us to do some research."


Sina:"You should-"

"Sorry Sina. But I'm on vacation."


"Look, I'm glad to see you two, but I just need to relax alright. I don't want to go in another fit of rage because of having to protect another region solo."

Dexio:"That girl though, is she really gonna get stronger?"

"Of course. She's on a journey of her own. She'll face some struggles along the way, but she's got some friends to guide her."

Sina:"Are you one of them?"

"Eh. More or less. But if she needs some pointers then she could come to me. I'm going to rest up for the day. See ya."

I shook hands with Dexio before giving Sina a hug and getting a kiss on the cheek from her.

Don't turn off the power.

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