The Alola League

After all was said and done, (Y/n) went to Melemele Island just for some relaxation. He was chilling on the beach when Kukui approached him.

Kukui:"Hey (Y/n), what's going on?"

(Y/n):"Nothing much. Just chilling."

Kukui:"Things got pretty dicey, huh?"

(Y/n):"Yeah, but luckily Selene was there."

Kukui:"Lillie told me that you were the one that beat Necrozma. You're something else, aren't you?"

(Y/n):"I guess you could say that."

Kukui:"Hey, would you be interested in being a part of the Alola League? We could use someone with your strength."

(Y/n):"Sorry Kukui, but I'm gonna have to pass.

Kukui:"Well that's a shame. Could you at least look at the league and tell me how it looks?"


Kukui used a ride pager to call upon Charizard as it took them to Mount Lanakila. The entrance was a massive steel door with a sun and moon emblem on it. They entered and the interior split off into four different rooms.

The center circle rose up and took them to the champion's room.

(Y/n):"Liking the throne."


(Y/n):"Iris had a throne too."

Kukui:"Well if you aren't gonna be a part of the league I better call someone else up then."

(Y/n):"Aight then. I'll catch you later."

Kukui:"See you cuz, thanks for all the help with protecting Alola."

(Y/n):"No problem."

He tipped his hat to him and he did the same as (Y/n) left the building. He began walking down the mountain just to see how it was compared to the previous Victory Roads. He found an opening in a cave and walked through it. He made it to the other side and saw a massive crater several feet away from him.

He quickly ran towards it and slid down a slope and saw Necrozma there.

(Y/n):"Whoa... What're you doing here?"


(Y/n):"You sure? You don't look too good."

Necrozma reached out to the boy and made him sigh.

(Y/n):"If that's what you want."

Necrozma managed to stand up and float as (Y/n) sent out Loki. He tossed a Quick Ball and caught Necrozma easily. Loki was currently his only party member so Necrozma joined and (Y/n) picked up its ball. It started shaking and Necrozma jumped out.

Necrozma: I never got your name... Tell me...

(Y/n):"I'm (Y/n)."

Necrozma: Master (Y/n)...

Necrozma started glowing and released a massive burst of light that knocked over the champion. He groaned and saw a hand extending to him. He took it and the person helped him up.


?:"No problem, Master."

His eyes widened as he heard a female voice and someone stood in Necrozma's place.

She had floating bits of her Pokemon body around her and she looked straight at (Y/n).

(Y/n): How?! Why?! Why is it always the strong legendaries?!

Necrozma:"Master, your eyes shine brilliantly. And I see it. Your aura. It radiates so much power and makes me feel at ease."

(Y/n) slapped himself across the face and snapped out of his daze.

(Y/n):"Is that so?"

Necrozma nodded and she reached out to grab both of his hands. She rubbed his knuckles and smiled happily as the giant hands spun around them both.

Necrozma:"Master, what's next?"

(Y/n):"Well, we're gonna wait here to cheer on Selene. Maybe I could send you to meet the others as well."


(Y/n):"My other legendaries. I pray that you get along."

Necrozma:"I'm most certain we will. I don't want to upset my master."

(Y/n): Oh boy...

* * *

Selene was partaking in Mina's trial which consisted of her battling the other captains to gather some colored petals. She brought them back and faced the totem Pokemon. It was rather easy for her as she used the rock type Z-Move. Then it was her Grand Trial against Hapu. It was another easy victory which meant all she had to do was go challenge the brand new Alola League. She was at the base of the mountain when the lift descended with Gladion on it.

Gladion:"I've been waiting for you. To thank you. For what you did for Lillie. For our mother. I appreciate it. Maybe more than you know. And the only thing I can offer you in thanks is a great battle. So I'm going to show my full power... My real full power this time! With the Z-Power Ring that old man gave me!"

Gladion sent out a Crobat and she sent out her Raichu. Crobat went for Cross Poison, but Raichu dodged it and took it out with Thunderbolt. He sent out a Lucario so she sent out her Incineroar. Lucario used Echoed Voice which dealt a bit of damage and Incineroar struck back with Bulldoze.

It turned out that the Lucario was actually a Zoroark. A Thunder Punch finished it off. The real Lucario came out and launched an Aura Sphere at Incineroar. Incineroar used Flare Blitz and ran right at his opponent and took the Aura Sphere hit like a champ by hanging on by a thread and struck the Lucario. The recoil is what took out Incineroar.

Gladion sent out his final Pokemon.

Selene sent out her Tsareena and used a Power Whip to take out Silvally.

Gladion:"You've got good Pokemon. I know what kind of trainer you are now. And what kind of journey you've been through. Last time I saw Lillie, she was heading up to Mahalo Trail... It seemed like she had something on her mind. She's...she's gentle enough to be able to feel how much pain Pokemon go through. I guess that's a kind of strength, too. You know, I tried battling Hau, too... He's really changed. I'm not surprised anymore that he managed to beat even Kahuna Hala."

Selene:"Heh. He really has."

Gladion:"(Y/n) is at the peak of the mountain. I asked for a battle and got completely stomped. I don't know a lot of champions, but that guy definitely has to be the strongest. Though if you and Hau are going to get even stronger, then I guess I can't let down my guard yet. I know we aren't friends. But we aren't enemies anymore either. Keep winning. Maybe I'll see you again if you do."

With that said, he walked off leaving Selene alone to reach the top to meet up with (Y/n).


(Y/n) was chilling in the Pokemon Center and Selene entered and saw him.


She ran over and smiled brightly at him.


Selene:"I conquered Mount Lanakila!"

(Y/n):"Eh. Not quite. You still got to beat the league."

Selene:"Yeah, true. Hey, did you notice that big crater?"

(Y/n):"Yeah. Necrozma was kinda chilling there."


(Y/n):"Yep. But I caught it so everything's all good now. Anyway, give the league everything you've got."

Selene:"I will! And when I become champion... You..."



Her cheeks were completely red and (Y/n) looked shocked before nodding.

(Y/n):"You got yourself a deal. I'll be seeing you in Iki Town."

He got up and patted her on the shoulder and left the Pokemon Center.

Selene POV

I spoke with Kukui for a bit and he took me inside the giant chamber which housed all Elite Four members. I decided to go from left to right. The first member on the left was Molayne.

Molayne:"Kukui asked me to, so I decided to be in the Elite Four. I'm looking forward to battling against you and Sophocles in the Pokemon League."

We got to the center of the arena and our battle began.

A/n: I like how they all look like they want to kill you, but Acerola is literally just :3

Molayne sent out a Klefki and I sent out Lycanroc.


Kleki set up a screen that would lessen the damage from physical attacks.

"Set up Stealth Rocks!"

Lycanroc shook her body and sent out floating pointed stones.

Molayne:"Thunder Wave!"

Klefki paralyzed Lycanroc and it wasn't able to attack.

"Please! Use Drill Run!"

Lycanroc was able to move and spun in a spiral and attacked the Klefki, but due to Reflect the attack didn't do as much as it hit back with a Flash Cannon. Lycanroc used it again and hit. Klefki went for another Flash Cannon but it missed. I went for another Drill Run, but the attack missed and Lycanroc went down.

"Incineroar! You're up next!"

I tossed him out and Molayne set up Spikes. I went for Flare Blitz and took it down. He then sent out a Metagross! Something I wasn't expecting but it took a bit of damage from Stealth Rocks. I thought about my next carefully and decided I had to use my Z-Move.

Selene:"Z-Move! Inferno Overdrive!"

The attack was more than enough to bring down the Metagross. He sent in Alolan Dugtrio came out and took a bit of damage. It was faster than Incineroar and went for an Earthquake, but Incineroar completely avoided the attack! I struck back with Flare Blitz and took it down.

Magnezone was next and took chip damage. It went for a Screech, but Incineroar avoided the attack! Flare Blitz took it down with no problem. His last Pokemon was a Bisharp.


"Flare Blitz!"

The two Pokemon charged at each and attacked, but Incineroar had the type advantage and completely pushed Bisharp back several feet and made it faint. Incineroar nearly fell over from the recoil damage, but stood strong.

Molayne:"That Kukui... He certainly found an interesting trainer for me to face! Kukui made trainers who he thought were strong into members of the Elite Four, but he didn't choose any challengers. He's waiting for a fresh breeze to blow through Alola."

I stepped on a glowing circle behind him that took me back to the chamber. I then went to face my next opponent. It was Olivia.

Olivia:"Welcome to the rock chamber! No introduction needed here. Time to battle me, Olivia!"

We got in our positions and the battle started. Her first Pokemon was Armaldo and I sent out Lycanroc again.

"Use Stone Edge!"

Lycanroc howled and giant sharp rocks burst from the ground and hit Armaldo and took it down. She sent out Cradily next and I sent out my Tsareena.

"High Jump Kick!"

She nodded and stepped back before leaping into the air and kicking Cradily in the face. It was powerful, but not enough to take it down. Cradily attacked with a Rock Tomb that didn't do much, but it lowered her speed.

Olivia used a Full Restore and healed Cradily back up. Tsareena used Trop Kick to do some damage, but nowhere near enough like High Jump Kick. But this ensured my next High Jump Kick would knock it out.

"Use High Jump Kick again!"

Tsareena nodded and attacked once again this time taking down Cradily. Her next Pokemon was a Gigalith that had the ability Sand Stream.

"Trop Kick!"

Tsareena kicked Gigalith and took out about half its health and also lowered its attack. Gigalith used Bulldoze, but it didn't do very much, but lowered Tsareena's speed. Yet, I was still faster and used another Trop Kick to take it down. She then sent out her Lycanroc and I sent out my own.

"Z-Move! Tectonic Rage!"

This took down her Lycanroc with ease and her last Pokemon was a Probopass. I used Drill Run, but it survived because of its sturdy ability. It then used Thunder Wave on Lycanroc. I tried to attack again, but Lycanroc was fully paralyzed and Olivia used a Full Restore. After that, the sandstorm subsided.

Lycanroc managed to attack again, but didn't get close to activating Probopass's sturdy which was good as it wasted a turn setting up another sandstorm. With this opening, I took it down.

Olivia:"Really lovely...both you and your Pokemon... I don't see the same look in your eyes that I saw when we first met on Akala Island. Have you had some experiences that you'll carry with you in your heart forever? Well, it's time for you to move on."

I left to go to the next room.

Acerola:"Hiya! Acerola here, bringing an old royal touch to the Pokemon League!"

I walked up to her and she smiled happily which caused me to smile back.

Acerola:"Nanu said maybe he can't refuse a tapu choosing him to serve as kahuna... But he'd be darned if he had to serve as one of the Elite Four just because some guy asked him! So I guess I'll just have to battle hard enough to make up for his not being here!"

We walked to the center and she spun around before sending out her first Pokemon which was a Banette.

Acerola:"Shadow Claw!"

Banette ran up and slashed Incineroar across the chest, but it wasn't very effective.

"Darkest Lariat!"

Incineroar struck the ghost doll with its forearm and slammed it into the ground and knocked it out. Her next Pokemon was Palossand.

"Use it again!"

Incineroar attacked but Palossand hung on and used Earth Power. This nearly brought down Incineroar. I used a Max Potion and Acerola used a Full Restore. The two exchanged hits again but both were short of knocking the other out. The next attack took it down.


"You too Incineroar."

Acerola:"Go Dhelmise!"

"Go Ninetails!"

We sent out our next Pokemon for battle.

"Ice Beam!"

Ninetails was faster and used Ice Beam which was strong enough to take down Dhelmise. Her next Pokemon was a Frosslass so I sent out Lycanroc. I used Rock Slide and knocked it out swiftly. Her last Pokemon was Driflblim and I decided to use Raichu. Raichu used a Thunderbolt which resulted in a critical hit and won me the battle.

Acerola:"Phew! Well, there goes my hope of beating you to smithereens and becoming champion myself!"

She giggled and I left the room. I only had one room left. I entered and faced my opponent.

?:"So, here you are... Why don't we see who the winds favor today, you...or me?"

I approached her to get ready to battle.

Kahili:"Alola! And alola once again! My name is Kahili. A few years ago, I was a champion of the island challenge, too. Just like you. I've been traveling the world to improve my skill as both a trainer and as a golfer. When I heard that they'd made a Pokemon League in my own region, I came flying back to serve Alola. Have a look at my fantastic flying type team!"

We stepped into the center of the arena and our battle began. Her first Pokemon was a Braviary and I sent out Lycanroc.

"Set up Stealth Rocks!"

Lycanroc scattered sharp rocks all across the battlefield and Braviary used Scary Face to lower Lycanroc's speed.

Kahili:"Use Brave Bird!"

Braviary flew into the air and swooped down with a blazing aura around it and crashed into Lycanroc it did a bit more than I expected, but it still wasn't very effective.

"Stone Edge!"

Lycanroc howled and the rocks erupted and knocked out Braviary. Her next Pokemon was a Hawlucha so I sent out Raichu. The rocks dealt chip damage to Hawlucha.

Kahili:"Throat Chop!"

Hawlucha was faster and attacked Raichu and dealt some major damage. But Raichu took it out with a Thunderbolt. Her next Pokemon was a Mandibuzz so I decided to use Ninetails. The rocks chipped down her Pokemon's health and an Ice Beam took it out.

She sent out a Toucannon next and the rocks dealt damage to it. Ice Beam took it out quickly. Her last Pokemon was an Oricorio of the fire variety. The rocks made it lose half its health and so another Ice Beam finished the job.

Kahili:"You know...I think you'll bring a breath of fresh air to the Alola battle scene. I was honestly annoyed when Kukui kept pestering me to come here, but I'm glad I did."

I exited the room and lights poured from beneath the doors and reached the center. It transported me outside and I climbed a set of stairs and sat in a throne. Kukui then climbed the stairs.

Kukui:"Oh yeah, now you're the Pokemon League Champion!"

He then shook his head.

Kukui:"Wouldn't it be that simple? The truth is, there's one more person you have to battle if you want that title. And of course that trainer is me. Woo!"

"No way!"

Kukui:"Just kidding!"


He stepped out the way and Hau climbed the stairs.

Hau:"It's me! You know what? Something kinda hit me after I finally bear my old gramps in an all-out serious battle. You're kinda my hero, Selene! You and your team are, I mean! And because I really look up to you... I really wanna have a serious battle against you! I really want to be able to win against you! 'Cause it's way more fun when Pokemon and their trainers are all friends get along. Then they can do something really amazing!"

"Let's do it then Hau!"

He sent out his Raichu first and I had Lycanroc up front.

"Drill Run!"


It howled before spinning wildly and crashed into Raichu and took it down instantly. He sent out Vaporeon so I sent out my own Raichu.



It shot a stream of lightning and nearly brought down his Vaporeon.

Hau:"Hydro Pump!"

"Dodge it!"

Raichu used its tail to surf along the stream of water and avoided taking damage. Hau used a Full Restore and healed Vaporeon back up.

"Use it again!"

Raichu attacked again and this time landed a critical hit! This took it down. Tauros was hit next Pokemon.


"Hang on Raichu and use Thunder Wave!"

Raichu held on with only 1 HP left and used Thunder Wave to slow down the Tauros.

Hau:"Earthquake again!"

I swapped out Raichu for my Toucannon. It was unaffected by the attack.

"Use Brick Break!"

Toucannon smacked Tauros hard on the head with its wing and took down half its health.

Hau:"Double Edge!"

Tauros stamped its hooves and charged straight at it. Toucannon took the hit and Tauros got hurt from the recoil. Hau used a Full Restore and it cured Tauros of paralysis. Toucannon used another Brick Break to bring it down to half health but the next Double Edge took down my Toucannon.

"Go! Lycanroc!"

I sent out my Lycanroc and used Rock Slide to take it out.

Hau:"Go! Decidueye!

"Return Lycanroc! Go! Incineroar!"

We sent out our starters and they stared each other down.

"Z-Move! Malicious Moonsault!"

This took out Decidueye easily and Hau sent out Crabominable out.

"Flare Blitz!"

Incineroar's body was set ablaze and crashed right into Hau's Pokemon. His last Pokemon was Noivern so I used Ninetails. It struck first with Air Slash, but Ninetails hit back with an Ice Beam and the last fight had ended.

Hau:"We managed to pull off something pretty amazing, when my partner's and I were all in sync and wanting the same thing. But looks like we're still one step away from being the strongest trainer and team! But you know what's funny? Even though we lost, that was more exciting than any other battle I've ever had till now! Everything's all mixed up inside me; it was so fun and so frustrating, and just... Yup! It was just awesome, really!"

Kukui:"Amazing! You and Hau are both amazing, Selene! It's like I told you before, the strongest moves you can use are the ones a trainer and their Pokemon choose together in the heat of the moment, when it really counts. And you just proved me right! Congrats, cousin. You're a champion we can all be proud of. I told you, didn't I? Up there on Mount Hokulani. Man, the Pokemon and the trainers in Alola really are the best! I want everyone in the world to know that, too! That's always been my dream! And right here, right now, it finally came true! And it's all thanks to you, Selene! You and your Incineroar!"

I smiled widely and sat in the chair once again as my team was recorded to show off who all participated. I was now titled Alola's first-ever champion!

No One's POV

The members of the Elite Four came up to see Selene and praised her and also said that they'd be aiming for her seat as rivals. Hau then mentioned Hala was having a party set up no matter who won.

Don't turn off the power.


A/n: And so the main story has been completed. All that remains is the Rainbow Rocket post-game and a bonus chapter with Red.

And listen now. I will be doing a bonus chapter of the MC in Galar. That's all I'll be doing for Galar. I said it before in the end of my Kalos book that Alola would be last Pokemon story. I may do another one someday, but for now I'll give it a rest. Thanks again for all the support.

And here's a slight spoiler. This GIF of Sanctuary (the best Kingdom Hearts opening btw) represents what happens during the Rainbow Rocket event. Selene is Sora and you are Riku in this scenario. Each of them have a scary boss to face. Or scary to them at least. Hope you're looking forward to it!

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