Rainbow Rocket Pt. 4
(Y/n):"Damn right I've heard of you. Ghetsis, leader of Team Plasma."
Ghetsis:"So my reputation proceeds me. Though it seems those team leaders from other worlds are not nearly as useful as I had hoped."
Lillie:"(Y/n)! Who is this man?!"
(Y/n):"Lillie stay back. This man is one of the most vile villains I've had the displeasure of meeting."
Lillie:"O-okay! But where is my mother?! You haven't harmed her, have you?!"
Ghetsis:"Mother, you say...? I see, you're the daughter of the president. Hmph! I, too, was summoned from another world, much like the other leaders you've defeated. Well you and that girl. There is no need to worry. You will find the president up ahead, blissfully asleep and dreaming."
She tried to make a run for the warp panel that was behind the mirror, but Ghetsis blocked her path.
Ghetsis:"Ah, not so fast!"
Lillie:"Please get out of my way!"
Ghetsis:"Unfortunately, I cannot let you go beyond this point! You see, I have been thinking long and hard about the reason I have been sent to this world. And now...I believe I finally have the answer! My purpose... It is to travel between the worlds, freeing all the Pokemon from foolish people... And at the same time, consolidate all the power in all the worlds to myself! In order to achieve this beautiful ideal, however, I have need of a useful pawn... And that man, leader of Team Rocket, is a man of pure evil!"
He had an evil grin plastered on his face as the ball containing Anubis began to shake in anger. (Y/n) himself was trying to keep his cool so Lillie didn't get hurt.
Ghetsis:"If I can make good use of him, and set him up as a king, I shall be able to reign supreme above all existence! I have found that humans, with their predictable ambitions, are easier to use and control than a freak without a human heart."
This made (Y/n) gasp.
(Y/n):"You're talking about N aren't you?!"
Ghetsis:"Yes. You really know about me don't you, boy? That damn girl actually tried to go against my wishes."
(Y/n):"What did you do to her?!"
Ghetsis:"I put her in her place! Thanks to her I was able to snatch Zekrom! I successfully severed the bonds between humans and Pokemon in Unova! There was no one to stop me! Alder couldn't! The Gym Leaders couldn't! NO ONE! And N, well, once she served her usefulness I tossed her aside to any grunts that wanted a piece of her."
Ghetsis:"I'd be foolish to not realize how well-endowed she was. My grunts were very aware of this fact and I heard a few make certain remarks on what they would do to her if given the chance. So I decided to throw them a bone, or rather, a whole toy."
Ghetsis calling N nothing but a toy made (Y/n) snap.
(Y/n) clenched his fists tightly and his breathing became heavy as all his Pokemon sensed his rage.
(Y/n):"You...ruthless...heartless... BASTARD! I will make you suffer!"
Ghetsis:"Awww, what's the matter? Did she really mean that much to you?"
(Y/n):"N...she had such a kind heart. YOU'RE THE FUCKING FREAK WITHOUT ONE!!"
His sudden outburst made Lillie flinch as she backed away a bit. Anytime she saw (Y/n) he was so calm and collected. She didn't truly understand who Ghetsis was, but his actions made her friend justifiably furious beyond belief.
Ghetsis:"Tch! Watch your tone, boy! I wield the power of the legendary dragon! You are nothing!"
(Y/n):"Come on Ghetsis! Let's end this thing! Right here! RIGHT! NOW!"
His voice pissed Ghetsis off and a dark aura faintly radiated around (Y/n)'s body. This was more than enough for all of his Pokemon to feel his rage.
Ghetsis:"Must you insist on interfering with my plans? Very well, then... All obstacles to my ambitions must be removed!"
In Unova
N was sitting down and watching a movie with all of (Y/n)'s legendary lovers. Suddenly, they all flinched and gained a worried look on their faces.
N:"What's wrong?!"
Reshiram:"Master (Y/n)...he's..."
Kyurem:"And it's more than I have ever felt from a person!"
Xerneas:"It's a scary and burning rage."
Necrozma:"We have to go check up on him!"
Reshiram:"She's right! N! Please allow me to fly you there!"
N:"Okay! Everyone else, get into your Poke Balls!"
They nodded and jumped in as N grabbed them and strapped them to the side of her belt. Her and Reshiram ran out the house as Reshiram got into her Pokemon form. N got on her back and they took off.
Back with (Y/n)
(Y/n):"Your Cofagrigus couldn't withstand the power of Yamato! Hurry and send out your next Pokemon!"
Ghetsis:"You're voice is irritating me."
Ghetsis sent out a Bouffalant next and (Y/n) sent out his Anubis. Anubis sensed (Y/n)'s rage and it was concerning him.
Anubis: Master, you must calm yourself.
(Y/n): Anubis, he made N into a sex slave! I am not gonna let that slide! I need your help in order to deliver justice.
Anubis looked at his trainer and saw bits of tears in his eyes. His dark aura then evaporated the tears. Anubis nodded and faced back at the opponent.
(Y/n):"Anubis... It's finally time..."
Anubis: Let's do it!
(Y/n) tapped his Mega Ring and a necklace with a Mega Stone on it glowed around Anubis's neck. His body glowed and burst as he let out a proud cry.
Anubis: I shall fight... For my trainer! And for Lady N! She was kind when taking care of me while my master was away! And this power... It's enough to bring down this foul villain!
Lillie gasped in shock as this was her first time seeing Mega Evolution.
(Y/n):"Aura Sphere!"
Anubis shot a blast from his hand that easily dispatched Bouffalant.
Ghetsis:"Mega Evolution?! What the hell is this?! Hydreigon, make yourself useful damnit!"
He sent out the three headed pseudo legendary who was once feared, but is now fearful of fairies. (Y/n) didn't have to say a thing as Anubis shot another Aura Sphere that took down the dragon. (Y/n) kept a stern and scary look on his face and Anubis had one as well.
Ghetsis: This bastard of a child!
He sent out Bisharp next and it went down the same way as the other two Pokemon.
Ghetsis:"Let's see if your Mega Evolution is enough to bring down the legendary Pokemon, Zekrom!"
He sent out the red eyes, black dragon and it growled lightly. Zekrom looked in (Y/n)'s direction and could feel the aura of its counterparts on him.
(Y/n):"Anubis, return!"
(Y/n) swapped out to Gaara that stared down the dragon without fear.
(Y/n):"Sorry about this Zekrom... You didn't deserve this... Gaara, Earthquake..."
Gaara sensed the sadness and looked up at Zekrom that smiled before it went down to Gaara's attack.
Ghetsis:"NO! I couldn't have been beaten by some random trainer from who knows where!"
(Y/n):"I'm no random trainer! I'm the champion of Unova and Kalos! I defeated Team Plasma and Team Flare!"
Ghetsis:"What?! How?! This world's version of me lost to you?! I created Team Plasma with my own hands. I am absolutely perfect! I AM PERFECTION! I am the perfect ruler of a perfect new world!"
Lillie:"You lost. Now please, step aside!"
Ghetsis:"This cannot be possible... I will not accept this!"
He grit his teeth and ran over before slapping Lillie to the ground. Her cheek was left with a red handprint and her eyes began to water.
(Y/n):"Ghetsis you fucking-"
Ghetsis:"MWAHAHAHA! No, no, no, no, no! You don't get it do you?! I can't be defeated! I won't be! IT. CANNOT. BE. ALLOWED! You, irritating intruder! If you value this girl's life, throw aside all your Poke Balls, at this moment!"
(Y/n):"Lay a single finger on Lillie, and I'll summon Reshiram to turn you to dust!"
Ghetsis:"Pfft! You can't summon the other dragon! Throw down your Poke Balls!"
(Y/n) reluctantly obliged and threw down his Poke Balls as Ghetsis kept a smirk on his face.
Lillie:"(Y/n)... No..."
Tears fell from her eyes before the building shook and the burst were broken down. N walked in and she tossed the balls into the air and all of (Y/n)'s powerful legendaries were sent out.
Ghetsis:"What?! How can this be?!"
Ghetsis:"That's why you cared about the damn freak so much! She's your lover isn't she?! And to see both Reshiram and Kyurem... How can someone like you wield their power!"
(Y/n):"I don't use their power. It would be unfair, but against you it doesn't fucking matter!"
Ghetsis:"It still doesn't matter! If any of you try anything then this girl is done for!"
N:"You... Ghetsis... This is low..."
(Y/n):"Don't forget that he tried to use Kyurem to freeze me solid."
Ghetsis:"I wished I succeeded! You have been a thorn in my side! I'm glad no trainer like you existed in my perfect world!"
Unbeknownst to everyone, one Pokemon had popped out and it was Thanatos. It scuttled over to (Y/n) and Ghetsis looked confused.
Ghetsis:"What the hell is wrong with your Pikachu?"
This pissed Mimikyu off and it hissed lightly and it gave (Y/n) an idea.
(Y/n):"Lillie, close your eyes. Everything will be alright. I won't let him hurt you."
She nodded softly and closed her eyes tightly. (Y/n) lowered his hand and his index and middle finger began to gently lift up the cloth Mimikyu wore.
(Y/n):"Girls, do the same thing."
They were confused but did as he asked as Ghetsis scowled.
(Y/n):"Thanatos! Drag Ghetsis down to the deepest depths of Tartarus!"
Quickly, he pulled up the cloth before closing his eyes and showed off the horrifying true form of Mimikyu.
His dying scream echoed out through the room before it went silent. Mimikyu pulled its cloth back on and tapped (Y/n)'s leg. This got his attention and he let the other girls know that everything was fine. At that moment, Selene and Colress ran in and were certainly confused on the situation.
Lillie jumped into (Y/n)'s arms and shared a passionate kiss with him and cried gently on his shoulder. He rubbed her back as he let Selene and Colress know what went down. Colress told everyone that he used one of his inventions to send everyone back home. He then noticed the Poke Balls Ghetsis had left behind after dying.
He sent those away as everyone looked at the warp panel.
Colress:"There's still the boss of this entire operation."
(Y/n):"Yup. And I'll be the one to bring him down."
N:"(Y/n), we'll be right behind you if anything bad happens!"
He smiled and stepped on the panel with Lillie and Selene as N followed suit after the legendaries went back in their balls.
A man in a business suit was standing at the computers as Lusamine was laying on the floor.
?:"Well, well... I had been informed of the intruders, but not that they were kids like you!"
He turned around and (Y/n) frowned. His fianl opponent was going to be Giovanni. The OG of evil teams.
Giovanni:"I had allowed the other bosses to do as they wished, hoping they would be of use... But it seems you have defeated all of them. I am impressed you got here."
Lillie:"So you... You're Team Rainbow Rocket's-"
Giovanni:"Indeed! Team Rocket's goal was to use all the Pokemon and control the world. But now, I have a bigger, better organization. Team Rainbow Rocket! And I, Giovanni, am its leader!"
(Y/n):"Lillie, check up on Lusamine. N, Selene, watch her as well."
They nodded and rushed to her side to check up on her. (Y/n) glared at Giovanni who cackled.
Giovanni:"The president will not awaken for some time. I have used the power of that Ultra Beast to make her sleep... And when she awakens next, she will be a loyal servant to my will!"
Lillie:"What?! How...how could you?"
Giovanni:"Team Rainbow Rocket will conquer all worlds! We will build an army of UBs! But in order for this precious dream to be realized, we need the technology of the Aether Foundation, the technology of other worlds! ...But I also appreciate the skill it took you to get this far. I like those who show strength! Why not put that strength to good use, in my Team Rainbow Rocket?"
(Y/n) remained silent as the girls looked on in worry. Giovanni extended his hand for a handshake and had a smirk on his face. (Y/n) began to reach out and Selene looked shocked. She was then relieved when he smacked away Giovanni's scummy hand.
(Y/n):"Go fuck yourself Giovanni! All this ends here!"
Giovanni:"Having a strong kid stand in front of me like this... Such a thing should never happen. But for some reason, it also makes me feel nostalgic. If you insist on disrupting my plans, I will make you feel a world of pain!"
He sent out a Dugtrio first and (Y/n) took in a deep breath to calm his nerves before sending out Jiraiya.
(Y/n):"Hydro Pump!"
Jiraiya shot a powerful stream of water that took down Dugtrio. Upon its defeat, Greninja focused before changing due to its Battle Bond ability.
Selene:"I didn't know a Greninja could do that."
Giovanni sent out Ryperior next and it also went down to Hydro Pump. In fact, his next two Pokemon went down the same way.
Giovanni:"You know, I can only blame myself for sticking with my ground types. But, let's see you deal with this..."
He tossed a Master Ball into the air and from it, Mewtwo popped out.
Selene:"It can't be..."
Lillie:"That's really Mewtwo... I've heard stories of it being the most savage Pokemon there is..."
Giovanni:"And here's a little surprise as well!"
Mewtwo had a pendant with a Mega Stone in the center and it began glowing before it transformed.
Giovanni:"Behold! The ultimate lifeform!"
Selene:"This makes things even worse!"
Giovanni:"What do you have in retaliation?"
(Y/n):"I may have an answer or two... But! I'll face you with my own mega! Anubis! Back me up!"
Jiraiya went back to his ball as Anubis tagged in. (Y/n) used Mega Evolution to change him and Giovanni smirked.
Giovanni:"Are you sure about this?"
(Y/n):"Yeah! Anubis and I will show you our true power! Your Mewtwo doesn't want to be forced into Mega Evolution by the likes of you! Anubis and I have built an unbreakable bond and our Mega Evolution is the strongest there is!"
Giovanni:"Then come at me with full force then! Show me what Mega Evolution is supposed to be! Use Drain Punch!"
(Y/n):"Close Combat!"
Anubis and Mewtwo clashed fists and created a powerful shockwave and formed a crater beneath them.
Mewtwo: Your strength is admirable. But your efforts are foolish!
Anubis: You say that, but I will not back down until I put you down!
Mewtwo: I will break you.
The two pushed each other away before charging at each other and clashing their fists repeatedly.
Giovanni and (Y/n) had serious faces on them before Anubis jumped back and started panting.
Anubis: Master, this is intense. I don't know if I can keep this up.
(Y/n): Anubis, you got this. I know you do. You're one of my strongest partners! You're the master of aura!
Anubis: Aura... Master, that's it! I must use...
Both: "MAX AURA!!!"
Anubis had a giant blue pillar aura erupt from his body before shooting a beam of aura from his palms right at Mewtwo.
The two of them screamed at the top of their lungs as Mewtwo tried to hold back the blast, but it overwhelmed the legendary and took it out.
Giovanni:"Ha! That was truly an intense fight! ...I see you have raise your Pokemon with utmost care. It would be foolish to fight such a kid with all my might. Ha, very well. I will leave Aether Paradise in your hands. But remember, my Team Rainbow Rocket will fail! Never forget that!"
The entire castle began to flash and rumble as Giovanni turned away from everyone, but looked over his shoulder.
Giovanni:"I shall step aside this time! I hope we meet again..."
Everything was flashed with white as the castle disappeared and went back to looking like the normal Aether Foundation. Colress was the one that returned everything back to normal after Giovanni's defeat. After that, Lusamine woke up and rewarded him with a kiss on his lips which made Lillie and Selene mad.
Once everything was wrapped up, everyone was outside. Lusamine went to the medical room to get looked at. Faba was demoted to an intern for being a slimy traitor. N went back to Unova. Selene and (Y/n) were gifted with a hefty amount of Big Nuggets. Both her and Lillie kissed him as thanks for being there to save the day once more.
(Y/n):"Well, I've done my part. I'll be on my way."
Selene:"Hold on, where are you gonna go now?"
(Y/n):"I'm going to the Battle Tree. Just say hi to someone and let them know I'll be heading back home."
Lillie:"Wait, what are we gonna do without you?"
(Y/n):"Heh, I'll be around Lillie. Don't worry about it too much. I'll be sure to visit and maybe bring you guys over to my house."
They both blushed upon hearing him invite them to his house. He laughed at their cuteness and gave them headpats.
Selene:"(Y/n), can I go with you to the Battle Tree?"
(Y/n):"Sure. Let's go. We'll catch you later Lillie."
Lillie:"Bye you two. Thank you so much for all that you have done. I'll be here."
They nodded before Selene used the Charizard pager to fly to Poni Island.
* * *
Selene and (Y/n) fought against some trainers before reaching the entrance of the Battle Tree. There, the two of them met two legendary trainers. Red and Blue.
Blue:"Sup? I heard you're the first ever champion of Alola."
Selene:"Yeah, that's right."
Blue:"That's pretty cool. Both of us were champions of Kanto for a time."
Selene:"I know you two! You're Red and Blue! The strongest trainers to come out of Kanto!"
Blue:"Glad to see my fans are all across the world. Seems you've got a few fans too, huh Red?"
Red and (Y/n) were staring each other down like a Zangoose and Seviper fighting for territory.
Blue:"Oi, oi, what's the matter?"
Blue:"(Y/n)? Wait! I've heard of him too. He's champion of both Kalos and Unova."
(Y/n):"So you're the legendary Mr. Hotshot himself? Why don't you and I have ourselves a quick scuffle?"
(Y/n):"Classic response."
Red raised a Poke Ball and (Y/n) did as well.
Red sent out a Pikachu and (Y/n) led off with Anubis.
(Y/n):"Close Combat!"
Pikachu began running at full speed while covered in full electricity. The move it was using was Volt Tackle. The two Pokemon crashed into each other as Anubis fell to one knee as Pikachu fainted.
Red said nothing, as usual, and returned Pikachu and sent out his Charizard. (Y/n) returned Anubis and sent out Jiraiya.
(Y/n):"Hydro Pump!"
Jiraiya did a backflip and shot a powerful stream of water and hit Charizard square in the chest and knocked it out the air. Red gripped the bill of his hat and sent out Venusaur. Jiraiya stayed out and used an Ice Beam. It did some big damage but was halfway from knocking it out.
Red pointed at Jiraiya and Venusaur used Leaf Storm.
(Y/n):"Dodge it!"
Jiraiya used his speedy reflexes to dodge the sharp leaves and hit back with another Ice Beam. Red frowned and sent out Blastoise next. (Y/n) swapped out to his own Venusaur.
(Y/n):"Petal Dance!"
Blastoise went for an Ice Beam as Venusaur sent a swarm of petals directly at Blastoise. Both of the attacks landed on the opposing Pokemon and they went down. This left with Red having two Pokemon left. (Y/n) sent out Anubus again as Red sent out a Lapras.
(Y/n):"Anubis! Mega Evolve!"
He tapped his Mega Ring and raised it up and Anubis began glowing before fully transforming.
(Y/n):"Close Combat!"
Anubis howled and jumped right at Lapras and delivered a series of powerful punches to knock it down. Red sent out his last Pokemon which was a Snorlax that went down the same way.
Blue:"No way! You got beat!"
Red kept his silent nature and started to walk away. He stopped before looking over at (Y/n) and tipped his hat to him. This made him smile and did the same. From one legend to another.
* * *
Y/n) was standing at the docks as his friends were all there seeing him off.
Hau:"Are you really leaving?"
(Y/n):"Yeah. I've done everything I needed to."
Lillie:"Where are you gonna go?"
(Y/n):"Home for a while before leaving to find a replacement for an Elite Four member."
Selene:"We're really gonna miss you."
(Y/n):"Don't worry. I'll always be around. Just give me a call!"
Lillie:"Wait! Mother is still feeling a bit ill but she wanted me to give you this."
She walked up to him and handed him a small box. He opened it and saw that it contained several pictures of Lusamine in little to even no clothing. (Y/n) said nothing and closed the box and put it away. He cleared his throat and smiled at his friends.
Hau:"Bye (Y/n)!"
Selene:"We'll be sure to visit you!"
Lillie:"Yeah! And thank you so much for all your help!"
They shared one big group hug before he hopped back on the cruise ship and left back for Castelia City.
Don't turn off the power.
A/n: Phew! Finally done with Alola! Time to work on the Galar special chapter! Once again, thank you so much for all the support. I'll catch you guys later!
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