Rainbow Rocket Pt. 3

I was walking with Cynthia along the beach on Melemele Island just chatting and having a good time. Our hands were intertwined and she kissed my cheek.

Cynthia:"This place is so wonderful."

"Yeah. You're lucky you got here at this time."

Cynthia:"Oh? Why's that?"

"Well, some Pokemon tried to consume the embodiment of the moon and was also gonna consume the light of Alola."

Cynthia:"Oh my. Who put a stop to it?"

I said nothing and just rubbed the back of my head. She caught on and smiled.

Cynthia:"You just don't get any rest, do ya?"

"Apparently not. Trouble always follows me or I always follow trouble. Either way, where there's (Y/n), there's trouble."

She giggled and a familiar voice spoken up nearby.

Kukui:"Hey cousin, there you are!"

Kukui was walking over with his wife Prof. Burnet.

"Hey Kukui. What's going on?"

Kukui:"I figured you would be with Selene and Lillie right now."


Burnet:"We were watching TV together and her mom, Lusamine, was in the middle of an interview when an Ultra Wormhole opened up. Some strange people showed up and we got a text from Lillie saying the mansion had turned to look like a castle!"


Cynthia:"That sounds serious."

Kukui:"Yeah. And she told us some team calling themselves Team Rainbow Rocket are behind it."

Cynthia:"As in Rocket like the criminals from Kanto?"

Burnet:"Yes. From what Selene told her, they mainly use Kantonian Pokemon. And that some team leaders from other teams and worlds were pulled in from the Ultra Wormholes as well!"

I clenched my fists and Cynthia noticed.

Cynthia:"(Y/n), go help your friends."

I looked at her then at the professors. They both nodded at me as I nodded back.

"Alright! I'm off to help them out! Cynthia, it was great catching up with you, but I need to do this so Alola can truly be safe!"

Cynthia:"It's okay my dear. Go show them your strength!"

I smiled and she kissed my lips before I ran off to the Pokemon Center to grab my team.

* * *

I burst through the doors and saw Guzma dusting his hands off and he looked at me before I ran to a set of stairs on the left. I had to step on spin tiles to try and reach the warp panel on the other side of the room. It was annoying, but I dealt with it and the grunts. After several minutes of spinning, I reached a set of doors and defeated the two grunts blocking my way. I pulled the doors open and saw the back of a blue haired man. He turned around and both of us got a killer headache.

?:"Who are you...?"

"I...was gonna ask the same thing."

?:"Well you're certainly not a member of Team RR."

"Hell no."

Cyrus:"...My name is Cyrus."

"That name...it sounds familiar. Call me (Y/n)."

Cyrus:"(Y/n)... Yes. That name has a strange sense of familiarity to it. That aside. I would like to ask you one question. Is this world the new world?"

"New world? I don't know what you're talking about."


He then eyed me up and down and kept a small scowl on his face.

Cyrus:"I can sense in you the strong desire to protect...something. You have a powerful spirit. ...That must mean this isn't the world I desired. I used the power of the Pokemon that control time and space to create a perfect world, where the human spirit does not exist. That was when a great shadow appeared and enfulfed me... And brought me to this world."

"Wait! A world where no one has a spirit? Why?"

Cyrus:"Because human emotions make people weak. But it's too late... All too late. I cannot stop now. I must remove the weak, incomplete human spirit from thus world and bring it perfection!"

"This world isn't yours to take. My emotions prevent me from letting you take this world. If you say emotions make a human weak, then you're dumber than you look! My Pokemon and I will stand our ground to protect this world!"

Cyrus:"How foolish... I will not let anyone get in my way..."

Cyrus sent out a Houndoom first and I sent out Anubis.

Anubis: Master...

Yeah, buddy?

Anubis: It feels good to be fighting at your side again.

Amen to that! Let's do this! "Anubis! Use Aura Sphere!"

Anubis shot forth an aura attack from his palm and it hit Houndoom right in the face and sent it flying back. He sent out Honchkrow so I switched out to Jiraiya.

"Ice Beam!"

Jiraiya sent out a frigid cold blast and took down the mafia bird. Cyrus frowned and sent out his Crobat next. Jiraiya used Ice Beam again to take it down. His next Pokemon was a Weavile so I sent Anubis back out. Weavile was faster and managed to strike first and hit a Brick Break that did some big damage, but Anubis was tough and hit back with an Aura Sphere.

"Heh, what's next?"

Cyrus:"...Remember what I said about using the Pokemon of space and time?"

I narrowed my eyes confused before he tossed up a Master Ball and a Palkia was sent out. It's roar shook the room and I was stunned.

"Son of a..."

Cyrus:"Prepare yourself, fool."

"Tch! Gaara I need your help!"

Anubis returned and Gaara jumped out and roared with pride.

"Dragon Claw!"

Gaara ran up and struck with great force across its chest but Palkia survived on one HP.

Cyrus:"Spacial Rend!"

Palkia swiped its arm down and the space around Gaara shattered and he howled in pain. Cyrus used a Full Restore on Palkia as Gaara panted.

"You okay?"

Gaara nodded and went in for another Dragon Claw. The attack stopped short on knocking it out again, but Gaara followed up with another Dragon Claw and brought it down.

Cyrus:"Impressive. Your prowess is notable. But I did say space and time. Go. Dialga."

He sent out the PokeGod of time and I shook my head.

"Oh brother. If I was anyone else I'd call it quits! Gaara! Earthquake!"

Gaara roared and so did Dialga as the ground started to shake and break apart as chunks of debris pelted against it and brought it down swiftly. Gaara panted and I returned him to his ball.

Cyrus:"...Why are you able to create such strong bonds with your Pokemon? And how are you able to turn those bonds into strength?"

"Because. I treat my Pokemon with love and respect. They do so much for me and I'd do anything for them in return! Cyrus, battling against you made me feel like we would've had this fight elsewhere."

Cyrus:"...I felt the same. Your face is familiar. Perhaps you and I did battle once before..."

"In another timeline... In another world we might have."

Cyrus:"Hmph. ...You need not worry. I will not do anything to this world. I believe I shall return to the perfect world I created. But before that...take this key."

He gave me a weird key before gesturing to a machine on the wall.

Cyrus:"Use it to activate the machine on the wall behind me. That should open the mirror door. Had I meet you sooner...would things have been different for me...?"

"Who can say for certain? But thus battle was a great one. You're definitely a lot more stronger and threatening than Team Flare could have even hoped to be."

I walked past him and used the key and it made a noise before the key snapped. The warp panel activated and I stepped on it to return back to the main room.

With Selene

Selene:"Phew! I finally made it! Those Meowth statues were annoying."

She opened the doors and saw a man with bright orange hair standing at the desk. She got closer and he turned around. The person was someone (Y/n) was quite familiar with... Lysandre!

Lysnadre:"You must be the intruder I keep hearing about. I am Lysandre. I had triggered the ultimate weapon to wipe out all the fools, everyone except Team Flare... But at that moment, a bright light swallowed me and I wandered into this world. No matter. My purpose remains the same. Which world I'm in is not important. The only way to create a world where people live in beauty, a world without conflict or theft..."

The name Tean Flare rang throughout Selene's head as she tried to remember who told her about them.

Lysandre:"Behind me, you see two buttons. One will open the path for you, and help you move forward... The other will trigger my ultimate weapon, and destroy all that there is in this world! ...So, make your choice. I believe being a chosen one means you have the potential to change the future! Whether we activate the weapon or leave it safely underground will rest upon if you actually have this potential or not."

Selene took a look at an orange and blue button and hit the blue one thinking it would be the safe one. Lysandre remained silent before speaking up.

Lysandre:"You are not a chosen one. You will destroy the world you tried to protect, by your own hand! However... There is still time before my ultimate weapon is fully activated. Press the other button before it fires, and you will be able to stop it. ...Of course, I refuse to allow that. So, I will keep you busy for a moment. The future you want, or the future I want... Let us see which one is more deserving, shall we?"

He sent out a Mienshao and Selene sent out Toucannon.

Lysandre:"Use Fake Out."

Mienshao went first and slapped Toucannon across the face and made it flinch.

Lysandre:"High Jump Kick!"

Since his Pokemon was faster it was able to attack again. It jumped through the air and dove straight towards Toucannon and took it down.

A/n: I just want to say, Toucannon is my LEAST favorite regional bird and probably least favorite Pokemon in general. It's ugly, it's slow, and can't take hits very well. God it pisses me off. I hope Scarlet and Violet have a good regional bird like Staraptor, Talonflame, and Corviknight.

Selene frowned then sent out her Ninetails.

Selene:"Ice Beam!"

Ninetails was surprisingly faster and used a single Ice Beam to take out Mienshao. He sent out Honchkrow next and it went down the same way.

Lysandre:"What a strange looking Ninetails. Must be a regional variant. Go! Pyroar!"

He sent out the fire lion so she switched out to her rocky doggy, Lycanroc.

Selene:"Use Rock Slide!"

Lycanroc howled as chunks of rocks came crashing down on top of Pyroar and took it out swiftly.

Lysandre:"Hm. Incredible. But how will you fair against Mega Evolution?!"

He sent out Gyarados next so she switched out to her Alolan Raichu. He tapped a stone on his glove and raised it into the air as Gyarados began glowing and Mega Evolved, going from water/flying to water/dark.


Raichu nodded and sent a strong blast of electricity towards Gyarados and dealt some big damage, but it hung on due to it not being four times as weak like it used to be.


Selene:"Oh no! Raichu won't be able to take this!"

Raichu heard its trainer's voice and pumped itself up as Gyarados smacked the ground with its tail. The debris kicked up and Raichu began surfing through the air and along the broken ground to avoid taking any damage. Once the attack ended, Raichu cried happily and Selene smiled.

Selene:"Finish it!"

Raichu obliged and made the opposing Gyarados faint. He chuckled to himself and sent out a Xerneas next.

Selene gasped when the realization finally hit her.

Selene:"You're from Kalos!"

Lysandre:"Indeed I am! Those fools were completely wiped out. Even the champion, Diantha, fell victim to the ultimate weapon! Xerneas here gave Team Flare eternal beauty and life!"

Selene:"Everyone in Kalos..."

Lysandre:"They were comically weak. Some puny trainers tried to stop me, but they had no chance."

Selene:"(Y/n) would never lose to the likes of you!"

Lysandre:"Who is that?"

Selene:"In this world, an amazing trainer named (Y/n) stopped Team Plasma of Unova and Team Flare! He was crowned champion for both regions!"

Lysandre:"He what?! Hahaha! Someone actually managed to stop me? But how?"

Selene:"He had a strong bond with his Pokemon and they were incredibly strong because of it. Not only that, but the legendary Pokemon Xerneas and Yveltal remained at his side!"


Selene:"And to hear you wiped out everyone...and maybe even that world's (Y/n)... Makes me mad! I'm not him, but I'll fight you just like him! And I'll avenge everyone in Kalos too!"

With (Y/n)

He was currently glaring and gritting his teeth as he stared down a sinister, and familiar face. He clenched his fists tightly and tried to keep himself from going buck wild.

(Y/n):"You bastard. Ghetsis!"

Ghetsis:"Hmph. So you know of me then?"

Back with Selene

She finished taking down Yveltal and Lysandre nodded as she pressed the other button to stop the ultimate weapon. She left the room and let out a sigh of relief.

Selene:"I better see Lillie for some healing. That battle with his Xerneas took a while. I just realized I don't have a good counter for other Fairy types. His Yveltal was an easier one to battle though."

Don't turn off the power.

A/n: Now I know a lot of you are wondering as to why the reader fought Cyrus and not Lysandre. The thing is, I wanted Selene to fight the less threatening of villains. Maxie and Archie are obviously low tiers, Lysandre is the biggest threat among the three since he completed his goal of genocide within the Kalos region.

Cyrus completely reset the universe and created a new world in his image. Plus some of you may remember on my old account (which got unfairly deleted fuck you Wattpad) I made a Pokemon story in the Sinnoh Region. In the story I was nearing the 7th gym leader when my account got terminated. So I wanted him to fight Cyrus as a bit of redemption for that.

I also had these chapters written out early on as I played through the games. But next chapter will be a fun one! Ghetis, Giovanni, Red. These silly guys get to be battled by the reader! And after that will be the Galar Special Chapter! And this story will finally come to a close right before Scarlet and Violet come out!

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