Poni Island

Gladion dropped Lillie, Selene, and (Y/n) off at the Seafolk Village on Poni Island.

Gladion:"(Y/n), watch over Lillie for me. Please."

(Y/n):"Sure thing man."

Gladion:"You're strong. Something I'm going to strive to be. I'll protect Aether Foundation in Mother's stead."

They walked ahead as Gladion left to go back to Aether. When they walked, they met up with a strange woman.

Mina:"I'm Mina. I'm the local captain."

Lillie:"Captain...Mina? It's nice to meet you then..."

Mina:"So let's get right down to things. Which one of you is here for my trial?"

Lillie:"Oh! No, that's not why we're here! I mean, you're not entirely wrong. It's true that Selene is in the middle of her island challenge, but...we're here to meet the kahuna of this island!"

Mina:"The kahuna? Oh... Well, that's a problem. Maybe you should talk to Hapu?"

Lillie:"Oh! So Hapu lives here on Poni Island? Thank you very much, Captain Mina! Let's go, Selene! It will be good to see Hapu and Mudsdale again!"

They left to go to find Hapu as Mina rubbed her chin and looked at (Y/n).

Mina:"You look vaguely familiar."


Mina:"Yeah. Were you in a movie?"

(Y/n):"I was. Riolu Kid."

Mina narrowed her eyes then gasped.

Mina:"No way! I freakin' love that movie! I actually have a poster of it!"

She went inside her boat and came back out with a poster in her hands and a permanent marker.

Mina:"Can I have your autograph?"

(Y/n) chuckled lightly and nodded. He took the marker and wrote his signature in the bottom right corner of the poster.

Mina:"Ah! This is incredible! That movie is a true work of art. Tell me, would you mind if I painted you like my Kalos girls?"

(Y/n):"Heh, sure. Why not?"

Mina:"Wynaut evolves into Wobbuffet."

(Y/n):"I knew that was coming."

She giggled and walked back into her boat and he followed after her. At the same time, Selene and Lillie met up with Hapu who told them that she would go to the Ruins of Hope to ask the tapu to choose a new kahuna. Lillie also wanted to go in to use Tapu Fini's powers to return Nebby back to normal. Inside the ruins, Hapu was gifted a sparkling stone which meant she was now the kahuna of Poni Island.

Hapu told that her grandfather was the previous kahuna until he passed a couple of years ago. She tried to follow in his footsteps and get stronger by going on her own adventure. And now she was finally chosen. Lillie asked if she knew anything about the legendary Pokemon. In order to summon it, two flutes would have to be played at the Altar of the Moone. One of the other flutes were found on Exggutor Island.

The two went back to Seafolk Village where they met up with Mina and (Y/n).

Mina:"Hey you two, how did things go?"

Lillie:"Things went alright. Hapu became the kahuna as well."

Mina:"Little Hapu? That's great to hear."

Selene:"Also we need to head to Exggutor Island for the Moon Flute."

Mina:"Ah that's right... Well we need to speak with the chief of the village to get you over there."

They spoke with the chief and he agreed to take them there on his S.S. Magikarp.

Man:"So, which one of you are going?"

Lillie:"Me, but I'm not much of a trainer so..."

(Y/n):"So I'll go with her."

Man:"Very well. Hop aboard then."

They got on his boat and sailed off to the island. All seemed normal with the sun shining brightly overhead as Lillie smiled at the Exggutor standing tall.

(Y/n):"What the hell? Is this really an Exeggutor?!"

Lillie:"Yeah. The temperature here made them grow quite vigorously."

(Y/n):"Well damn. Hey, they're acting kind of funny."

There were 3 Exggutors that were shaking wildly.

Lillie:"It looks like they're in pain."

They turned and showed Pinsirs gnawing on their necks.

Lillie:"Oh dear!"

They heard Lillie's scream and jumped down and surrounded the two of them. Lillie clutched tightly onto (Y/n)'s arm as he tossed a ball into the air casually. Salamence popped out and roared loudly. The Pinsirs had a look of fear on their faces and tried to flee, but Skyrus quickly took them out.

The Exggutor cried happily and began to walk away. Lillie breathed a sigh of relief and loosened her grip on the boy, but still held onto him.

Lillie:"You're so nonchalant about everything."

(Y/n):"I got used to doing things in order to move along my journey. Selene would know what I'm talking about."

Lillie giggled then gasped when it started raining. She dragged him off to a small cave as they waited it out.

Lillie:"Rain in Alola, huh... My skirt got a bit wet..."

A/n: This line is ONLY in the original Sun and Moon games. But it's too damn iconic not to use. Which is why I meshed together bits of Ultra with the original in this scenario.

Lillie:"Looking out at the rain like this...reminds me of this one time when I was little. I'd seen it in a movie...this man singing and dancing in the rain. It captivated me so much that I had to try it for myself. My mother spotted me out in the rain and she was so shocked that she ran right out after me without even bothering to get an umbrella... And then...she smiled...and danced with me in the rain. Of course we both ended up catching a cold. She let me sleep in her big bed with her. I was so happy that I kept waking her again and again, to make sure it wasn't a dream... But...then she changed. And all she would think about was the Ultra Wormholes and Necrozma. And Null and Nebby... They both ended up suffering so much...and I couldn't do anything... But you know what, (Y/n)?"

(Y/n):"What is it?"

Lillie:"Whenever I feel like there's nothing I can do, either you or Selene show up and...you do something. Every time you two have shown me that it's possible...to do something. Even when I first met Selene and Nebby was being attacked as I stood in shock and horror... And at Aether Paradise...all I could do was wait for you and the others to save me... Whenever I'm in any sort of trouble, you're always there... I..."


Lillie:"I appreciate everything you've done... But (Y/n), I want to know about you..."

She held a blush on her face and brushed aside some hair behind her ear. (Y/n) stared at her in awe and nodded.

(Y/n):"Me? I was an average dude living a chill life in Kalos. I entered a raffle and either by fate or luck, I won and spent a whole day with the old champion. She told me to live my life and go on my own journey so I did. I moved to Unova and met a guy named Hugh there. He's my best friend. I spent a few months there before setting out on my very own Pokemon adventure. I met many new friends and fought Team Plasma."


(Y/n):"I even managed to capture two of the legendary dragons there. Reshiram and Kyurem."

Lillie:"You caught them?!"

(Y/n):"Yeah, but I don't really use them for battles. Would make things highly unfair. But who knows, maybe one day will come when I have no choice but to bring out the heavy hitters. After becoming champion, I went to Kalos to visit my parents and my old neighbors. By fate, I was asked to go on another adventure and this time with a brand new team."

Lillie:"How was it?"

(Y/n):"Easy beyond belief. The gym leaders there used a maximum of 3 Pokemon. The Elite Four used a maximum of four. The only other trainer besides me with a full team of six was the old champion. Well there was that Alain guy, but he was more of a one-off battle."

Lillie:"Team Flare, they threatened Kalos right?"

(Y/n):"Threatened is an exaggeration. It would be like a 2 year old ponting a wooden stick at a Charizard. They never stood a chance. Especially with me in the region. Their goal was to awaken Yveltal-"

Lillie:"Why did you say it like that?"

(Y/n):"Say it like what? That's how she told me it was said. It's pronounced Yah-Vul-Tal! Not EE-Vel-Tal. Anyway, they were gonna commit mass genocide and eliminate everyone who wasn't a part of Team Flare."

Lillie:"That's awful!"

(Y/n):"So were their outfits, my Arceus."

Lillie:"And you're here on vacation, but I'm sure you hate us for disrupting it..."

She looked down and (Y/n) put a hand on her shoulder.

(Y/n):"Not even in the slightest. I got to meet so many wonderful people here. You're definitely at the very top."

Lillie blushed and gulped nervously before inching closer to his face. Her lips touched his and they shared a soft kiss with one another. Lillie backed away with her face completely red.

Lillie:"I-I-I...oh my..."

(Y/n) held a small blush and smiled at her.

Lillie:"That felt...amazing..."

* * *

They obtained the Moon Flute and went back to the Seafolk Village. He handed the flute to Selene as her and Lillie went on ahead to go find the altar which was up past the Vast Poni Canyon. Selene followed shortly after and traversed through most of the canyon without a problem. She then reached a trial site where she had to battle against a Totem Kommo-o.

A/n: Ya know, a REAL pseudo legendary *looks at Goodra*

It was a difficult battle, but Selene overcame it and reached the exit to make it to the Altar of the Moone. Her and Lillie stood on opposite platforms and played their flutes. Lillie, the sun and Selene, the moon.

Lillie:"Hold on, I think we should wait for the moon to rise first."

They waited a few hours as the moon finally rose overhead. They began playing their respective flutes as the water under their platforms glowed and began tracing up the altar and met in a circle. It caused four sections of stone to open and blast a radiant light to the center of the altar. This radiance was causing Nebby to shake within Lillie's bag.

Nebby managed to fly right out of her backpack and went straight into the light. It surrounded Nebby and it released a massive burst of light and a loud and proud cry was heard throughout the canyon. In Nebby's place, was the beast that called the moon, Lunala.

Lillie:"Nebby...th-thank goodness...you're alright... Please don't ever do that again! You made me worry so much! And I never imagined that sounding the flutes would give you so much power...or let you evolve into the legendary Pokemon!"


Lillie:"Not in all of my reading... Never did I ever come across any hint that you would evolve into the legendary Pokemon... Please, Lunala... No... Nebby. Please. I need to go where my mother is! We want to protect Alola, but there's no need for her to try to stop Necrozma all on her own!"


Lunala began to hover towards the two before the altar shook and Guzma fell straight onto his back.

Lillie:"Mr. Guzma! But you were..."


Lusamine fell onto him as an Ultra Wormhole had opened up in the air and something ominous floated out of it.

A/n: I don't know why but Necrozma could totally pass as a Sonic villain.

Lusamine:"You kids...run! That thing is...a monster!"


Lusamine:"That is Necrozma! The instant it woke it flew into a rage and repelled everything that came near it! Lillie, run from this place! You can't do anything!"

Selene:"I'll protect her!"

Selene got ready to battle Necrozma but it turned its attention towards Lunala.


Nebby charged straight at Necrozma and the two began battling in the air as they clashed in lights of black and purple. Lunala made Necrozma crash into the altar before it retaliated and grabbed one of Lunala's wings and pulling it down to the ground.


Necrozma had Lunala pinned down and began squeezing its head as its fingertips glowed brightly. It got brighter and blinded everyone before Lunala dawned a new look.



It roared loudly as the area shook and Ultra Wormholes began sprouting up around the region. The Kahunas, and Nanu, were facing some head on. But they weren't alone, they were being backed up by the Tapus. Though this was going to be far more than an easy battle for them.

(Y/n) was headed towards the altar, but was currently face to face with an Ultra Beast.

Wild Pokemon and a few trainers fled from the presence of this Ultra Beast. (Y/n) himself stood with his arms crossed not even caring about the possible threat. He grabbed his Dex and saw that this Ultra Beast was a bug and fighting type.


(Y/n):"Bug and fighting huh? You're stealing my boy Heracross's thunder! Come on, punk, let's dance!"

It roared and made (Y/n) smirk. As everyone fought the Ultra Beasts, Selene battled the fused version of Necrozma and Lunala. She won, but Necrozma wasn't exactly finished. It released a black mist and lowered itself into a wormhole and disappeared. Way above in the sky, a black mist swirled around and blocked out any light.

The members of the Ultra Recon Squad came by to say that the light had been stolen and soon the entire world will lose its light. They revealed that Necrozma was fixated on Selene's collection of Z-Crystals. They would lend her their Solgaleo to traverse through wormholes in a thing called Ultra Warp Ride.

Dulse and Zossie provided her a suit so she could breathe in the space between. Solgaleo leapt into the air and shot a blast that tore open a hole in the air and it ran to Selene and threw her on its back. It jumped into the Ultra Wormhole and left with her.

She traveled thousands of light years away and made it to where Necrozma resided, Ultra Megalopolis.

A/n: You versus the guy she tells you not to worry about.

In this place, Selene met two other Ultra Recon Squad members named Soliera and Phyco. Necrozma was already at the top of Megalo Tower so she rode the elevator to reach the top. Once she did she saw it absorbing more light and a prism leaving its forehead and glowing brightly. It enveloped Necrozma and the light burst as it transformed once again.

Its aura came to life and its stats were boosted.

Back in Alola

Lillie and Lusamine were patiently waiting for Selene to return victorious and (Y/n) reached the top of the altar.


Lillie turned and saw the boy and quickly ran to his side.

(Y/n):"What happened?"

Lillie:"Necrozma took a hold of Nebby and fled elsewhere. Selene went to go chase after them."

(Y/n):"I see. You think she can handle it?"

Lusamine:"We can only hope."

At the sound of that, a wormhole was opened and it was Solgaleo running out with Selene on its back. But the thing was, Selene blacked out.


She ran to her friend to try and check up on her. She patted her cheek to try and wake her up. Lusamine grit her teeth and clenched her fists.

Lusamine:"That's it then..."

Selene finally awoke and hugged Lillie.

Lillie:"Selene! What happened?"

Selene:"Lillie...I failed... Necrozma is too strong..."

She teared up which caused Lillie to do the same and hugged back. (Y/n) lowered his hat to cover his eyes and he left the altar.

Zossie:"This is awful..."

Dulse:"Indeed. If the trial-goer can't beat Ultra Necrozma then there's nothing left to do, but watch the light be consumed."

A few minutes later

(Y/n) came back and passed by Selene and Lillie.

(Y/n):"Nice fight Selene."


They looked up at him as he ran his finger across the brim of his hat.

(Y/n):"I guess it's time for the champion to step in."

Selene:"(Y/n) you..."

(Y/n):"Even though I'm on vacation, I'll do anything to keep a region from being ruined. You've done well to make it this far. All of you."

Selene:"But (Y/n), you don't have your champion team."

(Y/n):"Heh, that would make things easy, but there are always other strats to take down a big bad Pokemon."

Lusamine looked at his waist and noticed only 1 Poke Ball on it.

(Y/n):"So keep your chin up you two. I'll bring Nebby back. Ultra Recon dudes, lend me Solgaleo. I'm ending this."

Dulse:"A champion you say? Are you confident in your skills?"

(Y/n):"Of course I am."

Dulse:"Very well."

They lent him a suit as well and (Y/n) rode off into an Ultra Wormhole to reach Megalopolis. Once he reached his location, he bolted straight to the tower.

Your POV

I reached the top and stared down the beast that devours all light.

"So you're my opponent then?"

Necrozma roared and shook the tower. It then spoke to me.

Necrozma: You dare and try to battle me? You lowly human.

"Oh, what's the matter? Scared? Why wouldn't you be? I'm the Unova and Kalos Champion after all!"

Necrozma: You talk big but once I wipe the floor with your Pokemon, I'll absorb the light from Unova and Kalos!

"I'd like to see you try! You're not getting past me!"

Necrozma roared as the entire area shook and I was being pushed back but I walked ahead despite the shockwaves coming off from its roars.

Necrozma: Ha! I thought I could make you falter but you're standing strong! You must be highly arrogant or incredibly stupid!

"Well, I won't back down
No, I won't back down
You can stand me up
At the gates of hell
But I won't, back down."

I grabbed a Poke Ball from my belt and tossed it up and down in my hand.

Necrozma: I'll end you!!

"You won't be able to! I've got a secret weapon ready to kick your ass!"

I threw the Poke Ball and sent out my secret weapon.

"Fuck him up! Chaos!"

The ball opened and my secret weapon was now on the battlefield with his eyes glowing bright red.

Necrozma: You serious? This is your secret weapon? Do you take me as some weak Caterpie?!

Necrozma began charging an attack which happened to be Dragon Pulse. Chaos stood on his hind legs and swayed his tail around which had something wrapped around it.

I smirked as Necrozma unleahsed the attack and hit Chaos with it. The ground tore apart as Necrozma screeched in triumph. The smoke cleared and he glared at me then back at Chaos.

Chaos:"Ra...ta..ta..ta!" (I didn't hear no bell!)

Necrozma: You and your trainer are starting to anger me!

"Use Endeavor!"

Chaos ran up and bit down on Necrozma hard enough to lower its HP to the same as his own.

Necrozma: You...!

"Quick Attack!"

Chaos nodded and ran faster than the eye could see and lunged at Necrozma and bit down on it one last time to bring it down.

"That right there is the power of the legendary top percentage Rattata!"

Necrozma let out a pained roar before falling over and spilling the light that it stole. Lunala was there and seemed normal. It took me back to Alola where Lillie and Selene embraced me in a tight hug.

Lusamine: He truly is a champion... He won Lillie over. Oh but she and I will have some friendly mother and daughter competition for him.

Lunala was still weak so they would take care of it back at Aether Paradise with Lillie's help. Selene and Lillie kissed my cheeks and I blushed, but smiled happily. Soon everyone left. Lillie left with Lusamine and Selene went with Mina who showed up near the end so Selene could take her trial. Guzma just walked off elsewhere.

"Huh. Never in my life did I think I would use the FEAR tactic. But it worked like a charm."

Don't turn off the power.

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