Mountain Tops And Your Boy

Selene and Hau had a battle in the center of Malie City as (Y/n) went off to do his own thing for a while. After their battle, Hau went on ahead to the garden with Selene following shortly after. Kukui was in the center of the garden where they served tea so Selene looped around the garden to reach the area.

Along her way she battled a few trainers and some wild Pokemon and her Torracat had evolved into Incineroar.

If (Y/n) was present, he would be mortified at any possible image results for this Pokemon. Selene finally reached the center where Kukui was sitting on a bench. He stood up when he saw her and Hau came running up.

Hau:"Ho! Professor Kukui!"

Kukui:"Hey there! What's going on with you two? Your eyes are shining extra bright today. Did something happen?"

Selene:"Only something AMAZING!"

Hau:"Professor! You gotta hear this! An Ultra Wormhole opened up, like, right in front of us, and there really are Ultra Beasts in there! And aliens from other worlds, too! You've gotta tell Professor Burnet, too!"

Kukui:"Woo! You got to see the Ultra Wormhole and an Ultra Beast? And folks from another world?! That IS amazing, oh yeah! Sounds like an even better reason to train hard, yeah, on your island challenge! Maybe someday we'll all be able to go through the Ultra Wormhole! Alright! Your next trial is up on Mount Hokulani! You can catch the bus to get there. Just head to the bus stop on Route 10, yeah?"

Hau:"You guys can go ahead without me, Professor. I've got a hot date with a malasada shop! I'm gonna get my Pokemon some treats so they'll really start to like me!"

Kukui:"Roger that, good buddy! I'll be waiting at the bus stop, Selene, whenever you're ready to go!"

Kukui went ahead and walked off.

Hau:"Hey, Selene, did you know?"

Selene:"Know what?"

Hau:"There's an observatory up on Mount Hokulani! And you do know what it is they do at an observatory, right? Hope you do, 'cause I sure as heck don't. Now I'm out!"

Hau ran out the garden and Selene chased after him. She got ready to head to Route 10, but she met up with Lillie in the street.

Lillie:"Oh, Selene, I'm glad I ran into you... I was actually wondering..."


Nebby shook in her back and she tried to keep it still.

Lillie:"Wh-what did you think of her? The president of the Aether Foundation, I mean."

Selene:"I'm not quite sure. She seemed nice, but (Y/n) seems suspicious of everyone at Aether."

Lillie:"I see... I may need to speak with him when I have the chance... I just thought maybe you'd met with her. I'm sorry for asking you something so strange. Um, anyway... What I really wanted to ask about was..."

Selene:"Is it about Nebby?"

Lillie:"Yes. I want to take Nebby to visit Ula'ula's ruins, but they are located deep in a large desert. I don't want to ask that much of you. Right now, I'm planning to visit Malie Library. There's a book that I want to look for there. Maybe you'd even be willing to help me? I know that Malie Library is here within the city of Malie somewhere... Even I should be able to find it. I can do this!"


Nebby shook the bag once again before Lillie began walking to the library. Before Selene went any further, she used her Ride Pager to call Charizard and fly to Heahea Beach so she could visit the move tutor. There, she went up to the tutor and taught Fire Punch to her Incineroar in place of Fire Fang. She then went back to Malie City and went to the library.

Lillie:"Selene... I'm sorry... I ended up getting lost, yet again... I wandered around completely lost until I ducked into the apparel shop... And then I saw this outfit, and they said it was the last one they had in stock, so I bought it... Even though I don't think I'd ever have the guts to wear an outfit like it... Hah... But the woman working at the store did tell me where to find the library! So I guess you could say it was all for the best. ...Though the library was actually right past the apparel store, if I'd just kept going."

All of a sudden, a Mudsdale came running and stopped short of the two girls and cried out loudly. This made Lillie jump in surprise.


A familiar face walked up and it was Hapu.

Hapu:"Selene. Been a while, friend. Looks like your island challenge is coming along favorably. That must be pleasing to the tapu. So, Selene, who might this be?"

Lillie:"Oh! Hello... My name is Lillie."

Hapu:"My apologies if Mudsdale spooked you just now. Doesn't seem like you're a trial-goer. What are you up to?"

Lillie:"Oh. I'm actually, um, studying the tapu's ruins. For...various reasons of my own."

Hapu smiled at this.

Hapu:"Well, that's some fine initiative. I'd be happy to show you the way whenever you'd like to go. My Mudsdale here is as sturdy as all get-out. She can easily carry two."

Lillie:"Thank you for the offer."

Hapu nodded and patted Mudsdale and the two began to walk away.

Lillie:"Shall we check out Malie Library first though, since we're here?"

Selene:"Of course."

They walked in and glanced around the countless shelves lined with books. Selene talked with someone in the library who was from Johto and was gifted the TM for Fly.

She went upstairs and saw Lillie looking around for an old book. Someone giggled and walked up to a table with a book open.

?:"Is this what you're looking for, Princess? Give it a read!"

Lillie:"O-oh. Of course..."

They walked over and sat down as the person stood at the end of the table.

Lillie:"Well... It's titled The Light of Alola. I'll it aloud, shall I?"

Selene:"Go ahead."

Lillie cleared her throat and looked down at the pages.

The empty sky broke asunder, a hole appearing where had been none. A single beast appeared from in it: it was called the beasts that devoured the sun and moon. The king of Alola bowed before them: the beasts that shone so like the sun and the beast that calls the moon.

The island guardians fought against it, but in the end the beasts had won. Then did the beast that devours the sun shine its light on the line of kings. Then did the beast that haf won bring nature's gift to bless all things. The king of Alola bowed before it: the beast that stole all heavens' light. The island guardians fought against it, but in the end they lost the fight.

Beast of sun and beast of moon. Through their unison, they brought new life. A fragile heir in Alola born that island guardians would keep from strife. The ancient kings sang their thanks for Solgaleo and Lunala with song of flute. Two tones rang out across the altar- a perfect pair, ever after mute.

?:"Isn't it great? My dad's books are all great!"

Lillie:"What? I mean, yes, it is. But when you say your father... Isn't this book...very old?"

Acerola:"Yeah, it belonged to my dad. I know don't look it, but my family used to be pretty much royalty. I had to have all my dad's books moved here so they didn't get ruined by the Pokemon. I can tell you lots of other old stories about Alola, too! You interested? I'm Acerola by the way!"

Lillie:"Well...that would be wonderful! I would be delighted, if you did. I think I'll stay here... But I know why you've come to Ula'ula. You'll be undergoing another trial, won't you, Selene? Good luck with it. I read that Ula'ula Island's electric type trial can only be reached by the bus on Route 10."

A/n: I'm not even at the electric trial and I already have 1,350+ words right now. God the Alola games sure are something eh? I just hope Scarlet and Violet don't have as much dialog or if they do it's some that actually add something to the story. Also let me know which version you'll be getting and the starter. I'm getting Violet and Fuecoco.

Selene walked out the library and stretched her arms out before letting out a small yawn. She went to the bus stop and saw some Team Skull grunts kicking the stop sign. She battled them and ran them off before riding the bus with Kukui to the top of the mountain. When they reached the peak, Kukui mentioned he was going to set up Alola's first league over on the higher mountain, Mount Lanakila.

Selene went to enter the observatory and she met with a guy named Molayne.

This guy apparently took part in his own island challenge with Kukui back in the day. Molayne also seemed to know that Kukui was the Masked Royal. He then left to go get Hau. Molayne then gifted the steel Z-Crystal to Selene.

Selene was tasked with rounding up some Charjabug by Sophocles, the trial captain.

After doing all that mundane stuff, her trial actually started. She had to line up the Charjabug to get electricity flowing. At times she battled some Pokemon and at the end she fought the totem Pokemon. It was a Togedemaru. She took it down with no problem and had to go see Prof. Kukui at the garden again.

When she got there, Kukui was challenging some Skull grunts to a Battle Royal. That's when someone showed up.

?:"Battle Royal, huh? Nice idea there, Kukui. You can beat down three Pokemon at once, huh?"

The person walked past the grunts and stared down Kukui.

Man:"It's Guzma..."

Grunt 1:"The boss has graced us with his presence!"

Guzma:"The hated boss who beats you down, and beats you down, and never let's up... Yeah. Big bad Guzma is here! Greetings, cowering public! We have an exciting bout for you tonight! In the opposing corner, the Pokemon professor Kukui! And in this corner, the boss of Team Skull and the hardest guy around, Guzma!"


Guzma:"Here we are, Kukui... Fellow rejects who never could become captains. We've got all these moldy old traditions in Alola: the kahunas, the captains... It's about time we cut out all that silly garbage and make something new for ourselves. Trust me, I get that. Don't get me wrong, though, Kukui. We've got no need for a Pokemon League. After all, everyone already knows who the strongest trainer is on these islands!"

Kukui:"Speak for yourself, Guzma. It's not like I couldn't become a captain. I chose not to. I had other dreams, see? I wanted to figure out which moves would be strong enough to beat old Hala...and I finally found what I was looking for. The strongest moves you can use are the ones a trainer and their Pokemon choose the heat of the moment, when it really counts. That's when I knew I had to make a Pokemon League, yeah,  to give everybody a chance to be pushed to the limit with their team and find that perfect move! Let's see it, Guzma! Show me your moves and prive you aren't just all talk! If you really can, that is..."

He then turned to looked at Selene to ask her thoughts on the matter.

Selene:"That's right!"

Guzma:"So you're one of the kids on her island challenge? You don't look like you're from around here!"

Selene:"I just moved to Alola recently."

Kukui:"Discovery! New experiences! Adventure! She's loving every minute of it! Selene and her Incineroar can unleash some real powerful moves. So if you think you're the strongest trainer in these islands, Guzma, why don't you battle her?"

Guzma:"Tch! This move fanatic is getting me all riled up! You've got a Z-Power Ring, huh, kid? Why even bother with the island challenge? What's the point of it?"

Selene:"It'll make me strong!"

Guzma:"No it won't, you dumb kid! Watch closely, Kukui. Someday I'm gonna destroy you. But first. I'll destroy everything you care about! Wanna see what destruction looks like? Here it is in human form! It's your boy Guzma!"

Guzma sent out his first Pokemon which was a Golisopod.

A/n: I used one on my first run through Pokemon Moon and liked it. But if I saw this thing in real life I'd probably die.

Selene sent out her Incineroar.

Selene:"Use Fire Punch!"

Incineroar's fist was set ablaze and he punched Golisopod righ in its face and shoved it back a bit.

Guzma:"Heh! Razor Shell!"

Golisopod raised one of its large claws and water swirled around and formed into a blade and it slashed Incineroar across the chest. It cried in pain, but stood strong.

Selene:"Use it again!"

Incineroar attacked once again and nearly took down Golisopod, but it's ability activated. It jumped back into its Poke Ball and his other Pokemon was sent out in its place. It was a Masquerain and its intimidate ability lowered Incineroar's attack. This made Selene switch out to her Lycanroc.

A/n: I was gonna give her the dusk version but I wasn't able to get one in game since it was event only and I can't use wonder trade because I have no internet.

Lycanroc took the hit and it dealt some big damage surprisingly.

Selene:"Lycanroc! Use Rock Slide!"

It howled to the sky and rocks fell from the sky and rained down on the opposing Pokemon and knocked it out. Guzma was then down to his last Pokemon and he had to send out Golisopod again. Selene switched out to Incineroar again and finished it off with a Fire Punch. Her victory completely shocked Guzma.

Guzma:"GUZMA!!! What is wrong with you?! Now's the time for your vaunted team to let loose and destroy everything! It was Selene, right? I'll remember someone I'll be happy to beat down anytime!"

He started to walk past them before stopping to glance at Hau who only just showed up.

Guzma:"So you're Hau, huh?"

Hau:"And you're Guzma...? So?"

Guzma:"Y'know you don't have to do this island challenge thing just because your granddad's a kahuna. Even if you finish, you might not get what you want."

He walked off with the grunts and Kukui and Hau praised Selene for an amazing battle. Kukui then gave her Incineroar's exclusive Z-Crystal. Acerola and Lillie showed up to talk for a bit. Acerola let Hau and Selene know that their next trial was just past Route 11.

Selene sighed and decided to go to a Pokemon Center to rest for the day.

Don't turn off the power.

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