Bonus: Gorgeous Galarian Gals!

I was snoring loudly before I felt someone poking me. I snapped out of my dreams and opened my eyes to see it was Anubis waking me up.

"Huh? Wh-what?"

Anubis: Master, we're here.

I looked around to see fellow train passengers getting off and we followed suit. Once I got out, I returned Anubis to his ball. He was unfortunately the only one I had on me currently. The Customs Agency told me that certain Pokemon weren't allowed in Galar. Something about them being potential invasive species and whatnot. I was also not allowed to use Mega Evolution.

I walked out the station and dusted off my shoulders. I walked around and found myself in a little town called Wedgehurst. The people were casually going about their day and entering and exiting shops. I walked up to a man to ask him a question.

"Excuse me sir, could you tell me where the Pokemon professor is? I'm new here and hoping they could help me out."

Man:"Sure thing. The research lab is just down the road!"

"Thanks a million."

I began walking down the road and reached a two story building. I walked inside and spoke out loud.

"Hello? Anybody home?"

?:"Right here!"

I heard footsteps approaching when a guy about my age showed up with a big smile.

?:"What's going on, mate?"

Oh that's right. Galarian accent. "I'm looking for the professor."

Hop:"Oh, sure thing. I'll get her for you. I'm Hop by the way!"

"Nice to meet you. I'm (Y/n)."

Hop nodded and ran up some stairs and opened a door before coming back down.

Hop:"Say, you look familiar."

"Do I now?"

Hop:"Yeah. I can't put my finger on it though."

"Have you seen Riolu Kid?"

Hop:"Of course, mate! One smashing good movie, I tell ya!"

"I'm him."

Hop's eyes widened before he got on his phone to look it up and gasped.

Hop:"No way! I have to tell my brother and my friend!"

He quickly ran out the door which made me chuckle.

?:"Oof. Sorry about the delay. I was going over some research papers."

I turned around and saw the professor and both of our faces went red. Anubis shook in his ball and spoke to me telepathically.

Anubis: We're not even 10 minutes in the region and you're already flirting with a new girl.

It's not flirting if I'm admiring her beauty from a distance.

Anubis: Either way it's funny how we barely started and you got yourself a new lover.

Shut up!

Anubis: Hehe!


"H-hey... You're the professor?"

Sonia:"Y-yes... I'm Sonia. Nice to meet you."

"Right back at you. I'm (Y/n)."

Sonia gasped and immediately ran up to me.

Sonia:"Wait! You're the champion of both Unova and Kalos!"

"Ha. Yep. That's me!"

I smiled and grabbed a fresh water from my bag and began to drink it.


Sonia gasped as her face went completely red as I did a spit take into the air from her unexpected compliment.

We stood there embarrassed before Anubis spoke up.

Anubis: Master, tell her thank you and tease her about being forward! And throw a compliment back at her too!

"Ahem... Thank you for the compliment, but I never thought you'd be so forward. I like that in a gorgeous woman such as yourself." There, ya happy Anubis?!

Anubis: Perhaps. But you'll be thanking me later.

Sonia began twirling her hair before kissing me on the cheek.

Sonia:"Thank you. I'm sorry about that though. It's just that I watched your movies and seen your pictures online. So, what brings you to Galar?"

"I'm looking for someone to hopefully be an Elite Four member for my Unova League."

Sonia:"Oh okay."

"But I'm gonna need a town map and possibly update my Pokedex as well. It's already got a Rotom in it."

Sonia:"I can help you with that. Just lend me it."

I handed her the Dex as she walked to a table and began tinkering with it. After a few minutes she handed it back to me and it contained the map inside and she included pages for the Pokemon here in Galar.

"Thanks a million, Sonia!"

Sonia:"Anything for you. While you're here, would you like to grab a coffee?"

"I'd like that."

She giggled happily and grabbed my hand before taking me to a cafe in the town.

* * *

Sonia brought me to a place called the Wild Area with Hop after we had a little coffee date which Anubis kept laughing at me for.

Sonia:"Here we are!"

"So what's this Wild Area about?"

Hop:"It's amazing! All sorts of Pokemon are out in the open ripe for catching! There are a bunch of them out there! The species that show up depends on the time and weather."

"Sheesh. That's definitely a good way to fill out your dex."

Hop:"Yep! Also there are Max Raid Dens!"

"Max Ray Dennis?"

Hop:"No. Max Raid Dens. It's a special spot where you fight Pokemon that are Dynamaxed with three other people in order to catch them. The dens also let you Dynamax your own Pokemon! Pretty cool right?!"

"I guess. Not like I can take full advantage of it anyway."

Hop:"Right. You need a Dynamax Band with a Wishing Star fitted into it."

"I'll not worry too much about that."

Hop:"Oh right! There are some strong wandering Pokemon out there! You definitely don't need to worry about them since you're a champion! But I thought I'd let you know."

"Thanks Hop. I'll catch you guys later then."

He waved me off happily as Sonia blew me a kiss. I pretended to catch it and pat it on my chest which made her giggle.

Hop:"Wait a minute!"

We stopped and he walked up to me and narrowed his eyes.

Hop:"You forgot your camping gear!"

He have me a giant bag that fit into my backpack because backpack factories here in the Pokemon world are gods of forgery.

Hop:"Have fun camping with your Pokemon! And be sure to cook up some awesome curry!"

"Sure thing bud."

I walked out to the Wild Area and began exploring the large open field. And Hop wasn't kidding. Many species of Pokemon were out and about. They roamed freely and various cries could be heard all over the place.

"While I'm here, I should find some Pokemon to train against. What do you say, Anubis?"

Anubis: Agreed!

I nodded and began biking all over the place and seeing the new Pokemon living in Galar. I even saw Galarian variants of Zigzagoon. Little critter looked like a rockstar. After several minutes of fighting some of the beefier Pokemon, I started heading to the next place called Motostoke.

I whistled at the marvelous city in front of me. The place was huge and had a strange lift on a gear that raised people up to an upper section of the city. I walked around a bit when I saw someone jogging down the street with people waving at them. I looked over to see an older man in a sports uniform.

Boy:"Hi Mr. Kabu!"

Kabu:"Hello young man!"

He smiled and waved back as he kept jogging.

"Kabu. Judging by his uniform he's a fire specialist. Not what I'm looking for. Better keep going."

I left to get to Route 3. I pressed on through Galar Mine No. 1, and past Route 4. I was then at the next town, Turrfield. It was a quaint little place with ranches and farms sprawled throughout.

?:"Woo! Wooloo!"

I heard the cry of a Pokemon and watched as a bunch of Wooloo started rolling towards me. I stepped out the way as I saw a little Yamper chasing after them and a buff guy chasing after them too.

Woman 1:"There goes Milo again."

Woman 2:"Mmm~ You mean daddy?"

Woman 1: *giggle*

Milo:"Wooloo! Don't run off too far!"


"Well, certainly ain't him. Onward I go."

I rode out the town and got to Route 5. It was a small route with a Pokemon Nursery there.

Woman:"Excuse me."

I stopped my bike to see a woman outside the building holding an egg.

Woman:"Could I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?"

"Uhhh... Sure?"

She smiled and gave it to me. I carefully put it away and thanked her before I kept biking. I passed over a bridge and more of the route before entering a tunnel. Once on the other side, I found myself in Hulbury. A bustling seaport with a restaurant near the center of the town. Just the sight of this restaurant caused my stomach to rumble.

"Time to get myself some lunch."

I hopped off my bike and walked in. It didn't seem that busy at the time so I was sat down quickly and told the waiter what I wanted to drink.

Waiter:"Right this way, Ms. Nessa."

Another waiter came by and sat a woman down at a table next to me. She was wearing her sports uniform just like the other two gym leaders I have passed.

She looked over at me and smiled. I smiled back as the waiter came back with my drink. He left as I decided on my order.

Nessa:"Excuse me, sir?"

I took a sip and looked at her again.

Nessa:"Would it be alright if I sat with you?"

"Be my guest."

She smiled and sat across from me.

Nessa:"I have a question to ask if you don't mind."


Nessa:"You're (Y/n), correct?"

"Yes ma'am."

Nessa:"I knew it. Right as I walked in and saw you, I just knew I recognized you. You're Elesa's boyfriend."

"You know Elesa?"

Nessa:"She was my inspiration for my very own modeling career."

"Really? That's awesome!"

Nessa:"Aww thank you. Would you like to see some of my shoots?"

"Sure. If that's fine with you."

She nodded and grabbed her phone and showed me several photos of her in different outfits and poses. She looked amazing in all of them.

"Wow, these are all incredible! You definitely have a knack for modeling."

Nessa:"Thank you. I just wish I could do a shoot with Elesa someday."

"I can call her up right now and see if she can work something out."

She gasped and smiled happily.

Nessa:"That would be wonderful!"

I laughed and called her on my Xtransciever. It rang once before she picked up.

Elesa:"Hello honey~"

"Hi babe."

Elesa giggled when I called her this.

Elesa:"How's Galar? Did you find someone yet?"

"It's pretty chill here. And unfortunately I have not found the people I've been looking for. But, I did meet a fan of yours. She's also a part time model and was hoping she could do a shoot with you."

Elesa:"Oh! Let me speak with her!"

I gave Nessa my device and Elesa gasped.

Elesa:"Nessa?! Oh my gosh! You are so beautiful!"

Nessa:"Thank you! You're what inspired me to pursue a modeling career."

Elesa:"I'm always happy to hear that! I would love to have a shoot with you. I'll send you my agent's information so we can plan something!"

Nessa:"Thank you! That would be amazing. Your boyfriend sure is kind."

Elesa:"He's not my boyfriend. He's my future husband."

She giggled and winked which caused me to blush madly.

A man can't enjoy his roasted Magikarp with a side of Kingler legs in peace.

Anubis: Such is the way of a harem protagonist.

How do you know what that is?!

Anubis: When you left for Alola I watched some of that anime stuff. I like the one with the laser beams and yelling. My favorite character is the time traveler. He's super cool!

Nessa gave me back the Xtransciever and Elesa kissed the screen before hanging up. Nessa leaned across the table and kissed my nose.

Nessa:"Thank you, (Y/n). Nessa says you're gonna be on the set with us when we shoot."

"Wait huh?!"

Nessa:"Yeah. She said not to argue."

I let out a sigh and made her laugh before our orders arrived and we ate together. She tried to split the check, but I chose to be a gentleman and took care of the bill. It didn't matter all too much to me. My account was maxed out in money.

A/n: Shout outs to the Amulet Coin. You're a real one.

We walked out the restaurant together as I stretched my legs.

Nessa:"So where you headed off to?"

"The next town or city I suppose."

Nessa:"Okay, just so you know the route past here goes into Galar Mine No. 2 and loops back to Motostoke. You're gonna have to pass through the Wild Area to get to the next stop."

"Gotcha. Thanks Nessa."

Nessa:"You're welcome. I'll be looking forward to seeing you again!"

She winked at me and giggled before I rode off. As she said the Galar Mine looped around back to Motostoke. I left and kept going around the Wild Area. As I did, the egg hatched into a tiny Pokemon called Toxel. I made it hold a Lucky Egg and began to train against the Pokemon. Once it reached level 30, it evolved.

"Whoa! You look so cool! Shoot! I also forgot to give you a nickname. I'll call you Luck. And the Dex here says you have this form and a low-key form. Both of you are basically punk rockers."


"Wait! And you're poison type too! I definitely need to catch two Toxels! I can surprise Roxie with them! Haha! The look on her face will be sweet!"

Luck smiled and cried happily before I decided to train him up some more just so he can be closer in level to Anubis. I walked around and a thunderstorm was overhead in part of the Wild Area. And I saw some Toxels out and about. I caught two and decided to box them later.

I finally reached the entrance to my next stop called Hammelocke. I went to the Pokemon Center and put the two Toxels away. Once I got out I saw a crowd of people cheering and clapping.

Woman:"Raihan I love you!"

Man:"I love you more!"


I walked over and saw a guy waving at everyone and taking selfies with the crowd.

A/n: Sword and Shield are easy no doubt but I have to give praise to Raihan. He specializes in double battles which I'm not good at and he was the first person to knock out a party member during my entire playthrough. Not even Leon did that.

"That's a dragon head on his shorts. Not what I'm looking for. But he has charisma. Respect."

I walked away and made it past Route 6 to reach the town of Stow-On-Side. It was like one big historical site. Old fashioned buildings made of limestone and possibly clay. I walked around and decided to enter a small mart. I began walking up and down the aisles looking at different kinds of snacks. Out the corner of my eye I saw a strange figure and looked to see a kid with a mask on.

"Whoa! Didn't see you there buddy."


"Nice to meet you. You a gym leader?"

Allister:"Y-yes... Am... Allister."

"I'm (Y/n). So what you in the mood for?"

He pointed up at a box of cookies on the top shelf so I got it for him.


"No problem, man."

?:"Ah! Allister!"

We heard a voice and looked over to the right to see another gym leader. She wore her uniform and was barefoot in the store.

?:"Oh those are some good cookies."

She smiled at him then looked over at me.



?:"You seem strong."

"I get that a lot."

Bea:"A pleasure to meet you! I'm Bea!"

"I'm (Y/n)."

Bea:"Wait! THE (Y/n)?!"


"The one and only...maybe."

Bea:"You're the trainer that became champion for two regions!"


"Thanks little buddy."

Bea:"It's a real honor to meet you. I'm...I'm..."

If she says she's a goofy goober I'll marry her on the spot.

Anubis: Roxie is gonna be mad. Cynthia as well. Really, any of the girls back home are gonna strangle you for not asking them first to marry you.

Crap! You're right!


Allister began clapping for her as she did a bow to hide her embarrassed face.

"My biggest fan...?"

Bea stood upright with a pink tint on her cheeks. She then gently pressed her fingertips together.


Allister:"She has...posters of you..."

Bea gasped and tried to cover the hole in his mask where his mouth was.


"No it's okay. I'm happy to know I got fans across the world. I can sign one for you if you'd like."


She took off running and accidentally caused little Allister to spin around in a circle. I put my hand on his head to stop him and he thanked me.

Allister:"She also has...a uhh...a body pillow"

"Chotto mate. Are you serious?"

He slowly nodded and I fell to my knees.

"I should have taken a closer look to all those contracts I signed! I knew that glasses wearing lady with the messy hair was up to something! I saw it in her eyes! The heart shaped pupils and the heavy breathing as she watched me write my signature to allow her to use my likeness for merchandise! To think I signed my likeness away to become a body pillow..."

Allister gently pat my head and I sighed.

"Ah well. You live and learn as they say. Thanks Allister."

He nodded as I stood up when Bea came back with a poster and permanent marker in hand. I took a look at the poster and saw that it was me and my two champion teams. Unova was on the left side and Kalos was on the right side. I was in the middle sitting on a golden throne with a smug look on my face. I laughed to myself and signed the poster for her.

Bea:"Thank you so much! I will never forget this day!"

"You two seem like some really cool people, want to hang out for a bit?"

Bea:"Of course. What do you say?"

Allister nodded and we bought some snacks and walked around town as Bea showed off some historical sights. We sat down at a bench where Bea began stuffing her face with several different types of sweets as Allister gently lifted his mask to eat some donuts. Jelly filled are his favorite.

"Wow Bea, you've got one major sweet tooth, huh?"

Bea:"You don't even know! I constantly work out and train with all my Pokemon. I'll do push-ups, sit ups, and sparring practice."

"Wait, like actually fighting with them?"


I looked at her biceps, abs, thighs, and calves. She saw me staring and flexed her muscles. I blushed and made her smile.

Bea:"I pretty much have a high metabolism. Plus I just can't get enough of these delicious sweets!"

Allister:"So yummy..."

"So which gym do you guys run?"

Allister:"This one."

"Like as a duo?"

Bea:"No. We take turns on different days as the leader. Here in Galar if you want to be a gym leader you need to go through the gym challenge and then fill out some paperwork to start off as a minor league."

Allister:"The higher ups thought me and Bea were really good."

Bea:"Of course we are! Allister and I are a package deal! I refuse to leave my baby brother behind!"

Allister:"I told you stop calling me that..."

Bea:"Sorry Al, I refuse!"


Bea:"Well, not by blood, but I basically adopted him."

"Ah. The classic extrovert and introvert dynamic. Love it."

Bea giggled as Allister chuckled softly. I finished eating my snacks and packed away the rest.

"Well, I'm off. Thanks for the talk. If you guys need something be sure to give me a holler."

I got back on my bike and started to burn the calories as I went north. I passed through a forest lit up by glowing mushrooms called the Glimwood Tangle. I made it through and ended up in a place called Ballonlea. I saw the gym stadium in the distance and saw the logo to be some pink butterfly type of design.

"Doubt the dark type leader will be here."

I sighed before opening my Town Map to see I had to go back to Hammerlocke to reach the other towns. I put it away and rode all the way back. I left Hammerlocke and went east before taking a tunnel to the north right past Route 7. I was on Route 8 where the locale was that of ancient ruins with ladders all around the place. Past that was a tunnel that led to another part of Route 8 with hail falling. It was short as the town of Circhester was just nearby.

The place was snowing and everyone had large puffy coats on. I saw a group of girls squealing as some dude walked out a restaurant.

Woman 1:"GORDIE!!!"

Woman 2:"Look over here! Please!"

He saluted them and made them swoon. I walked around some more to see a woman ordering some ice cream.

Man:"Here you go Ms. Melony."

Melony:"Thank you so much."

She smiled happily and started to eat her dessert.

Anubis: You going to go talk to her?

Shut up! She's definitely way older than I am.

Anubis: Don't people love older women?

We do, but I don't know man. She's definitely got the looks, but I could not be somebody's stepdad. I'll pass on her for now.

Anubis: Very well.

I rode out the town and went to Route 9 and stopped at some water. I just now realized that I forgot a water type.

Man:"Oi, need some help?"

I turned to see a scientist walk over.

"Kinda yeah."

Man:"Let me see your bike."

I got off and he began tinkering with it before handing it back.

Man:"You can use your Rotom to hop in the bike and activate the floatation sacks once you're in the water. Makes traversing the water so much more easier."

I thanked him and started to bike on water. Something the professors considered forbidden. I went around the route for a while then went south to find a large metal gate raised up a bit. I went through it and reached a new place called Spikemuth.

The place was sort of a one way street with buildings on either side of me. The place was littered with trash. The walls had graffiti on them. And several buildings had neon signs hanging on them.

"Is this where the dark type specialists are?"

?:"Got that right."

I turned and saw two people walking up to me.

"Finally! Woo! I've been looking all over for you guys! I'm (Y/n), I'm the champion of Unova and Kalos. I'm here looking for the dark type leaders to see if one of you would be willing to take the place of an Elite Four member for me."

They looked at each other before the girl spoke.

Marnie:"Nice meetin' you, (Y/n). I'm Marnie and this is my brother Piers. I'm glad you considered us fo' the part but we just can't. I became the new Gym Leader here."

Piers:"And I'm gonna keep pursuing my singing career. Gotta keep rocking out."

"I see..."

I sighed and sat down on a wooden crate nearby.

"So much for coming to Galar."

Marnie:"Aww cheer up (Y/n). You'll find someone eventually. How about giving us a smile? Like this."

The way she did it plucked my heart strings and filled it with cuteness overload! And it caused me to smile widely.

Marnie:"Glad it worked."

That's when their phones went off. They grabbed them and look surprised.

Piers:"Looks like another tournament is happening."

Marnie:"Hey, since you're here how about fightin' in the tournament? It'd be pretty fun seeing you go against our new champion."

Piers:"Yeah. For sure."

"Sure. Why not? But I'm gonna need to get a team together."

Marnie:"You can try visiting the Isle of Armor or the Crown Tundra for some more Pokemon if you'd like."

"Not a bad idea."

I began walking away before I stopped and looked over at Piers.

"Hey Piers, you're a rocker right?"

Piers:"Yeah, why?"

"Well there's a girl in Unova named Roxie. She's a rocker too. Definitely check out her music."

He nodded and I ran out of Spikemuth to go searching for some Pokemon.

1 hour later

I took in a deep breath before walking right into Wyndon Stadium. Once I walked through those doors, I felt all eyes on me. I heard whispers and murmurs as I walked to the front counter.

"Good day, sir. I'd like to participate in today's tournament."

The man at the counter stared at me for a while with his mouth open before shaking his head. He wrote my name down and led me to a locker room. I was watching the first couple of matches go down. The first match was between the current champion, Gloria versus some guy named Avery. The next match was Kabu against a girl named Klara. Gloria and Kabu won so they were moving on to the next round.

The next battle was between a guy named Leon versus Raihan. Raihan unfortunately lost. And now, it was time for me to battle.

No One's POV

The whole world caught wind of the Unova/Kalos champion being in Galar and so they decided to tune in to watch him live on television. His girlfriends back home were all gathered around several couches with snacks in hand as they watched him step onto the field.

The girls he became acquainted with were in the front row seats cheering him on. Sonia, Nessa, and Bea were there cheering him on. Hop held up a sign saying: Fight on! Riolu Kid! And baby boy Allister waved a flag with (Y/n)'s face on it and had a giant foam finger too. Marnie and Piers sat in the front rows waiting to see what this guy was like.

Across from (Y/n) stood Gordie. He had his fanclub cheering wildly for him. He waved at everyone and smirked.

Gordie:"Nice to meet ya, champ! Hope you're ready to crumble under the force of my mighty rock types!"

(Y/n):"Ha! I like the confidence. You guys definitely know how to make a spectacle of things! Let's rumble!"

They walked on opposite ends of the field and threw out their first Pokemon. (Y/n) sent out Anubis and he sent out Barbaracle.

(Y/n):"Aura Sphere!"

Anubis howled and shot a blast from his palm that easily took down Gordie's first Pokemon. He sent out a Shuckle next.

(Y/n):"Set up a Swords Dance!"

Anubis created swords made of aura and did some swift movements with them to raise his attack up by two stages.

Gordie:"Use Sticky Web."

Shuckle shot out a web that was planted beneath Anubis's feet that would lower the speed of (Y/n)'s Pokemon if they switched out into it.

(Y/n):"Meteor Mash!"

Anubis ran up to Shuckle and punched it with great force and sent it flying. Gordie returned it and sent out a new Pokemon called Stonjourner.

(Y/n):"Meteor Mash!"

Anubis acted fast and brought down the giant walking pile of stones. He sent out a Tyranitar next that went down to a single Aura Sphere.

Bea:"Whoa... His Lucario is incredible! It's sweeping through Gordie's team!"

Sonia:"All that's left is his Coalossal."

Gordie sent out his final Pokemon and looked at (Y/n).

Gordie:"You're strong, but can you handle Gigantamax?!"

He returned Coalossal back into his ball before his Dynamax Band started to glow and cover the ball in pink light. The ball grew several times larger as he tossed it into the air. It opened and Coalossal was now a giant behemoth towering over everything.

Anubis looked over his shoulder and (Y/n) gave him a nod. Anubis smirked and began running straight towards Coalossal.

(Y/n):"I can't Dynamax myself, so I'll beat you the old fashioned way! Close Combat!"

Anubis jumped up into the air and started throwing a barrage of punches towards Coalossal's chest and the sounds echoed all over the place. With one final strike, Coalossal started to tip over and fall before turning back to his regular size and getting sent back to his ball.

Announcer:"Wow! (Y/n) used only one Pokemon to move on to the next round!"

Everyone cheered for him loudly as he made his way back to the locker room. His team was healed up as he waited for his match to start after several minutes it was finally his turn again. He walked out and saw Leon standing there with a huge grin.

Leon:"(Y/n)! Riolu Kid! Double champion! Man, I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about the battle we're going to have!"

(Y/n):"Glad to hear that you're hyped for this. You were the champion weren't you?"

Leon:"Yep. I was undefeated for a long while. But Gloria is definitely a worthy trainer to have beaten me. Now! Let's have ourselves a champion time!"

They bumped fists and walked to their sides of the field. Both of them did some stretches and fixed their hats. They smirked and threw their Poke Balls fiercely and started the battle. Leon used Aegislash first and (Y/n) sent out a Volcarona.

Leon:"King's Shield!"

Aegislash readied itself for an oncoming attack, but (Y/n) went for a status move.

(Y/n):"Quiver Dance!"

Volcarona began spinning around with scales floating around it which made it raise its Special Attack, Special Defense, and Speed by one stage.

(Y/n):"Now! Flamethrower!"

Volcarona cried out and shot a stream of fire that hit Aegislash harshly and knocked it out. Leon laughed and returned Aegislash and (Y/n) returned his own Pokemon. They sent their next 'Mons out. Leon sent out a Ryperior and (Y/n) sent out Anubis. He didn't have to say anything as Anubis already knew what to do. Close Combat brought down another rock type with ease.

Leon:"Oh man. You and your Lucario really understand each other don't you?"

(Y/n):"You bet. He was a Riolu when I caught him. He helped me kick out Team Plasma and become champion of Unova. He's definitely my clutch Pokemon!"

Anubis: Thank you Master. Your words mean a lot to me.

Anything for you buddy.

Bea:"Such a strong bond."

Sonia:"Yeah! And Lucarios can speak telepathically with trainers they trust. That must be what helped them develop such a powerful bond."

Allister:"He's really cool, huh?"

Nessa:"Absolutely incredible is more like it!"

Leon and (Y/n) then switched out their Pokemon. Both sent out their pseudo legendary Pokemon. (Y/n) sent out the main man, Gaara and Leon sent out a Dragapult.

(Y/n):"So that's this region's pseudo? Gotta say, it looks pretty cool!"

Leon:"A Garchomp aye? I hear that thing is one crazy strong beast!"

(Y/n):"Damn right! Tell him Gaara!"


He roared to the sky and the audience roared with excitement. The girls back home cheered for (Y/n). A majority of Kalos were gathered in Lumiose City watching the fight on several large screens used for advertising. Others watched at home like Serena and Shauna who were watching it at his parents' house. Kukui gathered (Y/n)'s friends and even invited Wicke and Lusamine to have a watch party.

Leon:"Let's do this then! Draco Meteor!"

(Y/n):"Hit 'em hard with an Outrage!"

Dragapult was faster and used its arcane power to call upon meteors to come crashing down. Gaara roared loudly and charged right at Dragapult. The meteors started falling all over the place causing the ground to tremble. Gaara dodged one and got close to Dragapult. The final meteor then came flying down as Gaara hit Dragapult with all his strength. The meteor then crashed onto both of the mighty dragons and caused them to go flying into the air.

They crashed back down and neither of them stood back up. Both were returned and got words of praise from their respective trainers. Leon sent out Rillaboom next and (Y/n) sent out a Togekiss.

Leon:"Knock Off!"

Rillaboom hit Togekiss across the face, but did little damage. Togekiss then hit back with an Air Slash and took it down. Leon had one last Pokemon left and smirked and tossed aside his cape.

Leon:"(Y/n)! I haven't been pushed into a serious corner like this before in such a long time! I can truly see why you became champion of two regions! You got skill, you got tenacity, you got the unrivaled skill of a Pokemon Master! Charizard! Let's do this!"

(Y/n) returned his Pokemon and sent out Luck the Toxtricity.

Leon Gigantamaxed his Charizard and the flames cranked up the heat within the stadium. An invisible barrier kept the audience from experiencing it. (Y/n) and Luck looked up at Charizard's looming figure.

Announcer:"And so Leon has brought out his signature Charizard and immediately used G-Maxing. What will (Y/n) do now?"

(Y/n):"Me? You want to know what I'm gonna do?! I'm gonna show you how to shock! This one is for you Roxie!"

He pointed his finger dramatically to the sky. As Roxie blushed and clutched her chest.

(Y/n):"Luck, I don't know if you will be able to tank a hit from the big bad Kanto 'Mon, but I believe in you doing some major damage! As long as you put the hurt on him then I can't complain."

Luck nodded and gave his trainer a thumbs up.

(Y/n):"Let's end this! Thunder!"

Leon:"Charizard! Hit him with a G-Max Wildfire!"

Luck started strumming the scales on his chest rapidly like an air guitar as Charizard created a giant bird-like figure of fire the flew high into the air. It swirled through the air as Luck kept shredding like a pro and stuck his tongue out. Storm clouds rolled overhead as the fire bird swooped down and charged straight at Luck. He strummed one last time as a massive bolt of thunder crashed down straight onto Charizard's head and landed a critical hit.

The fire crashed into Luck who decided to keep playing his music as he was soon engulfed in a massive explosion of fire and flames. Smoke covered the entire arena before it soon flew away into the air. Charizard was brought down to size and collapsed as Luck held up a rocker hand sign into the air.

(Y/n):"Through the fire and flames we carry on! You did it Luck! You absolute legend!"

He cried happily before falling backwards. Leon lowered his hat over his eyes before tossing it into the air.

Leon:"I have been bested! (Y/n) here is one capable trainer! He showed off great trust and strength. And he managed to beat my Charizard as well."

The two walked up to each other and shook hands as everyone went wild. All his friends and family hollered with delight as Hugh nodded in approval.

Hugh:"That's my rival for you."

Announcer:"We will be moving on to the final round shortly. We will take a quick break before we proceed."

(Y/n) went back to his locker room and just ate some snacks he bought when he was with Bea and Allister. The audience went to the restroom or get some food from the concession stands. About 30 minutes passed and it was time for him to face his final opponent. He was the first one out as Gloria stepped onto the field in her sports attire.

Announcer:"Alright ladies and gentlemen! The moment you've been waiting for! A champion battle!"

(Y/n):"The grand finale. Here we are."

Gloria:"Oi, you're the one who Hop called me about ay? Go'a say you're one bloody stud. And you thrashed that damn Leon. Got sick of the old chump blabbering 'bout being undefeated. Pissed me right the fuck off. Bastard made me want to rip me ears off!"

Sonia face palmed and sighed.

Sonia:"We should've warned him about her accent."


(Y/n) stood there stunned as Gloria placed her hands on her hips.

(Y/n):"I...I understood half of what you said."

Gloria:"Ah bloody 'ell! E'ryone says the same thing! It ain't that hard to listen to the words spewing out me mouth!"

(Y/n):"Well, we better get to battling. Don't want to keep the crowd waiting."

She huffed in annoyance before shaking his hand harshly and walking to her side. He was confused and just walked to his own side.

Gloria:"Let's go little birdie! Show off them pointy wings!"

She sent out a Corviknight to start with and (Y/n) sent out Toxtricity first.

Gloria:"Nice read."

(Y/n):"Uhh...thanks? Luck, use Thunder!"

She smirked before switching out to Flapple. Once Flapple came out, it took the hit meant for Corviknight. It resisted the attack and she chuckled.

Gloria:"Use Dragon Pulse ya tart bastard!"

Flapple shot a beam of arcane energy that hit Luck right in his chest but he tanked the hit.

(Y/n):"Poison Jab!"

Luck's right fist began to become drenched in its own poison as it ran up and punched Flapple to the ground and knocked it out.

Gloria:"Find me roight in the Alps... That was a stupid mistake. Go doggy!"

She sent out a Boltund and it barked happily.

Gloria:"Now use Psychic Fangs to bite that sucka!"

(Y/n):"Quick! Use Poison Jab!"

Boltund was faster and landed a strong hit on Luck as he barely managed to hit Boltund back for decent damage. Luck was struggling to stay standing so (Y/n) swapped him out for Anubis.

Gloria:"Thundah balt!"

Boltund howled and shot a blast of electricity towards Anubis who tanked the hit and hit back with an Aura Sphere and knocked it out.

Gloria:"Don't get cheeky laddy! I've still got some fight in me."

She sent out Centiscorch and he swapped out to a Togekiss.


Centiscorch attacked first and spat flames at Togekiss. It tanked the hit pretty well and took down Centiscorch with an Air Slash. Gloria growled lightly, but began laughing. This left (Y/n) confused as she raised up a Master Ball.

Gloria:"You're good. I'll give ya that. But I got myself a busted ass Pokemon. Go! Zacian!"

She tossed her Master Ball up into the air and out came a dog-like Pokemon that transformed and suddenly had a sword in its mouth.

(Y/n):"What kind of legendary is that?! That is literally just a dog with a sword!"

Gloria:"And he's a killa!"

When Zacian transformed his attack was raised by one stage.

Gloria:"Iron Head!"

Zacian suddenly charged and crashed into Togekiss and knocked it out in one hit.

Hop:"Ah geez. Gloria might actually turn this around."

Sonia:"Yeah she might... Zacian Crowned is speedy and hits with tremendous force."

(Y/n) returned his Pokemon and thought about his next move. He held his chin and nodded.

(Y/n):"Volcarona! Go!"

He sent out the fire moth and looked at Gloria who was smirking.

Gloria:"Wild Charge!"

Zacian started crackling with electricity and charged straight towards Volcarona.


(Y/n): Come on Volcarona I need you to do this...

Zacian crashed into Volcarona and caused it fly back. (Y/n) returned his Pokemon and smirked. Zacian took recoil damage, but then got itself burned.

Gloria:"Ah damnit!"

(Y/n):"Heh! Gaara! We can do this!"

He sent out Gaara and the two Pokemon stared each other down.

Gloria:"Behemoth Blade!"


Gaara stomped the ground as debris flew everywhere and Zacian's sword started glowing blue and started to cut through all the debris, but took some hits along the way. Gaara kept shaking the ground even when Zacian sliced him across the chest.

Zacian was stumbling around before collapsing on the ground. Gaara was hanging on by a thread as he panted.

(Y/n):"You did good, buddy."

He returned him and Gloria softened her look.

Gloria:"Well I'll be damned. You even got past me guard dog."

She sent out her Inteleon and he sent out Toxtricity. She returned the Pokemon and used G-Maxing to make it even larger. Inteleon used its tail to form a tower as it held a sniper made of water.

Gloria:"G-Max Hydrosnipe!"

Inteleon shot Toxtricity with a powerful blast of water that took it out. He then sent out Anubis.

Anubis: What now, Master?

(Y/n):"We'll just do what we do best... Hit 'em hard with a CLOSE COMBAT!!!"

Anubis howled as aura coated his fists and he started to rush towards Inteleon.

Gloria:"Use it again!"

Inteleon went for another shot as Anubis jumped into the air. The attack landed, but through sheer force of will Anubis broke through the blast of water and reached Inteleon's face and started to repeatedly punch it with everything he had. Inteleon began to return to its normal size and started falling down. Both trainers returned their Pokemon as everyone cheered on for them.

(Y/n)'s fans were the most excited and the people of Galar were haply to see their champion go all out. The two walked to the center of the arena as Gloria raised his arm which made the audience even louder.

Gloria:"Roight then. Thanks for watchin' now, I have to give (Y/n) here a prize for his victory."

She dragged him away to her locker room and sat him down as she walked behind a set of lockers to do something. He let out a soft yawn and popped his back. He hung his head to take a quick breather before he heard footsteps. He then saw a pair of feet in front of him and looked up to get a wonderful sight before him.

He blushed and struggled for words.

Gloria:"Awww~ Mr. Unova is shy~ 'Ere let me 'elp."

She smirked and sat on his lap and grabbed his hands to rest them gently on her breasts.

* * *

He and Gloria were finally walking out of Wyndon Stadium as Gloria tried to fix her hair and (Y/n) was still trying to zip up his pants. They were drenched in sweat and had a scent around them that mainly adults knew all too well.

Gloria:"I'll take ye back to mah 'ouse. We'll wash up there."

(Y/n):"Sure thing."

She smirked and smacked his rear which surprised him.

Gloria:"And we'll be going again, Mr. Unova."

He chuckled awkwardly as she called a Corviknight Taxi and took them both home.

The next day

(Y/n)'s new friends were at the train station about to see him off.

Hop:"Are you really leaving, mate?"

(Y/n):"Yep. I unfortunately couldn't find a replacement Elite Four member, but I still had fun here. More than I expected to."

He quickly glanced at Gloria who smirked and held up an okay sign before using her other index finger to poke it in and out. He lightly blushed and cleared his throat and shook hands with Hop.

Leon:"Thanks for the killer match. It was a blast!"

(Y/n):"No problem Leon."

Piers:"Your girlfriend, Roxie was it? Well, she's got some crazy good music. If you come back you should invite her so we can have a jam session."

Nessa:"You could bring her along when you come with Elesa for our modeling shoot."

Bea:"When you come back you and I can train together!"

Allister:"It was nice meeting you."

(Y/n):"Right back at you little buddy."

Sonia:"Can't wait to see you again!"

Marnie:"I may not be able to be your Elite Four member, but when you visit maybe you could train me up like one? It'd be nice to have someone like you helping me grow."

(Y/n):"Will do."

He smiled as he hugged the girls and shook hands with the other guys. Gloria was the last one to speak with him.

Gloria:"You're one 'ell of a trainer, love. But I'll have a rematch with you! Heed my words!"

(Y/n):"Yes ma'am."

They shared a laugh before she grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. Sonia gasped and growled lightly as Gloria started to bite his lips. She pulled away for air and laughed heartily as (Y/n) became dazed and stumbled onto the train car. The doors closed and it started moving.


He waved off the train as did Leon and Hop. The girls were questioning Gloria who whistled innocently.

Don't turn off the power.

A/n: And I have finally finished my Pokemon stories. It's been a wild ride. And I didn't expect this chapter to be so long. But it's still an accomplishment! Let me know what you thought of the chapter. See ya!

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