Aether Paradise
(Y/n) was currently sitting inside the Pokemon Center in Konikoni City where he rested his head against his hands. He was tired after trying to think of what to do. Apparently some sightings of the infamous Team Rocket have been heard throughout the region. Not to mention some people wanted to invite Selene to a place that made Lillie freeze up.
The doors opened and Hau walked in to look at him. He saw the stressed look on his face and frowned.
Hau:"You okay?"
(Y/n):"Not really, no."
Hau:"Aww that sucks. Your vacation should have you feeling at peace! How about you come to the Aether place with Selene and I?"
(Y/n):"Nah man, I mean..."
Hau:"Come on. Maybe you'll see something that will cheer you up."
(Y/n):"I doubt it, but I'll go. I have my suspicions about that place."
Hau:"Sweet! Let's hurry on over to the resort."
(Y/n) nodded and got out of his seat and walked out with Hau. Standing outside was Kukui and Olivia.
Kukui:"So you're going with them, then?"
Olivia:"Be sure to have fun and be good. The both of you."
Both:"Yes ma'am."
She giggled and all four of them walked together to the resort.
Selene herself was already in the Hano Grand Resort. She met with Faba, a strange man in a lab coat.
Faba:"I told you before that I would show you someplace astounding, right? Well, that wondrous place is...Aether Paradise! Let me tell you about Aether Paradise. Just as the name suggests, Aether Paradise is a veritable paradise for Pokemon that floats far out in the sea surrounding Alola. It is an artificial island, made entirely by human technology, for the protecting of Pokemon! Of course I'm an adult who keeps his promises. So I will prove to you that all I've told you is the absolute truth with a tour of the Aether Paradise. You will come, won't you?!"
Selene:"Sure thing."
Faba:"Good, good. Then you'll come with me. Aether Paradise will amaze you."
Hau:"Wait! Take us, too!"
Hau, (Y/n), Olivia, and Kukui walked in as Hau rushed up to Selene.
Faba:"Oh? Even Kahuna Olivia has come to see you off?"
Olivia:"As a kahuna, I look after all the trial-goers who come to my island. They're like my own children. Not that I've got any, I've never even gotten married."
She then looked over at (Y/n) and smirked as he just scratched the back of his head and looked away all flustered.
Olivia:"Listen up, you two."
She started speaking to Hau and Selene.
Olivia:"Your greatest opponent is always yourself. Your greatest allies, the Pokemon beside you.'
Hau:"Thanks! Are you coming too, Professor?"
Kukui:"I've got my own business to attend to. You go see all the amazing tech that Aether's developing and tell me about it later, yeah? That's right. I'll see you on the next island... Ula'ula Island, yeah? Then let's meet up at Malie Garden!
Hau:"Yup! It's goodbye, Akala Island! Though I guess we can come back anytime we want to, huh?"
Faba:"Then let us enjoy an adventure upon that grand vessel that will take us across the high seas! By which I mean to say, the ferry."
Faba and the three trainers walked out to the docks and Faba hopped on the ferry first.
Hau:"Can you believe a big hunk of iron like Aether Paradise can float in the sea?! And it's all cuz of the Pokemon holding it up. Did you know that, Selene?"
Selene:"Wait! Seriously?!"
Hau:"Haha! Knew I could count on you to react! I can't wait to actually see inside Aether Paradise for myself!"
He rushed inside the ferry and Selene took a look at (Y/n).
Selene:"You excited?"
(Y/n):"Eh. I'm more curious about it all. I'll probably break away from the tour to check things out for myself."
Selene:"I don't think Faba will like that."
(Y/n):"Fine by me. I don't think I like him. Heh."
He chuckled to himself and Selene just sighed but smiled.
(Y/n):"Let's get a move on."
They entered and sailed off to the place. It was about 10 minutes and they finally stepped out into a pristine white building.
Faba:"Here we are you three. Aether Paradise is a facility created for the conservation of Pokemon. It has been outfitted with all of the latest technology for this purpose. Downstairs, our teams work on developing new Poke Balls and more. Yes, all for the sake of Pokemon conservation. Though you will not be able to use any of your Poke Balls within Aether Paradise. A jamming signal is broadcast throughout the facility to prevent them from functioning."
(Y/n): You can just do that? Well Ghetsis's cane had something similar when I fought against Kyurem.
They started walking ahead to an elevator as someone descended.
?:"Excuse me, Mr. Faba..."
Faba:"Yes, excuse you! What is the meaning of that form of address? I have a title for a reason! How else will anyone know how important I am?"
(Y/n): Is this dude being serious right now?
?:"Yes... Branch Chief Faba..."
Faba:"Now, I must go speak with the president about our conversation efforts on Akala... Show these children around, and then take them to meet the president as well."
Faba stepped onto the elevator and ascended to a different floor.
Hau:"That guy..."
Selene:"Yeah. He's umm..."
(Y/n):"A narcissistic asshole."
(Y/n):"What? We were all thinking it."
Someone giggled and it was the person who Faba left in charge of their tour. They turned then bowed before introducing themselves.
Wicke:"Welcome to the Aether Paradise, Selene, Hau, and (Y/n). My name is Wicke."
Selene:"Nice to meet you."
(Y/n):"Wait. How do you already know our names?"
Wicke:"One of our employees told me about your meeting on Akala Island. And of course I heard how you helped protect the Pokemon there too, young Mr. Hau. As for Mr. (Y/n), Faba just let us know that he was bringing in another guest. Let me show you around. The main entrance is up above us."
They stepped onto the elevator apart from (Y/n).
Wicke:"Aren't you joining us?"
(Y/n):"I'll catch up to you. I left something in the ferry."
Wicke:"Oh. Well we shall see you soon."
She bowed and pushed a button as the elevator went up. Selene watched (Y/n) slowly walk back to the boat they rode on. The elevator stopped and they stepped out into a room with different paths.
Wicke:"This is the main entrance. You can have your Pokemon taken care of at the reception desk there, if they need it."
She then looked at Selene and Hau.
Wicke:"Selene? You and Hau are both trial-goers, aren't you? Are you hoping to become champions? I suppose... Most would go out on their journeys at the age of 10. Yet, both of you seem to to be around 18, correct?"
Selene:"Yeah, I am."
Hau:"Yeah, I originally wanted to take the island challenge once I turned 11, but gramps wanted me to wait until I was older. 'Cause someday I really want to be able to beat my gramps...but he's way too strong! So for now I'll just enjoy my island challenge!"
Wicke smiled brightly.
Wicke:" lovely for you. I suppose all children must yearn to take a journey of their own choosing when they get to be about your age. Though yours hardly just children anymore. Trainers are like parents to their Pokemon! Selene. Hau. Would you two like to see the conservation area upstairs?"
The rode up to another floor where it was filled with lush trees and looked well maintained.
Wicke:"We keep Pokemon that have been targeted by Team Skull here... And we also try to support Pokemon that need a little extra protection. Like Corsola, for example. They are quite terribly overhunted by a Pokemon called Mareanie. I hope you don't mind if I read a passage from my old Pokedex. I traveled through Kanto before, when I was younger, you see."
Selene:"Really?! I moved from Kanto!"
Wicke:"Oh! How wonderful! Anyway, here is the passage. Corsola. In Alola, where their natural enemies Mareanie are plentiful, many Corsola have stubby branches on their heads."
Hau:"Yeah. My gramps is always saying that nature's got its cruel side, sure as it gives us blessings. But can Aether Foundation really protect all the Pokemon that're out there?"
Wicke:"Nature does have its own balance, of course. It can be difficult to judge just how much we humans should try to affect that, can't it?"
Hau:"That's pretty amazing! The Arther Foundation seems awesome. But why'd you bother setting up a branch in a place like Alola?!"
Wicke:"I couldn't say... It's hard to know for sure what our president is thinking sometimes. If you'd like to meet President Lusamine, she should be here in the conservation area now."
They stepped off the elevator as Selene began taking a look around at everything. The elevator descended on its own before rising back up slowly after with (Y/n) on it.
Hau:"Hey (Y/n)!"
He waved softly at Hau before stepping off and taking a look around the place.
Selene:"It's pretty cool here! Hey, I'm gonna look for the president of this place."
(Y/n) nodded and Selene walked around before finding a blonde woman with long hair talking to some Pokemon.
?:"My sweet Pokemon... I promise I'll keep you safe... I'll protect you with my love..."
She turned to face Selene as the others caught up.
Wicke walked over and spoke with the lady.
?:"You must be Selene and Hau. And (Y/n). Welcome to Aether Paradise. The Aether Foundation's own private island."
She smiled at them, but it slightly put off (Y/n).
Lusamine:"I am the president of the foundation. But please, just call me Lusamine. I'm so glad that we got to meet. I'm glad there are people like you, who travel the islands to learn more about Pokemon... But there are also unfortunate people who harm Pokemon for their own selfish reasons or even for profit. And that is why I am here. I will be like a mother to all of those poor Pokemon and shower them with love. Even Pokemon from distant worlds, far from the Alola region, are worthy of my love."
(Y/n):"That's a strange thing to say... Don't know how you do all this. You don't seem that much older than us."
Lusamine:"Oh, you sweet boy! I'm already over 40!"
Hau:"You are?"
She simply nodded her head which shocked Hau.
Hau:"Wait, WHAT?!"
Lusamine: *giggle* "Oh, you boys. The right style does wonders, you know. And, Hau, your style is a bit wanting, hm? (Y/n), you could use a bit of help too! I'll have to take you out sometime and help you pick a smashing outfit."
(Y/n):"I'll pass."
Hau:"I don't think I could pull off anything like what you wear. Lillie probably could though."
At the mention of Lillie, Lusamine's eyes widened which didn't go unnoticed by (Y/n). His face grew serious as did Lusamine's.
Lusamine:"Oh, don't you worry. You just leave everything up to me. Trust me, children would all be much happier if they'd only listen to the adults around them."
(Y/n):"That's up for debate..."
Suddenly the building shook and everyone looked around for the source.
Wicke:"That tremor... Did something happen on the lower floors?"
They suddenly heard a strange ticking noise before a strange wormhole opened up before their eyes and a strange creature showed up.
Lusamine:"You are- Have you come from...a distant world?"
Hau:"Miss Lusamine, stand back! That thing's...not right!"
The creature cried out and Lusamine let out a sad sigh.
Lusamine:"You poor creature..."
The creature screeched out and a red aura flared around it.
Hau:"Oh crap!"
Selene:"We have to do something!"
?:"Water Pulse!"
A ring of water was shot and hit the strange creature on the side of the head. It spun around and cried out as everyone looked to see who attacked. It was (Y/n)?!
The (Y/n) with them laughed before jumping into the air and changing into a Zoroark.
Hau:"Huh?! What?!"
Loki laughed to itself before returning to his ball. (Y/n) smirked as his lead Pokemon was out.
(Y/n):"Let's do this Oceanman!"
(Y/n):"Water Pulse again!"
His Vaporeon attacked once again and it was able to defeat the strange Pokemon. It cried out before vanishing into thin air. Selene and Hau smiled happily as (Y/n) returned his Pokemon and Lusamine muttered to herself.
Lusamine:"So, it's true... I still need that Pokemon. I need to get it back."
Hau:"Miss Lusamine! Are you okay?!"
Dulse:"That Ultra Beast just now... It came from the other end of an Ultra Wormhole... It is a being from another world. A world that you know as Ultra Space!"
Hau:"Who the-?! Seriously, what's with that getup?!"
Lusamine:"These are my guests. The Ultra Recon Squad. They have been giving the foundation advice about the Ultra Beasts."
(Y/n): Things just keep getting weirder huh?
Lusamine:"Why don't you introduce yourselves?"
Dulse and Zossie introduced themselves to Hau.
Selene:"Ultra Beasts?"
Dulse:"Our world is a world without light... The light was stolen by a creature known to us as Necrozma. A creature almost like an Ultra Beast. And someday it will come to steal the light of Alola as an eclipse that never passes."
Zossie:"See, this Necrozma is, like, unbelievably strong! It can wield light however it likes, and sure, it does run wild sometimes, but it also shares this mysterious light it has with others, too!"
Lusamine:"But everything will be fine. If this Necrozma, or even an Ultra Beast like the one we just saw, should come to this world from another, the Aether Foundation will be prepared to protect the light of Alola. Rest easy... You will not need to worry about a thing."
Everyone began walking back to the elevator.
Lusamine:"Wicke. These two are still in the middle of their island challenge, aren't they? Please deliver them to their next island."
Wicke:"O-oh! At once, ma'am!"
Lusamine:"I will go check that none of our poor resident Pokemon came to any harm. And I need to speak with Mr. Faba about exactly what happened downstairs. It may be that our experiments to open an Ultra Wormhole are not going as well as we'd hoped."
Wicke bowed and looked at the three trainers.
Wicke:"I'll see the three of you to Ula'ula Island, then."
They got onto the elevator and Hau waved off Lusamine. She waved back then glanced at (Y/n). He looked back and narrowed his eyes. It began to descend as a smirk slowly crept onto Lusamine's face. Wicke escorted them back to the ferry and smiled at them and gifted Hau some malasadas and Selene the TM for Psychic.
Wicke:"Say (Y/n), why did Zoroark impersonate you?"
(Y/n):"Those reasons are private. Sorry Ms. Wicke."
Wicke:"Oh please, don't apologize. I just hope the president doesn't get too angry with you."
(Y/n):"Even if she does, I think I'll be fine. Thank you for being the only one around this place with their head on straight."
She giggled and nodded.
Wicke:"Enjoy yourselves."
They nodded and got back on the ferry and rode to Ula'ula Island. Once they reached the docks, Hau rushed off to head to the garden where Kukui was. Selene and (Y/n) walked to the Pokemon Center.
Back at the Aether Foundation, Lusamine was looming over Faba who was typing away on a keyboard.
Lusamine:"Faba, find me some information on (Y/n)."
Faba:"(Y/n)? You mean that boy that was here with those trial-goers?"
Lusamine:"Yes. When that Ultra Beast showed up, he showed up and took it down with no hesitation. Plus, his Zoroark posed as him for whatever reason."
Faba:"What?! That insolent child! Tch!"
He began typing in (Y/n) and looked him up on the net. He clicked on the first link he saw and it showed a picture of (Y/n) on a float in Kalos.
Faba:"(Y/n). The champion of Unova and Kalos. He also starred in a movie called Riolu Kid which was a major hit. Many yearn for his return to the silver screen. Team Plasma threatened Unova and he, alongside his friend Hugh, put a stop to them. In Kalos, Team Flare tried to eradicate everyone, but he was able to stop them completely on his own."
Lusamine:"Champion? That could pose a problem or he could be of great use to us."
Faba:"Are you certain ma'am? That boy was probably snooping around the foundation."
Lusamine:"If he did, he would've done something. I'm certain I can win him over. Send me any and all photos there are of our champion friend."
Faba:"Yes ma'am."
He typed away and began taking all images the news article had of him plus more he found on other social media sites. He sent them to Lusamine's phone as she began walking away to her room. She looked at them and licked her lips as she began strutting down a dark hallway.
Lusamine:"(Y/n)~ You're bound to be mine~ One way or another~"
Her eyes glowed in the darkness as she laughed with malicious intent.
Don't turn off the power.
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