Chapter 18
This is the last chapter.
"You have to go to school today." Dan's mum muttered, pulling the covers off of Dan so that he would have to get up.
"I know.. won't you let me stay off for one more day? Please?"
"I'm sorry, you've got to go." Dan sighed before pulling himself out of bed with a loud groan.
"Martyn, why?" Phil groaned, frowning as Martyn folded his arms and glared at him.
"Because you'll get expelled at this rate. I already know that you're almost going to be kicked out. You need to at least make an effort to stay." Martyn explained, holding out his hand for Phil to take.
"Fine but if I even see Dan today, I am never going to go school again."
"Whatever." Phil took Martyn's hand and allowed himself to be pulled out of bed.
Dan walked into maths, frowning as soon as he noticed that he was one of the first students to show up. He took his seat at the back, allowing himself to slouch down in his chair so that his posture matched exactly how he was feeling. It was a couple of minutes later when someone walked into the room and took a seat beside him. Beside him. Only one person sat beside him. Phil Lester. Dan abruptly turned, his eyes widening as he realised that it was in fact Phil sitting beside him. "Phil.." Dan whispered, watching as Phil turned his head to the side to meet Dan's sad eyes. "I can explain everything. Meet me at lunch."
"I don't know if I can do that, Dan." Phil responded, tearing her gaze away from Dan and rubbing his eyes with his fists.
"Why not? I just need to explain-"
"Because I don't know if I can trust you anymore."
"You can."
"Howell, Lester! Quiet!" The teacher yelled, making both Dan and Phil quieten down. That was fine for Phil but Dan couldn't help but feel slightly irritated that his first chance to make Phil forgive him had been crushed.
It was half way into class when Dan had an idea. He ripped the corner of his piece of paper off and quickly wrote something down on it.
Meet me at lunch outside the library. It's your choice whether or not you come. Just give me a chance?
He then slipped it across the table for Phil to find.
Lunch rolled around and Dan hadn't talked to anyone. Not Chris. Not PJ. Not Phil. He rushed down the halls to the library, excited to finally patch things up with Phil and make everything okay. He leant against the wall, his arms folded as he waited for Phil to arrive.
Five minutes had passed and Phil hadn't shown up. That was when Dan began to give up hope. He sunk down to the floor, observing everyone who walked by in hopes of spotting Phil. He didn't spot Phil but he did spot the annoying popular who Dan had apparently cheated with.
And when the popular spotted Dan, he began to walk over, his hands in his pockets. "You know I'm in your maths class, right?" He smirked and if looks could kill Dan would literally be dead at that moment. "I saw you talking to Lester. What did you say to him?"
"Nothing." Dan gasped as the popular took one hand out of his pocket and pressed it into Dan's neck.
"Didn't look like nothing to me. Did you tell him what I did? Oh, if you did.. I'm going to hurt you."
"You wouldn't dare. Plus, I didn't tell him anything."
"How am I supposed to believe that?" The popular hardened his grip on Dan's neck, making him gasp a little for air. The popular didn't even give Dan a chance to respond before his other hand was out of his pocket and clenched into a fist. "Well, even if you did tell him the truth, he'll never believe you. If anything, he'll be glad to have an excuse to break up with you."
"He-" Gasp. "Loves-" Gasp. "Me."
"No, he doesn't love you and he never did. Why would anyone love you?" Dan's eyes were tearing up and his throat felt like it was on fire as the popular tightened his grip.
"Let. Go. Of. Him." A voice yelled, making the popular stiffen and immediately release the hand on his neck. Dan frantically gasped for air, happy to actually be able to breathe again. Dan didn't even realise who had spoken until the person had thrown a punch towards the popular who just gasped in pain. "How dare you say something like that to him? What, did you threaten him into kissing you too?" Phil. Phil had come to save the day. Dan absolutely loved him at that point in time- he loved him ten thousand times more. "Got nothing to say? That's what I thought. Now, if you ever touch that boy again.. I'll hurt you even more." Phil threw one more punch with a smirk before grabbing Dan's hand and dragging him down the hall. "Tell me the truth," Phil said as soon as the annoying popular was out of sight. "What actually happened with the kiss?"
"I was really upset because of Chris and PJ and so I was.. kind of.. crying in the toilets? That popular walked in whilst I was crying and I don't know, I think he thought I was really vulnerable. He started to make fun of me then he pushed me against the wall and kissed me.. that was when you walked in. I pushed him away and he hit me." Phil reached out and brushed the tip of his thumb over the fading and hardly noticeable purple around Dan's eye.
"Did that actually happen?" Phil mumbled, putting his hands on Dan's shoulders and lightly pushing him against the wall.
"I'm so sorry." Dan murmured, his eyes filling with tears at the memory.
"You should be and I'm sorry too." Phil leaned forward and softly attached their lips. The kiss was amazing. It was so filled with love and they both craved it after everything that had happened. Dan's hands were wrapped around Phil's neck and Phil's were tangled in Dan's hair. Dan pulled away, smiling as soon as he noticed Phil's wide smile.
"I like your hair by the way." Dan mumbled, bringing his hand through Phil's hair one last time. "Blue suits you. This is going to sound so random but I've always wanted to dye my hair too. You're lucky that you're allowed.."
"What colour?"
"That would look cute on you." And they were back to talking like usual.
Phil walked into Martyn's apartment with a grand smile on his face. "Thank you so much for sending me to school today." Phil mumbled, his cheeks going red as he realised that he was in the wrong.
"What's put you in such a good mood?" Martyn chuckled, glad that his brother was finally happy again.
"I made up with Dan."
"You did?"
"I did." Phil smiled to himself as he remembered the kiss. The Perfect Kiss.
"He explained and apparently someone was hurting him or whatever. It was a misunderstanding. He never cheated."
"That's amazing. I'm so happy for you. Does that mean you'll go home? To make up with your mum too?"
"Yeah. I'll go home tonight. I promise."
"I'm home!" Dan yelled as he pushed his front door open.
"How was your day? Was everything okay? Did anyone hurt you?" His mum immediately bombarded him with questions about his day which he responded to with a wide smile to let her know everything is okay.
"I had an amazing day. Phil and I made up!" Dan screamed and he was practically jumping up and down in excitement.
"Did he? That's amazing!" Dan's mum responded at the same volume and in the same tone. They were both ecstatic that Phil had accepted the truth and Dan's apology; that was the best thing that could ever happen to Dan.
"Yes! We also kissed and it was amazing!"
"I can tell that you love him. It's actually adorable."
"Are you sure you don't want me to come in with you?" Martyn asked, his voice unsteady as his brother got out of his car.
"I'm sure. I'll be okay, trust me." Phil responded with an uneasy smile even though inside he was freaking out.
"If you're totally sure." Phil waved at Martyn before grabbing his backpack and walking up the pathway to his house. It seemed like the path dragged out for hours and the bright flowers by it were taunting him. He wished he felt that bright at that moment, but no, he was about as bright as the grey sky above him. It only made him groan when he felt a small drop of rain fall against his face. Soon enough, it was pouring down. Once Phil reached the door, he knocked, his heart beating loudly in his chest. His mum opened it and he was immediately enveloped into a warm hug.
"I'm sorry for leaving, mum." He mumbled into his mum's chest, already feeling the tears well up in his eyes.
"And I'm sorry for saying what I said. I love you, Phil. I always will. I'm glad you're you because you're unique and that's an amazing thing to be."
"Thank you. I love you too."
Everything was fine and sorted from then on. Dan and Phil were happy together (although there were a few trust issues, things were mostly alright), Phil's relationship with his mum was on the mend, they were both putting the other before themselves so they could be happy, Dan, Chris and PJ's friendship was as strong as ever, their trust growing each and every day, the populars never bothered Dan or Phil again, in fear that Phil would hurt them if they even spoke on word to them, Phil attended every single class from then on so that he wouldn't get expelled (he didn't which was a relief for everyone), although Phil didn't change his looks or the way he spoke, he made sure he was gentle and kind every time he spoke to everyone. Things were.. okay, they were getting better.
The end. Epilogue coming soon :)
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