Chapter:92 Home Run.

"Ready O'Conners?" Dom asks us.

"Yep I'm ready, Brian?" I ask.


"Let's go."


We speed down the streets of Brazil, heading towards the home of the vault.

"Nathan are at the building?" I ask.

"Yeah honey I am, where are you?" He replies.

"WAIT?! Honey?" Brian exclaims.

"You've got this one Nate."

"Oh god thanks Dabria." Nathan replies and I slightly laugh.

"Um... Brian, Dab and I are dating again. Happened last night." Nathan tells my uncle with Dom listening.

"Ok, don't hurt her or I'll break you." Brian warns.

"God Bri." I reply

"Sorry Dab." Brian tells me.

"Can we get the job done without you ending up in a fight with Nate?" I ask him.


"Yes mini O'Conner." Dom says in the mids of it and I laugh.

"Rom and Tej got the truck ready?" I ask them

"Yeah Dab, we are on our way." Tej tells me.

"Good see ya then." I tell them.

We end up at the building and Nathan plants the bombs on them to break the wall, Nathan presses the button and the bomb creates a hole. Nathan had to leave the taxi car there, he took my car back to the house as Brian, Dom and I walk into the room and attach the hook onto it. I jump into Brian's car with him, Brian and Dom push down the petal full on. As I watch the people in the offices.

Eventually the vault popped out of the wall, we brought it outside. As we turned the corner, the vault rolled and cops started shooting at us. Brian swerved and it became straight, as it rolled back onto the road behind our cars. The cops shot at the back windows, as the window broke. I hide my head, I look back and see Dusty. He was the one that broke the back window.

Cops started chasing after us.

"Call it out Mia." Dom asked through the walkie talkies.

"Go straight for another two blocks then right." Mia explains.

"Got it." Brian and I say.

We drifted around a corner and the vault broke a tree, cops still not far behind.

"Well the plan is working, you've got every cop on your tail. You have to move fast." Mia tells us.

"What's next?" Brian asks her.

"Ok, keep going straight onto st. Mealster." Mia tells.

"Then what?" I ask.

"Then go left." Mia finishes.

Then cops arrived blocking our route.

"It aren't going to work." Dom tells his sister.

Then a cops dropped spikes.

"They just dropped spikes Dom up ahead!" Brian and I exclaim.

"We're going right!" Dom tells us.

"Nah it's too tight we aren't going to fit." I tell my other uncle.

"We have no choice now!" Dom says as Brian and I look at each other and he nods.

We take a hard right and the vault smashed into a cop car, crumbling it. It continued into a shop, it went Straight in the middle of it. It started rolling and our cars back wheel started bunny hopping, Brian and I look back at the damage and people screaming. Our mouths drop, then it hit something solid making our car stop.

"Shit." Brian and I say in sync, with a slight laugh

We dragged it out and Dom swerved into a car, Brian and look back and repeated shit again. Dom looks over to us, seeing if we were ok.

"Tell me if I'm wrong, but did you guys just take out a bank?" Mia asks as I laugh.

We looked ahead and cops coming head on.

"New inbound." Dom asks Mia.

"There's an alley coming up on your left."

"I see it, got it." Brian tells her.

We looked over to Dom who looked back at us, Brian and I swerved right as Dom did left. We stopped and the cop cars smash right into it, we backed up onto the vault and push it as Dom pulled. Brian then swerved, we were back next to Dom.

We kept going until we ended up onto a bridge, Dom looked over to us.

"You guys need to go." Dom says into the walkie talkie

"What are you talking bout?" I asked.

Dom lifted a button and Brian's and I's eyes widen, he pressed the button and the cord holding our car to the volt came off.

"DOM!" We yelled.


I look back as Brian drove us away, the volt rolling. I see Dom jump out as the car he was in crushed and killed people, that were inside a car.

"Go back go back!" I yelled at Brian.

"I am!"

We turned back behind Dom, as he couldn't see us, we got out of the car and I grabbed my bow and arrows. As Brian grabbed his gun, a guy crawled out of the car under Doms. He had a gun in his hand, aimed at Dom. Dom shook his head no, then Brian and I started shooting at him. He fell to his knees and Brian stopped, the guy didn't fall onto his stomach so I helped him out by shooting him in a place where it hurts. He then fell onto his stomach, Brian and I had our weapons still aimed at the car just in case. We walked beside Dom, he looked at us then back at the car.

"I thought I told you two to go on." Dom says

Brian then put down his gun and placed in at the back of his pants as I held my bow down.

"Yeah, had to make the call." Brian says looking at him.

"Meaning our niece nagged you?" Dom questioned

"Yeah." Brian confessed as I hugged Brian side on.

Then Hobbs and Alyssa arrived, he had his eyes on the three of us.

"Help me." A guy dying on the ground begged so Hobbs just shot him in the face.

"You killed my team you son of a bitch."  I heard him mutter

He kept walking up too us, he then stopped.

"You know I can't let you three go." Hobbs says to us, as Brian and I smiled with no teeth, "I aren't made that way. If I was you guys, I would give myself 24 hours and give you peace with your sins with everything you've got left. This time tomorrow I will find you." Hobbs says as Brian and I smile.

Brian starts walking to the door.

"Come on Dab." Brian tells me as I follow him.

I got in the back as my two uncles got into the front.

"Toretto, I'll see you soon." Hobbs tells Dom.

"No you won't." Dom tells him as he gets into the car.

Brian speeds off and I look back at Hobbs and Alyssa, Hobbs walks over to the vault and opens it. He looks at Alyssa laughing, then back at us driving away.

"He opened the volt." I tell them.

"Is he mad or happy?" Brian asks.

"He's just... Laughing."

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