
jimin have to go back to his house for a while and i was left alone. i walk back to my room and sit on the bed. i suddenly feel so much empty inside of me. i look around and see my blanket laying on the floor, my pillows were in mess bc of the fight me and jimin had earlier. and the empty feeling comes again.

i tried to remember something. the last time we're like this is 2 months ago. and since then, i often kick him off my house bfr he could do anything bc he irritates me so much. he oftens come but i kick him out after he took away my phone. i wonder why isnt he gives up and go play with the 6 dorky boys who were just like him. instead of goofing with them, he chooses to hang out with me and sometimes i do felt like i was that special to him but idk he always comes here bc he likes to or he just wanna annoys me with his sucky behaviour or he just likes to see me mad and likes to get kick out.

i stare at my phone. the wattpad. jimin really hates wattpad bc he said that bc of that apps we're getting further apart. i do feel guilty for leaving him for the damn apps but i still do it. we're friends since diapers and he always be there in my tough times. he said that being the sun won't forever light up my world. so he be my moon, that's why he always shows up everytime im on grieve. he didn't disturbs me when im happy with my friends in school. he disturbs me when he saw i sit alone at the cafeteria cs he knows everytime i sit alone, im moody.

i grab my phone. suddenly, i dont felt like reading. i just hold it and the writing section is still at the front. should i continue this?

me and jaemin walk to our school together. this morning is so cold and i feel the freshness of the air. flowers along the way just turns my gloomy morning into a beauty one. why is my morning gloomy? of course bc of this park jaemin boy! if he ever stops annoys me and act like im his small sister then maybe just maybe i could give him a smile every morning.

i laugh after i wrote this. i felt like i was really talking about jimin at this time , i mean , jimin made the jaemin character looks so much like him and the yena girl is so much like me and i cant help myself to think that it was us in the story. so if we are really in the story? how would we end this story? or we just let it onhold if we didn't communicate one day? when we're more grown up and jimin's immature ness goes away.

i heaved a sigh. and stare the screen once again. i wanted to write more, i sure do. but jimin is not here. yes, he nags too much everytime i write but his opinion for my writing skill does matters.

the school starts as usual,
me being the unlucky girl ever got to sit  beside the incredible unpredictable guy named park jaemin. how worst my day could get? idk. jaemin is a nice guy though, he always help everyone around him and that obviously makes him teacher's pet. most of the teachers love him so much bc he had a good attitude and he was so generous, he loves to smile a lot but i find it so annoying-

"yo!" my room door is kick by a human till the door is wide open and makes me stumble. i was in shock until i saw the person who kick it. i glare once again.

"YAH PARK JIMIN. YOU'LL RUIN MY DOOR" i screams loudly and he just grins then walk to me. he looks over at my hand and saw my phone and before i could do anything, he takes it from me and read what i have wrote. after reading he gives me that sly look and his eyes are squeeze forming a beautiful eyesmile and grinning.

"ey, seems like you wrote the park jaemin's characteristics same as me huh" he elbows me and i roll my eyes. duh, its not that i want to write about him. it is that the character's name is freaking park jaemin and i cant stop thinking that the jaemin is the jimin.

"its all just by coincidence" i roll my eyes and snatches back my phone from his hand. then he chuckle and sit beside me, pushing me a bit to the left bc he likes to do that, he likes to annoy me.

i exit the wattpad app and goes to twitter. maybe oppa(s) have update something while im on my sleep and writing this piece of shit. and so i scroll down twitter and read many ass posts from all of my senpai(s) all over the world, reading their funny ass tweet that makes me grinning and chuckles.

"so, want to get some ice cream this evening?" jimin ask slowly, i think he might be afraid of my rejection but as i think about it, I've been avoiding him quite a while and i missed my old moments with him so why shouldn't i just hang out with him.


"whoa! really?!"


"I'll come to your house by 4 okayyyy" he says and jump off my bed running to the door, i think he'll be going home for now. and be back at 4 . i still on focus on my phone. not bothering to waves him goodbye or even see him running down the stairs but-

"oh and yejung?" he calls and i turns my head to his direction.

"you should really shower, you stinks" and with that, he deserves a great pillow smash from me. i grab the nearest pillow beside me and throw at him and i can hear him laughing while running down the stairs.

"fucking idiot"

i rush down the stairs as i hear the repeat knocking on the main door, juyeon unnie wants to open the door actually since she knows that the one who was knocking is obviously park jimin but i told her not to cause if she let him in then he saw me not getting ready for the i ce cream date then he would nags all the way.

you dont know how much park jimin talks. i legit that he can be the future president bc he talks nonstop and let me repeat this, its annoying .

as i arrive in front the door, i opens it seeing the mad expression on his face but i just grin okay i swear we just switch our identity for a second . before he could ask me,

"im sorry for being late, im sorry for oversleep now lets go eat peppermint icecream, im craving" i grins to him showing him the beautiful teeth that i just brushed a while ago and he heaved a sigh.

"fine then"

he leads the way and we stop at an icecream stall, i order the peppermint icecream which is my favorite and jimin is eating a corn flavour and he was so into the icecream. he pays the right amount and we just eat the icecream in front of the stall bc we know that one wasnt enough

suprisingly we finish the first cone in just seconds. even the icecream's seller was impressed by our skill. jimin buys me another two cone of peppermint and two cone of corn flavour for him and we make our way to the nearest bench which is located in front of the playground.

we were eating the ice cream in silence, this is what we are. when jimin and me meet foods, we never talk or goofing around with the foods, we're just focusing on eating and not disturbing each other.

as soon as the 4 of our cones finish, we sit there in silence staring at the empty playground that we used to play at every evening back then. i smiles bitterly mesmerizing the old memories.

am i happy when im with him or am i happy with my oppa(s) ? its not that in not having fun admiring kpop thingy but sometimes i did missing jimin. he's the first friend i ever had and its not good to just dumb him bc of kpop. i mean, i can make friends while admiring kpop but i choose not to and that's so bad of me.

"do you think we should make one of them fall in love?" jimin suddenly breaks out the silence atmosphere around us. i look at him.


"park jaemin and kim yena" he said looking at my direction. i suddenly lost my words and everything is just to weird for me at this moment.

"i mean, it will makes the storyline better" he covers up. maybe he sense the awkwardness and i throw my eyes looking at the sky.

"i dont know, should we?" i replies and instead of answering my question first, he joins me watching how the cloud moves.

"to make the story turns out good, yes. but no if it makes you uncomfortable since you thought the character were us" he stops for a while catching a breath from the air.

"damn it. i shouldn't suggest that names for our story. it makes us awkward" he continues. and i just chuckles a lil bit.

"its not just your fault for suggesting the stupid names, it is mine too bc i use it first in our story" i laugh and we both are laughing together.

"want to reverse our past?" jimin looks at me, waiting for my answer. i lift one of my eyebrows up in confuse.

"with what?"

"lets play on this playground. i miss us so much" he speaks before running to one of the swings and plays it like a big boy. i laughs and makes my way to join him.

we end up playing at the playground like the old of us.

whoops what even is this HAHA .
keep on reading fams🌝 thanks btw hehe

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