Sareena broke into tears when she closed the door for her and Muhibbah could only stare at her while her heart ached as badly as it never did. She did a great job at making sure she kept her tears at bay, because she was never going to satisfy his stupid ego and have him think he had really made it in life when there was more left.

The moment he drove off, he turned to her and burst into a peal of laughter. She had to clench her eyes shut from the agony it pierced into her heart and forced herself to look away because she really couldn't stand him, not even a bit.

She sensed his hand trying to touch her and instantly swatted it away. Turning to give him a stern warning, she had to ignore the look on his face. "I'll have to warn you and I hope there really wouldn't be the need for a second warning. Don't you ever, in your deluded mind think that you can touch me. I might be forced to chopped off whatever part of your body tried to do that. Because at this rate, I really rather me staying at a jail than any other place in the world."

She knew he thought she was just bluffing from the way he broke into laughter again. But she really meant her words. She would rather she stayed in a jail, detained, away from her toxic mother and the man she got married to- than to stay married to him and have let him have his way with her. Some day, she knew he might force himself on her and because he was stronger, without any doubt, Muhibbah knew he would win over her.

"That's quite a scare, lovely wife." He said smugly and she was an inch away from slapping him so had across both cheeks. She knew the moment to do that will come, very soon if she may add.

"But what's going to happen now? Because I'm going to touch you with not just my hand tonight, with my whole body and you'll enjoying it so much to even remember your promise of cutting my body parts off. I promise you, just wait and see." She didn't have to look at him for her to know that he was smiling smugly at her.

She just ignored him as he spoke about all he planned to do to her tonight, so disgusted by the words that came out of his mouth that she nearly puked and turned to strangled him to death. When she saw that they were almost at Hillside royal suites and then she saw a police patrol car parked by the roadside, Muhibbah knew this was her only chance to get away from him unless she wanted to go along with this man.

He must've sensed what she planned on doing because he immediately changed their path and she wanted to scream at the top of her lungs but stayed so calm and acted as if that wasn't her intention. They arrived at the hotel and the gatemen were greeting him in a manner that showed he was a regular there and she felt even more disgusted. She had to pull her Hijab to cover half of her face because she really couldn't.

He parked before he turned to fully look at her. For once, she saw him serious and really to set a few things straight. "Listen to me because this will be the first and last time I'm going to say this to you. We both know the reason I married you isn't because I love you or that I have any intention of staying with you as my wife, right?" He didn't wait for her to show any sign of hearing him because he knew she wouldn't and he continued.

"I married you to steam off the sexual fantasies I've had about you for so long and thank god, I'm finally going to fulfill every desire of mine tonight. And if you think I'm going to divorce you tomorrow? You're wrong, dearest wife, okay? Because I really wouldn't until I've had you enough to get tired of you and then I'll send you back to that poor thing you have as a mother.

"So, I need to set a few things clear to you. You don't show yourself to me unless I'm the one that ask you to come. Don't go anywhere near my phone or any of my personal belongings. Don't ever think that we'll be like those romance dramas and end up falling in love, because we won't. And don't you dare make the mistake of getting pregnant because I'll have it aborted whether you like it or not.

"You aren't allowed to visit your family or receive their calls or call them yourself until I'm done with you and send you back to them. No work until we're divorced, then you can go back. I have certain clothes I want you to be wearing for me, so you have to do that whether you like it or not. No crying at all, because why will you be pretending you're sad when all I'm going to ever give you is immense pleasure?

"For the course of our short stay as a married couple, there's only a few words I'm expecting to hear from you, which are 'yes, okay, I understand, no problem, I will,' and their likes, okay? Failure to do any of the things I stated for you will result to you being punished by my belt and trust me, I'm quite strong and my lashes are painful as well, understood?"

There was nothing he had left from all the horrifying things she had heard about from his ex-wife. The poor woman didn't lie for him and from the looks of it, she had rather concealed a lot of his bad habits and Muhibbah knew she was in for a marathon of agony. So, the earlier she got out the better it would be for them all. Because she wasn't like his ex-wife, she might murder him in the process.

"Are you done?" She asked when she realized he was waiting for her answer. Probably from one of the responses he just told her that he expected from her.

"Yes. And we're now going to go inside, don't think of trying anything funny. Also, if you think you can get away from me like the last time you did, you're only going to deceive yourself because you won't. I must have you tonight whether you like it or not."

"Open the door for me." That was all she said. If for one thing, Muhibbah realized that she needed to thread carefully around him because he seemed so dangerous from the words she heard from and how enigmatic his voice had sounded while he said them.

He did as she said, still staring at her with a look of uncertainty. He must've known her enough to know that she wouldn't be this easy to deal with willingly. With his calculative look on her, she walked to where to stood after making sure she had sent all the evidence she had of him to Bilaal because he was the only one that came to her mind when she thought about safekeeping them because she was just about to use them and she wasn't dumb enough to not keep a copy.

She stood right beside him and smiled at him while he suspiciously stared at her. "Why are you giving me that look? Are you afraid?" She asked with a hint of laughter at the edge of her voice. Even if she didn't end up winning tonight, she would be glad to have plastered that look on his face.

"What are you planning to do?" He asked instead of answering her question.

She chuckled enigmatically before she walked up to him. There was a Mopol escort car parked at the other end of the parking space. And there were people roaming around a bit. Even though she didn't know any of them, Muhibbah trust that good people will never end.

Instead of her to answer him, she played the first recording she had of him on their way to Dutsinma, then the one she did just few minutes ago staring at the absolute shock and fear on his face. It was now her turn to smile smugly at him.

"You can see a Mopol escort car parked over there and there are a few officers inside. They might not know me, but I believe this is enough proof to show them to have them deal with you for me. And need I say, the messages you've been sending are still there. You can choose between these two options of mine; one, let me leave peacefully and send me a message with my divorce. Or two, force me and I'll scream at those officers for him and I'd beg them to force you to divorce me. Either way, I'll still leave and you must definitely divorce me. Choose wisely."

Alhaji Nasir was staring at her with anger evident on his face as he fumed. She chuckled at the expression on his face before she hardened her face and made the sound of the ticking clock.

"Your time is running, Nasir. Should I just silently leave or you want to put up some fight? Because truth be told, I'd enjoy it more if I witness how they'd beat you because trust me to weave a whole different story that will make them pity me enough to beat the hell out of you."

"You'll regret this, Muhibbah." He said in a clipped tone and she threw her head back and laughed. She watched as he angrily hopped back into his car and drove out of the hotel.

She heaved a sigh out of relief when his car drove out and it felt as though she were walking on cloud 9 as she walked to the entrance as well. She didn't care even if he was going to tell Mama about what had just happened. She wanted it to reach the elders so that at least one person could take pity on her and have them nullify the wedding. And even if Mama were to curse her tonight, she was never going to allow Alhaji Nasir have his way with her.

Because it was quite late, she was finding it hard to get a tricycle. She didn't know where she was going to spend the night yet, but she was just glad she had escaped tonight. She thought of calling Sareena and ask if it was okay for her to go to her house when a call came through her phone. Seeing that it was Bilaal, she picked up almost immediately.

"Are you safe?" That was the first thing he asked, he must've heard the audio file she sent. "I'm sorry I just had to call after listening to everything. I don't even know if it's safe for you at the moment. Are you okay? Should I come get you?" He sounded so worried that the sound of his voice melted a cold piece of her heart.

For the first time since the day started, Muhibbah felt the beginning of a smile lifting the edges of her lips. A real and an actual smile.

"Bilaal, I'm fine. I threatened him and he left. I may not be this lucky all the time before he divorce me, but at least for today, I am. Right now, I'm walking to find a..." The next thing that fell out of her mouth was a loud scream after her phone had been roughly snatched out of her hand and she was mercilessly pushed to the ground.

Muhibbah could feel her heart in her throat as she looked up at the thugs staring back at her with nothing but mercilessness in their eyes. They were just two on a motorcycle and the sight of them just made her insides churn. The one that snatched her phone away forcefully smashed it to the floor and Muhibbah clenched her eyes shut.

She knew who sent them, she didn't even have to think about that. Before she could say a word, with her heart threatening to get out of her chest, he handed her his phone and she didn't even dare argue. She collected it and placed the phone on her ear, her entire body shaking with fear. If they wanted, they could kill her silently without anybody seeing or hearing anything and her body wouldn't be found until tomorrow morning.

"Sorry, they must've scared you a bit, right? I know, I know, this isn't the right way to treat my newest bride but I just had to. If I wanted, I could have them bring you over to me, but I'm no longer interested in you today, we could try again by tomorrow, okay darling? For now, just listen to me give another woman the pleasure I would've given you tonight..." And with that, she heard the moaning sounds of a woman and him altogether and she clenched her eyes shut before she handed the phone back to the man.

He collected his phone back and hopped back on the motorcycle as they drove away. Muhibbah didn't realize she had been on the ground for so long until the taste of her tears on her lips brought her back to reality and she broke into even more painful tears. It was getting darker and late. She was so scared that she nearly peed her pants.

She realized that she had no where to go, making her cry even more painfully and for the first time, Muhibbah wished she had stayed with her Father after his divorce with Mama. Or maybe he should've come get her when she had grown up. Or she should've been visiting him time to time. Or maybe just be close enough to him that she could call him at this incredible painful period of her life.

She kept on walking as she cried as hard as her body could. She was so tired, so scared and so hungry that she could pass out any moment from now. Few cars passed by yet none of them stopped to ask her what happened. All they saw was a walking, so petite none of them could ever guess her age, walking alone in the wee hours of the night as she cried painfully. Some would even think she was a criminal disguising to get the attention of passers.

Somehow, Muhibbah found herself in front of Sareena's house. She didn't know how she ended up there, most likely be her brain knowing so well Sareena was the only one she had left. She kept on knocking until the gateman opened and once he saw her, he opened the door for her.

She only knocked twice on the main door before Sareena and her husband opened the door. Once Muhibbah saw them, she gave out a long sigh and slumped on the floor, finally giving in to the darkness she had long been fighting with.

The pain is too much for Muhibbah😭 Two more chapters and we'd be done with the preview❤️

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Aisha Malumfashi

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