Chapter 6: Preparations for the visitation
A/n: Hello my fellow readers! Here is the next chapter to this story, I know it has been a long while since I've updated this story, but here it is now let the chapter begin!
3rd pov
Y/n is seen over a ledge of a cliff side looking at the sky, which Y/n then begins to channel magic through his hands and starts to create a portal to take him where he wants to go, unknown to Y/n a hooded person that is wearing a dark blue cloak hiding their body.
hooded person: So your opening a portal to revive someone?
Y/n turns to the hooded figure with a smile knowing full well who it is, then fully faces the person once he was staring at them.
Y/n: Yup, but it's for a good cause and I'll have to meet one more person once that is finished.
hooded person: Who might this other person be?
Y/n: Someone who shares your first name... Raven.
The hooded person then removes their hood to show a girl around Y/n's age, with purple hair and grey skin with a gem in her forehead, while the cloak opens up to reveal a outfit that shows off her thighs.
A/n: Not my art the credit goes to the original artist. also this Raven is in the harem.
Raven: Someone with the same first name as me?
Y/n: I'll explain after we pick up a very special someone.
Raven nods to Y/n and both of them enter the portal and arrive in a place full of light, clouds and golden structures, which surprises Raven once she lay her eyes on the sight while Y/n didn't much care for the sight. Due to him only focusing on one thing, that would be special for Ruby and Yang when the parents visitation comes around.
Raven: Is this place...
Y/n: Remnant's afterlife, yes, it is.
Raven: If that's the case, wouldn't Remnant's two goddesses sense our presence?
Y/n: They were already expecting us.
As if on que two beings of light and darkness appear in front of them taking the form of two female figures, one having golden angelic wings while the other one had dragon like wings on her back.
A/n: kinda like this, just without little Jinn. I'm thinking on adding thee two girls to the harem.
Goddess of Light: Mortals, why do you trespass here?
Goddess of Darkness: Speak now, or I'll make you answer..
Raven gets ready for a fight, but Y/n stops her and let him handle the situation. He then looks towards the two goddesses in front of him, with his eyes turning from e/c to golden amber color while looking like a serpent's eyes.
Y/n: Now, now we did not come here to cause trouble. I want a request to bring back one person to life.
Goddess of Light: You want someone to be brought back form death?
Goddess of Darkness: Impossible! We will not gran-
She was cut off when a black and red tentacle wraps around her neck, which catches both of the goddesses off guard from the tentacle, while the Goddess of Light was about to retaliate against Y/n. Only to stop and instead of Y/n standing in front of her, it's his adoptive mother Zone-Tan looking down at the goddess with a smirk on her face, which sends a shiver down the goddess of Light's spin.
Goddess of Light: [How is that possible?! When and how did "She" have a kid?!]
Goddess of Darkness: [His aura is like Zone-Tan. Yet he looks nothing like her.]
Y/n: Now, I'm a gentleman so I would like to ask that you bring back Summer Rose to the land of the living.
Goddess of Light: You want Summer Rose, the mother of Ruby Rose to live again? But why, what do you get out of it?
Y/n: I'm not doing it to get something, I'm doing it for a friend. Also *moves the Goddess of Darkness closer and whispers into both Goddesses ears* I can tell you both can get rather lonely.~
The two goddesses blush from what he said, but they know that he is not wrong with that statement, Y/n moves back and releases his tentacle from the Goddess of Darkness neck who rubs it from being roughly held by it.
Goddess of Light: As you wish... Y/n.
Goddess of Darkness: We.... We will bring Summer Rose back to the world of the living, but it will cost you-
Y/n: You want me to end the conflict between Salem and Ozma.
Light and Darkness: She told you, didn't she. -.-'
Y/n: *smiles* Yup!
Y/n's pov
After that little meeting with the two goddesses and use some of their power to bring Summer back to life, but right now she is unconscious while being in my arms as I carry her. Now me and Raven are back on Remnant about to meet the next person on our list to meet.
Raven: So, what do you want to do with her?
Y/n: You still have an apartment, right?
Raven: Yeah?
Y/n: I want you to look after Summer, while I go have a chat with Yang's mother. Oh speaking of which, what goes with Ruby and Yang's father?
Raven: The one that goes by the name of Taiyang Xiao Long, is currently seeing a third woman, thought his heart still cares for his daughters and his two previous wives.
Y/n: I see, so he is trying to move on, but still keeping his memories of Summer and Raven, even though one is still alive. Anyway, I'll be going to meet Raven Branwen.
Raven: How will you find her?
Y/n: *smiles* I have my ways.
Raven then uses her magic to lift Summer's unconscious body and open a portal to her apartment, while I turn and focus my energy to feel Raven's aura by trying to feel an aura similar to Yang's aura. After a searching through numerous auras around the world, I have finally found the aura of Raven Branwen, which is located around the dense forest of Mistral I open my eyes and open a portal that would lead me to Raven's camp.
Y/n: Time to visit the leader of the Branwen tribe.
I step through the portal and instantly arrived at the camp's front gates, with two guards standing in front of it and saw me came through the portal. As I walk towards the gate the two guards pointed their weapons at me, since to them I am an outsider and can be a clear threat for them.
guard1: Stop right there.
Y/n: Good afternoon gentlemen.
guard2: What brings you here? If we don't like your answer...
guard1: Let's just say, we'll be having fun stomping that pretty face of yours.
Y/n: I'm just here to talk to your leader.
guard2: And pray tell, what would you like to discuss with her?
Y/n: It involves her personal life, which I would like to request to talk to her in private.
guard1: Your in our territory. Which means you don't make requests and what makes you think we'll just let you talk to her.
After he said that he push me back and to try, key word "try" to be threatening and stabs my left shoulder with his bladed weapon. Which makes more guards chuckle thinking I would panic, but little too they know this was nothing but just a mosquito bite, I look at the flesh wound and face the two guards with a smirk on my face and my eyes change into a golden serpent shape.
Y/n: Looks like we're going to be doing this the fun way.~
Raven Branwen's pov
A/n just to let you know, when Raven Branwen speaks, I will put "B" for Rwby Raven's last name. Since I am including Raven from Teen Titans into this story.
I was sitting inside my tent, meditating and clearing my thoughts to keep my mind off of any distractions so that way I could lead my tribe to the best of my ability. But my mind does often wonder to how my daughter Yang is doing, since I have became the Spring Maiden it was the main thing that has prevented me to be in my daughter's life and watch her grow.
But then I was snapped out of my meditation due to hearing a loud crash and explosions from the front gate, once I left my tent I see one guard on the ground unconscious and another one being strangled by a young man with a black and red tentacle coming from his back. The young man notices me and throws the guard away, while the tentacle retracts into his back.
Young man: Hello there.
Raven B: Don't play innocent. Why are you here attacking my camp, boy.
Y/n: It wasn't my intention to attack you, but your guards were rather rude.
Raven B: then why are you here?
Then in an instant he appears in front of me, I was about to draw my sword to strike at him because I thought he was going to attack me, that was until he leans into my ear and said something rather personal to me.
Y/n: *whispers* I'm here to talk to you about being able to see your daughter for once in your life.
Hearing this made me shock and I wanted this to be between us, but I'm too cautious of this young man, for all I know he could be working for Salem to try and take the power of the Spring Maiden or try to use me to get the relic and off me after words. I moved away from him and open my tent to allow him to enter.
Raven B: I'll speak to you in private.
He nods and makes his way into my tent, while Vernal looks on and I motion her to tend to the those who aren't dead in case if they have serious injuries that would make them too weak, then kill them off later. Once me and this young man are inside of my tent, I turn to him shooting a glare to intimidate him, but he just calmly smiles which sends a shiver down my spin.
Raven B: Now, what do you want? If it's because Sa-
Y/n: I'll stop you right there. 1. I'm not working for Salem nor do I plan on siding with her, so you can be at ease that this conversation will not include Salem.
Raven B: If your not working for Salem, then why are you here? Better yet who are and why come all this way to my camp?
Y/n: Well, my name is Y/n Tan and I'm here....
Y/n: To make a deal.~
A/n: And done! I hope you guys enjoy this story, now as to why it takes me awhile to update some of my stories, is due to some work related to most of days during my daily life. So I hope you guys understand and there's no need to worry, I am still working on my stories none of them are being discontinued or anything like that. Now Please let me know what you guys think in the comments on this chapter and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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