Chapter 5: the demon vs the bully
A/n: hello my fellow readers here is the next chapter to this story now before I begin sorry for not updating this story in a while. but here its is now with that settled let the chapter begin.
Y/n's pov
another day another row of classes some of the classes I enjoy are ones with Miss Peach, Dr. Oobleck and the one sexy ass teacher Glynda Goodwitch. the only class that I was bored out of my mind is Port's class with his stories when he was young at least I wasn't the only one who is bored of his class Yang, Ruby, Pitou and Hitmoi shared my feelings in that regard. but right now we're in Goodwitch's class which is combat class right now watching Pitou fighting against one of the members of Team CRDL which Pitou messing with the bully bitch. we then see Pitou use her semblance which allows her to create puppets the one she creates is Terpsichora which means she just wins cause it is a battle oriented puppet as her muscles swell up she jumps towards the unlucky bastard using her claws to cut at his side due to his aura it's not a serious cut, but it was enough to drain it to the red zone calling it a match.
Glynda: as you can see students Miss Neferpitou won due to her being more fast speed and well timed to use her semblance gave her the win. *looks at Pitou* well done.
Pitou: *her usual smile* no problem plus Pitou is fine if my name is too long.
Glynda: now we still have time for one more fight who shall do the honors?
I looks around the room to see if any of the other students would want to, but then my eyes land on the bastard himself Cardin Winchester with his hand up which I could guess ahy making me smirk.
Glynda: mister Winchester who do you want as an opponent?
Cardin: I choose *points to me* him.
with that I stand up from my seat and head to the changing room to up on my outfit which is a purple jacket with a f/c under shirt and black pair of pants. once that was done I make my way to the small arena center with Cardin already there wearing a full armor like set resting his mace on his shoulder.
Cardin: *smirks* really that's what your wearing? and no weapon at that.
Y/n: don't be dissing my style it's all thanks to my mother who made them which I got more swag than you. also my semblance can create any weapon I can think of do you think I really need a weapon to carry around?
random student: *mutters* he's got a point there.
he just huffs at my question and I simply just give a smile that even a certain strawberry pimp demon would be proud of seeing and put my hands in my pockets to wait for the buzzer to signal us to start.
3rd pov
as both fighters wait patiently, but then the buzzer sound off making Cardin make the first move by charging at Y/n who simply stands there with a smile like grin remaining calm. once Cardin was close enough we swings down at Y/n with his mace, but Y/n just simply side step dodging the mace as it hits the ground making an explosion on the ground which Y/n was unaffected by.
Y/n: huh. fire dust to use for the mace. not bad but...
Cardin the starts to swing his mace more trying to hit Y/n, but he was just dodging all the swings with his eyes closed and with a smile not taking Cardin seriously. while the said person was just getting irritated at how Y/n is just continuously dodging his swings.
Cardin: stop *swings his mace* dodging!
Y/n: okay.
with one last dodge Y/n jumps over Cardin and kicks him with both legs to propel himself further while his eyes were still closed for a moment. but then they shot open as he summons two swords with the use of his semblance both are katanas, but with different colors one was whit and black while the other katana is black and gold.
A/n: I do not own this picture.
Cardin then turns around and charges at Y/n while the latter did the same clashing their weapons together. but Y/n then gets the upper hand by moving their weapons to the side and jump over him again while using the white katana to slash at Cardin's back lowering his aura levels. then Cardin turns around with an angered look and brings his mace over his head to bring it don on Y/n, but Y/n smirks using the gold katana to knock Cardin's mace in the air then follows up with a spin kick knocking Cardin to the ground on his back. Y/n then stands over Cardin with one foot on his chest and makes the two blades disappear holding out his hand as Cardin's mace lands in his hand with the handle end.
Y/n: *looks at the mace* got admit it's an effective weapon....with the right user that is. but for you Cardin not so much. *summons a street cone and toss it to Cardin* here ya go.
Cardin: *catches the street cone* huh?
Y/n then gives the mace a couple of test swings getting the feel of the mace then looks over to where his teammates sit as they knew what he was thinking. Hitomi gives and excited smile nodding her head wanting him to do what he's thinking, Pitou was giving her usual smile with a thumbs up that she approves and Filia has a face that says "he deserves this" look. Y/n then turns to face Cardin with a devious smile as his eyes turned yellow slited shape making Cardin get scared.
A/n: yeah you should know where I'm going with this also funniest moment ever of all time.
once Y/n hit's Cardin's groin with his own mace making a small explosion which knocks Cardin into the the wall in pain all over his body, but his groin in more than most. once that happened the male students flinch and held their own groins as if they felt it while Hitomi is just laughing her ass off marking it the best part of her day.
Glynda: the winner is mister Tan. *to Y/n* you may return to your seat.
Y/n: as you wish Miss Goodwitch~
this got Glynda to blush a little, but she was good to hide it and keep a calm appearance while Y/n made his way back to his seat with his team as well his friends of Team RWBY and JNPR.
Hitomi: *laughs* I'm glad you did that! best day that was made.
Y/n: no problem Hitomi besides the dick head had it coming or should I say no dick?
Yang: *laughs* good one! he did deserve what you did to him.
Wiess: well I thought it was just too vulgar, but...considering that the way Cardin is. I approve.
-timeskip brought to you by chibi Y/n watching chibi team CRDL getting the Lemmy treatment-
in the cafeteria Y/n, his team and their friends are at the table enjoying their food with Velvet who joins them with her team.
girl: so your the guy that helped Velvet with Cardin right?
Y/n: yup that is me.
Hitomi: and he also made sure that the prick can no longer feel anything in the lower region.
girl: *chuckles* okay now I like you already names Coco. *motions to the two males* these two are are Yatsuhashi and Fox.
Y/n: nice to meet ya gentlemen.
Fox: likewise.
Yatsuhashi: *nods*
they then talk a bit getting to know one another and Y/n telling them what he did to Cardin which Hitomi commented her "favorite day" Y/n looks over to see team CRDL with Cardin holding his crotch in pain now and them. which made Y/n let out a chuckle knowing he did some permanent damage to his pride. but then he get's a call from his mother which he answers.
Y/n: hey mom what's yup?
Zone-Tan: {hey Y/n how are you doing at Beacon?}
Y/n: I'm good made some friends and put a bully in his place.
Zone-Tan: {that's good to hear. also I hear that there is a parent's visitation in two weeks.}
Y/n: yeah I heard about that.
Zone-Tan: {that's good to hear see you then sweetie~}
Y/n: right back at ya my awesome demon mother~
he then hangs up his scroll as he then looks back at his friends as they gave curious looks to him wondering how he acted with the call.
Y/n: what?
Wiess: why were you flirting with your mother?
Y/n: oh now before you think of anything no me and my mother Zone-Tan are not related she adopted me after dealing with some abusive parents.
Yang: oh...are you alrigh-
Y/n: yeah I came out fine after Zone-Tan took me in and gave the same powers she has along unlocking my semblance. she also taught me some flirting skills.
Blake: so what was she calling for?
Y/n: oh that there was a parents visitation in two weeks.
Ruby: oh...
this get's Y/n confused what Ruby's sudden change of tone from her usual bubbly hyper one. he looks at Yang which she mouths I'll tell you later which he nods and continue to their original chat.
Y/n's pov
after doing all of our classes I was with Yang while everyone else went on their way there was something about Ruby's tone from earlier that got me curious.
Y/n: so Yang what was with Ruby's tone from earlier? cause I sense it had some hint of sadness why is that?
Yang: well if you may have guessed me and Ruby are half sisters.
Y/n: yeah got that part.
Yang: well my mother was our father's first wife, but she left after I was born. Ruby's mother was the second and her name was Summer Rose after Ruby was born Summer left on a mission, but never came back and a search was sent out only to find her....dead.
Y/n: oh....I see thanks for letting me know Yang.
Yang: no problem catch you later Y/n.
as Yang left I walked out of Beacon to view the night sky while everyone else is probably asleep, but also knowing that Ruby's mother is no longer in the living world.
Y/n: let's fix that....
To be continued
A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter please let me know in the comments and I'll catch you guys in the next one.
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