Chapter 4: classes and handling a bully

A/n:  hey guys here's the next for my RWBY story sorry if I hadn't update this in a while but I hope you enjoy this chapter right now I'll be adding the last girls to the harem which are Reese, May and Ciel they are now in the harem now let this chapter begin

Y/n's pov

I was beginning to wake up from my sleep once I opened my eyes I look around my teams dorm room I went to get up from my bed but I felt some weight on my chest so I look down and lift up the blanket to reveal Pitou happily sleeping on me with a cute cat like face to which I lightly chuckled I then look at the clock to see that is was 7:30 meaning that our classes will start soon so I lightly scratch behind Pitou's cute cat ears causing her to wake up and sat up

Pitou: *cute yawn* good morning Y/n meow

Y/n: *smiles* good morning Pitou I see that you were enjoying yourself sleeping on top of me

Pitou: I couldn't help my myself you just feel so warm to resist and plus I like to cuddle while sleeping

Y/n: it's fine I don't mind but we should wake up our other teammates classes will start soon and plus we have time for breakfast 

she nods to me and gets off the bed to wake up Filia which won't be a problem since she always prefer to be woken up early in the morning I went to go wake up Hitomi once I got near to her bed I began shaking her lightly to wake her to which I received a punch to the face which only sting a bit but not enough to harm me I then step back as she gets up and rubs her eyes then glares at me

Hitomi: why did you wake me up?

Y/n: well for one we have class soon plus I woke you up early so that we could have breakfast before going to class

Hitomi: oh ok but by any chances *glares at Y/n* you didn't try to do anything funny to me while I was sleeping

Y/n: no I'm not a pervert anyways I'll get dressed in the bathroom while you girls get changed in her

the girls nod to me I grabbed my student uniform to which would prefer to wear my f/c color hoodie and black under shirt my hoodie has my mother's iconic skull emblem on the front left shoulder and on the back in the middle but I digress it won't be to troublesome after I got my uniform on I look my self in the mirror

Y/n: damn I look too damn good in this but I look better in my hoodie

A/n: I made your clothes have a similar design to Zone-tan's but I wasn't sure if her top was a sweater or not please let me know what type of top it is

I waited for the girls to get done changing but not too long they knocked on the bathroom door telling me that I'm in the clear once I open the door I see the girls in their uniforms to which they look absolutely stunning 

Y/n: you ladies look really stunning in those uniforms

Filia: *blushes* thanks Y/n

Hitomi: hehe *smirks* my clothes are better looking than these but thanks for the complement Y/n

Pitou: I know I look cute in anything but you Y/n your not so bad looking yourself meow~

I nod to my teammates then we head to the cafeteria to eat some breakfast I got (favorite breakfast meal) while Filia got some pancakes and hashbrowns, Hitomi got some strawberry crescents and French toast and Pitou got a breakfast fish sandwich as we eat we talked with one another like our likes and dislikes and some jokes after we had our breakfast we went to our first class which is with Professor Port as we enter the classroom we see a man wearing a burgundy suit with a large mustache 

Professor Port: aw Team Zone I presume?

Y/n: yes sir that's us

Professor Port: I see your and your team is early

Y/n: yeah thought we have breakfast before classes start

Professor Port: good choice cause breakfast is the most important meal of the day you can wait here in until classes start

we nod to him and took our seats and wait but after awhile other students start to comer in the class room but Teams RWBY and JNPR hadn't showed up yet as the class was starting the door that leads into the classroom opens up me and my team as both Team RWBY and JNPR arrived to the classroom just a little bit late to which made me chuckle Port gives them a warning and resumes class

Professor Port: Girmm, creatures of the night are one of Remnants most dangerous of creatures but I call them prey haha

he then begins to go on with his speech but not before winking at Yang after he said Huntresses making Yang somewhat uncomfortable as I see Ruby sleeping in class making Wiess irritated Yang  somewhat paying attention while Blake was reading her book I look over my team to see that Filia was writing down notes, Hitomi barely paying attention and Pitou being well Pitou as Port was talking about most of his life when he was younger like anyone cared to be honest he then starts listing off traits that a leader should have I look over to Ruby and Wiess to see that Ruby was doing various things like balancing a bunch of random school stuff with a pencil that is also being balancing on her finger defying gravity

Y/n's thoughts: okay is she secretly related to my mother cause how the hell is she balancing all of those thing on a pencil while said pencil is on her finger!?

then as Wiess was getting angrier by the minute that she looks like she could be a nuclear boom that is about to explode

Professor Port: now who has these traits?

Wiess: I-

Y/n: I do sir

Professor Port: well then come down and face your opponent

3rd pov

as Y/n then gets up he look as Wiess as she gives him a confused look as he mouths well talk later as he gets to the middle of the classroom as most students were confused why he doesn't have his weapon but Teams RWBY and JNPR same with Y/n's teammates knew that his semblance can make weapons

Professor Port: um mister Tan why aren't you getting your weapon?

Y/n: never had one my semblance can make weapons I can even make any weapon the students use but I also have secret weapon but for now let the grimm loose

Professor Port: ohoh I like your confidence 

as Port releases the grimm the grimm that comes out of the cage was a boarbatusk come rolling out charging at Y/n who just stands with a confident smirk on his face as the boarbatusk gets close to Y/n he summons one of his tentacles that comes out of his back and moves it in front of him as the grimm makes contact with the tentacle the grimm gets launch into the air then Y/n turns around putting two more tentacles into the ground then comes up piercing the grimm down the middle of it's body as Y/n takes a glance at the grimm then makes his tentacles become blades as the said blades become multiple blades stabbing the grimm from inside out

ad the grimm disperse the tentacles retract into Y/n's back as he stand back up putting his arms behind his back

Professor Port: very impressive Mister Tan you have the traits of a true huntsmen

Y/n: thanks professor Port

Professor Port: now class I would continue but it appears were out of time but stay vigilant 

as the students exit the classroom Team Zone went to their next class to which nothing special happen then it got to lunch as they entered the cafeteria team Zone gets their food as they went to a table to sit at they were joined by Teams RWBY and JNPR

Y/n: hello girls how can we help you?

Ruby: well we thought we could get to know you guys and have lunch together

Filia: sure we don't mind

as Teams RWBY and JNPR sat down the three teams talked with one another now and then Y/n and Yang would flirt with each other making the other girls at the table jealous along with Pitou teasing Y/n with her cuteness then Y/n hears something that pisses him off

????: ow Cardin that hurts!

the teams look to the source of the painful cry to see the all male group Team CRDL surrounding a brown hair bunny faunus

faunus girl: ow Cardin stop please

Cardin: look told you they were real

Russel: what a freak

this gave Y/n a little memory flash when his parents would call him many thing before he met Zone-Tan it pisses him off to see four guys picking on a faunus girl to the point his eyes are now golden and slitted eyes makingFilia worried 

Y/n: *slight demon voice* if you excuse me I'm going to go deal with limp dick Winchester

as he said that Y/n gets up from the table and goes to Team CRDL the girls minus Filia were confused at the sudden change of his personality but Filia knows why as Y/n was near where Team CRDL was Y/n grabs Cardin's wrist which makes Cardin let go of the faunus girl's ear as Y/n makes his arm move away from the girl as Cardin looks at Y/n angerly but it quickly changes to fear as he saw Y/n's golden slitted eyes as Cardin's teammates where about to stop Y/n but they backed off once they saw a terrifying aura around Y/n

Y/n: *slight demon voice* listen here pathetic excuse of a Winchester if I see you and your team picking on this girl or anyone else again you best be asking for a world of hurt got it

Cardin: oh yeah then why are you protecting this freak?

Y/n: *slight demon voice* because if you don't you'll be experiencing your worst nightmares so you better do as I say no get out of my sight YOU GAPING ASSHOLE!!!! *throws Cardin out the building* YEET!!!

as the rest of Team CRDL goes to their leader Y/n calms down as his eyes go back to their normal e/c ones as he looks at the faunus girl as he gives her a soft smile

Y/n: hey you alright there?

faunus girl: ye yeah thanks for helping me

Y/n: no problem I just hate to see people like Cardin and his team pick on faunus just because their different it just pisses me off *sighs to calm down* anyway are you feeling alright nothing too hurt?

faunus girl: just my ears their a bit sore from being pulled

Y/n: *brings up his hand* may I?

she was a bit scared thinking that you would do the same as Cardin but instead you gently grabbed her ear and rubbed it smoothly while having a small green aura around your finger tips to heal the ears as you were gently rubbing her ear the faunus girl was blushing lightly and eased into the feeling she was getting while the girls at his table were getting a little jealous mainly the two faunus that were weatching

Pitou's thoughts: I wish he could do that to my ears and tail~ especially the tail~

Blake's thoughts: I wish he could do that to my ears that lucky bunny faunus

Y/n: well that should be good enough miss um?

faunus girl: Velvet my names Velvet Scarlatina

Y/n: nice to meet you Velvet my names is Y/n-Tan if that prick causes you any trouble let me know and I'll be there to help you cut little bunny~ also here's my scroll number 

as Y/n gives his scroll number to Velvet and vise versa Y/n goes back to his table with his friends they asked why his personality changed to which he told them his life before he met his mother Zone-Tan to which they were shocked and sad at what happen to Y/n when he was younger but were happy he met someone who was like a true mother to him after lunch they went along to their other classes for the rest of the day

To Be Continued

A/n: and done I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of this story now there are other girls that I forgot to add when someone asked me about other girls in the harem which of them is Willow aka Wiess' mother so that's another milf in the harem if theirs any other girl I forgot please let me know or if you want me to add another girl last girl in the harem do let me know and I'll see you guys in the next chapter 

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