Chapter Twenty-Seven
(I didn't edit it so if you see any mistakes could you comment on them? Thanks)
Izuku POV
I laid in bed thinking about what school will be like.
What is someone figures out who my dads are? Or that I have two quirks? Or that I'm bisexual and dating Sho? There are so many things that can go wrong.
I got my uniform today along with our gym outfits. It looked nice for the most part. It was hanging up in my closet, ready for school tomorrow.
Why can so many things go wrong? Along with dad or pops being my teachers too. AND Auntie Nemuri. She's just a literal train wreck. How did she even become a teacher?
Someone, probably Kacchan, will figure out all my secrets first. I'm betting on it. He'll be curious why I'm close to Sho and Hito and Dad AND Pops, then it will all fall apart. Just like that. Why is he always questioning me? If I'm just a pebble on his way to success why does he pay so much attention to me?
- The next day -
- Third Person POV -
Izuku quickly changed into his uniform after realizing he forgot to set his alarm. Apparently Shinso did too, you could hear the ruckus from his room. Since their parents are teachers they would be going with them to school. Neither of them told who was going to be teaching who, and you could tell Yamada really wanted to tell them.
Izuku quickly brushed his hair, his limp from the temporary paralysis in his left leg was usually worse in the mornings.
Shinso was rushing too, and both boys ran into the hallway numbing into each other and falling backwards.
"Sorry." They said in unison, running downstairs to their already departing parents.
They all jumped into the car, checking their bags to make sure they had everything.
The ride to the school was short, and they chatted away while Aizawa drove. Well, more like Yamada talked their ears off, excited about the new year and new students.
As they pulled up to the school the two new first years admired the size of it. They walked in together, the hallways echoing their footsteps as they went.
Instead of going to their classes, they went with their parents to the teachers lounge since they were an hour early. Nemuri and Toshinori were already there, and Toshinori greeted them.
"Shota, why did you bring your very cute children in so early?!" Nemuri said, hugging her 'nephews'.
"Good morning Auntie Nemuri!" They boys said in unison. One of them was happier to be here than the other and more glee went into greeting her.
"Morning Toshi!" Izuku said waving to the skeletal man lounging on the couch. Nezu entered the room with a cup of tea in his hands.
"Good morning everyone! Mr. Aizawa, why are your children in here so early?"
"We didn't want the problem children to walk here so Zashi said they should come with us and stay in here for a little bit." Nezu nodded and looked at the students.
"Remember, make sure that nobody else knows you are in here! We don't want the news thinking that we have favorites!" They both nodded and sat down on the couch. Aizawa poured coffee for the three of them, handing them each a steaming cup which two certain people chugged down in seconds going back for another cup.
"Young Midoriya, I'm sorry I couldn't have helped you train a little bit more, but congratulations on getting into 1-A!" Nemuri popped out of nowhere an applauded a little before disappearing.
"Auntie Nemuri, should you really be wearing that?" Izuku pointed to her hero suit.
"Ah, the third years don't care anymore!"
"Yeah," Toshinori added, "only the third years. It takes a while to get used to it." Nemuri laughed a little before gettin a cup of coffee for herself, almost tripping over the sleeping bag.
"Shota! This is not your bedroom!" He ignored her zipping the bag up all the way. Izuku laughed a little at his fathers antics, while Yamada just drags his husband to one of the many couches in the large room.
As more and more teachers began to file in, they questioned the students and had small conversations with them as they drank their coffee. Most of them scolded the husbands on bringing their children to school that early, either getting a response of a snore or a very loud laugh.
- Izuku POV -
I left the teachers room with Hito, was in goodbye to them only to see some of them later. Me and Hito were happy that the classrooms are close, and said our goodbyes.
I walked into the classroom to see Kacchan and that annoying blue haired boy yelling at each other. I paid no attention to the fighting, only to my boyfriend lounging in the back of the classroom.
"Oh," I said backing up, "Hey Kacchan."
"WHY ARE YOU HERE YOU USELESS PIECE OF SH-" his sentence was stopped by me flapping my wings to create wind to knock him back. The blue haired boy greeted me.
"I'm sorry for Bakuhoes behavior. You seem to know him?" (Bakuhoe was a typo but I'm keeping it because why not)
"Sadly, yes. He was my childhood friend."
"I'm sorry for his behavior and my own during the exam." He bowed a little, and Kacchan was sitting grumbling profanities at no one in general.
"My name is Iida Tenya. What is your name?"
"My name is Izuku Midoriya. It's nice to meet you too." I smiled a little and sat next to Sho.
"Morning~" I said, leaning in a little bit. He smiled.
"Good morning Izu." He said patting my shoulder and shoving me back into my seat.
"Ah, Kacchan," I stood up very close to him and I could hear the explosions coming from his hands. "It's none of your fu**ing business now go sit you a** back down in your own godd*mn seat and get your nose out of my own fu**ign business."
I heard Sho gasp at my sudden profanities I didn't very often speak, and Kacchan growled. He turned around on his heel and sat back down and Sho and the other boy were amused.
"Sometimes you've got to assert your dominance a little bit." I smiled and sat back down making idle conversation with Sho as the other students filed in talking to each other. Some were old friends as far as I could see.
"Be quiet." Everyone looked around and noticed the yellow caterpillar that was outside they were all confused when a man came out of it.
"It took you eight seconds to be quiet. That is not good enough." The blue haired boy who's name I forgot spoke up.
"In all politeness, who are you?"
"I am your homeroom teacher, Shota Aizawa, and the pro hero Eraserhead." There were some surprises gasps and whispers among the students and I laughed.
"What was so funny about what I said?" I shook my head no suppressing another laugh. I sat back in my seat vaguely listening to dad. He answered the talkative kids questions, and told us to change into our gym outfits.
My left leg was tingling a little bit and it made my usual small limp a little bit worse than usual. It was noticeable now, and Sho helped me out.
When we got into the room I suddenly felt uncomfortable with undressing in front of the others.
What will they think when they see my scars?
Even Sho looked a little uncomfortable with undressing too, so we both hid in a corner and changed fast without facing each other even though I wanted to...
We were the first ones out, and Dad pretty much put that puzzle together. I talked a little bit with him until more people came.
"Hi! My name is Mina Ashido! I like your wings and horns! They look suuuuper cool!"
"Thanks! My name is Izuku Midoriya." She smiled and ran off to talk to a red head who's hairstyle was slightly similar to Kacchans.
"Today we are going to do a quirk assessment." Multiple people were clearly unhappy with that but didn't say anything. "There will be a series of contests and the person who comes last will lose. Bakugo, how far could you throw a ball in junior high?"
Some people really didn't like the expulsion part but some people knew that it was a lie.
"About 63 feet without my quirk." Kacchan said, stepping up to the plate.
"Throw it with your quirk. No rules except you can't step out of the circle." Dad threw the ball to Kacchan who gave a creepy smile in return. He twisted back a little bit preparing to throw the ball.
"DIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!" He screeched as he threw the ball.
"732 feet." Dad said, showing the score to the class. A few were surprised, and that red head started at Kacchan with a weird look.
"Midoriya, your next." I stepped up to the plate as Dad threw me the ball. As I wound up my arm and One For All, and flew upwards to get some height on the ball. But as I threw it, One For All just seemed to stop.
"83 feet." I landed back on the ground with an angry look.
"And just WHY DID YOU ERASE MY QUIRK?!" Some of the class shared confused looks as to why I yelled at the teacher who has a reputation for expelling his students but I saw Sho holding in a laugh.
"Because it's destructive and you can't control it."
"Shut up problem child!" Dad said raising his voice. A few people 'ooooooh'ed at us, staring us down.
"Your not going to go to Recovery Girl!"
"I know so shut the hell up!" Dad was very p*ssed at me but tossed me a ball sighing and pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Go ahead Problem child, break your arm." Dad spoke in his rare sarcastic voice, and I snorted in amusement. Sho laughed a little bit, earning a glare from Dad. "Shut up other problem child or me and Endeavor will be having a little talk..." Sho immediately shut up, and that confused the class even more.
I got back into the circle, fly straight up again focusing One For All in one finger. I kept going upwards until the ground was far away. I chucked the ball and used One For All at the last second. I quickly dropped to the ground with a booming noise as I landed in a crouched position.
I wiped the dust and dirt off me, waving my barely bruised finger at Dad who was dangerously close to strangling me with his capture weapon. I smiled and walked over to Sho.
"Your so cool!" The bot with spiky red hair said. "My name is Eijiro Kirishima!"
"Hello, my name is Izuku Midoriya." I smiled and watched as my finger healed. Kirishima and a few others who had gathered around me looked confused.
"What is your quirk exactly?" I recognized the girl, it was Uraraka.
"I call it Demons Heart. It seems as if Teach wants me to shut up so I will before he strangled me. I'll tell you later." I smiled at her, saying it loud enough so Dad could hear me loud and clear. "So, How far was that?"
"927 feet." Dad grumbled out his answer and Bakugo ran towards me.
"HOW DID DEKU DO BETTER THAN ME?! HE IS SUPPOSED TO BE STUPID AND USELESS!" Dad turned his attention to the screaming blonde.
"Shut the hell up before I expel both of you." Bakugo shut up but not before telling me something which I ignored giving him a violent smirk.
More people went but I didn't pay much attention to them. I was confused at how the weird short midget dude with very weird hair got here, and I couldn't figure out what his quirk was. He seemed to be staring at the girls and that I did NOT like. It creeped them out and I could tell from his expression, Dad too.
"The next thing we are doing is a sort of race. You can use your quirks and we will go two at a time. You may not sabotage the other player. Midoriya and Bakugo, you are first."
I knew why he did that and we both went to the starting line.
"On your mark, get set, go." We both started running, and I jumped up and flew around down the straight line track. It was about 20 feet long, and it would be easy. Bakugos explosions were deafening, but I tuned them out.
I went went by fast, and I barely beat Kacchan.
"Midoriya, 7.2 seconds. Bakugo, 8.3 seconds. Now take the loss and don't go exploding things." Bakugo growled at me but walked away and sat on the ground with an angry expression plastered on his face. I only watched Sho, who was against this girl who was tall with a black ponytail.
I didn't pay attention to her time, but she was far behind Sho. He froze his whole side of the track, but got 9.1 seconds. Dad forced him to melt it, and he seemed uncomfortable while using his fire side. I didn't even see the flames, he just heated it up with his hand. It took a while, but it was done with the help of that Mina girl, I guessed she could make acid.
I sat back and laid on the ground, and soon Sho joined me. We talked for a while until the next thing began.
Third Person POV
"Okay, here is the scoreboard." A hologram appeared from Aizawas phone, and the students gathered around it to see their scores. They were pushed back and they looked at their scores.
"How did I get first?" Midoriya said, looking confused. "I didn't really do that good..." Bakugo started screaming at the fact that he had gotten second to Izuku, and Aizawa had to hold him back with his capture weapon and erase his quirk to stop the boy from attacking Izuku.
"Nobody is going to get expelled." The grapist smiled, looking at the girls again. Happy that he isn't going to get expelled on his first day.
Aizawa began to walk inside, instructing everyone to change. His capture weapon still had a tight grip on Lord Explosion Murder and his eyes were sore from not blinking for so long. He let everyone else inside first, then after a while let the now kind of tame Bakugo inside.
Midoriya and Todoroki both changed quickly again, and were the first people back in the classroom. Other students came in and when Uraraka came in, other students crowded Midoriya.
"So what is your quirk Midoriya?"
"I call my quirk Demons Heart. It allows me to fly, extend my claws, and it gives me super regeneration and strength, not to forget my enhanced hearing and eyesight. Oh, and, animals really like me and I can if I focus really hard, can understand them. I believe it's done manifesting, but I'm not sure yet. I also have a hidden tail, I'm not sure what it does. I wrap it around myself so it doesn't show."
"YOUR QUIRK IS SO COOL!!" The girls surrounded him, blasting questions at him making the boy very uncomfortable along with his boyfriend who was being ignored even though he was sitting right next to him.
"Can you show us your tail?!" A boy with yellow hair and a lightning bolt in it said.
"I'd rather not...but sure?" He unwrapped his tail from around his stomach and let it come out from the bottom of his shirt. He stood up showing it to the people who had surrounded him. Not even Todoroki knew he had a tail, and he looked at it too. Nobody actually knew about it, so it was interesting when Aizawa came over.
"I'm going to take a nap so be quiet or you will be expelled and this time I'm not joking." Of course he was joking though.
More students gathered around Midoriya, and Mina tried to touch the fluffy tail only to be slapped on the hand by Oijiro.
"More people with tails don't like for them to be touched Ashido."
"Oh. Sorry." Everyone conversed, introducing each other except Todoroki and Bakugo. Of course, being the only one who knew them, Midoriya introduced them both to the class. Todoroki gave a meek wave but looked back to the book he was reading after. Bakugo huffed and continued texting.
Izuku POV
The class bell rang and we all headed together to our next class. Of course the person who walked in was the one and only Pops. He yelled his hello and had us introduce ourselves. He laughed and skipped over me as he went, and everyone was confused.
The annoying kid asked Pops a question as he skipped over me.
"Why did you not ask Midoriya what his name is?"
"Ah, well, I met her during the exam because he was in Recovery Girls office."
Good excuse Pops
He continued with this for a while, and we didn't even learn the whole time we were there much to my happiness.
- Lunch Time -
- Izuku POV -
We walked as a class to lunch and sat at a couple different tables. Uraraka, Iida, and Sho sat with me. The other groups separated and I was surprised to see that Kacchan actually sat with people and not alone.
Well, he's improving a little bit
"D*mn! Lunch Rush is the best!"
"Language Midoriya."
"Sorry Iida." Sho and Uraraka laughed.
"So, Midoriya, how do you know Todoroki?" Uraraka said.
"Well, we met a long time ago at a park when we were kids but his dad didn't want him to be kidnapped because he is the son of a hero, so we didn't see each other until not to long ago." He nodded in agreement.
"Okay. So your the son of Endeavor?" He flinched at the name.
"I wish I wasn't."
"Oh. Why so?" Uraraka asked holding her chopsticks in the air.
"He's not really a dad type person." I responded for him knowing he didn't want to answer the question for unknown reasons. She nodded and went back to her food. "This school is really nice."
"Yes. It's very nice for the budget and for the hero's." Iida said, being all technical.
"Another question but for Midoriya." Uraraka stayed.
"Shoot." I held my chopsticks and pointed them at her.
"You seem close to Present Mic and Aizawa-sensei." My brain froze momentarily at the question.
"They were family friends you see...I haven't seen them in a long time but we never really met either."
"Okay." She said, and I let out a breath I didn't realize I had been holding.
"I have to go talk to a friend really quick," I said, "I'll be right back." I saw Shinso walking away and I greeted him.
"Guess who is my homeroom teacher."
"Oh no." He said, looking at me.
"Dad is." He laughed a little.
"That must SUCK."
"Yeah, we already got into an argument and people have already questioned my quirk, how I know Sho, and Dad and Pops! And I bet if Auntie Nemuri teaches me too then that will be next..."
"That sucks Izu. Well, good luck! I'm just going to my locker really quick."
"Thanks. Bye Hito!"
"Bye Izu." He smiled and walked away and I threw away my empty tray and returned to my table.
"Soooo not to ask too many questions, but who was that?"
"A close friend that I don't see often." I smiled and looked at Sho who smiled back.
"You know Midoriya, you two should date! You certainly look as is you want to!"
"Uraraka! You should not be telling them that! We are too young to date yet. You should wait until your older!" I started laughing, and Sho let out a chuckle.
"Uraraka your funny!" I said, stopping my laughter.
Word Count: 3411 words
*high pitched screeches* tHaTs A lOt Of WoRdS
Question of the chapter: What is your favorite band?
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