Chapter Thirty-Nine
- Third Person POV -
"Mr. Yamada, you can see Midoriya now." As soon as hearing the words he ran into the hospital room hugging his son. Midoriya hugged back and they looked at each other's slightly tear stained faces.
"Are you okay? Do you need anything? How are you feeling? When can you leave?" Present Mic said in a rushed tone as he held his sons hand gently.
"I'm okay Pops, I get to leave tomorrow along with Dad."
"Yay!" He cheered pumping his fist in the air. "Do you know where Shota is?"
"No. I think he's in my old room right next door though."
"Okay! I'll be right back!" Izuku nodded and waved the hero away. School was cancelled for everybody today but they would have to go back tomorrow. It was only one day after the incident but everybody would be going back to school. Including Aizawa. Of course, that was his choice though.
Present Mic rushed back into Izukus room Aizawa walking behind him.
"Hi problem child."
"DAD! HOW ARE YOU EVEN OKAY TO WALK?!" He stared and pointed at the mummy, even though he was slightly one too. He had been visited by Recovery Girl and he only had bandages everywhere except his face.
Izuku jumped off the bed limping over to him wings dragging on the ground. He sat his father onto the bed and he sat down on a chair.
"You know I'm okay right Izuku?"
"Your not the one with a partly healing quirk so shut up and accept it." Aizawa nodded a little, his motions and voice slowed. Present Mic smiled and sat down too.
"Your both ready to go to school tomorrow? You know, Nemuri offered to sub for you Sho."
"I'm okay."
"I haven't had a mental breakdown, yet, so I'm okay to leave."
"Yet?!" Present Mic yelled and as Aizawa leaned back onto the bed ignoring them and falling asleep.
"I- I did some things there..." Present Mic looked confused and Izuku excused himself to go to the bathroom.
"Zashi, Izuku killed five people. Two were stabbed and three drowned." He deadpanned, but you could hear the sadness in the tone. Yamada gasped and lowered his head.
They didn't speak until Izuku returned to the room. He had a slight tears stain on his cheeks but he wiped it off. He sighed and sat down, munching on Doritos that he shared with Yamada. Nobody spoke, and the silence was nice and rare for the family.
A knocking was heard on the door and a certain purple haired kid entered.
"You guys okay?" He looked at the bandages on the both of them and instead of greeting his dad he went straight for the Dorito bag.
"I'm okay..."
"Not the best answer but I'll take it. Dad, Pops, are you guys okay?" Yamada nodded and a muffled 'ish' came from the mummy. The nurse said you guys can come home tomorrow. They want them both to get sleep so my and Pops will pick you guys up before school.
Everyone nodded and said goodbyes to the two departing people. Izuku left and wheeled his dads bed in his room because why not and hopped on it falling asleep on the bed next to his dad.
Izuku POV
The bright light that came from the partly shaded windows awoke me. My body was a little sore but it was okay. I hopped out of bed not having enough energy to pick up my wings that were dragging on the floor along with my tail. I had a major headache as I left the room.
A nurse stopped me and questioned me.
"I'm okay I'm just getting some water to take my pills."
"Okay, just go back to your room right after." She smiled a little and walked off. I went to a water fountain and grabbed one of the plastic cups sitting beside it in plastic wrap. I took off the wrap and filled the large cup up and popping open the pill bottle case and putting a pill on my tongue before chugging the water.
I felt a little dizzy as I threw the container in the recycling bin but I ignored it walking back to my room. There was a confused doctor in dads room looking at where the bed was supposed to be.
"Doc, he moved into my room." He smiled and walked over nodding.
"Your Izuku Midoriya right?"
"I saw you at that villain fight on the news. Your pretty strong!"
"Thanks," I said, and we both walked into my room. He checked up on dad and I sat down on the bed waiting for Pops and Hito to arrive. They came quickly handing me my uniform.
Your a burden, why don't you just die?!
Shut up!
No~ I never will, I'm you and your me. Now cut yourself, or consequences will happen
No! You can't do anything!
My head started to pound violently and I silently fell to the bathroom floor. I tried moving but my body refused.
Do it! NOW!
I could almost see the vice smile greedily as a trance took over my brain. I saw one hand partly take off the gauze and a claw extended from my pointer finger. It cut through my skin, blood coming for a second then stopping.
I repeated this process thirty times, not hearing the knocking on the door.
"Izu? We're gonna be late!"
"I- umm, g-give me a minute!" I slapped myself mentally quickly wrapping up the wound. As fast as I could I changed the uniform flushing the toilet to seem as if I was going to the bathroom. I washed my hands under the cold tap water and dried them off making sure to get the dried blood out from underneath my Now shirt nail.
I put on a fake smile as I ran out of the room, waving to Pops and Hito.
"Morning Zuku!" Pops said and I fake smiled again. Hito smiled back and we left the hospital. We rushed for the car not wanting to be later but we all came in five minutes late.
"Omg are you guys okay?!"
"You should be in the hospital still!"
"D@mn nerd!"
"How are you guys here? Kero."
"We are fine now sit down class. You too problem child." I limped slightly back to my desk and a couple of people had worried glances. Sho stared at my kindly motioning for us to talk later.
"As you all know every year there is a Sports Festival. Ours will be next week on Friday. You have the rest of this week and next week to train. During our teaming time you get to choose what you want to do so choose wisely. Do whatever you want, some teachers will supervise and help you. Now, go change and meet me at the track." Everyone nodded and I limped behind them.
"You okay Izu?"
"I'm fine Sho."
"You want a piggy back ride?" Sho smiles innocently and I hopped onto his back my wings brushing the back of his legs every time he stepped. We heard some 'awws' from people and some disgusted noises from others. Choosing to ignore those Sho started a conversation.
"You ready for the festival?"
"Yeah. I defeated the Nomu right?" He smiled a tiny bit but it saddened as I bet he thought about me getting hurt. He continued on dropping me off as I wen to my locker to change.
I quickly changed into my too right hero outfit and headed out to the track.
"Hi All Might!"
"Good morning Young Midoriya! How are you feeling?"
"Good-ish." He looked a little confused but whispered to me,
"We should train for the festival. I'll text you the details." I nodded and went to talk to Iida and Uraraka once they approached me.
- Izuku POV -
Once I arrived home from after school I flew up to my little hiding spot up on the window sill. I ignored the pain of sitting and my thoughts and pulled out my phone once I heard a 'ding' come from it.
Toshi: What time can you train?
Me: Whenever
Toshi: Any specifics?
Me: None. Dad doesn't care as long as if I'm with an adult
Toshi: How about in an hour at UA?
Me: Okay
Me: See ya
Toshi: Goodbye for now!
Me: Dad
Me: Dad
Me: Answer
Me: Please
Me: I have an important-ish question
Me: Stop turning your d@mn ringer off
Me: B!tch answer me
Me: ummmm thanks? Love you too?
Dad: The f*cks that supposed to mean?!
Me: On another note, Toshi wants to train in an hour.
Dad-zawa: As long as I don't have to deal with you that's fine.
Me: Thanks for the kindness
Dad-zawa: Your very f***ing welcome
Me: nOt In FrOnT oF mY sAlAd
Dad-zawa: .........?
- Third Person POV -
Izuku messed around with his phone settings for a while ignoring the people walking inside. He yelled goodbye and left the house despite the confused protests from Yamada.
He jumped off the front step flying high enough so people couldn't see him. He flew back to the school and landed in front of the gates flashing his ID so they opened. He waltzed inside the the usual gym he trained in with All Might. He saw Toshinori sitting in the corner on his phone.
Upon hearing the footsteps he shut off his phone and stood up changing into All Might. He jumped at the surprised student and the two began to fight. Izuku charged up his power and ran/flew to the other side of the gym smirking. The two exchanged no words as they lunged and careened towards the other.
They brawled until All Might decided to stop, saving some time in his buff from for later.
"You've gotten better Young Midoriya, I'm proud of you for fighting at the USJ. One thing you need to work on is that you try to calculate what your opponent will do but you leave no time to react or plan what you will do."
"Okay. Thanks Toshi." The tired boy wiped some blood from his nose attempting to heal it. He hadn't been working on healing intensively, he usually just let his quirk slowly heal himself without noticing it.
"How far can your claws extend Young Midoriya?" I stretched them out towards the other side of them gym.
"Seven feet." I said retracting them.
"Okay. You don't really need to work on that. If your injured in any way try to heal yourself quickly, but don't purposely injure yourself. Okay? You should head home now."
"Okay. Thank you."
"Your welcome." I walked out of the building flying home once I was outside. The air was slightly cool as it blew my hair behind my face and I closed my eyes spinning and doing tricks in the air. I heard people muttering below me on the ground and I flew higher up so they wouldn't be able to see me fly home.
You know your useless, you know you want to die, so why don't you take a swan dive off the roof like Kacchan said?
I brushed the thoughts off but that wouldn't work as I tried to focus on going lower.
Just stop flying and fall to your death already!
I growled to myself and dove toward the ground reaching home. I landed on the ground with a thud in our driveway. I brushed off some dust and walked up to the house opening the unlocked door and heading inside.
Espresso hugged my leg and I picked her up gently stroking her soft black fur. I sat on the couch focusing on her until it spoke again.
I tried to focus on petting Espresso and Mocha who decided to welcome me too. I put Espresso down in another trance walking up to my room both cats trailing me. I didn't let them in the bathroom so they chilled on my bed pillows.
I locked the door and sat on the closed toilet seat wings going to either side. My tail whipped from side to side as I unwrapped bandages on both my arms. I extend two claws and made identical cuts side my side smirking a little as I watched them bleed and heal.
I stood up and put my arm above the sink cutting deep into a vein in my wrist. Blood spurred out into the sink crazily and unstopped. I chuckled a little as I focused my energy in that spot closing my eyes. I felt my muscle and veins reconnect and I opened my eyes to see a light pink scar and a bloody sink.
I smirked and grabbed an emergency pill swallowing it without water as I rinsed out the sink as I heard a knock on my bedroom door.
Walking out as if nothing happens, Hito walked in.
"You excited for the festival Izu?" He said laying down on my bed petting Frappuccino who decided to join us.
"Kind of. I healed from my battle with Toshi and I'm guessing I'm either going to do that or train my quirks till then."
"I have a question, do you mind if I try my quirk on you? I won't make you do anything crazy, just fly a little and make me food because I want to test it. Oh, and I'm hungry." I laughed a little and nodded.
"Sure." My mind went empty and I want he and heard my actions imprisoned in my mind. Hito told me to fly down the stair case and I successfully made it down. I heard him ask me to dinner, and he requested Katsudon. I cheered a little and I watched myself make the food.
When I was done making the food Hito stopped his quirk.
"Good job Hito!" I have him a slightly real smile waving my hands in the air pouring to the food.
"Thanks Izu."
"Cover your ears," he did so and I took in a breath. "DAD!!! POPS!!!! DINNER IS READY SO GET YOUR A$$ES DOWN HERE BEFORE I MAKE YOU I CAN LITERALLY HEAR YOU MOANING YOU $HIT$!!!!"
A bang audible even to Hito was heard followed by another one. Dad and Pops ran down the stairs and sat down at the chairs not making eye contact with me. I doubled down with laughter and Hito snorted at their messy appearance. Only dads hair and almost his whole face was visible between his loosened bandages.
"Just to let you know guys, I have excellent hearing or did you forget? I have to borrow Hito's noise cancelling headphones." I shamed them both, waving my finger as them as if I was their mother. I handed them both their food sitting on the opposing side of both of the table.
Their faces were both tinted red (from what I could see on Dads) and they quickly ate their food. They finished and muttered a 'thanks' as me and Hito exchanged a knowing look at what was about to happen. Their door slammed and I sat straight up a little startled at the noise.
"I can already hear them..." I whispered laying my head on my arms.
"I'll wash the dishes you relax Izu" Hito said holding in a laugh. I nodded and ran upstairs looking for the headphones. I notice that a different pair were on my bed probably laid there before the did...that...
I heard a loud mo@n and slammed the heaphones on happy that they also were Bluetooth. I grabbed my phone and parked them blasting 80s music as I played a game on my phone. I ding silence my music for a second and a banner appeared at the top of my phone. I clicked on it realizing it was a message from Sho.
Sho🔥❄️: Hi
Me: Hi
Sho🔥❄️: what are you doing
Me: listening to music very loudly so I don't hear my either of my dads mo@ning
Sho🔥❄️: Again?!
Me: Dad is also in his bandages too...
Sho🔥❄️: that's something I can't unthink
Me: I actually confronted them about it during dinner and I found these headphones on my bed because I stopped them from doing it so they could have dinner
Me: They are probably a peace offering
Sho🔥❄️: that's good blackmail material
Me: yeeesssssssssssssssss
Me: No homework! I also find them kissing in the janitors closet like school kids
Sho🔥❄️: like school kids and us
Sho🔥❄️: I have to go help Fuyumi out with something. Bye I love you 💚
Me: Bye I love you too~
- Third Person POV -
Izuku laid on his bed setting his phone down beside him. The little light in the corner brightened the room slightly, helping Izuku with his fear of the dark.
He sat there silently pondering something, deep in thought. He began to think out loud, whispering to himself.
"How do I use One For All and not break my bones? Activating it in one spot always bruises or breaks the bone in that spot." He stood up silently stepping into the middle of the room.
"What is I kept One For All running throughout my body at a low percentage? It's like when you hear up food and it only heats up one side. I need to keep it running constantly, or when I'm fighting."
Izuku closed his eyes in concentration green and white lightning flickering and lighting the room. He looked at himself happily with a small grin.
"This is five percent. I'll need to fight to figure out what level doesn't hurt me." Looking satisfied with himself he crawled back into his bed covering himself and closing his eyes. Small snores soon came from him and he still had his headphones on which looked slightly uncomfortable to wear in the position he was laying in.
Shinso laid on his bed unable to go to sleep. He stared at his phone playing games until he got bored of them. He slowly uncovered himself pacing his room grabbing a book he had laid out.
He sat down and read a chapter or too before quickly losing interest in the whimsical land the author had written about. He put a bookmark in it and put it back on his bookshelf.
He grabbed a journal and began writing sitting close to the lamp. It was a black leather book that had a small lock attached to it.
Dear Diary,
I wish I could fall asleep sometimes. It gets quite boring here when nobody is awake to talk to. Sometimes I wish Izu was awake so we could talk about something. He's really fun to hang out with and I wish we did more often. I would also like to train with him sometimes. I would have to ask All Might or Izu.
Shinso put the pencil down to write something but only tapped the led on the paper. He shut the book clearly out of thoughts to write about and opened the drawer he once kept it in sliding it in hiding the black book under a few discarded papers and pencils.
He sat and laid in bed again grabbing his phone to check the time. He groaned once reading it and laid down covering his messy lilac hair. He closed his eyes most likely hoping for sleep and a smile etched itself on his sleeping face.
- Hero Training -
- Third Person POV -
Everybody in class 1-A was doing whatever training they wanted too. A few were sparring against each other as Izuku weave through the chaos. He approached All Might warily, avoiding a stray fling of Mina's acid.
"SORRY MIDORIYA!" Izuku waved back and got All Mights attention.
"Wanna spar?"
"Sure Young Midoriya!" He smiled and led them farther away from the class. Izuku stayed back and stretched a claw as we activated One For All at 10% throughout his whole body. All Might looked impressed as he dodged the flying claws.
Izuku ran towards him and attempted to punch him only to send a large gist of wind to where his class was blowing away a couple of students.
"SORRY GUYS!" He yelled as everybody turned to watch. He felt an impact on the back and the cheery voice of his attacker.
"Always pay attention to your opponent Young Midoriya!" The boy got off the ground and went into a fighting position noting that his arm was fine.
"One For All, fifteen percent!" He whisper yelled to himself. The buff man noted the percentage happy that he was doing so well and figured out how to control it by himself. Izuku punched the ground shaking the earth and startling All Might who was in deep thought. He landed a punch on the older man much to the amusement of the watching class.
The pro hero turned to his successor smiling his usual wide grin. He was full of pride in Midoriya, filling his heart with joy.
His classmates cheers were barely heard but Izuku gave them a small smile. He flew up into the air and saw All Might punch the air above him but the flying boy fled before the attack could reach him. He wen tour of view of everybody and they all looked around confused. Taking advantage of this he flew down at his top speeds all limbs curled up tucked to his sides making his a human bullet as he raised his arm making contact with All Mights back.
Impacted heavily by the attack the man was flung forward and fell before he could regain his footing. He coughed up a little blood before turning around looking for his own attacker. Unluckily for him, Izuku was already in the sky. He plummeted towards him and struck him in the side of his injury.
The older man once again fell and surrendered. The classes cheers were loud as the two approached the group again.
"Good job Midoriya!"
"Wow! That's impressive!"
"You speeds are very fast and you are good at stealthily attacking Midoriya! That's is certainly your strong suit!"
Interrupting the bombarding of complements Aizawa warned them that they were going to be later for their next class if they didn't hurry. The whole class frantically ran back inside and into the changing rooms.
- Izuku POV -
Toshinori pulled me aside before I could run to the lunchroom after the last class.
"Good job Young Midoriya, you've really improved your One For All, I'm proud that you learned to go fifteen percent already! Your sneak attacks were also amazing too, you've grown so much since I first met you."
"Thank you Toshi!" I smiled and thanked him and he let me run to lunch. I grabbed my food and sat down at my usual table.
"Your One For All is a lot better Izu." Sho whispered in my ear. I smiled and thanked him as Uraraka, Iida, Tsu, and Hito sat down next to us.
"I missed your fight Izu?"
"Yeah, sorry Hito." I laughed a little bit and he gave me an exaggerated pouty face.
Sho and Shinso have also really changed, they show their real personalities a little more and aren't as shy.
I smiled a little taking my thrice a day pill. I was just putting the case away when a dumb@ss blonde decided to pay us a visit.
"Let me guess, quirk enhancing pills for you weak quirk?!" Monoma laughed hysterically. "Weaklings!" Sho growled a little bit and Iida stood up.
"It is not right to accuse a classmate of doing so. Pleas let us continue our conversation so please leave."
"Aww, is baby Midoriya to weak to defend himself?!" He laughed again.
"OH YOUR ASKING FOR IT B!TCH!!! I WILL SEND YOU BACK TO HELL WITH A FLICK OF A FINGER!!!" The whole lunchroom witnessed another one of mine and Monomas arguments. Before Kendo could come over the blonde b!tch spoke again.
"TRY ME!" I stick out my arm powering One For All and going fifteen percent. My class knew the power from just watching it and I heard some snickers. Nobody even tried to stop me. Kendo sat back down looking amused.
I flicked my finger watching Monoma fly about fifty feet and into a wall. Some students were affected by the gust but it mainly hit the b!tch.
"SHUT UP PO- PRESENT MIC!!" A few people were surprised that I told a teacher to shut up and whispered their comments to each other. Pops came and dragged me away and I soon gave in like I did when Dad did his to me.
"Dumb b!tch Monoma sure got it today..." I mumbled happily.
- Izukus POV -
- At the Aizawa residence -
"Izuku. Not fighting kids!" Dad yelled as I got lectured on the couch. I could hear Hito laughing from his room and he knew I could hear him too becaus he was talking to me. I ignore his comments deciding I would kill him later.
"You got Monoma good though!" Pops yelled. I snickered a little at his comment.
"Zashi! That isn't helping!"
"Monoma was saying that my pills were quirk enhancing and he challenged me so I merely flicked my finger and he flew. No other people flew and or got their food flung."
"What level of One For All were you even using Zuku?!" Pops asked curiously with a devilish grin.
"Fifteen percent..." Pops laughed and Dad just walked off grumbling profanities and asking where the liquor was. I wanted to mess with him so I responded.
"I'm the kitchen in the last cabinet to the left on the top." He turned around surprised but nodded as much as he could with the bandages and walked off.
"Good job Zuku on winning the fight so I'm going to pretend ground you go hide in Hito's room or something." Pops smiled and laughed walking off. I thanked him and ran to Hito slamming his door open.
"You wanna fight too?! You saw me!"
"No sir!" Hito said standing up and saluting me.
"I'm pretend grounded so I'm just going for hang out in here and I dont car eof you say no."
"Okay then." Hito smiled pulling me onto the bed face first. I groaned into the blankets going limp on the bed.
"You gotta boyfriend yet Hito?" I teased as I sat up. He blushed and shook his head no. "Well, maybe you'll meet someone at the Festival."
"I really hope so, that would be cool." He responded throwing a pillow at me. I guarded myself with a wing knocking it back by throwing my wing forwards.
"My body still hurts a little but luckily I was getting my bandages removed tomorrow."
"That's good. We should train to get her sometime soon too. I need someone to play puppet with my quirk." I smirked and put my arms up as if I was a marionette.
"Ransoms question Hito, if you found a cat what would you name it?"
"Oh, defiantly Chairman Meows." I laughed a little.
"If I did, is would be Green Bean screw the color of it." I giggled at my own comment and Hito nodded his head smiling a little. "I'm hungry, can you get me a snack? I'm not allowed to leave your room because I'm 'grounded'" I said putting air quotes around the word grounded.
"Yes your highness." He said bowing as if he was to a king.
"Fetch me Goldfish my servant."
Word Count: 4671 words
Now I want Goldfish...
(Also I didn't feel like editing because I'm lazy so sorry if there are any mistakes)
Question Of The Chapter For My Amazing Readers: How is your quarantine going?
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