Chapter Thirty-Five

- Todoroki POV -

I woke up facing Izu, he was completely wrapped around me. I smiled slightly realizing that I was naked. Temporarily confused I moved but then realized what had happened last night. I silently laughed at the thought and tried to unwrap Izu from my body.

He stirred in his sleep as I replaced myself with a pillow but he didn't seem to notice. I grabbed a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I turned on the water waiting for it to get warm as I shivered.

Once it was warm I jumped in quickly, my tense muscles loosening a little under the warm water. I grabbed the shampoo bottle from the corner and put some on my hand, the bottle making a loud sound as I squeezed it.

I began to wash my hair, think about today.

Today I should do it. We're going to a fancy restaurant, so it will be the perfect time. I wish it was a proposal, but neither of us are the legal age yet.

I brushed my fingers through my hair as I put my hand underneath the water rinsing our my hair. I grabbed a wash cloth and the body soap, drifting into thought again.

I really hope Endeavor doesn't come home early like he does sometimes. Even if he does, it shouldn't be until later today or tomorrow. Right? He comes back Monday...?

I rinsed my body off and turned off the water shivering as cold air hit my body. I grabbed a towel and began drying myself hoping that it would warm me up. I heard a faint snore from my room and smiled. I scrunched my hair to dry and it quickly did. I dressed quickly and quietly and stepped back into my room.

I went around the room picking up our discarded clothing and went to the laundry room. I started a load with our clothes and some of Natsuo's and something of Fuyumi's. The washer was loud, and I cringed a little hoping that it wouldn't wake up Izu.

I found his bag in the living room and took out a pair of clothing that he had packed and walked back to the room putting the bag and clothes in the bathroom.

I ran to the kitchen hoping that the wooden boards of the floor wouldn't creak. Only some did but the noise was drowned out by the washer. It only gave a loud-ish humming now, and I hoped that it would cover the ruckus of me attempting to bake.

I got the recipe for pancakes off the back of the box and gathered the ingredients. It took a while put I finally poured the mixture into a pan waiting to flip it.

I wonder when Izu will wake up. He probably will soon, and I bet it will hurt for him to walk.

I laughed a little and flipped the now golden brown pancake onto the uncooked side.

Once finishing a pancake for the both of us, I put the unused batter into a Tupperware glass and into the refrigerator. I started cleaning the dishes until I felt arms wrap around my waist.

"Morning Sho."

"Morning Izu."

"Everything huuuuuurts." He complained, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"Ah, that's what you get for being a bottom." I laughed a little bit and he pouted. I finished cleaning the last dish and we went to eat our pancakes.

"What are we going to do today Sho?"

"Well, I don't have anything planned except dinner tonight."

"That sounds fun! Why don't we go for a walk on the beach?"

"Sounds nice. We can go after we finish breakfast. We can spar too, I really need to train."

"I love sparring with you! Sounds awesome!" He raised his fist in the air with happiness.

He's so cute

- Izuwu POV -

We finished our food and set the dishes in the sink. We headed outside and towards the beach.

"Dagobah beach looks really good after you cleaned it Izu."

"Well, I did have help so it wasn't just me." I gave him a closed eye smile as we walked towards the waters edge. I looked around to make sure there was no people and jumped at him.

I knocked him to the ground and he grinned.

"So that's how we're gonna play..." he shot some ice at me which I flew upwards and dodged. I landed on the top of the ice mound and slid down it towards Sho. He dodged the attack and tried to punch me which I caught. He used more ice to escape as he melted the other ice tower without showing any flames.

- Third Person POV -

Izuku lunges at Shoto, who tried to swipe out his legs. Both jumped backwards and Izukus body conjured lightning that sparked around itself.

Shoto looked a little worried and ran towards Izuku. He tried to punch his face and stomach but failed miserably when his boyfriend jumped up and behind him whacking him with his wings. Shoto grunted in pain and fell to the ground but jumped up. Before they could try to hit each other again a gray scarf flew and imprisoned Shoto but failed to capture the flying figure.

"No quirks in public."

"Awwwww, Dad, come on. We were just sparring on the EMPTY beach!"

"Too bad. Now Todoroki clean up this ice and both of you go somewhere else."

"Sorry dad."

"Sorry Mr. Aizawa." He nodded and said a quiet good bye before using his capture weapon to propel himself away.


Word Count: 1108 words

(Edit from the future: Y'all can ignore the sh!t below)

I HAVE A PROBLEM!! *screeches*

*inhales and begins to speak very fast*

So there is this boy in my class who I have known for years and we are close friends and he found my Snapchat and we talk on it sometimes since we can't see each other. BUT! HE KEEPS SENDING BITMOJIS OF US TOGETHER! And it's not creepy but he's trying to nonchalantly call me cute and my bisexual a** is dYiNg! I don't even like him back, I don't have a crush! *dies* anybody got advice? Please? For your dying author? *dies again of embarrassment*

(He also has my number and we were playing truth or dare and he keeps trying to ask me who my crush is and who would I date and I'm dYiNg)

*loud and incoherent screeches of confusion*


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