Chapter Sixteen

Flashback to my sad cinnamon roll boi

Izukus POV

I shot up screaming once again. I noticed that my door was wide open and that the lock had been picked. I turned to my right to see Pops staring at me with concern.

"You okay little listener?" Even in this time he still cracked a joke.

"I'm fine."

"Do you want to me to go? I can stay if you want though." He squeezed my hand tightly and I just realized I had been squeezing his back absentmindedly. I let go of his hand and squeezed it into a fist. I put on a fake smile even with the tears, and said without my voice cracking,

"I'm fine. Thank you though." He smiled but it didn't reach his eyes. He walked away and gingerly shut the door. I knew that Aizawa was standing around the corner and listening in on our conversation. They forgot I had super hearing.

Not wanting to think about the dream anymore I shut my eyes and willed myself to sleep. It was filled with nightmares but I didn't awake in a cold sweat. At least I didn't think it did.

End of flashback

Izukus POV

I grumbled awake and attempted to stand, remembering I couldn't when I had a nice meeting with the floor. I cursed to myself and crawled to where my crutches were. Memories of my dreams last night flooded my mind and sloshed around in my brain drowning my other thoughts.

"Dumb dreams. I should thank Pops though." Barely seeing through my half-lidded eyes and grabbed my clothes and went to the bathroom to change.

As I became more awake after I changed I choked on my thoughts.

SH*T! I have to meet with Todoroki!

I checked the time to see that it was 2:00pm. I really slept in today. After realizing I had a half hour before I would have to leave I slowed down my pace. I rubbed the bandages on my wrists as I thought in depth about my dreams.

"This won't h-"

I struggled to keep the thoughts out as a mini panic attack struck. Thoughts and dreams collided in my head and I fell to the ground and leaned against the wall as I gripped and pulled on my hair. I scratched my wrists more, then wound off the gauze in distress and panic.

I fumbled with the drawer in the sink as I calmed myself down a little. My heart rate slowed and I let out a breath I didn't realize I was holding.

This is the only way to be in control.

Standing up I leaned over the sink as I began to cut.

One for being defenseless

Two for being me

Three for meeting with Todoroki

Four for keeping secrets

Five for hurting myself

Six for my dreams

Seven for making people worry

Eight for being mean

Nine for wanting to die

Ten for closing myself in


Seventy-three for lying

Third Person POV

Izukus cuts healed within seconds, but still a lot of blood came out because he cut deeper knowing they would heal.

"Seventy-three. Not bad." He gave the mirror a nervous chuckle and grabbed the askew bandages on the floor. They already had a few blood stains on both pairs, and since he barely rinsed is arms a lot more dirtied the once white cloth.

A few knocks rested upon the door and Izuku turned around quickly. He pulled down his sleeve and told the person they could come in.

"Hey Shinso."

"Hey Mido, what happened yesterday?" The boy was blatant with his words and Izuku struggled with an excuse.

"I had a bad day. That's all." He did his best not to trip on his own words, barely succeeding with his trembling voice and hands. Shinso gave him a death stare and sat on the bed next to him.

"No really, what happened?" The lavender haired boy was persistent, but the other boy was too. The clock downstairs struck three, and Izuku stood up quickly.

"I have to go. I'm meeting with a friend. Sorry." Izuku sped down the hallway and flew down the stairs with ease. His back was a little sore, but he's had worse pain.

Shinso was left in the dust, very confused, and he laid back onto Izukus bed in defeat.

"Geez, I'm just worried about him." He could have used his quirk to pry the truth, but he wasn't that heartless. He would let the other tell him himself, not the mind controlled version of the story he wanted to hear.

Shinso walked back to his room hearing the front door slam. Shinso slammed his own door, and Aizawa yelled in protest from wherever he was in the house. Izuku grabbed his phone from his pocket and called Todoroki.

I: Sorry I'm late. I lost track of time.

T: It's fine, I'm sitting on a refrigerator that looked like somebody beat the sh*t out of it.

I: That would be me. I'll be there in a minute.

T: Wha-

Third Person POV

Izuku hung up the phone and gripped it tightly along with his crutches as he became airborne. He used to love flying but a while ago he stopped. Before the previous events, he just stopped enjoying it. Along with other things, he lost his stamina and patience.

Upon reaching the spot Todoroki was Izuku landed behind him on another refrigerator scaring the bi colored male.

"O-oh. H-hi Midoriya." The boy recollected himself and he looked at the others crutches.

"Okay. Explain."

Word Count: 921 words

It's a little shorter than usual, just wanted to have a mini ish cliffhanger to their conversation. Bye!

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