Chapter Seventeen

De la flashback~

Third Person POV

Izukus cuts healed within seconds, but still a lot of blood came out because he cut deeper knowing they would heal.

"Seventy-three. Not bad." He gave the mirror a nervous chuckle and grabbed the askew bandages on the floor. They already had a few blood stains on both pairs, and since he barely rinsed is arms a lot more dirtied the once white cloth.

A few knocks rested upon the door and Izuku turned around quickly. He pulled down his sleeve and told the person they could come in.

"Hey Shinso."

"Hey Mido, what happened yesterday?" The boy was blatant with his words and Izuku struggled with an excuse.

"I had a bad day. That's all." He did his best not to trip on his own words, barely succeeding with his trembling voice and hands. Shinso gave him a death stare and sat on the bed next to him.

"No really, what happened?" The lavender haired boy was persistent, but the other boy was too. The clock downstairs struck three, and Izuku stood up quickly.

"I have to go. I'm meeting with a friend. Sorry." Izuku sped down the hallway and flew down the stairs with ease. His back was a little sore, but he's had worse pain.

Shinso was left in the dust, very confused, and he laid back onto Izukus bed in defeat.

"Geez, I'm just worried about him." He could have used his quirk to pry the truth, but he wasn't that heartless. He would let the other tell him himself, not the mind controlled version of the story he wanted to hear.

Shinso walked back to his room hearing the front door slam. Shinso slammed his own door, and Aizawa yelled in protest from wherever he was in the house. Izuku grabbed his phone from his pocket and called Todoroki.

I: Sorry I'm late. I lost track of time.

T: It's fine, I'm sitting on a refrigerator that looked like somebody beat the sh*t out of it.

I: That would be me. I'll be there in a minute.

T: Wha-

Third Person POV

Izuku hung up the phone and gripped it tightly along with his crutches as he became airborne. He used to love flying but a while ago he stopped. Before the previous events, he just stopped enjoying it. Along with other things, he lost his stamina and patience.

Upon reaching the spot Todoroki was Izuku landed behind him on another refrigerator scaring the bi colored male.

"O-oh. H-hi Midoriya." The boy recollected himself and he looked at the others crutches.

"Okay. Explain."

End of Flashback

Izukus POV

"How about you ask me questions and I answer them? It's easier that way so I don't have to explain my whole life story."

"Fair enough." Todoroki nodded and began his interrogation.

"What is your quirk?" I quickly gave him an overview of my quirk until he was satisfied with my answer. He nodded in amusement, most likely pondering something about my quirk.

"Next question. How did the whole leg thing happen?"

"Before I answer that tell me your quirk. It's only fair if you tell me yours." I wanted to know what it was, I was genuinely curious of my newfound friend. I strangely wanted to learn more about him, he was very interesting.

I didn't really care that he was a son of the #2 hero, but that interested me a little more that a person like Endeavor would actually have a soft spot for somebody.

"Fire and ice. I can control ice with my right side, and fire with my left."

"Cool! Well, let me darken the mood a little..." He looked confused and I took a deep breath. I wanted to tell him, I don't really like keeping secrets from people I'm friends with...not as if I have many friends anyway though. He's really my first one. (Excluding Bakuhoe)

"Let me shorten this story up. My father left me and my mother to run his business in America, and my mother thinks it's my fault." I struggled out the next part but luckily it came out with no stutters or squeaks.

"She abused me." He gasped, and nodded his head in an almost agreement.

Is he hurt too? He gives me a look of agreement to my statement...

"One day she went too far. A family friend was there and All Might arrived at the scene. At the hospital I got good and bad news. My leg was numb, but the good-ish news is that my quirk is still manifesting, meaning my power is not at its peak and that more things can still happen."

"Thanks." He looked at me with almost happy eyes and looked down again with a blush.

"For what?" I knew what he meant, I just wanted to make him say it for the fun of it. It's kinda a way to make people more social, make them talk a little more than they usually do. I could tell he wasn't really a social person and I decided I wanted to help him change that.

"For telling me. Not a lot of people would have told me."

"Your welcome! I don't keep secrets from friends." His eyes sparkled with a happiness at the word 'friends' and a small smile appeared on his lips.

He's cute when he smiles...WAIT GAY THOUGHTS STAY AWAY!

I chuckled nervously as we sat in silence.

"Anymore questions Todo?" He almost laughed at the nickname but shrugged.

"Not now at least." I didn't want to pry him about abuse, so I kept my mouth shut.

He'll tell me if he wants. Maybe...

"What do you want to do now? It's only about 3:30." I looked at my watch as I told him the time. I bet everybody was curious where I went...I checked my phone to see I had three missed calls. All of them were from Shinso.

He can wait. I'll call him back later.

"I don't really know what to do. I haven't had any friends before so I've never really hung out before."

"Well, me neither, I was hoping you knew." Talking got my mind off about my internal panic at least. I wanted to tell somebody about what happened, but I didn't want to lay my problems on anybody's shoulders.

"Do you want to know anything about me?" He looked me in the eyes and I admired his beautiful heterochromatic eyes. His hair blowed slightly in the wind, making his appearance even more stunning.

"I don't like to pry, so if you want me to know something you can tell me." I gave a weak smile and stared at the mounds of trash.

"So your the one cleaning up the beach? It looked a little nicer." He pointed to the water, some of it was visible now. He was changing the subject, but I didn't mind.

"Yeah. Part of my training with Toshi. The pile we are sitting on is the pile I've dragged here." He looked at the big mound we sat on then at me.

"Wow. That must be hard with only being able to fly."

"It kinda is but I have to make due with it. I usually just use a rope to pull the stuff. A little off topic but, are you going to try to get into UA? You have a good quirk."

"Yeah. My dads making me go to UA. I didn't really want to go to the school but my dad wants me to." In a mocking voice he said, "You will surpass All Might and become the #1 hero!"

I laughed at the irony of the statement, and looked at the stunning other.

Stay away gay thoughts!

News flash: They didn't stay away.

Third Person POV

The two boys talked for a while, either it be hero's, or training, or anything they talked about, they were both focused on each other. And to say it frankly, gay thoughts lingered in both minds.

Once they finished talking they promised to meet again and went their separate ways. One went home, while the other walked five feet to begin training.

Still Third Person POV

"Why are these things so d*mn heavy!"

"Language Young Midoriya."

"Hey Toshi." He didn't really want to talk to him, and he was betting Aizawa sent him over. He knew Aizawa had an app on his phone to track everyone in the family, so it was most likely his doing.

"What are you here for? Did dad send you?" He quickly realized he never called Aizawa dad out loud before and his cheeks flushed in the sudden embarrassment.

"He sent me to check on you when you left so suddenly. Are you okay? You haven't been talking much."

"Did he tell you that too? Well, it's nothing so we don't need to talk about that." The boy was short on breath so he gave a quick answer. He didn't want to accidentally tell somebody, so he avoided the subject.

"Are you sure? You can always talk to me." Worry laced his voice and the boy rolled his eyes secretly.

"I know I can, I just had a bad day. Memories of my mother." He gave an excuse, even though it was kinda true.

"Okay then. You've been having nightmares too?"

"So, dad nor pops can talk to me so they send you? I do know that they both have the day off today and are very capable of talking. Especially pops."

"O-oh. You know that. They are both worried for you, they don't really know what to do."

"So your saying the people with another child can't handle it while another adult without a child can? No offense."

"None taken, and yeah. Sort of what's happening. Shinso went through stuff like you, and he went to a therapist and didn't really have trouble with anything."

"I'm fine. I don't need a therapist, this is my own problem and I can make my own solution." Izuku was fairly p*ssed at Toshinori, and grabbed his crutches and flew off quickly.

Toshinori sighed in defeat as the younger boy flew off. He sat down on an old dresser and grabbed his phone to call Yamada about his unsuccessful attempt at helping Izuku.

Word Count: 1762 words

Holy CRAP! This story is #20 in Tododeku!! Thanks for reading and voting! I love y'all! (not in a creepy way)
Have a good night or day!!!

*screeches with excitement and joy*

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