Chapter Seven
And I gift you...*dramatic pause* CUTE SHIIINNNSSSOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
Flashback to the last chapter...
After a couple minutes of silence Mr. Miri finally returned, wheeling a chair in front of him.
"Let me help you get down." Izuku was already leaning off the bed, and the doctor supported him as he partly stood up and was set down into the chair. They walked (one walked at least) down the hallway and to an elevator. It was silent except for the extremely s***ty jazz music, then the door finally dinged and let them out.
They walked through a maze of hallways but they finally reached their destination.
"One thing, your friend Mr. Yagi was told to come to help you out."
"Okay... thank you."
"Your most certainly welcome. I'm happy to help." Mr Miri showed a proud smile and opened the door walking in backwards wheeling Izuku in.
"Good morning Young Midoriya!" Toshinori said, standing up and chuckling. Izuku could only help but smile, his laughter was very contagious.
"Morning Toshi." Toshinori laughed at his new nickname and sat down. A man and a woman emerged from a door in the corner of the room and Mr. Miri left.
"Good luck Midoriya!" He said and Izuku thanked him once again before he left.
"Hello, I am Mrs. Akuna, and he is Mr. Bynes." Mr. Bynes smiled creepily and looked at Izuku. They were both American but spoke Japanese fluently.
"So me and Mrs. Akuna-"
"You can call me Mrs. A!" Izuku smiled at the seemingly polar opposites.
"As I was saying," he glared at Mrs. A, "we will be your instructors. We both won't be here all the time so it will usually just be one of us with you."
"Okay. My names Midoriya Izuku. It's nice to meet you both. I would shake your hands but I'm not used to moving around in a wheel chair." Mrs. A laughed and Mr. Bynes just glared. Toshinori noticed and gave Izuku a sort of frightened glare which the boy shrugged off.
Mrs. A walked up and shook Izukus hand, but Mr. Bynes just stood in the corner.
"So your friend, Mr. Yagi, is only going to be here for today to see how this would usually go."
Mr. Bynes cleared his voice and began explaining how it would work.
-Time skip because I don't really know how physical therapy would usually go-
Izukus POV
"I must mention one thing though,"
I said after Mr. Bynes finished talking, "my quirk does heal me and at a fast rate, so I doubt this will take that long. I don't really know much about that part of my quirk so I don't really know the exact amount of time it might take." Mrs. A nodded happily.
A loud ringing sound echoed in the room and Toshi picked up his phone.
"Sorry my boy, but duty calls for a hero!"
"Okay Toshi. See you tomorrow?"
"I will see you tomorrow Young Midoriya!" I waved goodbye and as fast as he could, Toshi left the room.
Well thanks for helping.
"So, why don't you tell us a little bit about you?!" Mrs. A was very excited to learn about my quirk and she wheeled me around so she could sit down and talk. I heard a door open and slam shut behind and I noted that Mr. Bynes left.
"Well, my quirk is called Demons Heart. It allows me to fly," I slightly moved my wings so she could see them, "and I can retract my claws," I extended them a little, "and I have super hearing and regeneration."
"For example, I can hear Mr. Bynes cursing under his breath at a beer bottle that won't open." I laughed a little and Mrs. A joined.
"That's very usual for him. I tell him to stop fighting with inanimate objects but he can't seem to stop!" We both laughed a little more as I heard him yell a lot louder at the bottle.
"So is Mr. Yagi the one taking care of you?"
"Yes and no. He is a friend of my mothers," I spat out the last word, "but she was arrested." I could tell she wants to know more but she didn't pry on that.
"So what is his job?" This part I internally screamed at. I didn't know what to say and we didn't have a lie for that.
"Well, he is a 911 operator, and so he always used to tell me he was a hero and to be honest, he still is to me." Mrs. A took the response and awed a little.
Well at least she believed that...I will have to tell All Might that he now works as a 911 operator...
I laughed a little and returned my attention to Mrs. A.
"So why don't you tell me about yourself Mrs. A?"
"Oh, well, nobody has really asked me that but I have a healing quirk, it works if I say an incantation, but it puts the affected in a deep slumber that can last about a week to a month. Fun fact! I was supposed to use it on you, but you were healing really fast so we didn't have to. So I also work as I part time nurse!"
I laughed at her enthusiasm. She checked the time and quickly stood up.
"Well, your supposed to be back in your room to be checked up on to see if you can leave. So let's hurry there!"
"Finally I might be able to leave!" We rushed through the winding hallways and back to the elevator with the slightly too loud jazz music. The elevator dinged and the doors opened up and she quickly rushed back to my room. We burst through the door to find a yellow caterpillar stretched out across the chairs.
"And who are you?" I asked.
"Hello problem child. I'm Mr. Aizawa, the one who is trying to adopt you." The man crawled out of his bag and the pro hero Eraserhead emerged.
"So your a pro hero? I'm guessing you just got off duty." Mrs. A was very confused to how the man was a pro hero and helped me up onto the bed.
" some doctors should be here soon to check you out so I hope I see you soon! Bye Midoriya!"
"Bye Mrs. A." She briskly left the room and skipped her way back to the elevator.
"So your married?"
"Hmm what?" The Hero looked a little surprised.
"I didn't expect you to be the marriage type of guy with all the hero work you do."
"Oh. Yeah. I forgot to take it off this morning." He took the band off and put it in one of the pouches on his belt.
"So you don't want people knowing you have a soft spot for someone?" I teased in a mocking tone.
"Shut up problem child. You should be nicer to your future guardian."
"Whatever you say." I gave a weak smile and Mr. Miri entered the room.
"We have some good news for you!"
Word Count: 1165 words
Izukus wings don't have bones and are actually bendable but he can still fly very well. That's how he was able to sit on his wings in the wheel chair.
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