Chapter Forty-Five

- Third Person POV -

"Welcome back to class everybody, as we were delayed by that horrific event, we will be starting our internships tomorrow."


"Izuku, you were supposed to train under someone else but you'll be training with me, Zashi, All Might, and Nezu." Midoriya looked sickly, despite being physically okay. Mentally? Not so sure.

"M'kay." Was all he responded before attempting to leave.

"Recovery Girl is a licensed therapist, you'll be having sessions with her after school everyday. It was her idea."

"M'kay." Midoriya left, heading for her office to sit down for a spell. Sighing, Aizawa went back to class.

The greenest roamed the hallways, stopping at the bathroom. His eyes glinted as he flexed his fingers, scratching his wrists.

Almost like a zombie he headed in, going into a stall and locking himself in. He rolled down his uniform and elongated his nail, freezing before cutting.

He took a deep breath in, battling himself mentally before getting seemingly angry and basically shredding his arm before he realized what he did.

Eyes widened and increased breathing he wanted to scream as steady amounts of blood flowed onto the now crimson tiles.

His vision went blurry and breathing seemed impossible as he wavered on his feet, falling into the door breaking the lock and collapsing in his own pool of blood.

Words weren't processed and his brain wouldn't work. Gasping for air as tears streamed down, he croaked, catching the attention of a passerby purplette.

"Hello?" He walked in, gasping and running forwards immediately. Screeching out for anybody to help. He called Recovery Girl, telling her to rush.

Yagi heard the distress and entered, seeing the scene with extreme horror imprinted on his face.

"Young Midoriya!" He rushed to aid, adding pressure on top of the makeshift tourniquet. The two were stressed out as other students noticed the two around the bloody mess until Recovery Girl finally arrived, gasping at the area herself.

Kissing him she healed the wounds to the best of her ability, and with his own healing quirk it was but a scar now. Another terrible memory etched into his body.

Aizawa and Yamada both had to keep teaching but soon the day ended, and he awoke.

"Shouta, Hizashi, I ask if you can please exit now." Nodding, the duo reluctantly left, and Midoriya quit the sleeping act.

"Okay, I'm not going to give you easy questions." She started, staring at him intently.

"Yeah yeah let's get this bullsh*t over with."

"Okay. Why did you cut your arm all up?"

"Is your mother out to kill you? Did she sell you on the black market where you were sent to blow up Yuuei? Is she still out for you? Did you get r*ped by your mother for a week straight? DID YOU GET YOUR HANDS BASHED IN BY A HAMMER?! HAVE YOU BEEN THROUGH MENTAL TORTURE AND HAD TO KEEP IT A SECRET?! IS CUTTING THE ONLY WAY TO MAKE YOURSELF FEEL BETTER?!" Midoriya stopped short and gasped, wishing he could take it all back.

"My parents are eavesdropping aren't they... I haven't told them any of this... F*ck. Is Hito there too?!" Recovery Girl stayed slightly stoic glancing at the door. "I'm leaving."

"Midoriya, please-" He was gone. Slamming the door open, people toppled over, all trying to stop them.

He ran out of the building, launching off into the air flying at tops speeds back to the house.

"F*CK! F*CK! F*CK!" Tears dropped down as unsuspecting people thought it was raining. Landing back at the house Midoriya unlocked the door, slamming and locking it behind him. He ran and locked all the windows including shutting the blinds.

Making a beeline to his bathroom he re-extended his nail, throwing off his jacket and rolling up his bloody sleeves. The slicing soothed the greenete, a smile easing onto his face.

Crimson liquid dripped down the sink, creating quiet plinking sounds.

The front door slammed open, and Midoriya focused his energy to heal the cuts. He washed the sink and changed as fast as he could before Aizawa stormed up.


"Let me see your arm." He sternly spoke, but underlying under the anger was a sh*tload of stress, sadness, but, mainly, love. Absentmindedly the greenete scratched his wrist only hinting to the truth. "Please, let me see your wrists."

Looking down in shame, silent sobs wracked his body as an arm reached around comfortingly.

"I-I'm sorry. I'm such an idiot."

"It's all in your head. Your a great problem child, I'm proud of you." The words were tense, complements aren't his strong suit.

The front door opened again, and soon Yamada and Shinso joined the hug.

Amid the chaos, it seemed warm and friendly.


The front door slammed open.

Word Count: 883 words

Okay...okay... it might be 1:25 am but I'm rewatching Brooklyn 99 and writing non-stop so yeah! Imnothavingamentalbreakdown
I didn't edit either 😅🙃
Also sorry for the short chapter aaaaaand the cliffhanger (Next chapter will be out tomorrow)

Have a good day or night! I know this coronavirus thing is hard and I know I'm a complete stranger but if anyone needs to talk, my pms are always open

I respond to random messages too 😂

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