Chapter Forty

This is an actual convo I had with a friend (I changed their name so it's a sEcReT) ^^^^^^

- Day Of The Sports Festival -
- Izuku POV -

"Izu! Izu! Izu! Wake up! Wake uuuuppppppppppppppp!!!!!!!!!!!!" I opened my eyes drearily seeing Hito shaking me awake.

"Waddya want." I crumbled back trying to pull my covers over my head.

"Today is the Sports Festival." I shot up straight jumping out of bed quickly. Hito ran out of my room going to get changed into his uniform. I grabbed mine that was on a hanger and quickly changed. I ran into the bathroom and brushed my teeth that weren't exactly sharp, but we're slightly pointy. I brushed my hair to the best of my ability them flew downstairs.

I grabbed some cereal and poured some into a bowl for me and Hito grabbing the milk and adding that too. I scrambled to eat it and when Hito joined he did too. Once finished, I placed my bowl in the sink grabbing a banana too. Dad and Pops soon joined us grabbing a snack and pulling us out to the car.

Pops was barely holding in his excitement and Dad wasn't excited that he was being forced to do commentary along with him. We drove off to the school heading into the staff room like we usually did when we are driven here.

"Are you excited for today?!" Auntie Nemuri said. "I'm going to be an announcer too!" I nodded my head and smiled. Since I forgot to take my pill (not birth control you weirdos who's mind went there)

I grabbed the case from my backpack along with my water bottle drowning it quickly. Hito looked a little more tired than usual and I made some coffee for us. I stole a muffin and two plates splitting it in half for us.

"Are you ready you two?!?!" Toshinori declared sitting next to us.



I bounced a little on the couch as I ate my muffin. I knew this was a sort of mood swing but I liked this one. I checked the time and me and Hito said our goodbyes as I grabbed the caterpillar dragging him behind me. I arrived in class last, and there were some confused stares as they saw the giant yellow caterpillar I was towing.

I had sewed on a little tag on the end so I was able to drag it with my tail that I had found out to be relatively strong.

"Good morning Midoriya, Aizawa-Sensei!" Iida said doing his usual hand motions.

"Morning class since the problem adult is sleeping we should go change into our gym outfits then come back here for further instructions." They nodded accepting me as their teacher.

"You ready Sho?!"

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess." He nodded and I dropped the sleeping bag hugging my boyfriend. He noticed that it was a sort of mood swing looking at my confused. "Mood swing?"

"Sort of! But at least it fits my regular emotions for today!" He nodded and I ran off to the changing rooms. I quickly changed heading back to the classroom being greeted by the mummy who looked slightly worried on how exactly he got from the staff room to the classroom.

"I dragged you here Dad." He stared intently at me and I sat down waiting for the rest of the class to come back as o gleefully clicked my pen on the desk.

Once everyone arrived we were explained some things about the festival that we should know. We were all shooed away then and most of us ran down the hallways to our destination despite Iida's loud protests that we should slow down. I was a little disappointed that o would have to fight against Sho and Shinso but I accepted it.

Our class walked out into the open first and we al admired the huge ground that was cheering for us. Class 1B was next flowed by Class 1C. I heard Monoma yelling at us so o just ran to Shinso.

"You ready?!"

"You already asked that and yes I am." He nodded giving a small smile to me. We all crowded around where Auntie Nemuri stood as she began to speak.

"Before we start let's hear a few words from our first place in the entrance exam, Izuku Midoriya!" I smiled and she stepped aside.

"I want to wish everybody good luck here and I hope I get to meet new people today. Let's all fight our best and have some fun! PLUS ULTRA!" The crowed chanted 'Plus Ultra' back as I stepped off the stage. I could tell Kacchan was infuriated but I ignored it. I walked over to Sho leaning my arm on his shoulder.

"Thank you Midoriya! Now! Let's get ready for the first event!" She cracked her whip near the electronic board which now was spinning with choices.

"Obstacle race! The rules are no going out of bounds! Everything else is legal!" She cracked her whip again and I heard some whispers from the three classes. We were led down a hallway and through a couple more and everyone crowded the entrance.

"ON YOUR MARK! GET SET! GOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Pops yelled. I flew up into the air knowing that Sho would freeze everybody. I flew at my top speeds hearing the cracking of ice. Sho was sliding on it and I flew ahead of him. He froze the robots for me without knowing and I continued flying past the falling robots and the machines that were unfrozen. Their bullets missed my speeding body as I soared around them easily. Kacchan was exploding himself through the air but he was still slower than me. I flew above the ravine staring down at the pit. I chuckled a little bit at how easy this was for me.

I shaped my body into a bullet like shape as I looked back to see Sho and explody getting a little too close for comfort. I heard Pops narrating the others and once I reached the mine field I flew low and using my claws stabbed the bombs sending everyone behind me backwards but I went forwards.

"WHAT A GREAT FEAT FOR MIDORIYA!!! FIRST PLACE GOES TO HIM! SECOND PLACE SHOTO TODOROKI!!! THIRD PLACE KATSUKI BAKUGO!!!!!!!!!!" I flew to the ground doing a flip as I landed. I heard other people crossing the line and i stared at the infuriated third placer. Small explosions were coming from his hands and I could tell that he was trying not to attack me.

I walked back with the others to where Auntie Nemuri was announcing and watched the other people who hadn't passed yet on the big screen.

Only forty-two people will pass. That's not a lot.

I watched as the forty-second person crossed the line and the people behind looked devastated at their loss. Hito joined me and congratulated me on getting first as he approached the podium glaring at Kacchan who was about to kill me. I smiled a tiny bit, my happy go lucky mood deteriorating. It took a while but once everyone was back and surrounding the podium Auntie Nemuri spoke again the handcuffs on her hands creating a soft jingling noise as she moved around flashing her thinly clothed body to all sides of the arena.

"For the people who didn't pass there will be activities you can do while waiting! But for now let's spin again!" She cracked her whip and the options spun on the board. "Next up! Calvary battle!" Pops cheered from the sound booth saying something along the lines of this was one of his favorite events to watch.

As Auntie Nemuri explainer I thought of a perfect team. I shouldn't pair up with Sho because we would have too many points but we would be a hard target. But I decided against it. I returned my attention to Auntie Nemuri as she told us how many points we were worth.

"And for Izuku Midoriya he is worth one million points!!!" I was slightly shocked but it made sense. I knew that people wouldn't want to be on my team because of that. The remaining people were in it to win it.

I slowly walked over to where Uraraka was standing.

"Hey Uraraka, want to be on my team?"

"Sure! I would love to Deku!" (She decided to call him Deku now FYI)

I walked over to where Iida was standing when a support girl ran over to me.

"Hey! Can I be on your team! If I'm on your team I can show off my babies to everyone!" I nodded and she hugged me tightly. Uraraka stifled a giggle from the position I was in as Iida walked away.

I guess he joined another team. Oh well, that's fine.

I decided to ask Tokoyami to join because Dark Shadow would be a great defender. He accepted and we started making a plan together. Soon the time was up and we were handed our headbands. I looked at mine and tied it around my forehead tightly putting the knot in the front so it would be harder to ambush us to take it. I covered the number on it with my hair so nobody would know which one it was if I took another persons band.

My team lifted me up and I curled my wings around my stomach so they wouldn't hit them. I did the same for my tail because I didn't have much control to how that thing moved around. It looked a little weird but I accepted it as Pops counted down.

"GOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!" Everybody charged at us and Uraraka and Hatsume lifted us up in the air. While we were gone people decided to fight each other. It was a flurry of explosions and ice and things flying everywhere. I unfolded my wings so they were pointed out in front of me and slightly downwards flapping hem lightly just to help us get a softer landing.

"Everybody. New idea. Since I can't touch the ground that means I can just fly in the air until it's over right? So you guys just steal some teams bands and just focus on defending yourselves so you don't get hurt. Okay?"

"Great idea Deku!" Hatsume and Tokoyami nodded. I flew up into the air and crossed my legs deciding to chill. I heard a couple confused comments from the crowd and classmates as they watched me flap around above them making sure to avoid flying chunks of stuff and anything that could reach me.

"THAT IS INDEED LEGAL! AS LONG AS MIDORIYA STAYS INSIDE RHE BOUNDARIES AND DOESNT TOUCH THE GROUND HE IS SAFE!!!!!!" I waved over the Dad and Pops and the screaming person waved back.

I watched the chaos ensue below enjoying the fighting. My team was holding out well and I loosened my headband as I dodged Sero's tape that flung out at me. Turns out Bakugo was using my idea except using explosions and the tape to keep him safe.

Dark Shadow stole a headband from Monoma and I saw the blonde boy have a slight meltdown even from the height I was at. I looked at the crowd waving at them seeing a couple people wave back happily. I saw a couple third years sitting in the crowds that I see in the hallways every once in a while. I lounged around in the air gliding around dodging everything that came at me with grace.

"TIIIIIIMESSSSSS UUUPPPPPP!!!!!!" Pops screamed and I did a pencil dive to the ground cracking it and scaring people once I landed. I ran to my time and apparently we got another 700 points. We all congratulated each other and ran to the score board to see who passed.

"In first place we have Midoriyas team!" I only listened to that as I hugged the people on my team. Hatsume was overjoyed that she got to show off her 'babies'. Auntie Nemuri declared that we get to take a break to eat lunch. My stomach growled at the mentioning of food and I ran to get some.

First I had to stop at my locker to grab a pill then ran to the cafeteria wanting water to swallow it so I didn't have the uncomfortableness of taking it without water. I got my food and a glass of water sitting down at the usual table with the 'dekusquad'. I quickly took the pill chugging water to keep it down.

By now nobody at the table paid attention to me taking my pills and continued eating. I could hear people sighing with sadness and thanking each other, and congratulating people for getting into the one on one battles. At my table we were pretty silent as we ate our food fast, wanting to get good seats to watch the fight.

Once we finished eating us and a lot of other students rushed to the stands waiting to see the matchups.

If I have to go against Hito how will that work? I mean, I know his quirk and fighting style and him mine! I really don't want to fight either him or Sho...

Soon the break was over and all the students were ready and sitting down in the stands that were saved for the students. Auntie Nemuri walked back up to the stand grabbing the microphone with the snap of her whip.

"Let me explain the rules for the one on one battles! To win you have to either make the other person immobile, make them give up, or knock them out of bounds!" Auntie was going to let Pops say something but Ojiro stood up.

"Mrs. Midnight I would like to resign!"

"Why do you want to? This is your time to be recognized!"

"I do not remember anything from after the obstacle race till not to long ago!"

"Me too!" Another person I didn't know shouted. "I was paired with Shinso!" Ojiro nodded his head in agreement.

Shinso, what did you do...

Auntie Nemuri let them resign and Tetsutetsu and someone else took their place for them. I was a little disappointed in my brother, and I would take him down in a fight. I smirked thinking about revenge.

"THE FIRST TWO FIGHTERS ARE IZUKU MIDORIYA AND HITOSHI SHINSOOO!!!!" I sighed just thinking about the irony. I walked down the stands and inside, then walking towards the entrance hallway that was one of the few that led to the arena. I saw Hito on the other side and I waved at him a little.


I should just throw him out of bounds. I don't really want to hurt him.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by heavy footsteps coming towards me.

"Hey Izu you mind answering a question?" I stayed silent as I leapt aside.

"Aww come on, just a question." I shook me head grinning. I charged towards him and grabbed him by his arms sort of roughly throwing him out of the arena.

"IZUKU MIDORIYA IS THE WINNER!!!" I flew down to Hito and helped him up. "SUCH GOOD SPORTSMANSHIP!!!" I heard a growl that probably came from Dad telling him to shut up.

"Good try Hito."

"Thanks Izu. I think you cracked my rib."

"That's what you get from doing that to Ojiro and that other girl."

"Karmas definitely a b!tch then..." I led Hito inside then went back to my seat. Some people complimented me and I thanked them sitting down. I decided against bringing my notebook and decided to write stuff down later.

"NEXT ROUND SHOTO TODOROKI VS. HANTA SERO!!!" I cheered on Sho and Sero as they left the seats. They shook hands as they walked down going to opposite sides of the battle area. Once being allowed to start Sero taped Sho and attempted to throw him out of bounds but a small ice mound stopped him and a little heat melted the tape.

Sero went to do it again only to be rendered immobile by the largest ice mound Sho has ever created, even escaping the arena. He melted it walking off as some people cheered for him.

"Good job Sho! Good try Sero!" I said to my approaching classmates. Sero smiled a sad grin as Sho just sat down wrapping his arm around my shoulder Mina saying 'awwwwww' to the both of us.

I watched in amusement as Kaminari fought Shiozaki. I didn't think the girl would win but surprisingly she won. I noted her quirk in my head, hoping I would remember to write it down later.

Next up was Iida versus Hatsume. I watched as Hatsume basically ruined Iidas self esteem, it was a sad match to watch even though Iida won in the end.

I watched Mina and Aoyama fight, it was short and it had an obvious winner from the beginning. Mina has a smile that could top All Might as she walked off into the stands.

When Tokoyami and Yaoyorozu fought I was thinking that she would win because of her OP quirk but in the end she couldn't think fast enough and didn't think to look at her surroundings as Dark Shadow pushed her out of bounds with ease.

It was clear that it would be a tie when Kirishima and Tetsutetsu fought, and I was right. They were to have a tiebreaker after the first bunch of rounds were over.

The last fight of the first set of rounds was Uraraka vs. Kacchan. I had hope in Uraraka the whole time even though I knew who would walk off victorious. They had a pretty good fight, both of them ignoring the boos from the crowd. Kacchan failed to notice the floating rocks and I was slightly amused when he easily exploded them. He knocked Uraraka unconscious leaving him the winner of the battle.

"You might have won the battle Kacchan, but you didn't win the war." I sneered to myself getting questioning looks for others around me.

I didn't bother to watch the rematch knowing that Kirishima would win because he could use his quirk longer. It was no surprise to me when Pops declared him the winner of the battle.

I knew I was next and that I would be fighting Sho. Even before Pops said I was next, I was already walking down the hallway preparing myself.

Deep breath in, deep breath out.

I attempted to calm myself as I was called out to fight. I walked out waving to Sho a little looking at Pops and Dad. Pops gave me a thumbs up and I smiled as he counted down to begin the fight.


You can do this


It's just Sho


No hard feelings

"FIIIIIIIIIIIGHT!!!!!!!!!" He sent a smaller version of the ice mountain he sent to Sero and I quickly jumped and broke it with One For All. He looked a little disappointed at his own failed attempt and shot more ice at me which I dodged and broke along with my finger.

I blinked away the pain smirking at the other side of the arena.

Why isn't he using his fire? I know that he despises his father but this? His hate towards Endeavor has gone to far.

"SHOTO! WHY ARENT YOU USING YOUR FIRE!" He looked away momentarily and I lunged at him only to be blocked by ice.

"SHOTO I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!!" The audience looked slightly confused along with my classmates but I focused on Sho.

"WHY DO YOU HATE YOUR FATHER SO MUCH THAT YOU CANT USE YOUR FIRE?!?!?!" I knew the answer already as I dodged and broke more ice flying around in the air. His stern expression softened for a moment and he looked away from me creating another large ice blast. I sent wind pressure over to him but he just stopped himself from flying out of bounds with a little ice.

That's when I noticed the frost on his skin.


"DID MY DAD BUY YOU OFF OR SOMETHING!!" My heart collapsed at his accusation.

"AS YOUR F***ING BOYFRIEND YOU SHOULD KNOW I WOULD NEVER DO THAT!! YOU SON ON A B!TCH IM JUST TRYING TO HELP YOU!!!!!" I screamed with all my might, seeing blood come from his ears.


"NO! ITS YOUR POWER SHOTO!! NOT HIS!!!!! YOUR NOT YOUR FATHER BUT FIGHTING ONLY MAKES YOU MORE LIKE HIM! ITS YOUR GOD D@MN POWER!!!!!" I screamed with all my potential knowing my throat would hurt later. I knew it was worth it when a tornado of fire surrounded him burning his clothes.

"SHOOOOOTOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!" I looked up to see Endeavor staring from the crowds his own fire surrounding him. I could see my boyfriend was p!ssed and I took this time to attack.

I ran in using my wings to cover my body and used One For All to get rid of the flames temporarily. I punched Sho in the stomach sending him flying upwards and also bruising my hand a little despite my slight control on my quirk. He stopped himself with his ice and sent a wild burst of fire in my direction which I redirected towards him with One For All.

He ran towards me quickly and I jumped upwards surprised with his deduction to attack me head on. As he went behind me I grabbed his shoulders and flew him over to the edge despite his wild struggling. I flew up high above the stadium and he stopped moving to avoid falling.

"I'm sorry Sho." I flew him down and pushed him out of bounds Pops happily declaring me the winner. I helped Sho off the ground and covered his half naked body with a wing I draped around him.

"It's okay Izu. I should be thanking you." He gave me a sad smile and I led him to one of the waiting rooms setting him down and grabbed him a spare gym outfit for him to put on. I left the room and went back to my class who all were excited with my victory.

I watched Iida fight Shiozaki a little shocked at the quick outcome but applauded Iida anyways as he returned to sit with us. Sho still didn't come back but I didn't think much of it. I barely paid attention to Tokoyami as he fought Mina, it was a horrible matchup. Tokoyami fights at a distance as Mina can only really attack up close. I felt bad for her, but she still smiled as she came back up to the seats with Tokoyami in tow.

Where is Sho? It's been a while now.

I decided to leave and not watch Kacchan and Kirishima fight, knowing the outcome as I left. I wandered around the back of the stadium, but still couldn't find Sho.

I'm a little worried but he's okay.

I silently reassured myself as Kacchan and Kirishima returned both looking a little disappointed or really, one with an angry face. I laughed a little at Kacchans expression, he looked angry even though he won.

Okay. I'm up against Iida next, now how would I win this fight...

"NEXT UP IZUKU MIDORIYA VERSUS TENYA IIDA!!!" I reluctantly walked up to the arena without a plan. I decided to wing it as Pops counted down.

"FIIIIIIIGHTT!!!!!" Iida powered up most likely to use Reciproburst. Knowing it was going to happen, I flew upwards as Iida went below barely turning around before going out of bounds.

He's going to have to get me out of bounds to win, he's not that good at fighting up close.

I stayed in the air thinking. Iida looked at me using his speed to propel himself upwards. I pushed him down back to the ground, and I continued to fly down behind him pushing him back down to the ground. I pinned him but he used his engines to push me away.

D@mn it. Should've sat on his legs to immobilize him. I should probably use his speed against him...

I knew his engines stalled a little after using his power move so he decided to fist fight me. I easily dodged his punches and powered up One For All at fifteen percent punching him hard in the stomach. I used the same technique as Tokoyami, he didn't realize he was close to the edge and I punched him out.

"IZUKU MIDORIYA ADVANCES TO THE NEXT ROUND!!" I helped Iida up and he congratulated me as we walked off together.

"Good try Iida, it was a good fight." We walked and sat down together, waiting for the next round to begin.

Kacchan is against Tokoyami? Well, Kacchan is going to win because he's good at almost all types of combat and Tokoyami relies on his quirk too much. Also, Dark Shadows weakness if light, and if Kacchan didn't know that now he will soon.

It was a fast fight, Kacchan winning in the end.

I fight you next, and I will win the war.

- Third Person POV -

"THE FINAL ROUND IS IZUKU MIDORIYA AGAINST KATUSKI BAKUGO!! BOTH SHOW TONS OF POTENTIAL, BUT WHO WILL WIN?!?!?!" Present Mic yelled, Eraserhead staring intently at his son and explody boi.

They both glared at each for opposite sides of the arena, and if looks could kill it would have been over right then. Izuku flaunted his wings for a sort of intimidation, his tail whipping around in the air cracking the air with a loud sound.


Bakugo started by sending a huge explosion towards his 'enemy', but Izuku was already in the air diving towards Bakugo. The boy who was preoccupied by sending explosions didn't see his attacker who had lightning crackling around him. A punch hit his stomach and explosions kept him in.

Izuku flew right back up into the air using the dust as a cover so Bakugo wasn't able to see him. More explosions were sent missing the flying boy by a mile who used the aftershocks to push him farther in the air.


"If you wish KACCHAN!!" He dove in like a bullet into his 'friends' back lighting encircling him. The power flickered between his horns making him look slightly powerful. (Which he is).

Bakugos body made contact with the ground and he coughed harshly. Izuku set his foot on Bakugos back stepping on him hard. Explosions rang knocking the winged boy backwards and he did a backwards somersault to avoid hitting the cement ground.

Bakugo went to the other side of the arena the light and sound of the explosions deafening and slightly blinding. Izuku covered his body in his wings curled into a little ball as he charged up One For All.

"Cmon, let's try twenty percent." He whispered to himself standing up as Bakugo stopped. He flicked his finger launching his opponent backwards, doing that over and over again as Bakugo struggled to keep himself inside the boundaries.

The wind force was reaching the audience, but it was only strong enough to cause a couple of cups and loose items to go flying. People yelled as the power got stronger and Izuku stopped. Bakugo got propelled forwards not expecting him to stop. Taking advantage of his opponents confusion, he landed a punch on Bakugos face knocking him down to the ground.

"D@MN DEKU!" He yelled as he made contact with the ground. Izuku smirked as he backed up quickly. Both boys were on the opposite sides of the bagel forked then, and they started fighting each other long distance. Izuku punched an flicked the air while Bakugo sent explosions.

The whole building shook and some people in the audience were knocked backwards. Cementoss started building walls in-between the two, only for them to be knocked backwards. He started forming a wall around the battle field instead, so the audience could only see them on the screens.

Whispering from Yamada and Aizawa was heard, and it was mainly about them stopping the fight.

"We arent going to stop the fight Mic, they need to finish the battle. If we even stop and make them try again it will have the same outcome." Aizawa deadpanned, his voice slightly incoherent due to the bandages he should be getting off before school on Monday.

Bakugo pinned Izuku to the ground, only to have himself beaten up by the boys wings. He lifted his foot in a defensive manner, and that was a big mistake. Bakugo let his guard down and charging up One For All, Izuku hit him with 100 percent just to be a b!tch.

"TAKE THAT KACCHAN!" He yelled as the boy was flung in the air too late to send explosions as he was already out of bounds.

"IZUKU MIDORIYA WON!!!!" People changed his name as he walked over to his now unconscious friend helping to lift him onto the gurney that has already arrived. His classmates ran to him congratulating him, lifting him up into the air. He smiled big and wide and yelled,

"PLUS ULTRA!!!!!!"

- Third Person POV -

"IN THIRD PLACE WE HAVE FUMIKAGE TOKOYAMI AND TENYA IIDA!! Iida had to leave for family reasons." All Might gave him a medal, whispering something to him.

"IN SECOND PLACE WE HAVE KATSUKI BAKUGO!!!" He was chained and mounted to the wall, thrashing around as the medal was placed around his neck. All Might said something to him but it wasn't heard.

"AND IN FIRST PLACE WE HAVE IZUKU MIDORIYA!!!" Izuku let his wings stick straight up in the air as he pumped his fist jumping a little. His tail whipped sounding like Midnights whip, startling All
Might slightly.

"Young Midoriya, you have done very well and I'm proud of your success. I chose the right person to become my successor."

"Thank you All Might."

- Third Person POV -
- The following Monday -

"And you'll have hell to pay!" Midnight said as she entered the room, some people staring at her outfit. "Very often peoples hero names here get carried on to adulthood. So choose carefully!" She smiled and handed out the white boards.

People came up and sat back down as a few names were rejected. People chanted Froppy and yelled Pinky as their names were chosen.

"LORD EXPLOSION MURDER!" People laughed as he was sent back to his seat twitching with anger. After a while almost everybody had chosen their names, and the end of class was nearing.

"So, that leaves Iida, Bakugo, and Midoriya!" Iida chaos his first name and Midoriya looked nervous as he presented his name.


"Are you sure?" Midnight said wrapping her arm around her 'nephews' shoulder much to the jealousy of M*neta.

"Someone changed the meaning of it." He smiled as Uraraka beamed with pride.

"Yay!" Midnight yelled hugging him.

Word Count: 5215 words

So I'm trying to write longer chapters but I'll still try to update daily. I've also hit writers block which isn't helping. *nervous laughter* sorry. Bye for now!

(I also didn't edit sorry for any mistakes)

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