Chapter Eleven

Present Mom and Dad-Zawa as students 😂

Flashback to Present Mom

"So your the famous Present Mic."

YeeeessssssSIREEEEEEEEEE!!!" Shinso covered his ears and my enhanced hearing didn't do much to help even though I covered my ears.

"You can call me pops!"

"Okay, Present Mom." Shinso laughed and Present Mic laughed too. We all couldn't stop laughing as if all of the laughter was contagious.

"Okay then! Present Mom it is!" Present Mic screamed and I'm pretty sure the neighbors are p*ssed.

"Okay! Whoooooooos huuuuuuuuungryyyyyyy!"

"Me!" me and Shinso yelled.

-Time skip to the next amazing-ish morning-

Third Person POV

The smell of pancakes wafted through the house waking up three of the still sleeping residents. Yamada was dancing and humming to an unknown tune as he flipped another pancake.

Izuku grabbed his crutches from the side of his bed and hopped off the bed. He went to his wardrobe and picked out a black t-shirt and sweatshirt, with gray baggy pants. He sat back down on his bed to change, struggling with his pants as usual.

Once again climbing out of bed, Izuku decided to skip the stairs so he flew down instead. Upon reaching the kitchen Yamada was full-on singing now, along with blasting a tune from his phone. Despite the music, Yamada noticed Izukus' presence and slid a plate to Izuku. The boy muttered a thank you and climbed onto the stool.

Shinso finally came down to eat while Izuku was picking on his second pancake.

"Mornin' Shinso" Shinso nodded and laid his head on the counter and had a staring contest with the pancakes on the plate in front of him. Knowing what was going to happen Shinso covered his ears confusing Izuku until he heard Yamada take in a deep breath. Before Izuku could cover his ears Yamada was already yelling.

"SHOTA! BREAKFAST! GET YOUR LAZY A** DOWN HERE!!!!" An audible thud came from upstairs and almost seconds later the man dressed in all black, appeared at their sides.

"Morning problem child, Hitoshi, Hizashi."

"You know I have a name right problem adult?" Aizawa ignored his statement and started staring at the pancake that was laid in front of him. Yamada joined them and ate in silence. For once. It was nice without the yelling, it was rarely quiet in that house. And to break the silence was a loud ringtone.

Izuku took the phone out of his pocket and stood up and grabbed his crutches to leave to the living room to excuse himself.

"Hi, Toshinori."

"WAIT YOU KNOW TOSHINORI?!" Yamada yelled, spitting out his coffee. Izuku covered the phone.

"Yeah. That a problem?" Izuku smirked and continued to the living room. Izuku could hear Yamada mumbling something and Aizawa telling him to shut up.

(T is for Toshi and I is for Izuku)

T: How are you?

I: Good. You?

T: I'm fine. Are you planning on going into UA?

I: Yeah, so?

T: You should start training.

I: I will soon.

T: How about I train you, meet me at Dagobah beach in two hours.

I: A little soon but okay? See you then.

Izukus POV

I got up off the couch and headed back to the kitchen to finish my pancake. Upon getting there Present Mom looked confused.

"How do you know Toshinori?"
"Well, I don't have to lie to you at least. Do you know the sludge villain attack? There were actually two attacks. The thing attacked me underneath a bridge and I was doing fine until...wait. Can Shinso hear this?" Shinso looked confused and shrugged.

"No. Shinso, go to your room." Aizawa waved him off and Shinso walked away. Aizawa stood up and began to wash the dishes.

"So, then All Might came and helped me even though I was doing fine. He took the villain and I left. Later on, when I was sitting on top of a building I heard some old 'friends' screaming and they told me my friend was taken. That was when I helped attack the villain. Then All Might came. Again."

"I knew you looked familiar!" Aizawa nodded his head in agreement and I continued with my story.

"Afterwards I was muttering to myself that 'I'm going to get beat later' and of course he heard me. He told me to follow him if I wanted help and I did. He told me everything because I saw his other form and because he wanted to help. He found me after my mom stabbed me," Pops gasped.

"He took me to the hospital and stayed with me. I haven't seen him since. He wants to train me later, to help me get into UA." Present Mom cheered, then I remembered he teaches at UA.

"Hitoshi wants to get into UA too." Aizawa said as he finished drying the plates, "I teach there too." I smiled and stood up.

"Wait, Midoriya, what is your quirk? Shota didn't tell me."

"You can call me Izuku, you are going to be my future parents," Present Mom smiled with pride. "My quirk is called Demons heart."

-Time skip to Dagobah beach-

Third Person POV

"Hey, Toshi!"

"Hello, Young Midoriya."

"So, why are we here?" Izuku motioned to the littered beach, looking at all the piles of trash.

"So! For your training, I decided that you're going to clean the beach! Here, I also made a chart of how it's going to work too!"

"How?! This place is full of trash! A- wait?! My sleep is scheduled too!?"

"Yes Young Midoriya, that is how it works! You have one year to clean the beach!" Toshinori beamed, looking at the younger boy.

"So why am I doing this? I bet I can easily pass the exam already. I've been training since the time I learned to walk!" Izuku exaggerated, looking at Toshinori with confusion and pure annoyance.

"So I can prepare your body for my quirk!" Toshinori was still beaming his million-dollar smile.


"Right now! Young Midoriya, will you accept my quirk?" He turned into All Might and looked down at Izuku.

Word Count: 1048 words

So I forgot Izuku didn't have a phone so let's pretend he has one now. Oops (: bye~

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