The Twins Are Coming
Natalie pov
"Babe I can't sleep" I said as I kept twisting and turning on the bed.
"Maybe you just need some warm milk" he said whispering.
"Kay" I said as I put on my purple robe along with my slippers.
I went down the stairs and I went towards the cabinet to get my glass cup.
I opened the refrigerator and I poured myself some milk.
I was putting the milk away but I felt a gush of liquid to along my leg. And I knew my water broke.
I let go of my glass cup making it fall on the floor.
"JONATHON" I screamed as I crouched down on the floor with my hands in my belly.
I heard him rushing down stairs.
"Bbb-aaa-bb-iii-ee-sss"I said as the words choked out of my mouth cuz I was crying to hard.
"Fuck, well let me help you up and we have to get to the hospital NOW" he said as he helped me up and we went outside to his car.
"Now wait here I'm bringing the hospital bag.
"Hurry" I said as he closed the door.
I was literally screaming in pain.
"Relax we'll be there, just relax" he said as we went out the driveway.
I managed to breath in and out but I couldn't with the strong contractions.
"Hold in baby we're almost there" he said holding my hand.
"I can't wait any longer, go faster" I said as I cried.
"Okay we're here don't get off, I going to tell the lady to get you a wheelchair" he said.
"Just fucking hurry" I said as I wrapped my arms around my belly and screamed in pain.
"Its okay he wheelchairs here" Jonathon said as he opened he door.
"Don't worry sweetie I'm taking you to th delivery room, just relax" the nurse said as she helped me sit down on the wheelchair.
Jonathon was holding my hand the whole way.
They got me into the room and they put he IV through my arm.
"I'm going to give you epidural, hopefully it will help with the pain" she said with a smile.
"Jonathon I can't do this'' I said as I subbed to Jonathon while still holding his hand.
"Yes you can cuz you're strong and you're gonna get through this" he said smoothing my hair trying to calm me down.
"You try doing this, this is to painful" I said sobbing.
"Okay Natlaie you are almost there you need to be dilated on 10 you're on 9 so we are gonna get you ready okay.
I nodded my head yes.
"Jonathon call my dad, Daniel and Kimberly that have to be here" I said calming a bit down.
"Okay" he said.
"Oaky Natalie you're gonna have to start pushing now" th doctor said as she put her gloves on.
"Ready" she said.
"Yes" I said as I squeezed Jonathons hand as hard as I can.
"Okay when I count to three push as hard as you can Okay 1...2...3 "she said.
I pushed as hard as I could.
I didn't wanna scream to loud so I just breathed through my mouth and of course I screamed a few times.
"You could do it babe just one more big push" Jonathon said.
So I did one more big push and I heard a cry.
"You have one healthy baby girl, would you like to cut the cord" she said looking at Jonathon.
"Of course I would" he said as he leaned over and cut it.
"So you're gonna push again okay" she said as I nodded.
I pushed another 4 pushes and I heard another cry.
"Great job babe" Jonathon said as he kissed my sweaty forehead.
"Good job Natlaie you're done, and you're babies are healthy ,wanna carry them" she said.
"Yeah" I said with a smile.
I put the girl on my left arm and the boy on my right.
"They're so adorable" I told Jonathon.
"You did a good job" he said as he kissed my cheek.
"Wanna carry Aubrey" I said.
"Yeah, she looks so cute" he said as he leaned over and put her in his arms.
"Look, Joseph's eyes are open" I said showing him.
"We're here" I heard someone coming through the door.
"Dad you came" I said.
"Aww they're so cute" Kim said.
"Wanna carry Joseph" I told joey.
"Yeah he looks adorable" he said as I gave him to Joey.
"Nate you have to get rest" Kim said while rocking Emma to sleep.
"Yeah I'll sleep right know" I said yawning a big yawn.
"It was hard huh" Kimberly said.
"Yes" I said.
"I see you said yes" Daniel said looking at my ring.
"Yeah I'm gonna be Natlaie Gonzalez, but I'm still called Natlaie Graceffa" I said.
"Daniel wanna carry Aubrey" I said.
"Yeah, let me see" he said as Jonathon gave her to Daniel.
I was so tired. My eyes were really heavy. So I decided to sleep.
I turned around facing Jonathon and once my head hit th pillow I was out like a light.
A while later
Natalie pov
"Babe how ate the babies" I asked Jonathon.
"They're good, Aubrey cried a little but I rocked her to sleep" he said with a goofy smirk.
"You're a good dad" I said as leaned in and kissed my forehead.
"Sleep well" he said.
"Yeah, hey where's joey, Daniel, and Kimberly" I said now sitting up on my bed.
"They went to get breakfast" he said.
"Oh look who's awake" I said as I grabbed Joseph.
I put him across my chest and he just stared at me with his big green eyes.
He put his mouth to my boob and opened his mouth.
"Are you hungry" I said as I took of my hideous hospital gown and I put him close so he could drink his milk.
"This feels weird" I told Jonathon looking at him.
"You have to get used to it because they'll always be hungry, even me" He said with a smirk.
"Eww you fucking asshole" I said hitting his arm playfully.
"Ssh the kids are here" he said as I chuckled.
Joseph was done so I put him in his little bed.
"I want to carry Aubrey I having carried her" I said pouting.
He went to her little bed and when he gave her to me she was fast asleep.
"Aww she's adorable" I said kissing her forehead.
"WE'RE BACK "joey said barging in the door.
"WITH FOOD " Daniel said coming behind.
"Ssh the babies are asleep" I Jonathon said pointing to Aubrey.
"Sorry but here's the food" he said giving the bag to us.
"This is so good" I said taking a bite of my Mc muffin.
A/N Thank you guys for reading this chapter. If you liked it please give it a thumbs up and comment. See you on the next chapter bye.
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