Netflix And Chill

Natalie pov

"Natalie get up you're gonna be late for school" I heard Jonathon say.

"I'm going" I mumbled with my eyes still closed.

"Well I guess you're asking for it" I heard him say, as he flipped me over making me fall on the floor.

"Oww how rude" I said with my eyes now open.

"Now get dressed babe" he said.

"Fine" I huffed.

I went to my closet and picked out my black leggings and my blue muscle tee tank top to show off my huge belly.

I put my hair in messy bun put in a blue bandanna and added some makeup.

"Ready to go" Jonathon said.

"Yeah let me just grab some toast" I said.

We drive to school and I started munching on my toast.

"We're here" Jonathon said as he parked his car.

"Wait let me get the door for you" he said.

"Okay" I said with a suspicious smile.

"Thank you babe" I said as I pulled him into a kiss.

"Well we better get going to class" I said as we locked hands together and we walked down the halls.

Everybody looked at us with their faces in disgust. I just ignored them until I got to class.

"Hey guys" Jake said as he came in with Jeanette.

"Hi guys, ready for tonight" Jonathon said to both of them.

"Yup can't wait for tonight" Jeanette said.

They both sat down and the teacher started teaching.

Throughout the middle of the class I had the urge to vomit.

So I went up to my teacher.

"Um Mr. Williams can I go to the bathroom" I said still holding my belly.

"Yes you may" he said in his deep voice.

I rushed to the closest bathroom.
I felt someone follow me I'm guessing it was Jonathon.

I locked the stall, I kneeled down and I puked my guts out.

I was done so I opened the stall, rinsed my mouth and popped a mint gum in my mouth.

I opened the door and saw Jonathon leaning against the wall.

"You okay" he said as we locked hands.

"Yeah just morning sickness" I said with a smirk.

"Come on let's go get some lunch" he said.

"What were in the middle of school" I said angrily.

"Come on next is lunch no one will even notice us" he said begging while holding both of my hands.

"Fine but we can't take to long" I said as he smiled.

We ran to his car and we finally got there.

"Were are we going" I asked not making eye contact with him.

"Maybe subway, lunch is on me I'll pay" he said.

"Okay thanks, your the sweetest boyfriend ever" I said as I kissed his cheek.

"I know" he said sarcastically.

"Selfish much" I said with a chuckle.

We got to subway and we ordered our food.

Of course I had to be healthy so I got lettuce, tomato, onion, and chili.

"Thanks for the food" I said to Jonathon with a full mouth.

"No problem, and also we need to spend time together before Aubrey and Joseph come" he said putting his hand on my huge belly.

"Yeah I can't wait for them to be born, I'm gonna be a mom" I said happily.

We finished pur food and we threw our thrash away.

"We should get going, we don't wanna get in trouble" I said.

"Yeah let's go" Jonathon said.

Time skip to end of the day
Natlaie pov

"Finally you guys get to spend time with us" I said.

"Are we going to your house or what" Jake said.

"We're gonna watch Netflix And we're gonna Chill" Jonathon said.

"Yass" Jeanette and Jake said.

We walked to Jonathons car and Me and Jonathon went in the front, while Jake and Jeanette went in the back.

"Wait let's stop by to get some snacks" I said.

"Lets go to Wal-Mart" Jonathon said.

So we stoped by Wal-Mart and we went towards the candy aisle and we bought all sorts of candy.

Next we went to the chip aisle and we bought a lot of chips.

And last we went to bye some drinks, like Starbucks and Snapple.

"Come in let's go pay" Jonathon said.

"It'll be $26.74" the cashier said.

Jonathan gave her the money and we left home.

"Hey dad, these are our friends Jake, and Jeanette, they're gonna hang out with us today if it's okay with you" I said to Joey.

"Hi sweetheart, and yes they could hang out with you" he said with a smile.

"Okay thanks dad" I said giving him a hug and running upstairs along with the others.

"Okay so what should we do" Jeanette said.

"I'm glad you asked cause we got it all planned out, so first we're gonna watch movies on Netflix, eat candy, chips, and a barrel of ice cream, and then later on we could order pizza, and then have a sleepover" I said running out of breath.

"You plan the best sleepovers babe" Jonathon said as he put his arm around my shoulder and kissed me.

"BEST NIGHT EVER" we all screamed together.

We went on Netflix And saw all the movies we could while eating all of the snacks we bought.

"Next stop PIZZA" we all screamed at the end.

"Dad we're gonna order pizza" I said as I went downstairs to tell him.

"Okay, I'm tired so I'll be going to sleep goodnight, have fun with your friends" he said sounding tired.

"Goodnight dad and I will" I said.
I got my phone and I called the pizza place.

"Yes 2 large pizzas one pepperoni and one veggie" I said to the lady.

"Okay it'll take 10-15min" she said.

"Thank you" I said and I hung up.

"Pizzas comin" I said as I got in my room.

"Yay pizza,pizza" Jake, Jeanette, and Jonathon all cheered.

"Guys I'm going to the kitchen to grab some plates" I said.

I went downstairs, I opened the cabinet and I grabbed some plates.

I heard footsteps.

I turned around and saw no one.
"Who's there" I said worridly.

"Don't worry it's just me" Jake said as he came towards me.

"You scared me" I said as I playfully hit him hard on the chest.

"Sorry" he said looking down at the floor.

"Well I'm going up stairs come on" I said walking away.

"Wait Natalie, can I just do one thing" he said as he came closer to me.

"What is that" I said.

He came closer and he put his lips on mines. I kept thinking in my mind 'why did he just kiss'.

I don't know why but I didn't pull away. I put my arms around his neck and my legs around.his waist.

He carried me and sat me on top of the counter. He let out a moan and I pulled away before it got to sexy.

"I can't be doing this I mean I have a boyfriend I'm sorry" I said So I grabbed the plates and rushed upstairs.

I opened the door and saw Jeanette keying down next to Jonathon on my bed.

"Exuse me Jeanette I was sitting here, sorry" I said.

"No that's okay" she said with a fake annoyed smile on her face.

I flopped down next to Jonathon with my head on his chest and his arm around me.

I nudged in his arm and pointed towards the door which meant I needed to talk to him.

He got up with me followed behind him and we went in the living room so Jake and Jeanette won't hear us.

"I have to tell you something" we said at the same time.

"No you to first" he said.

"No you go first" I said.

"Fine Jeanettekissedme" he said really fast.

"Exuse me what did you say" I said.

He sighed. "While you were here getting plates Jeanette kissed me" He said with a guilty face.

"Don't feel guilty Jake kissed me down here to" I said looking down.

"Well don't feel bad, it's not our fault it's there's" he said holding both of my hands.

"I can't believe they did this to us I mea" I got interrupted by the doorbell.

"I forgot the pizza was coming" I said as I went to open the door.

I paid the guy and I got the pizza boxes.

"Should we kick them out" I said.

"Yeah before they so anything else to us" I said as Jonathon chuckled.

I left the pizza in the counter and we went upstairs.

"Guys you have to leave my dad said until 12 o'clock and its 11:59 so you have to leave" I lied.

"Okay see you tomorrow" Jeanette said in her fake perky voice.

"Not" I muttered under my breath.

They left finally thank God they were getting on my nerves.

"I guess it's just us and the pizza" Jonathon said taking out a huge slice if pizza and putting it in his mouth.

A/N Thank you guys for reading this chapter. Sorry if it was a bit boring, the next chapter will be better I promise. Vote and comment and see you in the next chapter bye

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