My Knight And Shining Armor

Natalie pov

I woke up with stomach pain, and then I felt something go up my throat.

I felt like throwing up so I went to the bathroom carefully so I won't wake up Jonathon and Kimberly.

I got to the toilet and let it all out. I think I'm pregnant but I'm blaming the candy I ate last night for right now.

Just to make sure I wanna go to the doctor and just check my stomach.

I rinsed my mouth and went inside my room. I checked the time which read 9:37. "I might as well get dressed " I mumbled to myself.

So I went to my closet and picked out some white shorts, a red tank top, and my black vans.

"What are you doing" Kimberly said as she slowly got up.

"I'm just getting dressed" I told her. She went into the bathroom to wash her teeth and her face.

I curled my long black hair and also put on some makeup.

"Can I try on some of your cloths on " Kimberly said .

"Go right ahead" I replied.

She chose to put on my light blue skinny jeans, my floral blue tank top, and my converse.

I curled her hair and put some mascara on her eyelashes.

A while later we were done so we went downstairs to make some breakfast.

I made some eggs with bacon, and Kim just ate some cereal.

"What you guys doin" Jonathon as he came down the stairs shirtless. He looked hot without a shirt. It shows his perfectly good abs and his muscles.

"Just making some breakfast, want some" I asked him.

"Nah I'm gonna take a quick shower" he said.

"Suit yourself" I told him as I put a big piece of bacon in my mouth.

Time skip to 1 day before prom

"Kimberly can we go to the mall today I want to get my dress" I begged to Kim.

Let me catch you up on what happened lately. I went to the doctor and I found out I was 3 weeks pregnant. I'm gonna be a mom just like Kimberly I'm so excited. Joey,Daniel,Kimberly, and Jonathon are happy for me and are willing to help especially Jonathon cuz duh he's the baby daddy. Me and Kimberly are going to be good aunties to each other's kids once we adopt her .I told Jonathon that it was my prom and if he could go with me, and of course he said YES I'm his girlfriend . And know me and Kim are going to the mall to pick a dress for me.

"Fine let's go walking it's not that far" she said.

"Kay kay" I said as I grabbed my phone.

"Dad I'm going to the mall to get my dress I'll be back later" I told him.

"Okay be safe" he replied.

"I will bye dad love you" I said back.

We got to the mall and we entered this store.

I looked through everything and chose three dresses to try on. One that's purple with diomands and it's long all the way to the floor.

Another that's a long hot pink it's strapless and on the waist there's a line of rine stones.

And the last one is another long dress. Its dark,dark blue and on top it's gold lace with sparkles.

"You see that's cute but it dosn't fit your skin tone" she said pointing to the purple one I tried on.

"Okay,pink is next" I told her.

"Again that's cute but it's not perfect" Kim told me.

So I went back in the changing room and tried on my last dress.

"OMG you see that's perfect it's so perfect you gotta buy it" Kimberly said.

"I don't like it, I love it I'm buying it" I told her.

"Yay" Kimberly screamed.

The price wasn't to much it costed $150 which wasn't too much other cost like 200 and above. This dress Is perfect and I know Jonathon will love it.

I also bought a necklace to match with my dress. And a bracelet. I paid for all that and we walked home.

We passed by Yogurt Land and we went inside.

Me and Kimberly got a cup full of icecream/yogurt and we sat down to eat it.

"Are you excited for your twins, there born in like 2 months" I asked Kim.

"Yeah I'm scared and excited, but the girls arn't gonna have a dad" she told me sadly with a sigh.

"You don't even know anything about the guy you made out with do you" I asked her.

"No, all I know that his name Michael not the one from the orphanage Micheal but a different Micheal" she pointed out.

"Are you excited for your baby" Kim asked me.

"Yeah I've always wanted a kid but not at this age I'm barley 16 ,but I know that I want to keep this baby it's my baby and its my responsibility to take care of it" I told her while rubbing my stomach.

"Good point" she said while eating her last bite.

We got to the orphanage and I said Bye to Kim. "Now I have to walk back alone" I said to myself.

I went inside my house and found joey making some food.

"Sup dad what's for lunch" I said as I sat on a stool in front of him.

"I'm making spaghetti" he said.

"Mmmm delicious, so you wanna see my prom dress" I told him.

"Yeah what color is it" he asked me.

"Its dark blue" I told him while taking my dress out of the bag.

"That's gorgeous, who are you going with" he asked.

"Thanks, I'm going with Jonathon" I said.

"That's good and surprise surprise tomorrow right in the morning we're going to adopt Kimberly" he said happily.

"Yay we're gonna have so much fun together, thank you dad" I said as I hugged him.

I rushed upstairs and I flopped down on my bed.

"Ugh I'm really hungry, now I have to feed for 2" I said as I rubbed my belly.

"Natalie spaghetti is ready come down to eat" joey said.

"Kay dad I'm going"

This spaghetti is good" I said as I licked my fork.

He just stood there in surprise because I got a huge plate full of spaghetti and I ate it in like 5 min.

"What I'm eating for 2 people here" I said pointing to my stomach.

"Good point" he said.

I put my plate in the dishwasher and I went up to my room.

I brushed my teeth and my face and I put on my pj's.

"I'll see you tomorrow baby" I said as I looked at my stomach.

Prom Day
Natalie pov

I woke up again with something coming up my throat.

I rushed to the toilet and I let it all out.

"Are you okay Natalie" joey said as he knocked on my door.

"Yeah it's just morning sickness" I told him.

"Get dressed and come down to eat" he said.

"Okay" I replied.

I brushed my teeth and entered my room to get my cloths.

I took of my shirt and there was a itsy bitsy curve on my stomach.

"Awe you grew a tiny bit baby" I said as I rubbed my tiny belly and kissed it.

I put on my white ripped skinny jeans, my white and red converse, and my red shirt that says "Wild Girl". I curled my hair and put on some makeup.

"What's for breakfast, it better be eggs I love eggs, I'm craving some eggs" I told joey while going downstairs.

"Well I guess I read your mind" joey said while showing me the pan of eggs.

"Yay I love eggs did I tell you how much I love eggs" I kept on blabbering to joey.

"Mornin daniel" I said.

"Mornin sunshine how's the baby" he said.

"Good but I have morning sickness" I explained to Daniel.

"Oh" he just replied.

I got my big bowl of eggs and put a lot of ketchup everywhere.

"Mmm this is so good" I said.

"Eww you like that" Daniel said in a nasty face.

"Yeah it's delicious" I said.

"Come on guys eat faster we have to go adopt Kimberly remember " joey said.

So I ate faster I put my plate in the dishwasher rushed upstairs to get my phone and went back downstairs.

"Kay let's go" as I rushed out the door. Jonathon was outside the door as always.

"Hey babe" he said as he kissed me.

"Hey baby" he said as he rubbed my belly.

"We're you guys going" he asked.

"We're going to adopt Kimberly, yay I'm so excited" I said

"That's good,I just wanted to ask you what color is your dress and what time is prom" he asked.

"My dress color is dark,dark blue,and prom is at 5:00 " I replied.

"Okay then I'll pick you up later, bye gorgeous" he said.

"Okay,bye love you" I said.

"Okay guys now let's go" joey said.

I couldn't stop smiling in the car ride I was just so happy that me and Kimberly are gonna be like basically sisters. I mean we're basically adopted by the same person.

After a time of waiting we finally got to the orphanage.

We went inside and found Mrs. Veronica punishing the poor kids.

Kimberly came towards me without Mrs. Veronica seeing .

"What are you doing here" Kimberly asked me.

"Well surprise we're ADOTING YOU" I said as I screamed at the end.

"OMG YOUR ADOPTING ME THANK YOU SO MUCH" she said as she hugged me, joey, and Daniel.

"Now we're officially sisters" I told her with tears in my eyes.

"Well you better go pack you stuff Kimberly while we talk with Mrs. Veronica" joey said.

I went with joey and Daniel to talk to Mrs. Veronica so Kimberly could have some space.

We entered her office which btw looked the same but she just got some new chairs.

"I see you're still with Natalie" Mrs.Veronica said.

"Of course we're still with her why wouldn't we be" joey said.

"Well why did you come here today" Mrs. Veronica said.

"We want to adopt Kimberly" joey said.

"Oh that slut you want her" she said.

"She's not a slut she's a good girl unlike you that's why we want to adopt her" I said.

She just stood there quiet and frozen.

"Well here are the papers just fill them out and you could take her" she said.

I went to kimberly's room, it looked the same still. "Yay we filled the papers and know we could go" I told Kim.

"Can you help me carry the baby things please" Kim told me.

"I sure can" I said as I carried the bags.

"Can you give us piggyback rides please" I said to Joey in a baby voice.

"Get on" he said bending down.

"Do you want one kimberly" Daniel said.

"No I'm fine" she said.

"Awe how cute daddy and daughter moment" Daniel said.

"Lets take a selfie" joey said.

We made duck faces and peace signs while taking selfies.

"Kay let's go to the car" I said as I got off.

We put the suitcases and everything on the trunk and we got in the car.

The car ride was silent and I was about to go to sleep until Daniel put the radio up to the song PANDA.

"Yeah I love this song" Daniel said.

"Well I don't" I mumbled to myself.

We finally got home and joey showed her to her room.

"So this is your room" he told Kim while opening the room.

"Do you like it" joey asked Kim.

"I don't like it, I LOVE IT" she said while screaming next to me.

"Damn girl your gonna blow my ear drums out" I told kimberly in a sassy tone.

"Sorry it's just that it's amazing thank you guys so much" she said.

The room was really pretty because half of it is for Kimberly and the other half is for the twins. So it's like half and half.

On one side it has turquoise color walls. A big king size bed in the middle with zebra patterns. A big flat screen tv. A regular closet and some drawers with a big mirror.

On the other half is pink walls with white little clouds. It had no baby stuff because Kim has the baby things So yeah, she has to unpack them.

"We will let you unpack" joey said as we all left.

Kimberly pov

OMG I'm finally adopted and the best part is I get to spend more time with nate. That's my nickname for Natalie.

Meanwhile I unpacked all of my stuff I was thinking of what a great life I would have now that I'm adopted.

I was finished packing in no time so I went to Natalies room.

"What you doing" I said as I was barging in her room.

"I'm just doing my makeup" she replied.

"Are you gonna have fun at prom" I said.

"Duh it's my first prom and I hope I'm prom queen and Jonathons the king so we could have the slow dance together" she said.

I did her hair in nice tight curls which go's good with her long black hair.

"Time to put on my dress" she said as she disappeared into the bathroom.

"Ta-da" Nate said as she came out of the bathroom with her blue and gold lace dress on.

"Awe you look so pretty, my little girls going to prom" I said as I fake cry.

Natalie pov

I check my phone and saw that it was already 4:40 .

"20 more minutes till prom" I mumbled to myself.

I flopped down on my bed and just scrolled through Facebook and then I saw that I got message from Jonathon.

To Natalie: from Jonathon

Hey babe I'm here already ima go inside

To Jonathon: from Natalie

Kay Kay I'll be ready

I went downstairs and waited for Jonathon to knock on the door.

He was about to open the door when I beat him to it.

"Guess I read you mind" I said to him.

"Wow you look wow" he said with his mouth still open.

"Hello are you there" I said waving my hand in front of his face.

"Oh right it's just that you so gorgeous" he said.

"Awe thank you, you don't look to bad yourself" I said as I laughed.

He was wearing a tuxedo with the jacket and bow tie the color of my dress and the rest was black and white.

He gave me the bracelet flower thingy (don't judge me I don't know what it's called).

We went outside and we went into a limo.

There was music on full blast in there it almost blew my eardrums out.

Like 15 minutes later we arrived at school.

It was decorated with pretty decorations like balloons and streamers.

Me and Jonathon sat at a table kind of close to the dance floor.

"I'll grab some punch for us" he said while I just nodded.

Then out of nowhere somebody pulls my hair making me scream but I couldn't because the closed my mouth.

"You listen to me you bitch Jonathon is mine and I'm going to be his queen and he's my king so you stay away from him or else" she said and I noticed it was Bianca Jonathons ex.

"Or else what" I said standing up.

"Whoa what's going on here" Jonathon said as he came.

"Bianca is pulling my hair and telling me that she's yours" I told him.

"Bianca I told you that I don't like you, you're not mine Natalies mine only mine" Jonathon said as he kissed me.

"Ugh" she said as she turned around and left with her friends. I think their names were Annabelle, and Jannette.

"What's up with her" I told Jonathon.

"Everybody it's time to announce promos king and queen" the hosted said as we all cheered.

"Proms king is.... Jonathon Gonzalez" he said.

"Yay go Jonathon" I said.

"And proms queen is...."

"Please be me, please be me" I said while crossing my fingers.

"Bianca Blackwill" he said as everybody cheered.

"What that's supposed to be me up there" I said all sad just looking at Jonathon and Bianca.

Jonathon pov

I can't believe Bianca is the prom queen. The worst part is that I have to slow dance with her.

"Hey babe" Bianca said touching the side of my face.

"Don't touch me, I know we have to slow dance but that won't mean nothing" I told her.

"For me It will cuz I love you" I heard her mumble but I just ignored her.

We went to the dance floor and we started dancing.

"Wait we'res Natalie" i said while trying to find her.

Finally the dance was over and I asked everybody if they seen her.

And then I finally found her. She was outside crying so hard And sobbing.

"What's wrong" I said trying to comfort her but she wouldn't let me.

"Leave me alone you don't want me, you want Bianca" she said crying harder.

"No I don't, I want you I don't even like her, I've liked you all along, your also carrying my child and I'm proud of you because your mine only mine" he said.

She stopped crying and hugged me.

"I'm sorry, but can we go home I need some rest and its getting late" she whispered into my chest.

"Of course we can" I replied.

We walked to the car and I opened the door for her.

We drove home and she fell asleep throughout the whole car ride.

We got home but I didn't want to wake her up so I just carried her bridal style.

I knocked on the door and joey answered it.

"Hey joey" I told him.

"Hi Jonathon, is Natalie asleep" he said pointing to her.

"Yeah can I leave her in her room I know where it is" I told him.

"Yeah go ahead" he said.

So I went upstairs and let her in her room and of course kimberlys in her room As always trying on her cloths.

"Hey Jonathon" Kimberly said.

"Hey Kimberly how''ve you been" I replied.

"Great and you" she said.

"Good" I said.

"I'll see you tomorrow babe" I whispered to Natalie while putting her down on her bed and kissing her on her cheek.

(A/N hope you like this chapter he next chapter will be sad, well me for it will see you in the next chapter bye)

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