Chapter 83 - Nevis
I need to learn how to silence my phone before I go to bed, because quite often I wake up to it ringing, like this morning.
(Where are you guyyyysssss)
It was Andrew.
(I know you're not supposed to say anything but)
The texts kept coming in faster than I could type.
(I'll buy you donuts.)
I finally cut into the conversation.
He responded.
(Why do you want to know so badly?)
(I don't know. It's the not knowing.)
(Did you try Lin?)
I asked, I could tell him whenever I wanted to, but this was fun.
(Yes, but he's not responding!!!)
I got up from bed, and softly opened the door, peeking out to see Lin and Vanessa curled together in their bed, and honestly enough, I could see Lins phone lighting up on his bedside table. I giggled a little, and took a picture and texted it to Andrew.
(This may be why.)
(It's 8 am!! They should be up by now.)
(In his defense Seb struggled to fall asleep last night, or should I say this morning.)
(Well... Where are you... My previous question still stands)
I rolled my eyes.
(We're docking in Nevis today.)
I laughed a little, then put my phone down, though I did see his texts popping up on my screen.
(as is Hamilton?)
(As is boat?)
I was standing over my suitcase, because I didn't feel like unpacking yet. I pulled out a tank top and shorts, and changed. I walked out of my room, to see that in the 5 minutes it took me to change, Lin was up, changing Seb, and Vanessa was making coffee, and all 3 were very much awake.
"What the heck?" I asked, stepping out of my room.
"What?" Lin asked.
"I swear, I looked out here like 5 minutes ago and you were all OUT."
"Yes, 5 whole minutes ago." He nodded.
"Y'all are weird." I laughed to myself.
"Yeah, but today should be fun, so, let's go!" Lin said, picking up Sebastian.
"I take it we have to leave before everyone else again." I said referring to the last two times, leaving at 9:00 when everyone else left at 9:30.
"Yes, it's one of the perks of being a very important person." He smiled to himself and I rolled my eyes.
"Let him have this one. He hasn't fully processed what's going on with Hamilton." Vanessa whispered to me.
"I heard that! And I've processed it, I'm just not over it yet." He said, opening the door. "Now, shall we go?"
A little while later, we were in a cab, heading towards Alexander Hamiltons childhood home. The cab driver was apparently a Nevis native.
"So, you're Americans?" He asked.
"Yeah, we're from New York." Vanessa added.
"Ah, so you're visiting Hamiltons childhood home. You know there's a musical about him right?" I stifled a laugh, I wanted to see how Lin responded.
"Um... Yes, we are aware of Hamilton." He responded.
"Have you seen it?" He continued, not realizing who exactly was in the car.
"Well, um..." Lin started, I mean, he hadn't really seen it.
"I've seen it." I broke in.
"It's excellent isn't it?" He looked back at me.
"Yeah, it really is." I elbowed Lin in the ribs, as I was sitting by him.
"Do you want to listen to it?" He asked, fiddling with the CD player in the car.
"Oh, no, that's ok." Lin started but I cut him off.
"Yeah! That would be awesome!" I smiled, nay, grinned as he started the opening number. I looked at Lin as he rolled his eyes, and half glared at me. "Dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in the Caribbean by Providence impoverished in squalor grow up to be a hero and a scholar?" I sang along.
"Oh. My. Gosh." Lin whispered to himself, but I heard. I looked over at him, and he was lip syncing along. It was hysterical. I yanked my phone out and videoed it on Snapchat, then sent it to like everyone in the show. "Are you on Snapchat?" Lin asked, looking at my phone.
"Yep." I nodded.
"What are you gonna do to my face?" He asked, oh how he hates snapchat.
"Nothing, nothing." I said.
"Are you going to put a dog on it?" He asked.
"No!" I was laughing. I showed him Snapchat filters like a month ago, and I used the dog one. Needless to say he was not a fan. "The worlds gonna know your name, what's your name man?" I sang under my breath.
"Alexander Hamilton." Lin sang at full volume, not caring about the driver. "My name is Alexander Hamilton, and there's a million things I haven't done, but just you wait, just you wait." The driver turned around a bit.
"Wow. You sound just like him. Seriously? Wow." I stifled my laugh again, this was my favorite thing ever.
"Thanks. Yeah, no one has ever told me I sound like Lin-Manuel Miranda before, that was nice." Can holding in laughter kill you? Someone find out ASAP because I need to know.
"Yeah dude, it's true."
A little while later we were finally at Hamiltons childhood home, once we were finally out of the cab, I released the laugh I had been holding in the entire time.
"Oh. My. Gosh." I doubled over, that was hysterical and I can't believe it happened.
"You couldn't of just said 'no we're all right' you just had to have him play it?"
"You have to admit, that was pretty hilarious."
"She's right." Vanessa added, "that was pretty funny."
"Both of you?" Lin started shaking his head, "ugh."
After Lin was finished complaining, we went into the Hamilton house. It was really cool, the house itself was, obviously, old and it was 2 story, all in all it was really awesome.
We took a tour of the house. Lin knew more than the tour guide, actually, I think I may have known more, but anyways, she knew who he was and got excited, unlike the cab driver.
After the house, we got back on the boat, it was about 7:00 when we re boarded, I crashed before we had dinner, and I do mean crashed. I didn't even get under my blankets before I was asleep.
-----> I am so sorry this is literally 4 days late. I feel so stupid, I keep falling asleep when I'm writing this. Anyways, HAPPY TONY DAY! Also, I had this idea. You can comment questions you may have for any of the characters, and I will answer them in character in my next chapter! (honestly no one is going to do this, but why not? Right? Right? Hello? Bueller?) I'll put the character names here just in case:
Abigail's friends (I'll answer these collectively) but they are Josie, Lexi, Georgia and Franchesca.)
Thanks for reading, again I'm sorry it's so late.
- Abi
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