Chapter 52 - We'll Miss You Betsy!
My alarm went off at 6:30 Tuesday morning. To be clear, my alarm was The Final Battle from the movie version of Les Miserables. So I generally wake up to "CANNONS!" I lifted myself out of bed, and started getting ready for school today. I wore a cream sweater and a floral skirt.
When I finished getting showered and dressed, it was 7:15, meaning I had an hour and 45 minutes until school started, an hour and 15 minutes before I needed to leave. This is why I get up early. I did some Bio homework, and some APUSH homework.
"Morning!" Vanessa said cracking my door at 7:45. "Do you want breakfast?"
"Good morning! And yes, I'd love breakfast!" I replied, getting up off of my couch.
"I'm making eggs, so..." She walked into the kitchen and I followed.
"Yay!" I said sitting at the kitchen counter.
"What time do you need to be at school by?"
"Um, like 8:45-ish."
"Ok, because I'm driving, speaking of, do you have your permit?"
"So you're on track to get your license when you're 16?"
"Two months, yeah, I still need work, but yeah."
"Good to know." Vanessa said, turning to the eggs. I pulled out my phone, and dwindled around on Instagram and Twitter.
"Morning girls." Lin walked into the kitchen, "must we wake up this early?" He asked making coffee.
"Not everyone can go to work at 5:00 pm." Vanessa responded taking a break from scrambling eggs.
"Anyways!" He said pouring his coffee, "Abigail, we're having a little thing for Betsy tonight, so we have to get to the theatre a little earlier tonight."
"I'm gonna miss her! I can't believe she's leaving." I said.
"Eggs anyone?" Vanessa asked, dishing scrambles eggs into plates. And so I had my first family breakfast in months.
"Do you have everything for school today?" Vanessa called as I was swinging my backpack on.
"Yeah!" I yelled back. I crutched down to her car, and got in.
"Only 2 more weeks until the cast is off." Vanessa said starting the car.
"I know I can't wait. Me and my friends are going to go laser tagging the day after."
"Well that sounds fun! Now I make a right up here? Correct?" Vanessa asked.
"Yes, then in 2 blocks, turn left." She followed my instructions , and drove right up to the front of my school.
"Thank you!" I said getting out of the car.
"Be safe!" She called back and drive off. I made my way over to William, which is generally what I did right when I got to school.
"Good morning." I said approaching the group.
"Morning Roonie." William responded.
"Congrats Abigail!" One of Williams friends said.
"Thanks Derek!"
School went by quickly. I received lots of congratulations on my adoption yesterday. Soon I was in the passenger seat of Lins car, driving back home.
"We only have an hour before we have to be at the theater. By the way, would you be ok with actually being hired as a merchandise salesperson?"
"Um... Yeah." I wasn't sure what that meant.
"It wouldn't be that different, you would be on our official payroll, and have official work hours."
"Ok. That's cool with me." I half shrugged.
"Fantastic." He said taking a left. "Do you have homework?" I looked at him with as much sarcastic sass as the teenage face could muster.
"No Lin. Of course not."
"What classes?"
"Bio, APUSH, English and Pre-Calc." I rattled off.
"I know. The American educational system is screwed up."
"Agree to agree." Lin responded, as he pulled in. "We need to leave again in 45 minutes."
"Ok. Thanks for picking me up."
"You're welcome." I disappeared into my room as soon as we got back, and started doing to exorbitant amount of homework assigned. I did this while watching Psych on my laptop. I had just finished the episode where Gus screws up the crime scene of his bosses murder, when I had to leave to go to the Rodgers. I grabbed my Hamilton sweatshirt, to sell merchandise in, and got back in the car. "So Sebastian really likes the music I'm writing for Moana."
"I could tell." I could tell, Sebastian had been running around singing it since we got home.
"Do you think he's going to follow in my footsteps?"
"Well? Right now, I think he's going to be the conductor of a train." Lin nodded his agreement.
We pulled up at the Rodgers at 5:00, it was Betsy Struxness's last day, and I was bummed, she was awesome. Not just an awesome actress and dancer, but she was an extremely sweet person, I'll definitely miss seeing her everyday.
"Hi!" I knocked on the door of the girls ensemble dressing room.
"Come in!" Emmy called from inside.
"Hi, " I slowly opened the door, the girls had balloons up and little posters, Betsy had flowers and cards on her dressing table. "I'm just here to tell you I'm going to miss you."
"Oh!" Betsy stood up from her table, "That's so sweet, I'll miss you too Abigail." She hugged me.
"We'll keep in touch though."
"Definetly! You're a great kid."
"Thanks. We're all really going to miss you. We love you!" I told her.
"We love you Betsy!" Alysha said forming a little group hug. Carleigh, Ariana and Sasha followed, and soon the entire female ensemble of Hamilton was in a group hug, telling Betsy that we were really going to miss her.
Thanks for reading!
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