Chapter 51 - Adoption Day

Sunlight filled my room and I blinked a couple times, adjusting to the new light. I yawned and turned over so that my back would be facing the window, unfortunately I flipped over on top of William.

"Oof!" He jolted up, as I flipped over.

"I'm sorry!" I said, weakly pushing myself up in bed.

"It's fine. Is it morning?" He asked doing the same.

"Yeah, I think that's why there's so much sun." I stretched, it was Monday morning. My adoption day. I grabbed my phone and checked the time, 9:00. "It's 9." I read out loud.

"You have to be there at 1:30 right?" I nodded, "we have 3 more hours to sleep." He gripped my waist and pulled me back down onto the mattress.

"That means we'll be be up at 12:00 though!"

"I've given you an hour and a half."

"I'll make pancakes." I whispered in his ear.

"I'M UP!" He bolted upright, and I laughed. I stood up and hopped on my good leg over to my stove. "Where's your computer?" He asked.

"In the pink bag. Why?" I replied mixing pancake batter.

"I'm going to watch The Office." I rolled my eyes. I had a bag packed, it had my dress for today, my straightener, and my laptop. Aside from that, and the kitchen stuff, everything was gone.

"Have fun." I replied pouring the finished batter onto the griddle.



"Generally I try not to judge people for their recently watched movies on Netflix, but really?"

"What's on my recently watched?"

"Well, it's not as much what's there but, more the variety." I laughed, he's right. "You see, it goes Rent, Psych, Cats and Dogs: The revenge of Kitty Galore." I laughed and flipped a pancake. "How do you go from watching Rent, a Broadway musical about AIDS, to Cats and Dogs, a movie about a secret society of dogs protecting us from cats?"

"It's a cute movie!"

"Yes, but you also have Phineas and Ferb on your recently watched."

"Do you have something to say against Phineas and Ferb?"

"Why do you have Grease and Grease Live?"

"Aaron Tveit." Hey at least I was being honest.

"But why both?"

"Are we done making fun of what I watch in my spare time?"

"Ok." He shut up and turned his show on.

15 minutes later I finished making pancakes and sat down next to him in front of the computer. And that's how I spent the morning,

At noon, I started getting dressed, I went into the bathroom and pulled on the dress from Saturday, and on my good foot I wore a single black flat.

"What do you think?" I asked stepping out of the bathroom, William was in the corner of the room pulling on a white button up shirt. He turned around.

"I love it." He said smiling. I turned and grabbed my hair straightener from my bag and plugged it in. I have a lot to tackle. I have a lot of hair. I straightened my hair, about halfway through that ordeal, William came and started doing his hair in my mirror as well. "What? Don't judge me. I'm supposed to look nice too right?"

"I guess." I consented, laughing.

At 1:30, I got a text from Lin.

(Come out!)

(On my way down)

"I have to go."

"I'll take the Subway," he said, handing me my bag and crutches, "see you in a half hour"

"See you." I started to leave, but turned back, "thanks for staying with me last night." With that I turned and left.

"Are you excited?" Vanessa asked as I climbed in the backseat of the car.

"Yeah, still kind of nervous though." I replied.

"Are you? I get that. It's a big day." She said.

"Why do we have to get there 20 minutes early?" I asked.

"Just to really briefly meet with your attorney." Lin responded, pulling up in front of the Midtown Community Courthouse. I got out of the car, and Vanessa picked up Sebastian from his car seat. We walked in together.

"Ah! The Miranda's!" Mr. Mandel greeted, "and the to be Miranda!" He gestured to me. "We just have a couple things to go over and then we can begin." He ushered the 4 of us into a small conference room. "I just wanted to give you a rundown of what's going to happen. It shouldn't go over one hour. First they are going to look to make sure we've covered all necessary legal proceedings, before the adoption finalization starts. When it does, I'll present the case to the judge, who will then issue the adoption decree, then we will need an oath from the 2 of you, and you," he turned to me, "have to give consent as well." I nodded, although I wasn't aware of that, "an amended birth certificate will be presented. That'll be the end of it." He pulled out 3 pieces of paper, "along with the verbal consent, we will need it in writing as well," he handed the 3 pieces of paper to the 3 of us to sign. I read through it twice before signing my name at the bottom. That was the last time I would sign my name Abigail Leigh Edminston. I handed my paper back to Mr. Mandel.

Shortly after that we were shuffled into a small courtroom, and within 5 minutes everyone was there, the whole cast. William was there, my friends were there as well. I sat at a table with Lin, Vanessa and Mr. Mandel.

"The finalization of the adoption of Abigail Leigh Edminston to adoptive parents Lin-Manuel and Vanessa Miranda." The judge opened, "Mr. Mandel, you have the floor." Mr. Mandel stood up from the table and walked into the center of the courtroom.

"In my professional opinion, it is in the best interest of Miss Edminston to be moved from Foster Care into adoption, and more specifically, into the care of the Miranda family. They have proven that they can provide a loving home and are financially capable to provide for the life of a teenage girl." After giving this brief statement, Mr. Mandel sat back down.

"I see that your home studies are in order and the parents terminated their parental rights about 3 years ago, so we may proceed, the bench calls Lin-Manuel Miranda to be sworn in." With that Lin stood up and approached the judge, and was sworn in. "Do you promise to provide your child with a safe home?" The judge asked


"And give support to the best of your abilities?"

"To the best of my abilities."

"Thank you, you may sit back down. The bench calls Vanessa Miranda-Nadal to be sworn in as well." This time Vanessa stood up, and was sworn in. "Do you promise to provide your child with a safe home?"


"And give support to the best of your abilities?"

"To the best of my abilities."

"Thank you, you may return to your seat. At this time, the bench calls Abigail Edminston to be sworn in." This time I stood up and crutched myself to the from of the room, and steadily lifted my right hand to be sworn in. "Finally, do you give consent to be adopted into the Miranda family permanently?"

"Oh gosh yes." There was some laughter.

"Thank you, you may sit down. It is my pleasure, and duty, at this time to issue the adoption decree, finalizing Abigail Miranda's official adoption, into the Miranda family, and to present the family with her amended birth certificate." With that he called Lin and Vanessa to sign the certificate which they brought back with them. "We are adjourned. Congratulations to the family." With that the hearing was over, and I had parents again.

I hugged my parents and couldn't believe what had just happened. I wasn't a foster kid anymore.

"ROONIE!" William ran over to us, and picked me up and spun me around, again. "Congratulations."

"Thanks!" In about a minute, the entire cast had surrounded us and was offering congratulations.

"Ok, so we'll meet you guys there in 3 hours?" Lin addressed the cast. They nodded, and slowly dispersed. "Come on guys. Let's go home." He put his arm around Vanessa's shoulders and walked out to their car, and I came with.

"Are you ready to take sappy adoption pictures?" Vanessa asked as we got into the car.

"What exactly does, 'sappy adoption pictures' entail?"

"Basically family pictures that I will tweet about." Lin responded from the drivers seat.

"You tweet about everything."

"You make a good point, but I will spam the Internet with goofy family pictures."

"Oh dear."

We pulled up at their apartment. Thankfully it had an elevator.

"Wait! Your room!" Vanessa got excited and shuffled me down a hallway, and opened a door, "hope you like it."

The walls were gray, and my bed was white, I had bookshelves and a white couch with light blue and pink pillows. It was small, it was awesome.

"The playbills were my addition." Lin added leaning in the doorway. I looked up and over my bed there were all the playbills I got as Christmas presents, and some more. There was a Next To Normal one, a Les Miserables one, Wicked, Fun Home. They were all framed above my headboard.

"Thank you guys so much! This means the world to me. I'm serious, thank you."

"Come on, we have to get pictures taken before the adoption party."

"Yeah, when is that anyway?" I asked.

"Dinner at 6:00, and party at 8:00 to 11:00."

"Oh dear, I've heard who's inviting who, and I'm quite excited."

"Yeah! Karen's coming!"

"Oh I've missed her!" Vanessa added.

"I have too." Lin agreed.

"I don't know her." I responded.

"Oh you'll love her." Vanessa reassured.

The photo taking was pretty sappy, and before long we were back in the car, driving towards dinner.

"Dinner is just going to be lead cast, we're not going out with 30 people."

"Ok." I responded as we pulled into The Four Seasons Restaurant. I awkwardly crutched in, feeling out of place with crutches.

"Reservation for Miranda" Lin approached the counter and they started pulling menus out.

"Miss." The hostess was referring to me, "would you like to leave those here?" She motioned to my crutches.

"I'd love to." I said, getting off of them, she took them from me.

"I'll put them by our coat hanger." She walked away, and Vanessa grabbed my arm to keep me standing, the hostess soon returned and brought us to a table with 12 seats. In groups of 2 or 3, cast began to show up. After they took our order, Lin yelled at everyone to shut up.

"So, everyone at this table has seen a Hamiltome but Abigail. Right?" He asked and I was decently confused, yet excited. They murmured their agreement. "So, my adoption gift to you is the Hamiltome." He handed me a present neatly wrapped, which I undid pretty quickly. I had a giddy look on my face when I saw the book, "but, specifically, chapter 32."

"Wait what?" I asked opening the book and flipping through the chapters until I found chapter 32: On Eliza's Legacy coming full circle in the form of the Graham Windham Organization and the Salvation of Abigail Miranda. He wrote a chapter about me. "You wrote a chapter about me?" I said, my eyes filling with tears

"Yeah. There are pictures too." He turned the page for me, and I saw a 2 page photo of the photo of the cast and I at the press conference. On the prior page, there was one of me and Lin. I couldn't wait to read this.

Dinner went by quickly, and may I say that the Hamilcast knows how to throw a killer party. I was there, surrounded by people who I thought I would only see in videos or on stage.

"Abigail!" Groff was running over to me, "I want you to meet my best friend, Abigail this is Lea." Excuse me but I know who Lea Michele is. I do not live under a rock.

"Hi! It's so nice to meet you, I've heard tons about you." Lea greeted.

"Likewise. It's great to meet you too, I'm Abigail." I smiled.

"Yeah, I know, it's your party."

"Oh yeah. I guess it is. That's weird to think about."

"It always is," she laughed, "especially when you don't throw it."

I was having a conversation with Lea Michele. This was a development. All night I was introduced to people I never could of imagined meeting, Jeremy Jordan, Karen Olivo, pretty much anyone who had ever been in In The Heights.

William, Franchesca, Georgia and Josie were there too, and they were all thrilled to meet everyone. I couldn't of ever imagined being invited to this, much less, all these people coming because I got adopted.

We went home at 11:00 and night, and I was able to go to bed in a home with my parents in the other room. I was home. After searching for 3 years I found my home, and I couldn't be happier


Thanks for reading


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