Chapter 189 - Teach 'Em How To Say Goodbye

The West Wing theme song began to play via Alex Lacamoire and the orchestra, I stood with my mom, watching bows. I saw my dad step forward a bit, for his bow, and the cheering echoing from the audience intensified. My moms arm moved from around my waist, so she could clap. She cheered a little, jumping up and down and clapping. I grinned as well, dropping the maroon heels I was holding to applaud my father. Everyone finally was filing off of the stage, I saw my dad kiss Pippas temple, before running over to Vanessa, wrapping his arms around her waist, and spinning her around.

"My girls!" He exclaimed, pulling me in for a hug, as he kissed Vanessa's hair. "V, you're so stunning." He smiled at her, tilting his head slightly, as if he couldn't believe what was in front of him. "Now, would the two of you like to  go and see Fred chop off my ponytail?" He asked.

"Wow you're really ready for that to be gone, huh?" Vanessa asked, slipping her arm around his waist as they walked towards his room. My dad reached behind him and grasped my hand, pulling me along.

"Mmhm." He nodded, "I miss my Usnavi hair." He laughed.

"I do too." My mom said, "but, you know my favorite hair length on you is-"

"Right below my head, lightly curled up at the very end." He cut her off, finishing her sentence. She shook her head lightly, smiling, then kissed his cheek.

"Bingo." She said.

"You look nice, Mija." Lin said, changing the subject. I looked down at my skater length maroon dress. My hair was very lightly curled, and I had a maroon hairband in it.

"Thanks." I smiled, and Lin gently swung my arm as the three of us walked.

"No problem, Peanut." He gave me a smile, as he pushed open the door to his dressing room. "Alright, where are the scissors?" He asked, and Fred, his hairdresser chuckled.

"Okay, not so fast, you need to change, and then we need to wash your hair."

"Ugh. Okay." He groaned a little, pulling his shirt out of the closet. "A, go talk to Rory." He shuffled me out of the room, and I laughed. I walked into Rory's adjoined room.

"Hi sweetheart." Rory smiled at me. He was sitting on his couch. He opened his arms a little, and motioned for me to give him a hug. I smiled a little, and went over and gave him a hug, sitting next to him.

"Hi." I said, hugging him.

"I'm gonna miss you, Kid." He said, "make sure you come and see the show a couple more times, we're all going to miss you." He instructed.

"I'll miss you guys too." I sighed.

"Leaving a show's hard for everyone." He pointed out, then Lin peeked his head into the room.

"Okay Kiddo, the ponytail's coming off." I laughed a little, seeing him in a black smock.

"Awesome." I grinned, hopping up from the couch, coming into his room, I saw my mom sitting on the couch, and I went and, sat next to her.


My dad had short hair for the first time in years. He kept looking at himself in the mirror, smiling.

"Okay handsome," Vanessa laughed, grabbing his arm, and started to pull him towards the door, "you look fabulous, now let's go." She kissed his cheek.

"Okay." He smiled, "come along little one." He beckoned to me, and I giggled, pulling my heels on and rushing after my parents. Lin pulled me into the limo, and I sat across from them. "Okay, we have to talk about this really quickly." Lin bit his lip a little.

"Am I in trouble?" I asked, nervously.

"Of course not, I was just wanting to tell you that you need to be careful at the party."

"Okay." I smiled.

"I'm just saying, it's open bar, you should be safe, everyone will be there, I just want to let you know that you should be careful." He pointed out.

"I will be, Dad, I promise." I looked at him seriously.

"Okay, um, also," he nervously bit his lip again, "I feel like I should ask, can I drink?" He asked, and I smiled.

"Of course." I shrugged.

"Don't worry little one, I won't get drunk." He gently rubbed my knee, from across the car.

"No Dad, it's fine, you can do whatever you want." I smiled at him.

"I just want to make sure you feel safe, that's more important."

"Thanks." I smiled at him.

"No, thank you, sweetie." He gave me a smile, as the limo stopped. "Let's go." He took Vanessa's hand, and helped her out of the car. I followed her, to the flashing lights of cameras. I put on a smile, and followed my parents closely, until we were inside. "Have fun Kiddo, go find a friend." Lin kissed my head, once we were right inside the door.

"Can I just follow you around?" I asked, nervously.

"Sure." He chuckled a little. "I mean, these people have basically been your family for seven months, but, I understand being shy." He wrapped an arm around my shoulders and walked with me into the crazy loud party.


A couple hours later I had managed to be brave my shyness, and was happily dancing with Sasha, when I heard my dads voice over the microphone.

"Guys, guys can I have your attention?" He asked, and most people stopped talking, and looked at him. "Okay, um, I just wanted to say thank you. All of you, all of you have been instrumental in building and helping me with a crazy, stupid dream. I love you all so much. Hamilton means so much to me. It has this horrible pitch, and so many of you sacrificed other things you wanted to do because someone was writing a rap musical about the first treasury secretary. You believed in me, and you helped me, and you stood by me, now look where we are!" He shouted. "Thank you a million times over, thank you." He sighed, "Also, um, this show has opened so many doors for me, and changed my life in so many ways, but, most importantly, without Hamilton I wouldn't have a daughter." He admitted, and my eyes widened a bit, "baby girl? Come here. I don't know where exactly you are." I saw him looking around in the crowd a little, and best I could I ran up onto the little stage. "Oh, there you are, sweetie." He put his arm around my waist. "Um, I adopted her because of this musical. Without it I wouldn't have looked twice at a beat up kid in a grocery store." He sighed, and I felt him kiss my forehead. "Mija, I love you." He said, "I'm so glad you're mine." He wrapped me in a tight hug, gently rubbing my back.

He finished his speech a couple minutes later, and then we stayed at the party for a few more hours. By the time the limo had pulled up in front of our apartment building, it was 2:34 a.m.

"Mijita, it is way past your bedtime." Lin laughed a little, unlocking the apartment. "Go brush your teeth." He kissed my head, and gave me a light push towards the bathroom.

Once I was ready for bed, I came into my room, my hair in a loose ponytail, with a pink robe on. I saw my dad sitting on the side of my bed.

"Give your old man a hug, darling." He said, and I smiled. I leaned towards him a bit, and wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you Dad."

"I love you more Abigail." He said, and kissed the top of my head. "Go to bed, it's late." He watched me climb under the covers, and then left my room, flipping the lights off on his way out.


That was last night. Right now, I'm sitting on the couch in the living room, sipping coffee, and of course, watching Sesame Street. My dad puts his arm around my shoulders, and I smile, resting my head on his shoulder.

"How'd you sleep last night?" He asks, and gently kisses my forehead.

"Fine." I sigh, content.

"That's good, I did too." My dad chuckles a little, "I mean, I just got up and it's noon." He jokingly says, although it's true, the whole family slept in today, for obvious reasons.

I'm sitting watching Sesame Street with my parents and brother, sipping coffee from an I heart NY mug. I hear my younger brother giggle happily pointing at Elmo.

"Sissy! Look!" He squeals, hitting my arm lightly, to show me Elmo singing.

"I'm looking! I'm looking!" I laugh, and press a kiss to his fluffy blond hair. In this moment I realize I'm home. I'm realizing, right now, that this is my family, this is my home, this is my life, and for the first time, I'm not shocked. I'm not amazed, this is a normal morning. I'm a Miranda, and it feels right, I feel normal sitting her on this couch, snuggled into my dads side. For the first time in my life, I'm home, and safe, and everything is right. I let out a deep breath, and relax into my dads warm 'uptown' sweatshirt and the light blue couch, letting my guard down for the first time in years, letting my mind clear a bit, forgetting for a moment that my life had ever been anything other than this moment with these people.


I'm done!

Okay. Sappy goodbye time.

I love you guys. I love you guys so much. You've helped me through a really tough time in my life, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't of made it through without you guys. Seriously. I. Love. You. All. So. Much.

I didn't think people would read this. I really didn't. You guys have been nothing but kind to me, and I am forever grateful.

Now. I'm actually going to beg here. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE READ MY ONE SHOT BOOK! A lot of you guys are begging for a sequel, well... that's your sequel! I really love it, and like, half of you are reading it. I'd really appreciate you guys reading it. It's about Abi!!

Anyways. Thank you for being so supportive and loving, and making it to the end. You all are such a blessing.

I've loved writing about Abi, I really have, this book has become such an important part of my life for seven months. I've been writing this since March 3rd you guys!

I'm so happy that my book has inspired others like it, and it feels so incredibly amazing. I'm shocked that you guys enjoyed it and so so blessed by everything you've done for me.

It hurts to finish this book. It really does. I feel like I'm loosing a part of my heart. Writing this has been a staple in my life.

Anyways. I love you all. Please read my one shot book so my life has purpose (I'm serious you guys are the only reason I get up in the morning)

I love you I love you I love you

Thank you for taking the time to read my first piece of writing. You all are such amazing and supporting people. I LOVE YOU.

Thanks for reading

- Abi

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