Chapter 187 - July 9th
"Morning Peanut." My eyes opened to see my dad sitting on my bed, holding my baby brother.
"Morning." I smiled.
"Seb was wondering if you would like to play trains." He asked me, and tousled my brown hair.
"I'd love to, Sebster!" I gave my brother a kiss on the head.
"Awesome. I will make the two of you breakfast, and then I will join you." He smiled, and set Sebastian on my lap.
"Thanks!" I picked Seb up, and sat him on my hip. "Do you want to play trains?" I asked him, bouncing him a bit.
"YEAH!" He squealed, tugging on my hair.
"Okay. Do you know what we should do?" I asked, walking him into the room. "We should make a tunnel." I said, setting him on the carpet.
"Uh huh!" Seb agreed, and he toddled over to the tv. I smiled a little, dragging the basket of train tracks over to the center of the living room. Seb toddled back to me, holding a bunch of Lin's video games. "TUNNEL!" He squealed, dropping all of the games on the ground, then plopping down himself.
"Are we gonna make a tunnel with Daddy's toys?" I asked, giggling.
"Yeah!" Seb giggled, then started connecting tracks. The two of us made a big, winding track, and the started to make a little tunnel with Assassins Creed, Grand Theft Auto, and Portal. I set Grand Theft Auto and Portal standing up, on either side of the track.
"Sebastian? Can you set that one right here?" I asked, pointing to where the top of the tunnel should be. He lightly sat the box there, making a little tunnel. "Okay. We're done!" I smiled, then Seb ran, toddling over to the basket of trains. He pulled one out and set it on the tracks.
"More trains." Seb sighed.
"More?" I asked, while fishing four more trains from the basket.
"Yeah!" He smiled, and took a couple from my hands, connecting them on the tracks, to make a longer train.
"Hi Kiddos." I looked up from the trains to see my dad holding three plates of eggs and bacon.
"Hi Dad." I smiled, then saw Sebastian start to move the train forward.
"I'm loving the Assassins Creed tunnel, you two." He laughed a bit, sitting down, "I made breakfast." He handed me a plate, and a fork. "I'm gonna turn something on, sweetie." He kissed my head, then stood up, and walked over to the TV.
"What are we watching?" I asked.
"Little Mermaid." He said, pushing a disk into the DVD player. "Should I make popcorn to go with breakfast?" He asked.
"I can." I shrugged.
"Okay." He laughed a little, and I stood up, and walked into the kitchen. I found the popcorn quickly in the pantry, and smiled, putting it in the microwave. I had managed to learn where everything was in this house, after living here for a couple months. The popcorn finished, and I poured it into a bowl, then walked back into the living room.
"Hola Mijita." Lin smiled, laying on his stomach in front of the TV.
"Hi." I giggled, and scooped Seb up, setting him next to Lin, and putting the popcorn bowl in between the three of us.
Time passed too quickly. Before I knew it, Lin was pulling his backpack on, and I was cleaning up the train tracks.
"I will be home in an hour to pick you up, Peanut." Lin bent and gave me a kiss on the top of my head. "I have an hour long tech rehearsal, so, you may not want to join me for that." He laughed.
"Okay." I sighed.
"Hey, you okay?" He asked, looking at me sadly.
"Yeah. Yeah I'm fine. I had a good morning."
"I know." He smiled, "every day's going to be like that soon, Mija." He wrapped me in a tight hug, "I'll be home much more. Now, make sure you have your dress and shoes packed for tonight." He gently patted my back, pulling away from the hug. "I'll be home very soon my little one." He waved a bit and I smiled, watching him leave the apartment.
A little while later, I was wearing a light blue sweater, and white shorts and a white necklace. I was sitting watching my favorite show from my childhood, Leverage, when I heard someone knock on the door. I stood up from the couch, and went over to the door, swinging it open.
"Hi A." Sasha said, smiling.
"Hi. Uh, shouldn't you be at the theater? Lin said there was rehearsal." I asked, stepping aside to let her in.
"I wasn't called, which is nice. I was just coming to check on you. You doing okay?" She asked, and I smiled.
"I'm doing great Sasha, thanks." I answered, "do you want something to drink? Or like, food? I think we have food." I shrugged.
"Sure." She accepted, and right as she did, Sebastian came running through the apartment. "He's excited." She noted, and I laughed.
"He had a big breakfast." I laughed out, walking into the kitchen.
"I can tell, also, your home smells like bacon." She pointed out.
"It does." I realized, "Dad's usually in charge of breakfast, but my mom always makes dinner." I added, opening the fridge. "I feel like you should just choose what you want from here, because I can't pronounce half of it." I stared at the drinks in our fridge, and took a familiar light yellow one for myself. It was pineapple flavored, according to the label reading pina.
"Dang, where do your parents shop?" She laughed, taking a drink as well.
"I'm 90% sure my dad goes into Washington Heights to buy food, like let's be real. All of the food in this home is labeled entirely in Spanish. I couldn't even read the nutritional information in English, much less Spanish. I mean, we're definitely a Latino home, but, I'm very pale, so, it's fun. I'm also very far from fluent in Spanish, and Sasha, my dad likes to mock people." I laughed, thinking about all the times I've screwed up Spanish grammar while speaking to him, and he just laughs every time.
"Well, on the bright side, you probably speak the language better then other white kids your age." She shrugged, sitting down at our table.
"Yeah." I consented, shrugging. "That's nice."
My dad finally came home to pick me up, for my last day working. I had my dress for the party in a garment bag, along with my matching shoes. My grandparents had already picked Sebastian up for the night.
"Are you ready for your last show?" I asked Lin, as we were getting in the car.
"No. Not at all, but definitely. I'm ready for it to end, but I'm just not really ready for it to end." He shrugged, sadly.
"Okay." I sighed a bit.
"You should be excited for the after party." He pointed out.
"I am, it should be fun, but then I'm gonna go home and sleep for a really long time."
"You and me both Kid, you and me both."
Hey. So. Hi.
Anyways. Thanks for reading.
Comment requests!
- Abi
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