Chapter 186 - Snapchat Takeover

I woke up the the next morning happy. I was doing a Hamilton Snapchat takeover. I sat up in bed, yawning a bit, then pulling my phone out. I quickly checked notifications, then signed into the Hamilton Snapchat. I smiled a little and rubbed the mascara below my eyes off before I started videoing myself.

"Morning Snapchat!" I smiled, waving lightly, "its morning in the Casa Miranda, and I'm still in bed." I sighed, then heard the front door open and Tobi bark.

"Okay, who's up? I brought coffee!" I heard Lin yell.

"My dads home, he walks our dog at like 6:00." I shook my head a little, "why?" I asked.

"Small one?" My dad asked, opening my door a little, "ah! You're up." He smiled.

"Mmhm," I smiled, starting a second Snapchat video. "Can you come here? Look at this!" I pointed at my phone.

"Yep. What's going on? Do I need to fight someone?" He asked, sitting next to me on the bed. "This is the Snapchat." He said, disgusted.

"Mmhm. It's the Hamilton Snapchat." I nodded.

"The things I do for you." He shook his head lightly, and I ended the video. "Morning Dad." I smiled, setting my phone down and giving him a hug.

"Morning Peanut. I brought you coffee, I have a lift rehearsal at 3:30, but until then I am engaged with some quality Curious George time. You are always welcome to join us." He kissed the top of my head, then left my room.

I sat up in bed, and changed into leggings, an oversized t-shirt, and a scarf. I walked into the kitchen. I opened the fridge and stared at it for a solid forty seconds, then shut it, but I poured myself coffee, then walked into the living room.

"Hi Darling." Lin smiled at me, and Sebastian was bouncing up and down on his lap. "Join us." He patted a cushion on the couch, and I smiled and sat crossed-legged on the couch, on my phone. "Are you going to use the Snapchat?"

"Uh-" I looked at my dad, who was silently laughing.

"Maybe. Don't worry I know the rules with Sebbie." I tousled my baby brothers hair.

"Okay okay, have at it." He waved his hand a little.

"Well, I can't anymore. You're watching me!" I complained.

"Okay, okay I won't look." He turned away from me and I laughed.

"Dad!" I whined, pushing him a little, playfully.

"You're precious." He shook his head a little, and pulled me to rest against him, his arm around me. We sat like that for a while until I heard a knock on the door.

"I'll get it." I smiled, standing up.

"Be careful." He said.

"Okay?" I looked at him oddly, I was literally just getting up from the couch, I pulled the door open and my eyes widened a little. "D-Dad?" I turned back to Lin, "why? Why is JLo at my house?"

"Wait, wait what?" Lin turned around a little. "Oh crap I actually forgot about this. Come in come in, J." He waved his hand, telling her to come in. I stepped aside from the door, still confused.

"Good morning Miranda family." She smiled.

"Hi," my dad smiled, Seb still on his lap, "I'm so sorry, I have Dad brain, I consciously planned Curious George time, but totally blanked that you were coming over, anyways, uh, welcome!" He smiled.

"Oh, it's totally fine. I get it." She laughed a little, and I slowly snuck back to my room.

"PEANUT!" I heard my dad yell and I froze, my hand on my doorknob. "Get back here."

"Okay." I whispered, and walked back into the living room, "yes?"

"This is my daughter." He said, smiling, still on the couch. "Abigail." He introduced me to JLo. Which, to be honest, felt weird.

"Yeah, are you feeing better?" She asked.

"What?" I asked, a tad confused.

"Oh, you were sick the last time I saw your dad."

"Oh, I um, I didn't know you knew that." I said, awkwardly rubbing my thumb, and staring at the ground. I felt very out of place. "I'll take Seb." I offered, and picked him up off of my dads lap.

"Sissy!" He squealed, as I set him on my hip.

"Hi bud." I smiled, and kissed his head, "do you want breakfast?"

"Mija? I fed him." Lin pointed out.

"I know, he seems hungry, are you hungry?" I asked my baby brother, who squealed happily. I laughed a bit, then brought him into the kitchen. I sat him on the counter and turned around to open the fridge. I pulled out food for Sebastian, and pilled it on a plate which I handed to him. I poured myself water, and sat at the counter, watching Sebastian. I pulled my phone out, and videoed myself via Snapchat,

"JLo's over. I'm hiding in the kitchen." I shrugged, took a sip of water then ended the video.

I sat with my water, listening to my dad in the other room. I felt out of place, like this shouldn't be my life, as I absentmindedly scrolled through my Twitter.

"This is so weird!" My dad whispered, as he walked through the kitchen over to the fridge.

"What is?" I asked, clicking my phone off.

"JLo's in my living room." He said, grabbing sodas from the fridge.

"Yeah. I was just thinking that." I giggled a little.

"Can you come in? Please? I'd feel less awkward if I was with someone I was really close with."

"Oh. Uh, okay." I whispered.

"Thanks Peanut." He smiled, then picked Seb off of the counter and set him on the floor. "Don't put your brother on the counter Mijita." He laughed a bit, then kissed my head. "I'm sorry," he said as he walked me into the living room, "I have a really shy daughter, and she was hiding in the kitchen."

"Alrighty, so do you want to brave the Twitter for an hour?" She asked Lin.

"Okay. It's scary." Lin sighed, pulling his laptop out.

"He's addicted to it." I laughed a little.

"I know I follow him." She laughed as well.

"It's actually really funny, he has is-" I was cut off by Lin covering my entire face with his hand.

"Shh small one." He instructed. "Shh." He kept his hand there for a second, then pulled it away.

"I'm j-" this time he pressed his finger to my lips.

"Shh. Silence Mijita. Silence." He made eye contact with me, "are we gonna be quiet?" He asked, and I nodded. "Good job." He took his finger away, and turned on his MacBook, JLo laughing on the couch.

I sat silently for a little while, listening to their conversation, from what I gathered, they were doing an IHeart Radio takeover. I videoed for a little while, then added the video of the two of them on laptops to the Hamilton Snapchat story with the caption: I was not joking.

"Lin?" JLo asked, out of the blue, "if we were in a show together, who would we play and what would it be?"

"Uh..." he thought for a second, "you'd be Elphaba, I'd be Glinda." He nodded a bit and I laughed.

"Glindo." I corrected. "You know, Glinda is a girl, Glindo is a boy." I shrugged.

"Yep." Lin laughed a bit, then tweeted it. I sighed a little, happy.


A while later I was at the show, and I had an idea for my Snapchatting duties. I went over to the empty stage and sat down.

"So. This is like. Abi story time. Let's have fun!" I giggled awkwardly, then facepalmed after I ended the video. "I'm so awkward." I groaned.

"What do you mean Kiddo?" Daveed asked, sitting next to me.

"I don't know, I'm just, I'm awkward." I whined.

"No you're not." He smiled a little.

"I'm supposed to be doing a Snapchat takeover." I shrugged.

"Let me see your phone." He held his hand out and I set my phone down in it. "Password?" He requested.

"4357." I replied.

"Any reason?" He asked.

"Nope." I shrugged.  "I was planning on doing like, like a, this is where I met everyone sort of a thing." I shrugged.

"Oh. Okay!" He smiled, then held my phone out to video the two of us. "Ima help out with Abi story time." He smiled. "So, it was like, December-ish, and Lin had been talking a lot about a 15 year old girl he was going to adopt in a couple weeks, and then like, that same night he got a call, left immediately after the eight o'clock show, and came back with a kid." He laughed a little.

"Wait," I looked at Daveed oddly before he started filming a second video, "he told you guys about me?" I asked.

"Mmhm. All the time." He said, then started the second video, "anyways, he brought her back and we all sat in a circle on the stage to meet her. It was actually pretty cute, and she was in pajamas."

"I was." I recalled, smiling a little. "That was so long ago." I realized.


Lin's POV

After rehearsal was over, I was sitting in my dressing room watching West Wing, when I saw Abigail walk into the room.

"Hey darling." I smiled at her through the mirror, and she sat down on the couch.

"Hi, uh, can you tell me about the day I first came here?" She asked.

"Of course." I smiled, shutting my laptop. "Get comfy sweetie." I tossed her a blanket, which she got under, sitting criss cross and waiting intently.


I was in costume and we had just finished the show. I was on my phone in my dressing room, scrolling through my twitter feed.

So I'm hiding in my room until my brothers friends leave... it's so loud... 😬😂

I frowned a little, she was scared. She was hiding from her brother. I liked her tweet, then called my friend over.

"Groff?" I asked.

"Mmhm?" He said, coming over to my side of our adjoined rooms.

"Look at this tweet." I handed him my phone.

"I take it this is her?" He asked, referring to Abigail.

"Mmhm." I nodded, looking over his shoulder. He scrolled through her twitter, and frowned.

"When are you taking her? Like, when do you start fostering?"

"Two weeks." I smiled, seeing pictures of her on the screen.

"How has no one called CPS?" He asked, confused, "its obvious she's being abused, look at these pictures." He clicked on a picture of her, where she had several large bruises on her arm.

I fell down the stairs. Because I am a klutz. But seriously who slips on carpeted steps when they're fifteen? 😂

"She's so cute. And small. Why would someone hurt her?"

"I don't know, I really don't." I sighed, then saw a call come in on my screen, I hit accept then held the phone to my ear, "hello, this is Lin-Manuel Miranda." I said.

"Hello, this is Rebecca Larson with Child Protective Services, we are calling to discuss your future intent to foster an Abigail Edminston?"

"Oh, yeah. What do you mean by discuss?" I asked, nervously.

"Well, we received a call from NYPD about ten minutes ago saying that she was found passed out on the floor at her current home. They said that her brother threw a party, and many of the guests were underage and intoxicated, although Abigail was not amongst them." She added, and I cut her off.

"Wait, then why was she unconscious?" I asked, nervously.

"Well, she said she wasn't sure, and she guessed she was accidentally elbowed and maybe hit her head. NYPD don't think that's the case, she's pretty beat up, although we can't prove anything. Anyways, we were hoping you could step in and begin fostering her immediately?" She asked, and I smiled. "Maybe even tomorrow? We want to avoid having her in a group home for very long, she has a bad history with them."

"Why? What happened? If you don't mind my asking."

"Not at all, essentially, she hit a boy in the home, she said he was harassing her, and he hit back. She ended up in the ER with a couple broken ribs."

"Oh God. Did he get in trouble?" I asked.

"No, not legally, technically she instigated it, so his actions were self defense. She was blamed for the incident, although didn't have to go to court, he didn't press charges. He thought it would be unfair to press charges on a girl a couple years younger than he was."

"Oh God, I'll take her tonight, I'll be over ASAP, what's the address?" I asked.

"Really?" She asked, thrilled, "okay, uh, 437 Jackson drive."

"Thank you Ms. Larson." I smiled, I heard her thank me as well, then hung up the phone.

"What was that about?" Groff asked.

"CPS, I have to go, uh, can you get the cast to gather on the stage, I'm bringing Abigail here now. I'll be back soon." I swung my backpack on.

"Okay, uh, well, good luck!" He called and I left the theater. I drove up to the house, and walked to the door. I rang the doorbell, and waited for someone to open it. Eventually I saw Abigail pull the door open, she was still in pajamas, fuzzy shorts and a pink tank top, I frowned a bit, taking in her disheveled and beat up appearance.

"Lin? You're fostering me?" She sounded shocked, but excited. I saw her look behind her nervously, obviously wanting to leave before anyone in her foster family saw her go.

"Well, not me personally, come on, it will be easier if I just show you, do you have everything packed?" I asked looking into the Walters house, to make sure there was no one nearby, and to see the damage of her brothers house party.

"Yeah!" She said holding up a small suitcase, "I'm good to go!"

"Seriously? I've never met a 15 year old who could fit all of her clothes into one suitcase." She giggled a little, "man the girls are going to have a field day with you, come on." I took her suitcase, trying to keep conversation light, when I really just wanted to yell at her parents.

"Um, excuse me." Someone I assumed to be her foster mother appeared, "just a fair warning, kids a handful." She gripped Abigails arm tightly. "We couldn't even keep her for 6 months without her throwing a giant party, getting drunk and wreaking the house." She jostled Abigail's already beat up body a little, and I half stepped inside, ready to stop her if it went any further.

"That weird, I got a call from CPS saying that I needed to pick her up due to unsafe living conditions. Abigail, are you drunk?" I asked her.

"No. I've never had alcohol."

"Yep, that's what I thought."

"Of course she would say that, she still wreaked the house." The lady rolled her eyes.

"I highly doubt that, probably because your son is obviously quite drunk, there's a broken vodka bottle on the ground, also, wait." I gently held Abigail's chin in my hand, tilting her head up so I could see it in better light. I saw a fresh bruise starting to form on her cheekbone, "which one of you hit her?" I asked angrily, "We should go, I have some people for you to meet." I took Abigail's hand in my left hand, her small suitcase in my right, and walked to my car parked in front of the Walters house. As I walked out, I looked behind me, and flipped her foster mom off.

Flashback over

"Were you actually excited to adopt me?" My daughter asked, nervously from the couch, after I finished my story.

"Mmhm. Of course I was, I was thrilled!" I smiled and sat by her, wrapping her in a hug. "I love you Mijita." I kissed her temple, "you've grown so much since then." I sighed, gently stroking her hair back. I was happy to have a daughter, to have her as a daughter, I loved her.


Sorry it's late. But hey, it's long.

I don't have time to write an A/N...

Comment one shot requests!!

Thanks for reading!!


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