Chapter 169 - Tonys (Part 2)
My stomach swirled with anticipation as our limo pulled up at The Beacon Theater. I saw tons of cameras, and immediately went camera shy in the backseat.
"Okay, shall we?" Lin smiled, obviously ecstatic. The three of us climbed out of the car, Lin and Vanessa first, then myself. I held my hand in front of my eyes as the sun glared down, and I saw the flash of cameras. I felt Vanessa take my other hand and pull me along behind her, as the were fixing Lins bow tie.
I moved myself to somewhat hide behind my mom, as my dad started waving at literally everyone.
"Come on Mijita, it's better to be with him, then lost." She laughed and pulled me behind her as she caught up with her husband.
"Hey, Peanut?" Lin asked, laughing a little, as I was still somewhat hiding behind Vanessa, "c'mon people love you." He took my hand, and pulled me out in front of him. "There ya go." He kissed the top of my head, "you look cute by the way."
"Thanks." I smiled at him, "and um, thanks for..." I was cut off by a reporter, going to talk to him. "Okay." I sighed, and felt my mom wrap her arms around me, hugging me back to her.
"It's chilly." I heard her say.
"I know, and windy." I added, "I feel weird, my dress is short."
"You look fine darling." She laughed a little.
"Okay, sorry about that." Lin said, turning back to us, apparently, I'm like, the 'main attraction'" he used air quotes, "at the Tonys this year."
"That's accurate." I said laughing.
"Gracias mi Niñita."
"De nada papa."
We eventually made it over to where professionals take photos, not just people taking photos for websites and such.
"Can we have a couple of your whole family?" The photographer asked, and waved us together, Lin wrapped his right arm around Vanessa's waist, and I stood in front of them, between them, and I felt Lins other arm wrap around my middle and pull me closer to them.
They had been taking Lin/Vanessa photos for a while, and they just kept getting cuter, so, I pulled out my phone from where I stood watching and took a couple pictures of my own.
@Abi_Miranda - I actually have the cutest parents... I mean, let's be real here.
I slipped my phone back into my black clutch, right as they finished and came back over to me.
"Onwards mi familia!" Lin smiled, and he kept going, forwards, "I'm serious, we have a long walk ahead of us." He laughed.
"Oh what joy." I said sarcastically, which earned me a little jab in the ribs from my father.
After a solid hour of walking and Lin talking to everyone who smiled at him, we finally saw Karen Olivo, wearing a gorgeous purple dress, obviously, my father was not the traditional, professional type, so, he came up and hugged her, as so to transition into the interview.
"My friend is here!" She smiled, and I stood watching with Vanessa happily.
They were about a minute into the interview and Karen was answering for Lin, when Lin motioned for me to come over, and I quickly shook my head. He then whispered something to Karen, who looked my direction as well.
"Come on cutie." She waved me over, "you promised your dad, come here." I was a little confused, but, they were videoing this, so I stepped away from my mom, and over to my dad. "There ya go." She smiled, taking my hand. "Guys, this is Lins daughter Abigail." She said, and I gave a little wave to the camera. "She's what? Um, sixteen now?" She asked Lin and I, and we both nodded, "Jordan, I'm gonna continue answering for Lin, you can go ahead and ask about her, I got this." She smiled, and I laughed.
"So," Jordan Roth started, a tad confused, "Lin, um, what's Abigail's favorite subject in school?" He asked, then awkwardly shrugged, like he didn't know what to say.
"Well," Karen began, using her Lin persona, "my kid, like my wife, is a little nerd, so, she loves pre-calc."
"Well, um, dad?" I looked at Karen confused, and Lin was doubled over laughing as I called Karen Olivo, Dad, "I guess, you're right, I love the class."
"Yes!" She shouted happily, "okay, now, I actually have a couple questions for her, so, Abigail, do you have a boyfriend? Or a girlfriend? Like, are you dating anyone?" She asked.
"I'm not." I shrugged, "I mean, I'm 16, is it really that important?" I asked. "I had a boyfriend for a while, but, we broke up, like, a month ago."
"So," Jordan put his arm around my shoulders, "all of you, teenage theatre boys out there, Lin-Manuel Miranda's adorable daughter is single." I looked up and he was wiggling his eyebrows, which made me laugh.
"I feel like Lins the kind of dad that would like, kill anyone who tried to date his kid." Karen added, nonchalantly.
"That is very accurate." Lin agreed and I blushed, embarrassed.
"Okay, one more question for the small one." Karen rushed, "How do you feel about being at the Tonys?" She asked, and I smiled.
"I'm like, floating." I admitted, "this is amazing, I didn't think they were going to be able to bring me." I sighed, "but, I guess now's as good a time as any to say this, I probably won't get a chance for a while," I took a deep breath, "um, Dad, thank you for taking me here."
"Oh," he was pleasantly surprised, "it's no problem Peanut." He said giving me a little hug.
"And, um, I sort of wanted to say, one day, I promise, I'll get myself here."
"Awe." Karen squealed behind me, "so, you do want to go into theatre!"
"A child after my own heart." Lin laughed and kissed the top of my head, hugging me. "You'll do great." He added.
After I confessed to everyone that I wanted to go into theatre, and promised my dad that I would be able to get myself to the Tonys in 10 or so years, as a family, we went into the auditorium.
"Nieta!" My abuela exclaimed, as I took my seat. I spun around to see her sitting behind me.
"Hi!" I grinned, and reached over giving her a hug.
"Are you excited?" She asked, and I nodded.
"Mama y papa!" Lin reached over and gave them hugs. "Now, I actually have to go, I'm in the opening number." He lowered his voice, "so, I will see you all very soon, enjoy James Corden singing, it's amazing." He added, "V, I love you, I'll see you in a few." He quickly pecked her lips, "and, Niñita, I love you too, enjoy the Tonys." He kissed the top of my head.
So, this is going to be ending soon-ish.
Let me explain the one shot book to you!!
The one shot book is going to be a series of one shots detailing important events in Abi's life. So, for instance there'll be one about her wedding, and having a kid.
So, I'd LOVE requests, this would be things along the lines of her graduation or getting into college.
Of course you can also do things like, write about Abi bringing a guy home that Lin doesn't like.
So... I'm super excited for that!! It should be great.
Thanks for reading!
- Abi
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