Chapter 168 - Tonys

"Up and at 'em Peanut." Lin said, waking me up, "Tony day." I yawned, and sat up in bed

"What time is it?" I asked, grabbing my phone.

"6:30," my dad smiled, "I let you sleep in, we have a 7:00 call." He grabbed my hand and pulled me up. "That'll work." He nodded at my outfit, then I looked myself up and down. I was wearing pink fuzzy sweats and a t-shirt that says 'it sucks to be me' from Avenue Q, my hair was tied up in a knot.

"Are you joking?" I asked.

"No, Mijita, this is just the cast." He reassured me. "We have a dresser, she'll do your hair and makeup and get you like, cinched into your dress." He took my hand, and started pulling me out to the door.

"I'm wearing your slippers." I announced, stepping into them, as I was just in socks and his navy slippers were by the door.

"You're also wearing this." He said, and draped one of his sweaters over my shoulders, "because my daughter, it's cold at 6:30 a.m."

"Thanks." I smiled, pulling my arms through the too long sleeves. I wrapped my arms around myself, and followed him out to the car. We drove to the theater, and I saw everyone lined up for cancellation tickets for the matinee. Lin waved at everyone, he was really pumped up for a 7:00 call, I gave little waves, holding the edge of my sleeves.

"Okay darling," he said, grabbing my hand, "we are on the small bus." He pulled me inside of the bus to sit next to him. I pulled my phone out, to occupy my time. I was scrolling through Twitter when I saw a little drink holder be set on my lap.

"That's a large peppermint mocha, and a large Diet Coke, with ice." I looked up to see Chris climbing in next to me. "I didn't know if you would of preferred coffee or soda, so I got both."

"You didn't have to do that." I breathed, taking a sip of my coffee.

"Well, Lin texted me and told me he was letting you sleep in, so I knew you wouldn't be getting caffeine, and anything for my goddaughter." He said, smiling.

"Thank you." I sighed, and reached up giving him a hug.

"And, we're going to the Tonys, we got Lin, Abi looking like she just woke up, coffee in hand,"

"Leslie what are you doing?" I asked, cutting him off.

"Vlogging." He smiled, aiming the camera at me.

"C'mon, I'm not wearing makeup." I groaned.

", this is Lin-Manuel Miranda's daughter. She is very tired, as you can see because she has soda and coffee, also, Abigail is currently wearing a like, 7 year old sweater owned by her father, and a t-shirt informing us it sucks to be her? Which is untrue, because she's going to the Tonys!" He whooped

"Abi is going to sleep through all y'alls rehearsal. And the bus ride. So, yeah." I moved a little, and curled up, my head on Lins lap and my legs on Chris'.

"Goodnight Mijita." My dad said gently stroking my hair.

"Night." I yawned.


We got to the Beacon Theater and I managed to drag myself out of the bus and into the theater.

"Where are we sitting?" I asked Lin as we walked inside the auditorium.

"Front and center kiddo." He patted my back.

"Literally, or, do we just have good seats?" I asked, as we walked through. "Literally, look, there's my face!" He pointed at the center seat where there was in fact a picture of his face. His seat was marked because he was a nominee.

"Oh gosh I love you." I threw my arms around him, squealing.

"Alright, alright sweetie." He said laughing, "we have to rehearse, you can stay here." He planted a kiss on top of my head then hurried off, to rehearse.

I sat down, in the seat to Lins left, as the two next to him were reserved for our family. I pulled my phone out, and went on Snapchat.

"So, it's Tony day, which means, 7:15 rehearsal." I said, videoing myself, then gave a huge yawn, "Chris Jackson is a god." I said, and took a gulp of my coffee. I started a second video, this time of the stage, and wrote My View on the screen.

"Is that the snapchat?!" Lin yelled from the stage and I nodded, "get off the snapchat!"


They finally had time to sit and take a breath, Lin came over and sat with me, he pulled his phone out, and was scrolling through his Twitter.

"Abigail?" He looked at me, "did you hear about this?" He showed me his phone, on the screen was a news article about a shooting in a club in Orlando.

"Wait, what? What happened?" I asked, sad and shocked.

"There was a shooting at Pulse, which is a gay bar in Orlando." He said, reading it.

"Please say you're not serious." I said, looking it up, "oh my gosh." My face falling as I read about it.

"This is so sad." I looked over at him, "I don't, I don't know, what, what am I, this is real."

@Abi_Miranda - My heart goes out to everyone affected by the shooting in Orlando this morning.

I didn't know what I was supposed to do. I felt like I had to do something, like, tweeting about it is stupid. I just, I didn't know what I was supposed to do, how I was supposed to act.

"We're taking guns out." I heard Lin, and I turned towards him.

"What?" I asked.

"From the performance, we're doing it without guns." He said, definitely, setting his phone down, and walking over to Tommy.

@Lin_Manuel -


Later in the day, we were getting changed for the Tonys. To be clear, this wasn't at our apartment in our rooms, we were in this studio, with someone whose actual job was to do people's hair, make up and make them look somewhat decent.

The three of us were all sitting together, and Lin was on his phone, they just had to put his hair in a pony tail. Don't get me wrong, that took a solid 15 minutes. They were curling my hair, Vanessa was reading while they did her hair, and Lin was rapping nervously under his breath.

"Okay, ladies, makeup." Our dresser, Jennifer smiled, "any requests?" She asked.

"Just, do what looks decent." Vanessa smiled, "but on her." She pointed at me, "gold eyeshadow, not like, an excessive amount, just, try to match the dress."

"Okay, so, sort of highlight the eye?" Jennifer clarified, and my mom nodded.

"I'm nervous." Lin admitted.

"About what?" Vanessa asked, and I let my eyes flit to the right, where my parents sat, only to see my father give my mother the most sarcastic look a human could muster. "The Tonys?" She asked

"No, it's a little humid, yes because of the Tonys," he spat, and I broke out laughing.

"Dad?" I laughed out, "did you, did you quote Drake and Josh?" I asked, still doubled over in my chair.

"No." He said, dragging the word out, which only made me laugh harder.

"Oh gosh." I said, continuing to laugh.

"Are you calling me a liar?" He asked, and I eventually had to stop laughing, because Jennifer needed to do my makeup.

Eventually she was lacing up the back of my dress, and Lin and Vanessa were already dressed and waiting.

"Are you excited?" Lin asked as I smoothed the skirt of my dress.

"Yeah." I smiled.

"Okay, the limo's outside." He kissed my head, and walked me and Vanessa out to the white SUV limo waiting outside.



Thanks for reading

- Abi

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