Chapter 165 - Reassess

A/N: Racism in chapter.
Obviously I don't agree with it...

Abi's POV

I woke up to someone shaking me frantically.

"Abi, baby, please wake up." I rolled over a little to see Lin looking distraught, and tearing up.

"What? What happened? Is everyone alright? Is Seb okay? Is Mom okay?"

"Yeah, everyone's fine." He quickly embraced me tightly. "Everyone's okay." He added, breathing.

"Dad? What happened?" I asked, confused.

"It's, its stupid, it's embarrassing, it's not a big deal." He pulled away from the hug.

"No, you're crying, tell me what happened." I said, and felt us switching places.

"I've just, I've been dreaming about the car crash, I've been dreaming about what would of happened if you were in it." He admitted.

"Wait, you had nightmares about me dying?" I asked, concerned.

"Yeah Peanut." He light kissed my forehead, "I know it's stupid."

"In some odd way, I'm incredibly touched, but, also, I'm not going to die Dad!" I smiled at him.

"In April you got drunk and swallowed a bottle of pills. Later you were kidnapped, there was a gun to your neck, a couple days ago, your bio father wanted you to get in a car that he drove off a roof."

"Okay. From now on, I won't leave the house alone, and at the theater I will either stay right offstage or locked in your room." I announced.

"Look, I'm sorry about this, after you've seen your daughter die 4 or 5 times in your dreams, you decide to take better care of her." He brushed my hair behind my ear. "Go back to bed darling." He gave me a light kiss on the head, and I laid down in my bed. He pulled the blankets up to my chin, and smiled at me before leaving, tousling my hair.


Lin told me about the social workers and let's just say I wasn't happy about it. I was outright terrified, if Lin is ruled an unfit father, I don't know what I'll do, I mean, I know I'll go back into the system, but, I started calling him dad.

"Abi?" I heard him come into the living room, I looked up to see him and Vanessa standing by the couch.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"We just want you to know, if they take you away," they came over to the couch and sat on either side of me, "I still want to be your dad." Lin lightly rubbed my arm.

"We still want to be your parents." Vanessa explained, "you can always call us, find time to be together, see the show, spend holidays with us." She gave a few examples, "and then when you're eighteen we want you to move back in with us. Obviously you don't have to do that, but, we want you to know that if you have to leave us, you can always come home. I want this to always be your home."

"You guys will always be my parents." I whimpered, tearing up.

"Now, chances are," Lin started, "they'll come over and see that we're not unfit parents and you'll stay, we just wanted to tell you that." He gave me a quick kiss on the temple, and then the doorbell rang. He hopped up, and opened the door, "¡Hola!" He exclaimed, "¿cómo estás?

"This is America, we speak English here." The social worker said, and my jaw dropped a little.

"Yeah, you think that." Lin said, a tad annoyed. "This is our apartment, this is my wife Vanessa." He smiled, as Vanessa stood up, giving her a little smile I never saw him give anyone else.

"I take it this is Abigail." The man came up to me and hugged me, "darling we'll get you out of this." He whispered, and I moved away from him.

"So." Vanessa cut in, "when are we starting?"

"Now." He nodded towards the couch.

"Give me a second," Lin said, pulling a black chair up in front of the coffee table, facing the couch. The social worker sat down, and Lin and Vanessa sat on either side of me, when they did the mans eyes hardened at the two of them.

"Alright, so, we've been receiving calls indicating you two are unfit parents, which really puts a stain on this countries foster care and adoption system."

"Yeah, they're the problem." I rolled my eyes.

"They are." The social worker said, "I'm glad you brought that up darling."

"I was being sarcastic." I said, confused.

"I don't think you did, don't worry sweetheart, I'm here to help." He looked at me sadly, "where can I talk to her privately?" He asked Vanessa.

"Her room is the second door on the left, down that hallway." Vanessa pointed down the hall.

"Awesome." He smiled, "come on sweetie." He said, standing up.

"I don't want to." I whispered to Lin, standing up.

"I know Mija." He squeezed my hand. I followed the social worker into my own room.

"It's very minimal in here." He said, as I walked in.

"I know, I like it." I shrugged sitting down, on the bed, and he sat across from me.

"Okay, right off the bat, I just want to know, are they hurting you?" He asked and my eyes widened.

"No. They would never hurt me." I answered truthfully, "they saved my life, please don't take my parents away from me." I looked at him, scared.

"You look afraid, darling, if you tell me they're hurting you, I can get you out of here today, they'll never touch you again."

"You don't get it. These are the first people in my life to care about me. Please don't make me leave." I whimpered the last part.

"Darling," he started.

"No. Read our texts." I handed him my phone, open to the group chat with me, Lin and Vanessa."

Abi, I'm ordering dinner to the theater, any requests??

I'm coming



Seb and I are here, where are you guys?


V, bring me my son, I'm in my dressing room.

Seb, bring me my wife. She's really gorgeous, and smart, she's a nerd goddess, if she's in the building, you'll find her.

Dad, I'm on the roof.

Are you sunbathing again? Come downstairs, your mom and brother are here!!

Your dad is going to eat your tacos.

I'm coming

"Okay, we just, we're a little wary about this placement." He admitted.

"It's not placement. Those are my parents. This isn't foster, you can't just take me away from them, I'm adopted, look." I walked across the hall into my parents room, and picked up a picture of me. I was holding my adoption certificate. The photo was sitting on Lins bedside table.

"Okay. It's just, we usually try and keep, um, races together, so, traditionally we would put you with a white family, rather than a Hispanic family."

"Can you leave?" I asked. "I'm serious, get out. I'm not being abused. You can't do anything unless I press charges, I'm not going to because I'm okay. Now, leave my house."

"Sweetie, we can get you placed with a nice white..."

"Get. Out." I heard Lin from behind him.

"Okay." He sighed, and finally left the apartment.

"I love you." I whispered, hugging Lin.

"I love you too." He smiled, and kissed my head


Thanks for reading!

- Abi

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