Chapter 162 - Biological
"Holy crap." I breathed watching Ryans car flip off of the parking garage. I ran over to the edge, and watched the red sports car fall to the street below. Screaming echoed, and I collapsed on the ground, next to the broken half wall used to prevent this. I was sobbing on the ground, I felt arms lift me up off of the concrete.
"Niñita, oh sweetheart, are you okay?" Lin asked, a worried look in his eyes.
"He killed himself, because of me." I whimpered.
"No, no you had nothing to do with this." He consoled. He started to carry me down to the ground floor. Outside was a mess, NYPD was already there, tons of people surrounded the car. Lin pulled me to the front of the barricades, I was still a sobbing mess, I was the reason that a man was dead. I saw his body, destroyed, bloody, but holding a note.
"LIN-MANUEL MIRANDA?" The police man yelled.
"Yes?" My dad piped up.
"You're in this note." He said, holding up the bloody note, "can you come here?" I looked up, and my dad nodded, he pulled me closely into him, and ducked under the police tape.
"So, I assume you're the teenage girl he referred to?" The police officer looked at me, "darling you're very lucky to be alive."
"What?" I asked, shocked.
"Let me read it." He opened the bloody note.
If you're reading this note, it means my daughter and I, like my wife, have passed away. I have some words to say to Lin-Manuel Miranda.
You stole my teenage daughter, you have no respect for fatherhood. I'm sorry. I didn't want to take her with me. She deserves more than a pre-mature death, but, she deserved more than a deadbeat dad in a dinky apartment in NYC.
Your daughter attempted suicide already. This is what she wanted.
I stopped listening and buried my head in Lins chest. He held my head there, gently stroking my hair.
"Okay." I heard him say, "that's enough." He stopped the officer.
"So, I think we can rule this a suicide for now, sweetheart, this was your father?" He asked me, tapping my shoulder lightly.
"I'm adopted." I whimpered, "he was my biological dad."
"Your mother passed away as well?" He added, and I nodded. "So, this note, he includes you, he obviously thought you would be in the car with him, why weren't you?"
"I just refused to get in." I sighed.
"Well, that was a smart move on your part." He smiled at me, "you're a lucky girl Miss Miranda." I felt Lin rub my arm a little. "We can give you a ride back to your apartment?" He offered.
"Yeah, back to our dinky apartment in NYC with my deadbeat dad." I grumbled. I heard Lin laugh a little, and kiss the top of my head.
The officer finally dropped us at our building, Lin gave the officer his number, and I insisted on carrying Seb in. I needed someone I could hug. I wrapped my arms tightly around him, and carried him up to our house.
"Niñita, darling, I love you so much." My dad, my only dad, came over to me, once we were inside, and gave me a hug. "Do you want to talk about it?" He asked, to which I gave a nod. "Okay." He took my hand and walked me into his room.
I sat on the bed between my parents, hugging my knees to my chest.
"Baby?" My mom asked, gently rubbing my back, "honey? It'll all be okay."
"It's all okay, darling, I know you lost both of your biological parents today, I know, I know that's terrible, I couldn't imagine losing my parents."
"I didn't lose my parents." I sighed, "I just, you, my dad, Ryan, he killed himself, he drove himself off the roof. It's because of me."
"No it isn't. He wrote that note before today."
"All day, all day he kept trying to talk to me. He was just trying to be my dad again." I sobbed out, leaning on Vanessa. "Maybe if I had listened to him, maybe..." I trailed off.
"No." Lin stopped me, "your birth father, you weren't going to stop him, he made his decision, the only thing that would have changed if you had listened to him today, would be you wouldn't be sitting here with us, you'd be dead." He said, and squeezed my hand. "You'd be the one in the car on the street, do you know how awful that would be."
"I just, Dad, I love you guys. It's just, I'm an orphan. I was orphaned today."
"No, don't say that. You aren't an orphan, an orphan doesn't have parents, what do you think we are?" Lin asked.
"You're my mom and dad." I sighed.
"That's right." He said, and kissed my head.
"You're my mom and dad." I repeated. "You really are. You're my parents, and I love you so much. I have parents."
"Yes you do. And guess what." Lin smiled, "I know we're not related, but, well, you and Vanessa, you have the same dimples, and the same hair." That brought a smile to my face, which prompted Vanessa to kiss my dimple.
"You have your dads laugh." Vanessa added, "you click your tongue in the same way when you think."
"You have your moms obsessive love of math."
"And your dads obsessive love of Les Miserables."
"I don't want you to think for one second that you're anything less than our daughter. Look, I never want you to think that since you're adopted you're not our daughter. Okay?"
"What are you trying to say? Are you trying to say that, I'm like, your biological kid? Like Sebastian?"
"Of course." Vanessa said, "of course you are. There's no difference between you and Seb in our minds."
"I mean, Sebs a one year old boy, and you're a teenage girl, but, other than that you're the same." Lin added.
"I'm gonna order pizza." My mom announced, pulled her phone out.
"What are you going to do with the inheritance?" Lin asked.
"You can have it, I don't need it." I sighed, and he laughed.
"I don't need it. It's your money, what do you want to use it for, you can put it in a savings fund, spend it, save it for college." He gave a few options.
"I'll save it for college, it'll be easier on you and mom."
"Nope. V and I are more than happy to pay." He smiled at me.
"Okay." I smiled, realizing what I was going to do with the money.
"Pizza will be here in a half hour." Vanessa announced.
The pizza showed up, and we ate it, sitting in Lin and Vanessa's king sized bed.
Eventually I curled up under the blankets, listening to Lin and Vanessa talk about a case she was working on. I felt Lin braid my hair, then eventually, the bed moved a bit, and I opened my eyes to see both of my parents lay down as well.
"Can I stay here?" I asked, my voice quiet, and slightly weak,
"Of course." Lin said, tucking my hair behind my ear. "Good night sweetheart."
Sorry this is late-ish
I start school tomorrow.
I love you guys.
BTW: I will continue questions soon. I'm sorry
Thanks for reading!
- Abi
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