Chapter 156 - Abi's Birthday
Lins POV
@Lin_Manuel - Happy Sweet 16 to my little girl @Abi_Miranda! I love you Peanut.
I posted a picture of her that I had on my phone from a couple weeks ago, and sent that out along with the tweet.
It was 8:30 a.m., Friday, May 27th, and I was squirting whipped cream on top of a stack of pancakes Vanessa made for our daughters breakfast.
"Do sprinkles go well with pancakes?" I asked my wife, who was busy, helping our son put his crayons away.
"Go with pink and gold." She said, jumping over my question.
"Okay." I said, and poured sprinkles on top of the whipped cream. I handed the pancakes off to Vanessa, and grabbed one of Abi's gifts. We were saving the necklace for dinner, and everything else for her party later. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, to videotape her response waking up. "Okay Twitterico! Good morning, I have with me, a pink gift bag, a stack of pancakes, my beautiful wife," I turned the camera to show a smiling Vanessa "and the back of my sons head." I showed his dirty blond hair. "It's my daughters 16th birthday, so, we're waking her up with pancakes." The three of us crept into her room, where she was buried deeply in her blankets.
"Morning sweetheart." Vanessa shook her awake, lightly, Abigail turned over to face us, and pushed herself up in bed.
"Morning?" She seemed confused. "Why the pancakes?" She yawned.
"Happy birthday peanut!" I smiled at her.
"It's my birthday?" She asked, seeming genuinely confused, and I stopped videoing.
"Yes." I said slowly, "sweetie, you're sixteen." I smiled.
"I am?" She asked, "you remembered my birthday?"
"Mija?" Vanessa sat down on her bed, "of course we remembered your birthday, did you, did you remember?" She asked, tentatively.
"No." Abi whispered, "it's been three years since anyone remembered, and even before that it was never really a big deal." She shrugged.
"Well, in the Miranda family it's a big deal, so, we made you pancakes, and we have one of your gifts here." I held up the pink bag, and Vanessa set the pancakes on Abi's lap.
"One of?" She asked, taking the bag.
"Your father got carried away." Vanessa whispered.
"Excuse me, I was not the one who spent over a th..." I was cut off by Vanessa hitting my chest. "Never mind, open your present." She pulled tissue paper out of the bag, and pulled the teal dress that Anthony found, out of the bag as well.
"Dad." She smiled, touched, "guys," she looked at both of us. "Thank you."
"We thought you could wear it to your party today."
"I'm having a birthday party?" She asked, excitedly.
"Of course you are." Vanessa said, running her fingers through Abi's bed head.
"I've never had a birthday party." She admitted, quietly.
"What on earth? Sweetie, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." I sat down next to her, my son on my lap.
"Happy birthday sissy." Sebastian said, handing her a torn out coloring page, where he had colored in a picture of Koko and Wilson, her and his favorite Chuggington trains respectively. "This is me." He pointed at Wilson, "and that ones you." He jabbed his little finger onto Koko.
"Thank you Sebastian." She said, reaching over to hug him. I smiled, the coloring page was all his idea. When I woke him up, I told him it was Abi's birthday, and he ran around until he found crayons and his coloring book, then he chose the picture all by himself. "Now, where should this go?" She asked, smiling at him, "I know." She climbed out of bed and went over to her desk, grabbing a push pin, she came back and climbed on the bed, to pin up the drawing, "it should go right next to Fun Home." She pinned it up, at the top of her playbill wall, next to the framed Fun Home playbill, as she was hoping down, she did a double take. "Holy crap." She breathed.
"What is it Mija?" I asked, feigning innocence. I smiled, and picked up my phone to record this, since I wasn't going to use the one where she forgot her own birthday.
"They're all signed. You... You..." She trailed off, "oh my gosh, Brennyn signed my Les Miserables one, Cynthia Erivo!" She squealed, "Sydney Lucas! No way, Audra McDonald?!" She shouted.
"I took them around the theatre district, got as many signed as I could, I took something else around as well." I smiled, and pulled a large card out of the bag, and handed it to her. "I mean, I was just hoping they'd sign the card, it was their idea, to you know, write." She quickly tore the envelope off, sinking back onto the bed. The front of the card just said Happy Birthday Abi!
"Did... Did they, oh holy crap." She was in shock as she opened the card. She read through all of the little notes in the card, just, crying. "This is the best day of my life." She sobbed out, reaching over and hugging me, her little arms around my neck.
"I'm glad you like it Mija." I rubbed her back a bit. "Tell Twitterico what happened." I promoted showing her that I was videoing.
"Everything's signed. Everything. All of them, all of my playbills are signed, do you know how lucky I am?" She asked, "do you know?!" With that I turned the camera back around to me.
"Okay, I love you Twitter, but I love her more, so, gotta go." I stopped the video and sent it out all over the Internet. "Now, let's get you out of bed." I took her hands, and pulled her off of her bed.
"I'll make coffee." Vanessa kissed my cheek, and tousled Abi's hair as she went into the kitchen.
"Can I watch something?" Abi asked, yawning.
"Of course Mija, what do you want to watch?" I asked, sitting down on the couch.
"Leverage." She replied quickly, "it's on Netflix."
"Okay." I shrugged, I had no idea what that was, but turned on the first episode for her.
"Thanks." She smiled, and curled up next to me to watch.
"You're welcome." I said, gently kissing her hair. I pulled my phone out of my pocket, and smiled seeing birthday messages rolling in for Abi, all responses to my first tweet.
@Lin_Manuel - Thanks for all the birthday wishes, we're watching TV now, she's enjoying herself.
I looked to my left to see Abi had pulled out her phone and was looking at notifications happily. I loved seeing her happy, like genuinely happy, it meant a lot to me, it showed me I was doing something right, and when she was happy she light up, she deserves happiness, but was never really happy growing up.
Abi's POV
Around noon, I was sitting in the back of the car, and we were driving to the theatre, which apparently is where my party was going to be happening. Lin excitedly pulled me onto the stage where there was a giant 'Happy Sweet Sixteen!' Banner hanging.
"There's our birthday girl!" Oak smiled, coming over to me, "happy birthday cutie pie." He hugged me tightly, "did you like Lins gift?" He asked.
"If you didn't I have plenty more, Peanut!" Lin yelled, carrying two or three more bags onto the stage.
"I think he got carried away." I admitted.
"Oh he did." Oak said, fixing my hair.
"Ugh." I gave a little groan.
"I mean, in his defense, it's your first birthday as his kid, and it's easier to spoil a teenage girl than a one year old boy."
"I know, I just feel like this is putting the family out a ton of money." I admitted.
"No. Oh ho no Peanut, nope." Lin grabbed my waist and pulled me over to the center of the stage. "You are not putting us out any money you small little cinnamon roll." He had me sit in the center of the stage, surrounded by gift boxes.
"Yes I am, I feel bad, you shouldn't of done anything for my birthday, I'm just older."
"Little little peanut. You are older, that's true, and that's a big deal, you're sixteen." He sat down across from me, and took both of my hands. "Okay, now, gifts or cake?"
"Gifts." I sighed.
"Alrighty cutie, I'll go get everyone." He tousled my hair a bit, then stood up, and hurried backstage.
"You look adorable Abi." Oak said, sitting next to me, and pulling me into his side.
"Thanks." I smiled, Oak wrapped his arm around my torso.
"There's the birthday girl!" Jasmine squealed running over to me. "Happy sweet sixteenth!"
"Thanks." I smiled at her.
"I remember my sixteenth birthday! Oh sweetie." She bent down and gave me a hug.
"Okay guys," Lin started to talk, addressing everyone, "not to put too much pressure on all of you, but, this is my Peanuts first birthday party. So, that's exciting, now sweetie," he looked at me, "we got you a cake, and we're ordering pizza, but for now, presents." He prompted, and slowly everyone sat down around me watching. Is that normal? Do people usually just sit and watch you open gifts? That's kind of weird.
I slowly opened gifts, my heart swelling at every single one. Eventually I finished opening them, and sat there hugging a stuffed white teddy bear from Chris.
"What do you think Mija?" Lin asked, smiling at me.
"Thank you." I whimpered, starting to cry a little. I didn't deserve this, I didn't deserve any of this, I deserve another foster home, maybe I could learn to just shut up and deal with it. It wouldn't be that bad if I just kept to myself. I mean, I made it worse for myself by trying to fight it. My mind drifted once again to the growing number of slits on my ankle, now concealed by small boots. What would they say if they found out? How angry would they be? I leaned back into my dads arms.
"Shh Peanut, why are you crying? Don't cry, it's your birthday, you should be happy."
"I don't deserve this." I whispered.
"Yes you do." I was taken aback, he sounded angry, "please Abigail, why don't you get that? Honestly!" He was yelling, I quickly moved away from him terrified, "Abi you have to understand that you're safe now, no ones going to hurt you, no one wants to hurt you!" He yelled at me, and my quiet tears started to escalate. "Peanut please stop crying." I scooted away more, expecting him to hit me, it always came after the yelling.
"Lin, back off." Leslie said, concerned.
"Seriously, stop yelling." Daveed, wrapped me up in his arms, "she's shaking, please." He was right, I was shaking, I couldn't control it. "Honey are you okay?" He asked me nervously, to which I nodded. "Let's get, let's take a walk." He helped me stand up.
"No!" Lin yelled, and I froze, "stay here Abi." I immediately sat down, knowing if he was going to hurt me running away wasn't going to help.
"Lin, Lin," Vanessa rubbed his arm a little, "you're scaring her."
"Why? It's not like I'm gonna hit her!" He yelled, then looked at me. My bear on the ground next to me, I had both of my arms covering my face, my knees were pulled up to my chest. "Peanut?" He breathed, "oh, oh my gosh, sweetheart, come here." He came over to me, and wrapped me in his arms, "honey you have to know I would never hurt you, okay? Baby I was just angry, I'm sorry I yelled at you, that was wrong, I shouldn't of done that. Oh Mijita, I'm so sorry." He rubbed my back, and I squirmed away a bit, still scared. "Honey, oh gosh, I screwed up. This is, oh my gosh, I swear I will never ever hurt you, for goodness sake that's what I was yelling about. Oh cutie, please, I shouldn't've yelled."
"I'm sorry Dad." I whispered.
"Don't be sorry, it was my fault, okay? I just... Please Peanut, don't be afraid of me, I'm so so very sorry, I screwed up. Forgive me?" He asked, kissing my head.
"Mmhm." I nodded, letting the tension and fear leave my body, and sinking into his arms.
"There's my little girl." He said, smiling.
"I love you." I whispered.
"I love you too." He said. "I really do, please know that, you're very loved. Now, what's say we eat?" He offered, to a unanimous response from the cast.
"I'll bring the cake out." Chris stood up, and patted Lins back.
"I'll grab the pizzas!" Vanessa volunteered, and ran after Chris.
Vanessa cut the cake, and we sat in a circle on the stage, happily eating vanilla cake, with pink frosting. I was sitting between my parents, leaning on Lin.
The show was finishing, and I was standing offstage, with Vanessa's arm around me. We decided we could talk Lin into leaving at a reasonable time if we both continuously pestered him. We applauded along with the audience as they took their bows.
"Okay!" Lin yelled at the audience, then started talking, "I have a quick request, I'm so sorry, um, Abigail!" He looked at me, smiling, "sweetheart, could you come here for just a second?" He asked, and I took a deep breath, and stepped on the stage, walking over to him, "you too V!" He shouted, and she reluctantly obliged, walking over as well. "Thank you. So," he addressed the crowd, "it's my daughters sixteenth birthday," he started, which merited a load 'awe' from the crowd, "I was wondering if you could sing Happy Birthday to her?" He asked, and I blushed, hiding my face in my hands. "Okay, on three!" He yelled, and counted off.
The 1,300 people that filled the theater sang Happy Birthday to me, while I awkwardly stood there with nothing to do.
"Happy birthday Peanut." Lin whispered to me after the song finished, "I love you." He hugged me, then kissed the top of my head.
"I love you too Dad." I said, returning the hug.
"Let's go home." He said, and the curtain closed.
We ate dinner very late. It was 11:15 when we sat down, but Lin and Vanessa insisted on eating a home-cooked meal for my birthday, so we were all sitting around the table, eating Bistec Encebollao that Luz made.
"Okay, I know you think we went a little overboard on gifts." Lin said, pulling out a small box, and I did think they went overboard, I was now the proud owner of a Fun Home record and, thanks to my wonderful grandparents, Fun Home tickets, "but your mom and I have one more thing." He handed me the box.
"This is the last one right?" I asked, taking it.
"I promise." He smiled, I opened the small box to reveal a heart shaped locket.
"Is... Oh my gosh." I breathed looking at it.
"Okay," Vanessa started, "it's diamond," she intended to finish that sentence but I didn't let her.
"Diamond?" I asked, looking at her, "real diamonds?"
"Yes." She nodded, "now, I already put pictures in it." She opened the little heart carefully to show me two pictures, one of her and Lin, and the other of Seb and I.
"Mom," I looked at her, "thank you so much."
"Wait that's not all!" Lin came over, and turned the pendant over where I saw the engraving.
"That's my adoption date." I said, smiling.
"That it is Peanut." He said, and clasped the locket around my neck. "Now, movie then bed?" He suggested, and I nodded.
My grandparents left to go home, as it was 11:30, and I was sitting curled up on the couch, in between Lin and Vanessa watching the intro to The Princess Bride. Lin was tweeting, so I took my phone out to check.
@LindsaySL34 - Dear Mr. Hamilton (@Lin_Manuel), your fellow followers would like to know who you'll be watching.
I remembered that both Leslie and Daveed were on talk shows at the same time tonight.
@Lin_Manuel - I'm DVRing both. It's Peanuts birthday, we're watching Princess Bride.
I smiled a little at that, then turned my attention back to the TV.
The movie ended, and I was currently laying in bed under three blankets.
"Happy birthday Sweetheart." Lin said, pulling the blankets up to my chin, and kissing my forehead, "I love you so much."
"I love you too." I gave him a little smile.
"Goodnight." He said, leaving my room and turning off the light. I pulled my phone out to tweet good night and thank everyone for the birthday wishes.
@Abi_Miranda - Thank you all for all of your little birthday messages. You're all so sweet. Gnight.
@Lin_Manuel - I got to tuck the birthday girl into bed tonight. Tuck yourselves into bed. Tuck your kids into bed, go to bed, and let your loved ones know you love them.
Sorry this is late
Thanks for reading!
- Abi
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