Chapter 152 - Art Theft?
Lins POV
We were going through security on our way back to New York, when the TSA worker stopped Abi.
"Sweetheart, we're going to need to check your bag." She said, and started to unzip her suitcase.
"Wait why?" I asked.
"This." She pulled out a small statue from her bag, "it was reported stolen from a nearby art museum."
"I swear I didn't steal it." Abi said, frantically.
"Abi, baby, what's going on?" I asked, wrapping my arms around her shoulders and hugging her back to me.
"I'm sorry sweetheart, I need to call security." She said, and called for security on her radio.
"Abi? Peanut?" I spun her around to look at me, with my hands on her shoulders, "what's going on? What happened?"
"Someone said they were going to shoot you." She whispered, crying. What was she talking about? Why would, how does that connect with the statue?
"What?" I asked, "who was going to shoot me?"
"Him." She spun around and pointed at the man with dark brown hair.
"Alright Peanut." I said, "I'll deal with this, I promise." I kissed the top of her hair to reassure her.
"I'm sorry." She whimpered.
"No, don't be sorry." I said, pulling her closer to hug her
"Miss?" I saw a security guard tap her shoulder, "I'm going to need you to come with me."
"Okay." She whimpered.
"Hands behind your back." He said.
"Wait, wait." Lin started, "she's a kid. She's a fifteen year old girl." Were they seriously going to handcuff her? What was she going to do?
"Hands behind your back." He repeated, and I saw her slowly move both her hands behind her back, I saw a tear slip out of her eye. The guard pulled a pair of handcuffs out and tightly clasped them around her tiny wrists.
"Wait wait, peanut, it was him?" I asked her pointing at the man from earlier.
"Yeah." She whimpered.
"I'll deal with this." I said.
"Okay." She whispered.
"Shut up." The security guard said, and slapped the back of her head. He started to push her away from us.
I stood watching him walk her away, his hand gripping her arm tightly, as if handcuffing an innocent girl wasn't enough.
"Lin?" Vanessa asked, "what's going on? Where are they taking her?"
"Where are they taking her?" I asked the worker.
"Okay, well, we have to detain her, possession of stolen property." The lady said.
"She didn't do it, I swear." I rushed to say.
"Okay, the guard should be back here in a minute, you can talk to him." She said.
"Alright." I said, and the three of us sat on a bench together.
"Where's Sissy?" Sebastian asked.
"She'll be back soon Homeboy." I said, lifting him onto my lap.
"Honey?" Vanessa started, "what, what's happening?" I looked at her, sadly.
"I don't know." I admitted, and wrapped my arm around her shoulders, and she rested her head in the crook of my neck.
"So, you're the little thief's parents?" I looked up to see the guard from earlier, my fist clenched at the word thief.
"Don't call my daughter a thief." Vanessa said.
"Okay." He rolled his eyes. "Just, we want you to know, you have a couple options. One, you can go home. She'll be appointed an attorney," he was making this sound like my kid was going to jail. "You can fly back for the court case. Two, you can go back to your hotel come back in the morning, or you can stay here overnight, the police will be here in the morning to take all the prisoners."
He put his hand on his hip, and waited for a response.
"Prisoners? You make it sound like my daughter's a criminal." I said, moving my hand to hold my wifes, I intertwined our fingers and gave her hand a little squeeze.
"Well," he started, but I cut him off.
"Okay, just, what do we have to do?" I asked.
"If you truly believe your daughter's innocent, you can talk to security."
"Okay. Where?" I asked quickly.
"Follow me." He sighed, I stood up, hoisted Sebastian onto my hip, and kept a hold of Vanessa's hand, gently rubbing her thumb, her perfect thumb.
He led us into a small room with a security officer sitting at a desk, opposite the desk were two open chairs.
"Okay, so, you're the parents of the girl with the statue." He said, clasping his hands on the desk.
"Yes." I said, tentatively sitting down.
"What do you know about all of this?" He asked, and I began.
"Well, I mean, for one, she couldn't of stolen it, she was with us 24/7 in Philly, two, she, um, she said, I think she meant, well, she pointed at a man and said that he threatened to shoot me." I admitted.
"Wait, um, Caucasian man, 6 foot, short dark hair, slacks, black button down?" The officer asked.
"Yes, how did you know?" I asked.
"Another girl, she reported the same story. Same man, we have her in custody as well."
"So, you don't think they did it?"
"Oh, we're almost positive." He admitted.
"Then let them out." I pleaded.
"We don't have proof, we need to hold them until an Air Marshall can prove his has possession, when that happens we'll release the girls. Don't worry sir, she's fine, it's not Alcatraz, she has a bed, and a pillow and blanket, we'll feed her lunch, it's not a cell, there aren't bars on the door."
"Okay." I sighed, sure Abi wasn't coping well.
"So, feel free to stay at the airport, we'll refund your seats on the next available flight to JFK, she should be out within four or five hours, the 306 flight lands at, at about, 2:15."
"Alright, thank you." I nodded, and stood up to go.
We left the office and walked back to the gate for the flight we were supposed to be on, but had left.
I called Tommy to let him know what was going on, that he should send Jon in instead of me, as I wasn't going to be back, after the call, I groaned and let my head fall back over the edge of the seat.
"What if we lose custody?" Vanessa asked nervously, I looked down to see her head on my lap, herself curled up over a couple seats.
"Lose custody?" I asked.
"Remember what Rebecca said? The day of the home study? We ran into her parents afterwards."
"I do." I recalled then let my mind drift to the memory.
"So, no drugs, I'm shocked." Abi's case worker, Rebecca was at our apartment for her house study. We were sitting in the living room, I had made coffee. We had several photos of Abi out on the coffee table, we were letting her know that Abi would most definitely be happy living with us.
"Yeah, with the one year old around, we felt that wouldn't be a good call." I laughed, as Rebecca was looking at a picture of the first time Abi held Sebastian. He was sitting on her lap in my dressing room, and Vanessa was sitting next to the pair.
"Well, it looks like you're going to be providing an excellent home for her." She smiled, setting the picture down. "She's such a sweetheart, she really deserves a good family."
"We're really excited, we truly do love her." Vanessa said.
"I can tell." Rebecca replied taking a look around the living room, where Foster Care paperwork was scattered, and a large picture of all four us sat framed on the piano. "I should say something though, you need to be careful for at least the first year, if she gets in any trouble at all, you could lose custody, newly adoptive parents are quite often ruled unfit."
"Where would she go? If we were ruled unfit parents?" I asked.
"Back to her parents, or back into the system, neither of which are good options, so, I'd advise you to be careful."
"Okay." Vanessa nodded, squeezing my hand.
"Awesome, so, I'm done here, just, here's the final Foster Care paperwork." She handed me a stack of papers at least an inch thick. "Once you fill it, we can set your adoption date." She smiled, and left the apartment.
"How much paperwork do they need." I groaned looking at the massive pile in front of me.
"Honey, we are adopting a human, can you blame them?"
"Yes Vanessa," I retorted, "I can, I can get mad, we're both insanely busy."
"Okay, well," she pried the pile from my hand and set it on the coffee table, "this can wait, let's go tell her." She took my hand in hers and looked at me excitedly.
"Good idea." I smiled and kissed her cheek.
"Alright, we can bring Seb." She smiled and grabbed our son from his room.
We walked outside, and were heading down to the theater when a middle aged couple stopped us.
"Lin-Manuel Miranda? Vanessa Nadal?" One of the people, a taller man asked.
"Yeah." I smiled, assuming he was a fan, "if you want a picture, I'm happy to, actually, I'm just really happy." I smiled, again.
"Actually, um, we're not fans, we're Abigail's parents." His wife, Abigail's mother, announced.
"Oh. Um," I started to rub Vanessa's thumb nervously, "would, um, would you like to get lunch?" I asked, I mean, we had to talk to them.
"I'd love to." Her father replied tonelessly.
"Okay, there's a cute diner down the street." I said, and lead them to The Edison Diner.
"So, let's cut to the chase." Her father started, "we want our little girl back."
"Oh." I was taken aback, "no." I replied, taking a bite of my Matzah Ball soup.
"What do you mean no?" He asked, "look, we're really grateful that you've been taking such great care of her, really, you've been great, we have money again, and we'd love to have a kid again." He finished, "and, well, you already have a kid, so, you'd have two and we'd have none, not exactly fair." He was referring to Seb, who was happily bouncing on Vanessa's lap.
"No. I'm not giving you my daughter." Vanessa said, offended, "it's not about fair, you gave her up. You made the decision to put her in Foster Care, which led to one too many traumatic experiences." She spat at the man.
"She's my daughter." Her mom started, "I gave birth to her. You didn't." She snapped at Vanessa, "in my opinion, you're not a mother unless you carried the baby in your belly for 9 months."
"Okay, I love Abigail, I really do, you gave her up, you don't get her back." I replied. "I'm sorry, I don't really know what you were expecting, but, well, most parents, when you ask them if they want to keep their child, the answer is yes. This poor girl has been tossed from home to home for almost three years, never having a consistent life, she's only been mine for a couple months, just leave her alone, let her find rest somewhere." I said, standing up. I took Vanessa's hand, and the three of us left the restaurant leaving a very confused couple sitting behind us.
Flashback over
Vanessa, Seb and I had all fallen asleep on the chairs at the gate, only to wake up to hear my name being repeated over the intercom.
"Will passengers Lin-Manuel Miranda and Vanessa Nadal please report to security? Passengers Lin-Manuel Miranda and Vanessa Nadal to security."
I groggily stood up, taking charge of Seb, hoisting him onto my hip, I slipped my hand into Vanessa's then the two of us started to head back to security.
"What time is it?" V asked, wearily.
"2:38." I replied checking my phone.
"Does this mean she's out?" Vanessa asked, her tone changing, brimming with excitement.
"Maybe." I said, quickening my pace.
The two of us reached the security office, where both the man we spoke to, and the security guard who took her were present.
"Is she free to go?" I asked, not waiting for pleasantries.
"Yes she is, Clarke Miller, the thief just confessed to having stolen the statue and the necklace, which was found on the other girl, her parents are coming in now. Jay, could you go pick up Miss Miranda?" He asked, and the guard nodded. "If you want you can wait outside, there's seating." He said.
"Oh, thank you." The three members of my family that were not currently wrongly incarcerated left the room to sit outside it on a couch.
It was about ten minutes before I saw my daughter walking down the hallway. Her head was hung, her arm still being harshly held by the guard, and her hands still cuffed behind her. As she neared us, I noticed a bruise that was coming in on her jaw, and my own jaw clenched. I couldn't keep angry for very long, as the guard approached me with Abi, I threw my arms around her small frame and hugged her tightly into me, she was crying.
"Can you un-cuff my daughter now?" I asked, glaring at the guard, who obliged, obviously annoyed. He finally pulled the silver cuffs off if her wrists, and she immediately wrapped her arms around me, returning the hug. "Sweetheart are you okay?" I asked her, stroking her hair back.
"I'm fine." She whimpered.
"Where's the bruise from?" Vanessa asked, prying her out of my arms and into hers.
"Can we talk about this later?" She asked, her voice still weak and sad.
"Of course Peanut." I said.
"Sebbie!" She squealed and bent down to lift her little brother onto her hip.
After talking with security, we finally were cleared to go on the 3:20 flight to New York. I had deemed it necessary for Abi to sit with me and not Sebastian, because I needed to talk to her.
"Okay Peanut," I started, once the plane took off, "what happened?"
"I don't know where to start." She admitted, pulling her legs up to her chair.
"Okay, well, where did he take you?" I asked, lightly rubbing her shoulder.
"Oh, well, it was a little room, and I don't know, he wouldn't take the handcuffs off." She started to cry a little, and I pulled her to lean against me.
"Wait, so you were handcuffed in that room for four hours?" I asked.
"Yep." She said, "it hurt, my arms are killing me."
"I'm sorry Mija." I said, kissing her temple softly.
"Well, I assumed that I was late because, I don't know, I just felt like I had been there for hours, I sort of thought that you and Mom just, well, went home." She sighed, snuggling closer to me.
"Sweetheart?" I started, "you thought we went back to New York?" I asked, looking at her, "you thought we left you in Pennsylvania?"
"Sorta." She admitted.
"Peanut." I sighed, and she rested her head on my shoulder, "we would never do that. We would never leave you in another state alone."
"Okay, I'm sorry," she apologized, but I let it slide, "anyways, I fell asleep, and it was really cold, and I... I..." She gave up talking and just rested on my my shoulder.
"Okay, okay." I lightly kissed her hair. "Well, Mija, it's Saturday, and that means that it's time for the weekly Father/Daughter day that I intend to keep up on, so, the inflight movie is Into The Woods, and we're going to enjoy that, along with crappy airplane food. Okay?" I asked.
"Okay." She smiled and sat up in her seat.
"So, there are headphones." I said, pulling my headphones out of my pocket, and pointing at the provided ones in the seat pouch.
"Can I, can I share yours?" She asked, obviously not a fan of airplane headsets.
"Of course." I said, and handed her an earbud.
"Thanks." I heard her say, as she put the earbud in.
"Okay, into the woods to get the thing." I laughed a little, and started to get the movie to play on the little screens in front of our seats, "we're watching on mine." I said, and pulled her to lean on my shoulder again. I loved feeling her near me, it was a sign she trusted me.
A little while later, we were sitting and watching the movie (Anna Kendrick was telling Emily Blunt about the prince) when a flight attendant caught my attention.
"Would you like anything to eat or drink?" She asked, smiling at us.
"Oh, sure," I pulled my earbud out, which caught Abi's attention, she looked up as well. "I'll have," I thought for a second, I'd kill for like, whiskey right now, but Abi would probably be uncomfortable, because, you know, father figures with alcohol don't have a very good track record for her. "I'll have water, and she'll have a Diet Coke." I said, ordering for her.
"Alright, anything to eat?" She asked, handing the two of us our drinks. I set mine on my open tray, and Abi held her little can with both hands.
I ordered the two of us those little boxes that come filled with pretzels and candy and such, and then the flight attendant walked off.
"Thanks." Abi smiled up at me.
"You're welcome, now, what's going on?" I asked, popping my earbud back in.
"Oh, the kid from Les Mis was telling James Cordon about the giants in the sky." She said.
"Exciting." I laughed a little, "you know James Cordon is hosting the Tonys? Right?" I asked.
"Why yes I did." She smiled at me.
"Fantastic." I added, as Agony came on. We watched the song for a bit, and then they started ripping their shirts off. I casually covered Abigail's eyes with my hand.
"Dad!" She squealed, "this is the good part!" She protested.
"It's not appropriate for little girls." I said, laughing.
"You know I've seen shirtless guys before right?" She asked.
"No. Where did you see this?" I asked, jokingly.
"I went swimming with Hunter, the guy from the cruise." She reminded me, and I let my hand uncover her eyes.
"I don't like that boy." I said, trying to return my attention to the movie.
"Why not?" She asked.
"I don't know, I mean, I just don't like him. Although, I am your dad, I'm not supposed to like the boys." I laughed at the end.
"That's true, that's true." She relented.
It was only when the flight ended and the three of us were waiting for the cab to pick us up, when I saw something my wife tweeted on the flight.
It was a cute picture of Abi and I watching the movie, her snuggled into my side, with her Diet Coke in her hands.
@VAMNit - Delayed flights do not stop my wonderful husband @Lin_Manuel from having his weekly Father/Daughter date with this cutie.
After reading that, I slipped my arm around Vanessa's waist, and kissed her cheek.
"Hi." She giggled a little.
"Hi." I smiled at her.
Just then the cab pulled up, and we managed to get the four of us in the backseat, Vanessa in the middle, and Abi and I on the ends, and Sebastian in Abi's lap, looking out the window.
At 8:00, the cab pulled up at our apartment building. I took Vanessa's hand and pulled her out of the car, and I saw my family follow me up to our apartment.
Abi's POV
I was sitting on the couch, curled up under a blanket reading Harry Potter. I could hear Lin putting Sebastian to bed, and Vanessa was sitting at the table with tons of books and papers spread out, I assume she was working on a case. It only got bad if she brought out a pot of coffee after 8:00.
Lin came back into the room, in sweats and a t-shirt, and he pulled up Parks and Rec on Netflix.
"I'm making popcorn if anyone wants to join me on the couch." He announced, then walked into the kitchen to make the snack. I smiled a little, then returned my attention to the book.
Eventually Lin came back into the room with popcorn in a large bowl, he sat next to me and started the episode. A couple minutes into it, he pulled me down to lay with my head on his lap, I didn't move my book from in front of my face.
"Whatcha reading Mija?" He asked.
"Harry Potter and the Order of The Phoenix."
"Fun." He said, "popcorn?" He offered.
"Sure," I smiled a little and took a small handful from the bowl.
We sat there for a couple minutes, the only sounds being the TV, Vanessa's occasional groan, and Lins occasional laugh, until finally, Lin said something.
"What's your favorite restaurant?" He asked.
"I don't know." I said, "why do you ask?" I looked up at him.
"No reason." Replied Lin.
"Okay," I was a little confused, but returned my attention to Mad Eye Moody.
"Where do you, like, shop? Like get clothes?" He asked.
"I don't know, the last time I went shopping was a blur, mostly Renée talking and Jazzy and Pippa making me try on various hats." I admitted, laughing at the memory.
"So you like hats!" He said, excited.
"Yes." I dragged the word out, confused.
"Thanks Peanut." He replied, and I yawned. "Are you ready for bed?" He asked.
"Um, I guess." I sort of shrugged.
"Okay." He said, and I sat up on the couch, yawning again. "I'll come." He stood up and walked me back to my room.
After I was in bed, he stayed, and sat next on my bed looking at me.
"Mija," he started, "I want you to know that your mom and I love you." He gently brushed my hair behind my ear. "We really do. We would never leave you in airport jail in Philadelphia. When I said I'd handle it, I meant it."
"I know," I sighed, "I just, I just thought."
"I know you thought that, I know because no one has ever had the blatant respect to give a crap about you, but sweetheart we do. We really do."
"He hit me." I blurted out.
"Wait what?" Lin asked, confused, "who hit you? When?"
"The guard. When he came to get me, I don't know, I guess I just, I had a flashback or something and I wasn't responding to him, and apparently he was yelling at me and then he punched me."
"Mijita." He said, sadly, reaching over to hug me, "lo siento." He stroked my hair back to reassure me. "Do you want to sue?" He asked, which surprised me.
"Um, what? He's a security guard, I thought that's what he was supposed to do." I admitted.
"No Peanut, it's not a security guards job to punch 15 year old girl. We can file charges. I mean he hit you, and he handcuffed you, I'm 90% sure it's not policy to keep innocent 15 year old girls handcuffed in a cell for four to five hours."
"No it's fine." I sighed, "I don't want to sue. I've been in too many court rooms lately."
"Okay Mija." Lin kissed my head, "goodnight." He got off my bed, and left the room, turning the light off. "I love you." I heard him say, right before he closed the door.
"I love you too." I replied, then drifted off to sleep, in my own soft bed this time. I had two blankets wrapped tightly around me, and my arms were wrapped around Cookie.
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