Chapter 15 - First Date

Williams POV

It was a Saturday, I was standing in front of Lin-Manuel Miranda's apartment. I was going to ask him if I could take Abigail on a date. I knocked on the door and waited.

"Hello?" Vanessa opened the door, "who are you?"

"Hi, my name's William and I'm looking for your husband, is he here?" I responded nervously.

"Yeah, one second, come in!" She walked away and I walked inside, standing around awkwardly because I didn't really know if I should sit. Lin walked in.

"Hi, you're Abigail's boyfriend right? You came to see her at the press conference right?"

"Yeah, well, as of 5 days, and I was wanting to take her out on a date." I rubbed my hands together nervously, was this a bad idea. This was a bad idea. I should leave.

"And why are you bringing this up with me?" He asked

"Well, you're supposed to ask the dad right? She doesn't exactly have one, so can I?"

"Of course! That's so sweet! Where are you taking her?"

"I'm not quite sure, this would be our first date. Any suggestions? Within reason, please remember, I'm only 16."

"I think I have an idea."

Abigail's POV

I was practicing APUSH vocab in my room, I was also thinking about ordering a pizza. Do they deliver here? They must, I picked up my phone to dial when there was a knock on my door, that was weird, how did they get into the theatre in the first place. I put down my phone and opened the door.

"Hey!" William said standing on the other side, "these are for you," he handed me a bouquet of pink roses. "May I come in?" He asked.

"Yeah yeah of course, thank you so much, these are gorgeous!" I look him up and down, "why are you so dressed up?"

"Oh, we're going out, come on, get dressed," he said gesturing to my sweatpants and t-shirt, "or don't, I mean, you probably should, but you could totally wear, that, I mean, you're pretty." He fumbled. I blushed.

"Ok, I'll go get dressed." I grabbed a dress from my closet and changed in the bathroom. It was soft pink and came down mid-thigh-ish. I can out of the bathroom, "shall we go? Wait, where are we going?"

"You'll see," he said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my room. He opened the passenger door of his car for me, and he got in the drivers side. He drove for 6 minutes until he reached the Playwright Tavern and Resturant. We walked inside.

"Hello!" The hostess said as we walked in, "do you have a reservation?" She asked.

"Yes, um Hoffman." William responded, she checked her computer.

"Right this way Mr. Hoffman." She said grabbing 2 menus. She walked toward the back of the resturant, and placed the menus on either side of the small wooden table. "Your server will be here momentarily." She said and then walked away. We sat down and I picked up my menu. I looked up after about a minute. William was smiling at me.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" I asked giggling.

"You just have a really nice face." He said laughing. "So do you know what you want?"

"Yeah, just one question, is it unladylike to get a large order of Mozzarella Sticks on a date?"

"Yes!" He said laughing, "but, is being ladylike really that important right now, I mean, Mozzarella Sticks are fantastic."

"You make a good point." I said putting my menu down, "how about you, what are you getting?"

"Oh, I'm getting the 2 Sauce Calamari." He responded putting his menu down.

Our waiter came by and he ordered for me and for himself, after 8 minutes our food came and we started eating.

"Soooo...." William began, "have you lived in New York your entire life?"

"Nope. When I was 14 I moved here with a Foster family. I used to live in a little suburb in Oregon, Southshore Oregon. I miss it."

"Oh, that sounds nice, I was born here, 16 years, same house." He said shoving shrimp into his face. "What were your parents like?"

"I don't know, I mean, they weren't super strict, or mean, my dad was kinda disappointed though, he was the star quarterback on his high school football team, and he got a kid who tap dances to forget about the boy in her room."

"Well I think that's great, because now I have a girl who tap dances to Forget About The Boy in her room." He said laughing.

We finished dinner in about a half hour, he payed the bill, and we walked outside into the cold New York winter air. I shivered and wrapped my arms around myself. Suddenly warmth engulfed me as William put his jacket around my shoulders, and without saying anything, he placed hand on the small of my back leading me up 7th avenue to a Godiva Chocolatier. We walked in and he bought me a box of chocolate strawberries and a chocolate ice cream cone, as we exited the store I began to walk back to the resturant to get in the car.

"Nope," he stopped me, "I have a route that I think you will like more," he led me further up 7th and we turned onto 51st street. We walked down 51st street for 2 blocks until we landed in front of the Gershwin Theater. I smiled and looked at William. Wicked was my favorite musical ever since I was 10. I looked up at the theater and rested my head on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. We walked back to the resturant, got in the car and drove back to the Rodgers. He stopped the car and walked me to the stage door.

"Thank you so much for the best first date a girl could go on." I smiled, and turned to go inside.

"Wait!" He grabbed my arm, spun me around and kissed me. He grabbed my waist and lifted me onto the rail on the steps in front of the stage door. "You're very welcome." With that he walked away. I blushed darkly and stepped inside and closed the door behind me.

"Well hello!" I almost jumped out of my skin, Anthony, Lin, Jonathan and Oak were all standing by the door.

"Hi guys, I'm gonna go upstairs now. Have a nice night."

"How was your date?" Oak asked smirking.

"It was great, have you guys been waiting around since the show ended?"

"Yep, it falls under 'fatherly duties' and that's our prerogative now."

"Ok, good night, DADS." I waved and walked upstairs and fell asleep.

Hi! What do you think? Do you like? Do you hate? Any suggestions? You guys are the best!

Thanks for reading!

- Abi

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